Chatlog FB13 Jan 13

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Carol Roberts, Eileen Will, we might have to start our chat night on here m'dear, our beloved Blue

Whale Pub appears to be down at the minute. Jared Davis are you able to join us? Like Promote Jared Davis Perhaps. 10 minutes ago Like Debbie Seed YAY! 9 minutes ago Like Debbie Seed Ooh, looks liek the selective invites worked too. ^^ 9 minutes ago Like Carol Roberts well that's progress 8 minutes ago Like Carol Roberts Hi JD 8 minutes ago Like Jared Davis Hello. 7 minutes ago Like Debbie Seed How goes it m'dears? 7 minutes ago Like Jared Davis I'm all right. 7 minutes ago Like Carol Roberts it goes well. Although it's pretty cold today. 6 minutes ago Like Debbie Seed Good to hear. Yeah, it's tryin to snow here. hope it doesn't succeed too well. 6 minutes ago Like Jared Davis Anyone know when BH comes back? 5 minutes ago Like

Jared Davis It rained last night and almost everything outside has a thin layer of ice on it. 5 minutes ago Like Debbie Seed No word yet - they are replaying S4 on BBC Three though so that's a good sign. 5 minutes ago Like Carol Roberts snowed here and today it's in the teens 5 minutes ago Like Debbie Seed Yikes, so widespread coldness it seems. 4 minutes ago Like Eileen Will Hi, glad I'm not the only one for whom its not working. 3 minutes ago Like Eileen Will How are you all? 3 minutes ago Like Debbie Seed Heeey, hi Eileen. I'm ok thanks hun, and you? 3 minutes ago Like Eileen Will Fang wont be able to join us this way, will he? 3 minutes ago Like Jared Davis I haven't been to BWP in a long time... 3 minutes ago Like Debbie Seed I don' think so, he doesn;t have Facebook as far as I'm aware. 2 minutes ago Like Carol Roberts Good how are you Eileen? 2 minutes ago Like Debbie Seed Bless, we know JD, and we've missed you. 2 minutes ago Like Debbie Seed *hugz*

2 minutes ago Like Eileen Will Yeah,I thought so. 2 minutes ago Like Debbie Seed Ooh, the chatlog will be fun to sort out... 2 minutes ago Like Jared Davis Won't it, though? about a minute ago Like Carol Roberts yea should be challenging about a minute ago Like Debbie Seed Well, I don;t mind a challenge now and then. about a minute ago Like Eileen Will Sent you all a pm about a minute ago Like

19:08 Eileen Will Could we chat here? It's more private 19:09 Jared Davis And it does have a tone. 19:09 Carol Roberts that's true but how will she save it 19:09 Eileen Will

19:09 Debbie Seed I'll save each line individually. Oh, fun-ness!! 19:10 Jared Davis Facebook will save it. 19:10 Eileen Will I think you can save it how you normally save the chat yeah that too lol 19:10 Debbie Seed So by PM is it. Didn;t knwo we could have multi-way messages here. ^^ 19:10 Eileen Will we can. 19:10 Carol Roberts learning something new everyday 19:11 Eileen Will I'm fine btw maybe John is working on his page 19:11 Jared Davis *big hugs for Eileen and KC and Carol* 19:11 Debbie Seed Ooh, good, good.I'll include the otehr stuff after. *big hugz back* YAY a group hug!!

19:11 Eileen Will *huuuuuuugs* 19:11 Carol Roberts oooh group hug 19:12 Debbie Seed Yeah, unless John's got problems on the server. Hope that's not the case. 19:12 Eileen Will fingers crossed just sad, Fang cannot be here 19:13 Jared Davis I managed to get BH S4 on DVD at Walmart. 19:13 Carol Roberts well he should sign up and join us 19:13 Debbie Seed Yeah, it's a shame. I keep retrying the pub, just in case its a temporary blip. 19:13 Jared Davis They had it as a special early release. 19:13 Eileen Will yeah, thats the downside of having all the contact over one site 19:13

