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Question 1

2 out of 2 points

The nineteenth century spiritual leader who recognized the Divine Mother in everything, including a cat, was named Answer Selected Answer: Ramakrishna Correct Answer: Ramakrishna

Question 2
2 out of 2 points

The Bhagavad-Gita is Answer Selected Answer: Krishna's instruction to Arjuna on the art of self-transcendence Correct Answer: Krishna's instruction to Arjuna on the art of self-transcendence

Question 3
2 out of 2 points

Which of the following best represents the overall goal of the Hindu faith? Answer Selected Answer: Mokhsa Correct Answer: Mokhsa

Question 4
2 out of 2 points

The goddess often used generically to refer to the Divine Mother or the goddess in all her forms is Answer Selected Answer: Devi Correct Answer:


Question 5
2 out of 2 points

Which caste do most Hindus aspire to be born into? Answer Selected Answer: Brahmins Correct Answer: Brahmins

Question 6
2 out of 2 points

The Hindu god of fire is Answer Selected Answer: Agni Correct Answer: Agni

Question 7
2 out of 2 points

What is the name for a Hindu spiritual teacher? Answer Selected Answer: Guru Correct Answer: Guru

Question 8
2 out of 2 points

Food that has been sanctified by being offered to a deity is known as Answer Selected Answer: prasad Correct Answer:


Question 9
2 out of 2 points

The Hindu word for religion, which also refers to duty, natural law, social welfare, ethics, health, and transcendental realization, is Answer Selected Answer: Dharma Correct Answer: Dharma

Question 10
2 out of 2 points

The cycle of death and rebirth is known as Answer Selected Answer: samsara Correct Answer: samsara

Question 11
2 out of 2 points

Which of the following is the best definition of "Ahimsa"? Answer Selected Answer: nonviolence Correct Answer: nonviolence

Question 12
2 out of 2 points

The word Jain derives from this term, meaning "winner over one's passions." Answer Selected Answer: jina

Correct Answer: jina

Question 13
0 out of 2 points

Why are all Jains vegetarians? Answer Selected Answer: animals could be reincarnated friends Correct Answer: to avoid accumulating Karma

Question 14
2 out of 2 points

Which of the following best expresses the "triple Gem" of Jainism? Answer Selected Answer: Right View, Right Knowledge, and Right Conduct Correct Answer: Right View, Right Knowledge, and Right Conduct

Question 15
2 out of 2 points

Jainism has no Answer Selected Answer: personal savior or Creator God Correct Answer: personal savior or Creator God

Question 16
0 out of 2 points

In Jainism, Tirthankaras are thought of as Answer Selected Answer: spiritual helpers

Correct Answer: role models

Question 17
2 out of 2 points

A good example of "Aparigraha" would be Answer Selected Answer: not buying that new car you've had your eye on Correct Answer: not buying that new car you've had your eye on

Question 18
2 out of 2 points

"Anekantwad" can best be understood as Answer Selected Answer: remaining open-minded and avoiding judgments Correct Answer: remaining open-minded and avoiding judgments

Question 19
2 out of 2 points

Who is Jainism's major teacher? Answer Selected Answer: Mahavira Correct Answer: Mahavira

Question 20
2 out of 2 points

Which order of ascetic Jain monks is called "white clad" because of the way they dress? Answer Selected Answer: Svetambaras

Correct Answer: Svetambaras

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