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St Christophers C E School


No : 10 25th January 2013

Dear Parents/Carers
What a challenging few weeks we have had with all the snow and sickness in school! It has been fantastic to see just how well the St Christophers school family have all pulled together in the face of such challenges. Id like to thank you all for your cooperation and understanding last Friday when we had to shut at midday due to the snow. Both the decisions to open and to close were not taken lightly. I would also like to thank all the staff for their great teamwork in making sure the school continued to run smoothly through this period. We have had quite a few children off with various illnesses, but they are slowly returning and getting back to their learning and I hope that those who are still ill make speedy recoveries.

A letter has gone home today to the parents of Cherry and Maple classes informing them of an exciting school trip planned for the end of term 4. The trip is quite expensive, but we are so pleased that SCPA have agreed to make a large contribution to significantly reduce the cost to parents. This was only possible because of your generous support of fund raising events. SCPA have also agreed to make a similar contribution to the KS2 trip which is planned for early in term 6.

Mr Shaw Goodwin - Headteacher

Quick Reminders
There will be NO Hockey Club next Tuesday th 29 January 2013 please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused. Thursday 31st January - Gingko Class visit to the Mosque in Oxford dont forget packed lunch. Friday 1st February Year 6 visit to Junior Citizen - dont forget packed lunch. Oak Class Assembly 2.30pm Friday 1st February 2013 Everyone Welcome! Year 6 Pioneer Residential trip final balance and forms by Friday 1st February 2013 at the latest please. Food with Thought Fishy Friday Lunch details attached forms back by Friday 1st February 2013 please.

DAILY FROM 7.45AM (PRE BOOKED) 3.00 8.15AM (DROP IN) 2.00 Booking forms for February now available from Mrs Brindle or the School Office

Book club has started again this term with a wide range of books, both fact and fiction, on offer. All children are welcome to come along and just browse and/or buy a book. Children can reserve books and save up by collecting book stamps towards their chosen book or buy books outright. Please ensure your child/ren brings their bookshop money in a sealed envelope with the quantity and name of the front.



SCHOOL UNIFORM St Christophers uniform can be ordered from: Tel: 0800 404 6644 or

Emergency School Closures

Missed a Newsletter? If you have missed a newsletter, they are available on our website In addition to our text system, school closures will be broadcast on: HEART FM 102.6 FM GWR 96.3 FM BBC Radio Oxford 95.2 FM Or check local radio station websites

Beef Burger in Bap Diced potatoes Seasonal Vegetables Chocolate Marble Cake With Custard

Sausages in onion gravy with mashed potatoes Seasonal Vegetables Sticky Toffee Pudding with Custard

School Lunch Menus! Wednesday Thursday

Roast Chicken Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Potatoes & Season Vegetables Jelly with Fruit


Week Commencing 28th January 2013

Pasta Bolognaise Choice of Vegetables Shortbread With glass of milk

Breaded Fish Fillet, Chunky Chips Peas/Baked Beans Ice Cream Sponge Roll

Week Commencing 4th February 2013 Gammon & Pineapple With Jacket Potato Seasonal Vegetables Cinnamon Bun Lasagne Seasonal Vegetables Syrup Sponge with Custard Roast Beef Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Potatoes & Seasonal Vegetables Oak cookie with glass of orange juice Chicken Pie Seasonal Vegetables Lemon Cake With Custard

Harry Ramsdens Fishy Friday Lunch Pre Ordered Only

Also available every day: Yoghurt, Fresh Fruit & Water - 2.00 per meal.

PLEASE NOTE that as the school was closed midday on Friday 18 th January 2013 no dinner was provided. If you had paid for this dinner then this has been carried forwarded. Food with Thought are delighted to be serving an extra special Fishy Friday Lunch on Friday 8 th February 2013 featuring the new Chip Shop fish from Harry Ramsdens.

Harry Ramsdens Fish & Chips With Peas & Beans Jelly with Ice Cream
All lunches must be ordered by Friday 1st February 2013 at the very latest by returning the attached form. Lunches are 2.00 per meal cheques payable to Oxfordshire County Council please.