Debbie Seed Ooh, at a good price too I hope. YAY for early releases... if you know what I mean. 19:13 Eileen Will awesome JD 19:14 Jared Davis Need to rewatch the series. Before S5 starts. 19:14 Debbie Seed Maybe we can tempt him to create an account - if only as a back up to the pub. 19:14 Eileen Will yes I'm all for it! 19:14 Debbie Seed It shouldn't be too long before S5 starts as BBC Three is reshowing it. 19:14 Eileen Will does anyone know if he's on whatsapp? 19:15 Debbie Seed Not that I know if. I don;t know his 'real' name. Dount he'd be on as Fang. 19:15 Carol Roberts don't know, but we should have an official alternate 19:15 Debbie Seed Doubt also. ><

19:15 Jared Davis A group? 19:15 Debbie Seed Hmm... I host my own forums - maybe set up an alternative there. ? 19:15 Jared Davis The "Secondary Chat Pack Home" group? 19:15 Carol Roberts like google hangout ot yahoo 19:16 Jared Davis Huh, nice. 19:16 Debbie Seed On here? What a good idea. By invite only and all that fun stuff? 19:16 Eileen Will great idea! so he will have to join 19:16 Carol Roberts oh dear typos have followed me 19:16 Eileen Will 19:16

Debbie Seed Hehe, I brought themw ith me. Ahem. See. 19:16 Eileen Will you cannot escape them Genie its her fault!!! *points at KC* 19:16 Debbie Seed *clings to her twusband so he can't escape her now* *grinz* Yep, typos are me fault, every time. ^^ 19:17 Carol Roberts didn't realize I'm usually so good elsewhere 19:17 Debbie Seed Just in our illustrious presence typos join you. 19:17 Jared Davis *Starts BH S1E1 on Blu-Ray* 19:17 Debbie Seed Oooh, Blu Ray. Posh! LOL 19:17 Eileen Will i seriously have to do a rewatch! now that i have seen Aidan again *sighs* but not before Ripper Street and Chicago Fire lol

19:18 Jared Davis I got Series 1 and 2 on Blu-Ray as a free gift from BBC America as a part of their promotion for BH 3. 19:18 Eileen Will cool 19:18 Carol Roberts I had a blu-ray player for half an hour before I broke it 19:18 Eileen Will i have a bluray player in my ps3 and my laptop 19:18 Jared Davis Aw... Annie at her wake is so sad... 19:19 Eileen Will still dont know if i should start buying all my dvds in bluray 19:19 Debbie Seed Ripper Street is really good, I'm enjoying that. Not seen Chicago Fire yet. What a cool free gift!! LOL @ Carol. Bless ya, sounds like something I'd do. 19:19 Carol Roberts not all just some whatever you watch the most 19:19 Jared Davis Aidan Turner was great in "The Hobbit." So was Martin Freeman, in case you also

enjoy Sherlock. 19:19 Debbie Seed Ooh, so you're covered too Eileen. Is there a lot of differencebetween DVD nd BluRay? 19:20 Eileen Will both were! 19:20 Debbie Seed The Hobbit was an awesome film full stop. 19:20 Jared Davis Blu-Ray contains a larger, clearer picture, but I don't have a HDTV, so it looks the same as DVD for me. 19:20 Eileen Will he was! 19:20 Debbie Seed *wrinkles nose* I'd have the same thing then. 19:21 Jared Davis My Blu-Ray player won't play Region 2 DVDs. 19:21 Eileen Will it is 19:21 Jared Davis But my DVD player does.

19:21 Debbie Seed It won't? Damn! 19:21 Carol Roberts I can't tell the difference with hdtv 19:21 Debbie Seed Ah, so you can still watch. S'awl good then. 19:21 Eileen Will yeah i maybe should buy the LotR trilogy in Bluray 19:21 Debbie Seed You know, neither can I Genie. 19:21 Eileen Will watch them often at tleast now that the hobbit is showing lol 19:21 Jared Davis I have the trilogy in DVD three ways. 19:22 Debbie Seed Would there be some elf adoration involved in that, Eileen. 19:22 Jared Davis Theatrical DVD, Extended DVD, and Limited Edition DVD.

