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Yeshua Knew The Disrespect Of Relatives Mark 6:1-6 Then Yeshua left and went to his home town,

and his talmidim followed him. On Shabbat he started to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astounded. They asked, Where did this man get all this? What is this wisdom he has been given? What are these miracles worked through him? Isnt he just the carpenter? The son of Kiryam? The brother of Yaakov and Yosi and Yhudah and Shimon? Arent his sisters here with us? And they took offense at him. But Yeshua said to them. The only place people dont respect a prophet is in his home town, among his own relatives, and in his own house. So he could do no miracles there, other than lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. He was amazed at their lack of trust. This is a very powerful description of human deficiency in every aspect. Many will read this passage and glean from it the obvious, that Yeshua was among those who knew him best because these were the people who watched him grow from a tiny baby into a man. They pinpointed his parents and siblings and his profession of carpenter, and used it as the means to discredit his value. Mark says, And they took offense at him. The older I grow, the more I appreciate insights that were given to me, most of which I ignored at the time, because in my mind, I knew the person giving the advice and therefore I discredited their wisdom. How many times have you learned something new about someone, about whom you were certain you knew everything? I guarantee that you have no clue. I believe one of the largest handicaps is the inability to recognize the immense wisdom contained in someone older and wiser. Dont misunderstand, there are many older persons who contain only wisdom of the world, which is worthless, but there are as many, if not more, older persons who contain Godly wisdom. Its important to know the difference; thats a subject for another time. I have been taking my aunt to cancer treatments, so we have spent a lot of time together and during those times, we have many wonderful conversations. I was prompted by the Spirit as I began to study the curve of her face, the way she uses her hands, which in a surreal way, mimicked the hands of my Grams (that was my special name for my grandmother). It provoked a flood of memories of my Grams smile when I would arrive at her house; the way she would lovingly squeal and scold us when we said something inappropriate, as if she was in total shock and taken aback. I loved watching her make yeast rolls and small pizzas out of biscuits and oh the taste of the yummy delicate spaghetti she fashioned out of love. My Grams was an awesome lady, rest her soul. I do have a point. As the memories of my Grams began to flood into my mind, simply because I saw a hint of her in my aunts hands, I began to wonder about the many stories that were stored inside the mind and soul of my aunt. I began asking questions and she shared stories with me that I would have

otherwise never known. Stories that amazed me and as well, left me in disbelief; disbelief, because I spent a lot of time with her during my childhood and I thought I knew her. The truth of the matter is that I didnt know her at all. My aunt is a beautiful human being and I love her deeply. Within each one of us are parts of our mothers and fathers and just as we are fashioned, so are our children. Just as we contain parts of our parents, we also contain the life breath and Spirit of God who created us and he rules ALL of the parts. He is the origin of our life, value, and path. We cant afford to be like the people who discounted Yeshua because of what they thought they knew about Him. Otherwise, He will move on to the people who do love and appreciate Him. Only God can change people, but He will change people according to His plan, not according to the plan of His creation. What amazes me about the quoted scripture is that those people who knew Yeshua gave every indication that He was special, They asked, Where did this man get all this? What is this wisdom he has been given? What are these miracles worked through him? After all, they first professed their witness to everything of God spewing forth from his life, then in the same breath, spewed forth the arrogance coming from their own hearts, Isnt he just the carpenter? The son of Kiryam? The brother of Yaakov and Yosi and Yhudah and Shimon? Arent his sisters here with us? And they took offense at him. I love what Yeshua says, But Yeshua said to them. The only place people dont respect a prophet is in his home town, among his own relatives, and in his own house. So he could do no miracles there, other than lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. He was amazed at their lack of trust. Youll notice He didnt try to convince them of his importance and he didnt try to placate them so they would like him. Instead, He carried on with His purpose; he left and went to the surrounding towns and villages teaching. As of today at 2:35 p.m., there are over 7 billion people on the planet. There is a lot of work to be done. If you find yourself focusing negatively on what you perceive to be the horrible truth about family and/or friends, instead focus on the work that God is doing through them. After all, if you are busy trying to conform other people to your way of thinking, you are inadvertently trying to usurp the authority of God. Just like Yeshua, a person who is focused on his/her calling will continue on to the people who love and appreciate them.

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