Diary Dates
28th January 29th January 30th January 31st January Ginkgo Class Trip to Oxford Mosque Swimming Oak & Willow 3.15pm Nature Club 7.30pm Cotswold Voices
Forest School Cherry & Year 1 3.15pm Zumba Club

1st February Yr 6 Junior Citizen 8am Badminton & Breakfast 2.30pm Oak Class Assembly 3.15pm Outdoor Games 8th February Last Day of Term 8am Badminton & Breakfast 2.45pm Celebration Assembly 3.15pm Outdoor Games

Mobile Library Year 4 Violins Lunchtime Bookshop 3.15pm Football Club 7th February Year 4 Violins

4th February Burford Partnership Year 4 Dance Festival postponed until April 3.15pm Nature Club

5th February

6th February

Swimming Oak & Willow 3.15pm Hockey Club 7.30pm Cotswold Voices

Forest School Cherry & Year 1 3.15pm Zumba Club

Lunchtime Bookshop 3.15pm Football Club



St Christophers strongly believes in regular communication with our parents. I dont think anything beats face to face communication, but with such high volumes of information to keep you up to date with, it is not always possible to use this method. So fortnightly we produce the newsletter, which is also placed on the schools website, with other specific class/year group letters and information being sent home as and when needed. Hopefully this helps to keep you up-to-date with what has been going on in school and inform you of future events. We recognise that sending paper letters home can be rather hit and miss on occasions with letters sometimes going astray along the way. We are also increasingly aware of the cost, time and environmental impact associated with the amount of paper and photocopying involved with this. I am looking to see if we as a school can make improvement in these areas and I am couching your opinions on whether you would be happy to receive various pieces of communication via email rather than paper. We have included a return slip below and would appreciate your feedback. Thanks


Electronic Communications - Your thoughts please.
I would be happy to receive school communication via email. I would prefer to have paper copies

Comments : ..

... ... ...

Please return by Friday 8th February

. Food with Thought Fishy Friday Lunch Order Form Friday 8th February 2013
My child/ren usually has a school lunch and would like to be included in the Fishy Friday Lunch. I will pay for the lunch in the usual way. My child/ren does not usually have a school lunch but would like to have a Fishy Friday Lunch and I enclose a payment of 2.00/4.00/6.00/8.00* - delete as appropriate (Cheques payable to Oxfordshire County Council please. My child/ren will not be having a Fishy Friday Lunch and will be bringing a packed lunch from home. Class/es ..






to the children who took part in the Burford Partnership of Schools Indoor Athletics Tournament at Burford Secondary School on a snowy Monday morning this week. The children demonstrated excellent team work and determination and should be very proud with their achievements and winning! well done to you all!

On Monday we went to an Athletics Tournament

at Burford School. We went by bus. When we got there all of us were very excited! In total there were seven schools. All of us had several events each and were doing really well but when it got to half time we found out that we were last! So we all pushed ourselves to the limit. Everyone at the tournament was very supportive. When we had nobody in an event we still cheered! It was super fun and at the end we found out that we were first! Ben Taylor Willow Class

Entitled to Free School Meals? Children whose parents/carers receive the following support payments may be entitled to the Free School Meal scheme: Income support/Employment support Income based job seekers allowance Support under the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999 The Guarantee element of State Pension Child Tax Credit - providing that Working Tax Credit in not included and that the annual income for Tax Credit purposes is within the guideline set for the financial year. If you feel this applies to you, then please call into the school office for an application form.

Active Kids is back!

Vouchers are available from Sainsburys stores, petrol stations and grocery online between the 30th January and 22nd May 2013. Please help us to collect as many vouchers as possible as they really do make a difference. The collection box is outside the office. Thank you!

Absent from School ?

If your child is absent from school for any reason, please dont forget to let us know. Absences are recorded in our registers with the appropriate reason code, i.e illness, holiday, medical appointment etc. Where no reason is given the absence is recorded as unauthorised and may be investigated by the Educational Welfare Officer. Please remember that requests for holiday should be authorised before booking. See website for Absence Policy for further details. Please notify us about the absence by telephoning school on 01367 860318 and selecting option 1 to leave a message. Thank you.

Please remember to tear off the token on the top of the box and bring it in to school. It takes as little as 10 tokens to get one book so the more tokens we collect the more books we can receive for school. Tokens need to be received in school by Friday 15th March 2013 to count towards the 2012/2013 scheme. Tokens received after this time will unfortunately not be counted. We can then put together an order for some fabulous books for the children. Thank you for your continued support

Colston Tennis Club

Broadwell, Nr Filkins.

Saturday Morning Junior Tennis

Restarts 19th January 2013 3+ years to 7 years at 11am 7 years+ at 12 noon Also Ladies sessions Thursdays 1pm Ladies Cardio Tennis Fridays 9am Contact Chris Hand 07970 481707 or

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