19:22 Debbie Seed 3 wys? Wow! 19:22 Carol Roberts extended it was long enough 19:22 Eileen Will i have theatrical dvd and EE dvd 19:22 Jared Davis Different special features on all three. I love me some special features. 19:22 Eileen Will is there a difference in the limited edition? 19:22 Debbie Seed Loving special features! 19:22 Eileen Will oh! 19:23 Carol Roberts special features is why I buy dvd's 19:23 Jared Davis The limited edition had both the theatrical and extended cuts, plus an exclusive documentary (that now comes with the Extended Cuts on Blu-Ray). 19:23

Carol Roberts otherwise it's just rent on Netflix 19:23 Eileen Will btw Genie, I looove you profile pic! ;D 19:23 Debbie Seed YEah, I only used to get DVD's for special features. If they had none, I'm buy the videos. LMAO No buying videos any more though. 19:23 Eileen Will Big big smile 19:24 Debbie Seed and gorgeous aubergine top! ^^ 19:24 Carol Roberts why thank you Eileen 19:24 Eileen Will oh so i really might get the ee in bluray for the docu! 19:24 Debbie Seed LOL 19:24 Jared Davis I bought the special edition of "Eragon" for the special features. Sold it a couple months later. Rubbish film, rubbish DVD layout. 19:25

Debbie Seed I was disappointed by the film, but loved hte dragon. 19:25 Jared Davis "What are you doing here, Seth?" 19:25 Debbie Seed so cute. 19:25 Eileen Will only got the books 19:25 Debbie Seed SETH!!! SQUEE!! 19:25 Jared Davis Good, stick with them. 19:25 Eileen Will lol 19:25 Debbie Seed Are the books good? 19:25 Jared Davis "What? You want to share?" 19:25 Carol Roberts lol

19:25 Debbie Seed Smarmy bugger, Seth is. 19:26 Eileen Will *sighs* I looooved Mitchell so much then 19:26 Jared Davis Man-chest-air! 19:26 Debbie Seed Tortured but still being good. 19:26 Eileen Will yeah 19:26 Jared Davis Hmmm... 19:26 Carol Roberts trying to save his own soul, poor bugger 19:26 Debbie Seed Northern vampires = thick, it seems. Hehe. Hmm? 19:27 Jared Davis I can see the characters' eyes better on Blu-Ray. 19:27 Debbie Seed

That's gotta be good. ^^ Dylan Brown hos ovely eyes. ^^ 19:27 Carol Roberts is there more expressions in their eyes 19:27 Debbie Seed lovely also 19:28 Jared Davis Gotta love KC and her typos. 19:28 Eileen Will back 19:28 Carol Roberts wait until Annie's eyes start changing colors 19:28 Debbie Seed Gotta love JD and his (not so) random quotes. ^^ 19:28 Jared Davis *Facebook notice: Seen by everyone* Creepy 19:28 Eileen Will sorry mom called 19:28 Debbie Seed YEah, I noticed that too. WB Eileen!

19:28 Eileen Will lol the machine is everywhere 19:29 Debbie Seed BRB gang, pitstop! (hee, do't ahve to worry, if I close the window accidentally, the messages will still be here! ) 19:29 Eileen Will hb KC! oh yes it will and for the next million years 19:29 Carol Roberts okies million or maybe longer 19:29 Jared Davis Uh... I forgot the home video's music changes. 19:30 Eileen Will i have worked so hard to be in the pub on time today so Fang wont get mad at me and think i hate him... ... and the pub doesnt work and Fang cannot even be there. 19:30 Jared Davis I went out for a bit of shopping today and was listening to music from Series 1. 19:30

Eileen Will Hmpf! cool will have to do that too 19:31 Debbie Seed baaaaaak 19:31 Carol Roberts we will be sure to mention you were on time 19:31 Eileen Will do you think there is a playlist for that on spotify? 19:31 Debbie Seed Yes, we'll let him know. 19:31 Jared Davis I don't know. 19:31 Carol Roberts I'm sure that'll make fang happy 19:31 Eileen Will lol thank you, Genie wb KC! where are my manners? 19:31 Jared Davis "I just hoovered!"

19:32 Debbie Seed Thanks Eileen! 19:32 Carol Roberts at first I thought it was a typo, but no you hoovered 19:32 Debbie Seed Just looked out of the window, the world has now turned white. Oops. Should be iteresting getting to wrok tomorn then. 19:32 Eileen Will 19:32 Debbie Seed interesting also 19:33 Eileen Will mine is half white 19:33 Jared Davis *hugs KC because she needs it* 19:33 Eileen Will a bit snow only *hugs KC and JD* 19:33 Debbie Seed LOL Seth won't kill George 'caus ehe just hoovered - that's classic! 19:33 Eileen Will

*then turns and hugs Genie* 19:33 Debbie Seed *hugz Eileen and JD and pulls Genie into the hug too* 19:33 Jared Davis "I think someone's finally moved into #18." George starts screaming. 19:34 Eileen Will *trying to imagine what JD sees* 19:34 Jared Davis He must be pretty worked up over how empty #18 used to be. 19:34 Debbie Seed And imagines the original music that's not on the DVDs LMAO nunber 18 must ahve meant a lot to him. ^^ nunber? 19:35 Jared Davis One of the first things I noted about BH was how well they used songs. And now it's not here... 19:35 Eileen Will nunbers are soooo much better than numbers, KC yeah 19:35 Jared Davis Nunbers stay in alphabbeys.

19:35 Carol Roberts is nunbers short for nun beers 19:36 Debbie Seed Loved Annie's horrified but sympathetic expressions during the transformation she witnesses. They are, Eileen. ^^ LMAO @ JD or nun bears, bears in wimples and black and white robes. while drinking nun-beers. *wonders where the gutter and insanity trees are in Facebook* 19:37 Jared Davis "Oh my god, has everyone taken stupid pills?" *insanity tree sapling* 19:37 Carol Roberts well no not everyone just us 19:37 Debbie Seed Still can't work out what George would ahve thought Mitchell said. "She kicked me in the shin, the shin George." 19:37 Eileen Will yeah just us and that is scary enough FB you better look out for us! 19:37 Debbie Seed LMAO I can supply stupid pills, no problem.

19:38 Jared Davis "Yeah, good luck with that." 19:38 Eileen Will God I looooove the shin quote!!! my most fav of the show 19:38 Debbie Seed LOL 19:38 Carol Roberts are you the stupid pill pusher 19:38 Debbie Seed Appaerntly so. When on FB anyway. ^^ 19:38 Eileen Will no not me, that is someone else 19:39 Debbie Seed No, not you Eileen, you're a good girl. 19:39 Eileen Will 19:39 Debbie Seed ^^ 19:40 Eileen Will

oh that worked! 19:40 Carol Roberts glad to see the smilies have made it 19:40 Debbie Seed Angel Eileen!!! >:) Hmm, nope, that's not the devil one. Some of them. ^^ 19:40 Eileen Will no idea how the devil works on fb I mean but i dont know how the devil works otherwise either 19:41 Debbie Seed The devil wears prada apparently though. Lucky devil. 19:41 Eileen Will rich devil 19:41 Debbie Seed Yah, apparently so. ^^ Yah? I'm getting posh! Noooooooo. 19:42 Jared Davis This show is so awesome. 19:42 Debbie Seed I need ot rewatch S1, for sure.

19:43 Eileen Will me too 19:43 Carol Roberts Ripper Street start tonight on BBC America so maybe I can catch that 19:43 Debbie Seed Ooh, I hope you can. It's really good. Just saw Ep2 last night and tonight Ep3 is on. 19:44 Jared Davis "There's something you need to know about Seth. He's an idiot." Lily! 19:44 Debbie Seed Herrick, straight to the point. 19:44 Jared Davis Before she went batshit crazy. 19:44 Eileen Will loved last epi 19:44 Debbie Seed When she was human and almost normal, youmean. 19:44 Carol Roberts well idiot is kinda string

19:44 Eileen Will cannot wait for 3rd epi 19:44 Debbie Seed We're learning more about them all now, aren't we Eileen? Me either! 19:45 Jared Davis She totally had a crush on Herrick from the start. 19:45 Eileen Will now that i was able to understand more it was more fun 19:45 Debbie Seed Suits Seth though, he's not great in the brains dept. 19:45 Eileen Will brb making latte Macchiato anyone want one? 19:45 Jared Davis I'll pass. 19:45 Debbie Seed And his seeming so inoffensive makes him even scarier when he starts to show his dangerous side. 19:45 Carol Roberts not for me thanks 19:45

Debbie Seed No thanks Twister dear. 19:46 Jared Davis Genie, you're in the US? 19:46 Eileen Will aww... okay, more for me!!! 19:46 Debbie Seed Indeed! 19:46 Carol Roberts I am Southwest 19:46 Jared Davis Southwest where? We might be closer than I thought. Arizona. 19:47 Carol Roberts AZ 19:47 Debbie Seed Ooh... 19:47 Jared Davis Okay, I'm in Missouri. 19:47 Carol Roberts

midwest 19:48 Debbie Seed Quite a way apart then? 19:48 Jared Davis A bit. A few states in between. "You smell like a Polo. Have you got a hole?" 19:48 Debbie Seed Eep. 19:48 Carol Roberts oh not far as the crow flies 19:49 Debbie Seed LMAO George's character defining line from S1. But you and JD aren't crows.

19:49 Eileen Will or aare you? 19:49 Jared Davis Caw! 19:49 Carol Roberts not this lifetime 19:50 Debbie Seed

LOL My Twusband, the crow! Sounds like a very bad tv series. LOL Ah, put perhaps in another? 19:51 Jared Davis "Before I died, I had one last thought, and now I'm going to make it yours." 19:51 Carol Roberts live for the moment I try no tto think of past or future lives. 19:51 Jared Davis "Guess who I just saw?" 19:52 Eileen Will *storms back in room with Latte M. in hand trying not to spill anything* 19:52 Debbie Seed Ohh, I've forgtten - who says that line and to whom... 19:52 Jared Davis "Yoko Ono?" "Before I died" Lauren 19:52 Debbie Seed Ooh, what's wrong? Please don't storm, Eileen. And don't spill your Latte M. (can't spell the otehr word) 19:52 Jared Davis "Guess who" George "Yoko" Mitchell

19:53 Carol Roberts after he spots Lauren 19:53 Debbie Seed Ahh, I se.e At the memorial that I still maintain Nina is among the mourners. jut after the memorial Just also. Darned typos are getting worse. 19:53 Jared Davis "Owen, be not afraid." 19:53 Carol Roberts Nina just started working there. I don't think she went to the memorial 19:54 Debbie Seed Annie practicing in front of the mirror! 19:54 Carol Roberts Owen became very afraid 19:54 Jared Davis Lenora Crichlow better have an awesome career ahead. 19:55 Debbie Seed Aye, but I'm sure I spotted her among the mourners, when they go to the long shot. There's a short, blonde nurse in her scrubs on the edge. Oh, I've no doubt she does, JD. ^^ Hair looks like Nina's though you're right, she didn;t know Lauren so why would she go. Maybe a mark of respect?

19:55 Carol Roberts maybe to get off her shift 19:56 Debbie Seed LOL Maybe. 19:56 Jared Davis Janey! 19:56 Debbie Seed Tango-face?! I tell ya folks, she is gorgeous in real life. A beautiful lady. 19:56 Eileen Will caught up! 19:57 Carol Roberts brb pitstop 19:57 Debbie Seed Aww, sorry Eileen, we did wander off ahead a little. HB Genie! 19:57 Eileen Will lol 19:57 Jared Davis You just want to hug Annie in this scene. 19:57

Eileen Will i noticed 19:57 Debbie Seed Hehe 19:57 Eileen Will hb Genie! 19:57 Debbie Seed Which scene are we up to? Wondering what to do with herself in the house? 19:58 Jared Davis Annie venting about Janey and Owen. 19:58 Debbie Seed To mitchell? *is trying to remember* 19:58 Jared Davis To George. 19:59 Debbie Seed Bleugh, sorry, of course. Misremembering. This is whee she learns how he was scratched? where also, not whee. Still with us Eileen? 19:59 Jared Davis Yes.

19:59 Debbie Seed ^^ 19:59 Jared Davis Aw, now George needs a hug. 19:59 Debbie Seed Are you enjoying your Latte Eileen. I volunteer! I like giving hugz. Oh oh, Eileen! Forgot to say, I'll be ok for the convention if it goes ahead - but I'll have to leave early on the Sunday unfortunately. Can't have the Monday off. 20:00 Eileen Will fbid=545274392149273&set=a.363847493625298.95183.363725540304160&type= 1&theater OM OMG 20:00 Jared Davis "She's.... orange." 20:01 Debbie Seed OMG, the poor thing!! 20:01 Eileen Will so cruel yeah im here sorry

okay, you can leave on sunday lol 20:01 Debbie Seed No worries, I can uderstand why that would distract you. Thankyou for letting me, Eileen. 20:02 Carol Roberts back 20:02 Eileen Will but how do we arrange it with the hotel? 20:02 Debbie Seed WB Genie! 20:03 Eileen Will we will see when the con goes ahead wb Genie!!! 20:03 Debbie Seed The payment? Not sure, but if you give credit card details, I think they take it automatically upon departure. Yeah, IF it goes ahead. 20:03 Eileen Will do they still only have David? 20:04 Debbie Seed YEah, so far.

20:04 Carol Roberts thanks 20:04 Debbie Seed For you lovely folks, we're discussing the Grimm/Once Upon A Time convention that's supposed ot happen in May. 20:04 Eileen Will okay 20:05 Carol Roberts I hoping they get Sasha Roiz. 20:05 Jared Davis Cool. 20:05 Debbie Seed I hope they do too... would that tempt you to come and play too? 20:05 Carol Roberts yes it would 20:05 Debbie Seed 20:05 Carol Roberts very tempting 20:05 Debbie Seed

Hehe, good to hear! Would you be tempted by anyone from either show, JD? 20:06 Eileen Will oh yes Sasha! 20:06 Carol Roberts which package are you two getting 20:06 Debbie Seed WE have Silver. Misplaced capitals, huh? 20:06 Eileen Will silver 20:07 Jared Davis "Lauren? It's me. It's ... It's George." "Bad dog!" 20:07 Debbie Seed LOL *shudders and shuts down the picture of the cat with a crossbow bolt through it's head* 20:08 Jared Davis "You made me this, Mitchell. This is all your fault." 20:09 Debbie Seed And then poor Becca will get the brunt of her anger.

20:09 Carol Roberts crossbow that makes more sense I thought it was a pool stick 20:10 Debbie Seed IT could be one, but it'd take a lot longer to ... *shudders* Nope, not thinking about that. 20:11 Jared Davis 20:11 Eileen Will oh god! 20:11 Debbie Seed This isn;t going to be a nasty pic, is it? 20:11 Eileen Will that oh god was for the image KC created in my head *shudder* that pic is cute maybe i should ask him to knit something for me, im way too lazy 20:12 Jared Davis The pic is cute. The only nastiness might happen in your imagination. 20:12 Carol Roberts you have mad knitting talent 20:12 Debbie Seed Phew. Sorry Eileen...

Aww, I saw this the other day, he's cute and trying to promote knitting. Good laf! lad also 20:12 Jared Davis That's not me. (Oh, I wish.) 20:12 Debbie Seed You want to knit, I understand. ^^ 20:13 Eileen Will i always want to 20:13 Carol Roberts knitting is hard. I crochet for everyone's sanity 20:13 Eileen Will yeah crochetting I think is easier at least for me i tried knitting but failed. lol 20:14 Debbie Seed I'm hoping to learn knitting, but it does look very difficult. 20:14 Eileen Will my colleague at work is so good at knitting! 20:14 Debbie Seed Hopefully Mum will show me. 20:14 Jared Davis

I once made a tiny net from yarn. It fit an egg. 20:14 Carol Roberts too many needles 20:14 Eileen Will awww exactly Genie 20:14 Jared Davis I did it by tying. 20:14 Debbie Seed AWWW, egg nets - the fashion accessory of the future? 20:14 Eileen Will that is why i prefer crochet 20:14 Debbie Seed tying rather than knitting? 20:15 Eileen Will 20:15 Jared Davis Yes, because eggs will look so sexy. 20:15 Debbie Seed how does crochet work? Sexy eggs, mmmmmm. lma

20:15 Carol Roberts like little fishnets for eggs 20:15 Debbie Seed o 20:15 Eileen Will lol the o was off already 20:15 Debbie Seed Clearly so. LOL 20:16 Eileen Will 44 more min 20:16 Debbie Seed Actually, joking aside, fishnets for eggs could be a cool way to storing 'em in the kitchen. 20:16 Carol Roberts crocheting involves on one hook 20:16 Debbie Seed To Riper Street and the nd of chat. one hook and you loop one thread around another? 20:17 Eileen Will yeah only one hood

hook also 20:17 Debbie Seed My Gawd, typos are getting worse! LOL 20:17 Eileen Will doesnt matter if you wear a hood while doing it 20:18 Jared Davis Hoods make it all better, but they can mess up your hair. 20:18 Carol Roberts or you can crochet a hood to wear while you crochet 20:18 Eileen Will but if you do, it might look cooler that is true, JD exactly, Genie so I wasnt so far off with hoods and hooks 20:19 Debbie Seed LOL 20:20 Jared Davis I made my egg-net-basket just by tying yarn together. 20:21 Debbie Seed You weave a good yarn, my Twusband. 20:21 Carol Roberts

would take too long tying knots to make a hood 20:21 Jared Davis Heh! 20:21 Eileen Will creativity rules!!! just not in my head lol true 20:22 Debbie Seed or on your head, if you make a crochet/knitted/woven/knotted hood. 20:22 Carol Roberts sounds unique 20:23 Debbie Seed It would definitely be that. LOL 20:25 Jared Davis Boo. 20:26 Debbie Seed ARGH! 20:26 Eileen Will lol 20:26

Debbie Seed *clings to JD in fear* 20:26 Eileen Will poor KC 20:26 Jared Davis Don't worry, I'll keep you all safe. 20:27 Debbie Seed *is relieved and relaxed a bit knowing JD is looking after us* 20:27 Carol Roberts isn't that sweet 20:27 Jared Davis Eileen, I'd call the Winchesters, but who'd keep them safe from you? 20:27 Eileen Will good point 20:27 Debbie Seed LMAO @ JD. 20:28 Eileen Will well Dean would be fine but Sam not so much 20:28 Debbie Seed BRB gang... pitstop again.

20:29 Eileen Will Harharhar...Muahahahaaa HB KC 20:30 Carol Roberts I think Sam has handled things a lot scarier than you Eileen. He might welcome the change 20:30 Eileen Will Muahahaaaa... 20:31 Debbie Seed Baaaaaaaack Ohh, you'd prefer Dean? 20:31 Carol Roberts wb 20:31 Debbie Seed Thanks Genie! :d 20:31 Eileen Will *crawls along the ceiling* 20:32 Jared Davis Any S5 news I missed? Sounds like Hal will be going bad temporarily and make someone else into a vampire, and I heard about the big bad. 20:32 Eileen Will

wb KC no I prefer Sam 20:32 Debbie Seed Ooh, FB is antigravity. Who knewe? Thanks Eileen. 20:32 Eileen Will oh interesting 20:32 Debbie Seed YEah, the new big bad - that was the big spoiler we discussed last week - have you heard anything Genie? Didn;t know about Hal going bad - hope it's not a Mitchell going bad kind of thing. 20:33 Carol Roberts How can Hal go bad they have him chained to the floor in the living room 20:34 Debbie Seed I think its a few months on. Though chained to the living room floor's not a bad place for him, I expect.. lol 20:34 Eileen Will lol i loved that last scene 20:35 Debbie Seed LMAO Case in point. Do you know the big bad for S5 Genie? the boys have different jobs too - they got sacked form the cafe, can;t think why? 20:37

Carol Roberts Well I wouldn't call him big 20:37 Eileen Will lol 20:37 Debbie Seed but he is the biggest bad of them all... 20:38 Carol Roberts Phil Davis can't be taller than 5'4" 20:38 Eileen Will lol Genie! 20:38 Debbie Seed LMAO 20:38 Jared Davis Maybe because they made a bomb at the cafe? 20:38 Debbie Seed Not Phil Daniels like I said last week. *facepalm* 20:38 Carol Roberts but yes I heard they were bringing out ole lucifer himself. 20:38 Debbie Seed That might hvae had something to do with it, and the boss finding sharpened sticks all over the place.

Indeed, 20:39 Carol Roberts must be the end of the series. Once you play the satan card what else is there. 20:40 Debbie Seed There's not much bigger and badder a bad guy, really. And would they be able to beat such a baddie? 20:41 Carol Roberts I don't see how He's a fallen angel and he's not stupid 20:41 Debbie Seed They could ask him nicely ot leave... 20:41 Jared Davis ! 20:41 Carol Roberts even if he is short 20:41 Debbie Seed LMAO 20:41 Carol Roberts and not really very scary 20:41 Jared Davis So, the guys at the end of S4 were fallen angels?

20:42 Eileen Will Supernatural could 20:42 Debbie Seed The grey men? Hmm... maybe not fallen ones. Maybe they knew Lucy Fur was on his way. LMOA I've no doubt of that Eileen. Maybe they;ll come to our gang's rescue. 20:43 Carol Roberts better Lucie Fur 20:43 Debbie Seed LMAO also 20:43 Eileen Will i mean go on after bringing Lucifer 20:44 Debbie Seed Hehe. 20:45 Jared Davis Maybe Hal, Tom and Alex need to call the Winchesters in! 20:45 Debbie Seed The lads are taking up hotel work too. And they live in an old B&B so they have a chance. 20:45 Eileen Will 15 min

20:45 Debbie Seed You could be right. 20:45 Eileen Will maybe not they might not survive it 20:45 Jared Davis 15 until what? 20:46 Eileen Will Ripper Street 20:46 Jared Davis Ah. 20:46 Debbie Seed Until we go. 9pm UK time, 10pm auf Deutsch. 20:46 Jared Davis 3PM here. 2PM for Genie? 20:46 Debbie Seed And what time for you Genie? 20:47 Carol Roberts 2pm

20:47 Jared Davis Okay. 20:47 Carol Roberts but a good time to go and start a roaring fire 20:48 Jared Davis I kinda had something else to do today that would require me going back outside, so... Yeah... 20:48 Debbie Seed To ward off the chill. 20:48 Jared Davis I'd be going as well. 20:48 Debbie Seed Oh dear... not work? 20:48 Jared Davis Nah, fun stuff. 20:49 Debbie Seed YAY then! 20:49 Carol Roberts a whole day off, yay 20:49

Debbie Seed and 3pm leaves you enough time ti enjoy the fun stuff? 20:49 Eileen Will YAY! 20:49 Jared Davis Well, I'd be leaving a few minutes before... So I better put the jeans on rather than these thin sweats... 20:50 Debbie Seed There's a pretty thick layer of snow out now, so I might go and scrape the worst of it off so it might be easier in the morning... but prob won't bother. LOL 20:50 Carol Roberts as goodbyes take us a long time why not start saying them now 20:50 Eileen Will lets hope the pub will work again next week lol 20:50 Debbie Seed Oh, indeed, don't catcha chill JD. Wise advice, we should begin goodbyeing. I hope so too. 20:50 Carol Roberts right hoping the pub is reopened. 20:51 Debbie Seed All pubs have to close for renovation now and then I guess.

^^ 20:51 Carol Roberts that's true maybe they are just switching out the kegs and draining the taps 20:52 Jared Davis *Hugs all.* 20:52 Carol Roberts putting in those cute barstools 20:52 Eileen Will we need to convince Fang to join fb 20:53 Debbie Seed Indeed. And new beer mats, of course. *hugz JD, Eileen and Genie* Have a wonderful remainder to your Sunday and have a safe and fun week, too. 20:53 Eileen Will *hugs all* 20:53 Jared Davis We do. 20:53 Debbie Seed We do, we'll gang up on him when the pub reopens. so to speak. 20:53

Jared Davis Promise him hugs. 20:53 Eileen Will yay!!! 20:53 Debbie Seed And Eileen kisses. 20:53 Eileen Will and candy and pompoms and that 20:54 Debbie Seed and nurses uniforms. 20:54 Jared Davis Okay, need to get shoes on and go. 20:54 Debbie Seed He rather likes sweets, pompoms and eileen kisses. 20:54 Eileen Will you go, JD 20:54 Carol Roberts Indeed I will and you too. Don't work too hard shoveling. Remember to bend at the knees pom poms by JD

20:54 Eileen Will it was awesome to talk to you again 20:54 Debbie Seed Aww, goodnight and enjoy whatever you're up to. *hugz JD* 20:54 Eileen Will lol 20:54 Debbie Seed LMAO \ 20:54 Eileen Will bye JD! Bye Genie bay KC 20:55 Debbie Seed Seeya next week, hopefully, JD! 20:55 Carol Roberts bye eileen 20:55 Eileen Will bey Eileen 20:55 Jared Davis Nurses like this? 20:55 Eileen Will oh thats me 20:55 Carol Roberts Bye KC 20:55 Jared Davis Bye! 20:55 Debbie Seed Have a great afternoon Genie. Goodnight Eileen! Byeeeeeeee!! 20:55 Eileen Will awww! Yes for me!! but dont tell Fang! goodniiiiiiiiiight gooddaaaaaaaaaay!!! 20:55 Carol Roberts enjoy Ripper Street 20:56 Debbie Seed I intend to. ^^ Nighty night all!! LOL @ Eileen. 20:56 Eileen Will we will

niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight 20:57 Carol Roberts byeeeeeeee

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