AP Biology Biochemistry Introduction

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AP Biology Text: Biology (2000), 5th edition, Campbell.

All units will apply the following Language Arts Literacy Standards 3.1 Reading- Vocabulary 3.2 Writing- Essays on Chapter Tests 3.3 Speaking- Each chapter will have its own discussion period 3.4 Listening- Notes will be given on each chapter 3.5 Viewing and Media Literacy- each chapter will have visuals from internet to help with material. All units will apply the following Technology Standards. 8.1.12.A and B- Students use internet throughout year, as well as microbiological techniques such as western and southern blots. All units will apply the following Career and Technical Education Standards 9.1.12.A and B and 9.2.12.A, B, C Unit I The Unity of Living Things Standards covered under each section of unit I- 5.1.12.A, B, and C, 5.2.12.A and B, 5.3.12.A, B, C, and D, 5.5.12.A, 5.5.12.A, 5.6.12.A and B A. The Chemistry of Life 1. Atoms and Isotopes 2. Electrons, Orbitals and Energy 3. Types of Bonds 4. Biological Importants of Elements B. Water and Living Things 1. Water and Hydrogen Bonding 2. Water and Temperature Changes 3. Water as a Solvent 4. Ionization of Water 5. Other Properties of Water C. Organic Molecules 1. The Central Role of Carbon 2. Structures and Functions of Carbohydrates 3. Structures and Functions of Lipids 4. Structures and Functions of Proteins 5. Introduction to Nuclei Acids

D. Chemical Reactions within Living Things 1. The Flow of Energy- First and Second Law of Thermodynamics 2. ATP: The energy factor 3. The nature of bio-organic reactions a. Types of Chemical Reactions, specifically redox reactions b. Enzymes as Catalysts c. Lock and Key Hypothesis d. Regulation of Enzymatic Activity Unit Standards are associated with Labs Unit 1 Lab- AP Lab 2 Enzyme Catalysis Unit II Cell Standards covered in section under Unit II- 5.1.12.A, B, and C, 5.2.12.A and B, 5.3.12.A, B, C, D, 5.4.12.A, B, C, 5.5.12.A and B, 5.6.12.B A. Cellular Organization 1. Cell Types- prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic, autotroph vs. hetertroph 2. Organization of Cell- size, form and function 3. Cell Structures and their Functions B. Movement of Materials into and out of cells 1. Diffusion and Osmosis 2. Cell Membrane 3. Transport Across a Cell Membrane 4. Endo and Exocytosis C. Respiration 1. Oxidation-Reduction Reviewed 2. Glycolysis 3. Aerobic and Anaerobic Pathways 4. The Krebs Cycle 5. Oxidative Phosphorylation 6. Catabolic Pathways D. Photosynthesis 1. Nature of Light 2. Photosynthetic Membrane and Associated Structures

3. The Light Reaction- photosystems I and II, etc. 4. The Dark Reaction- Calvin cycle 5. Products of Photosynthesis E. Cell Communication 1. Local Regulators 2. Three Stages of Cell Signaling- reception, transduction, response 3. Signal Reception and Initiation of Transduction- proteins and channels associated with it 4. Signal-Transduction Pathways 5. Cell Responses to Signals F. Mitosis 1. Cell Cycle 2. Phases of Mitosis Unit Standards are associated with labs Unit II LabsAP Lab 1 Osmosis and Diffusion AP Lab 5 Cellular Respiration AP Lab 4 Photosynthesis Unit III Genetics Standards covered in section under unit III- 5.1.12.A, B, C, 5.2.12.A, B, 5.3.12.A, B, C, and D, 5.4.12.A, B, and C, 5.5.12.A, B, and C, 5.6.12.A and B. A. Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction 1. Meiosis and the Life Cycle 2. Meiosis vs. Mitosis 3. The Phases of Meiosis 4. Various Asexual Reproductive Means B. Mendelian Genetics 1. Early Ideas about Heredity 2. Contributions of Mendel- experiment and two laws 3. Exceptions to Mendelian Genetics- incomplete dominance, etc.

C. The Physical basis of heredity 1. Suttons Hypothesis 2. Morgans Experiments 3. Chromosome Mapping 4. Genetic Change: Spontaneous and Induced 5. Mutational Effects and Rates 6. Causes of Mutations 7. Types of Mutations D. The Chemical basis of heredity 1. Gene-Enzyme Relationships 2. Watson-Crick DNA Model 3. DNA Replication E. Protein Synthesis 1. Transcription and Translation F. Regulation of Gene Expression 1. Bacterial Chromosome 2. F Factor and Conjugation 3. Operons 4. Feedback Control Systems 5. Proteins associated with Chromosomes- Histones and nonhistones. 6. DNA of Eukaryotic Chromosomes- restriction enzymes G. Human Genetics 1. Single-factor Inheritance- ex. Sickle Cell Anemia 2. Transmission by Dominant Gene 3. Multiple Allele Inheritance 4. Sex Linked 5. Sex Influenced Unit Standards are associated with LabsAP Lab 3- Mitosis and Meiosis AP Lab 6- Transduction, RFLIP AP Lab 7- Mendelian and non Mendelian genetics Edvotech Labs 1. DNA Informatics 2. Principals of DNA Sequence

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Radial Immunodiffusion In Search of Cancer Gene Southern and Western Blot analysis Elisa Technique Simulation of PCR

Unit IV Mechanisms of Evolution Standards covered in section under unit IV- 5.1.12.A, B, and C, 5.2.12.A and B, 5.3.12.A, B, C and D, 5.4.12.A, B, and C, 5.5.12.A, B, and C. A. Descent with Modification 1. Historical context for Evolutionary Theory 2. The Darwinian Revolution 3. Evidence of Evolution B. The Evolution of Populations 1. Population genetics- Hardy-Weinberg Principle 2. Causes of Microevolution 3. Genetic Variation 4. Natural Selection as the Mechanism of Adaptive Evolution C. The Origin of Species 1. What is a Species? 2. Modes of Speciation 3. The Origin of Evolutionary Novelty D. Tracing Phylogeny 1. The Fossil Record and Geological Time 2. Phylogeny and Systematics 3. The Science of Phylogenic Systemics Unit Standards are associated with Labs AP Lab 8- Hardy Weinberg Principles Five page paper on two videos : (1) Australias Mammalian Mysterys, (2) The Galapagos Islands. Unit V The Evolutionary History of Biology Diversity Standards covered in section under Unit V- 5.1.12.A, B and C, 5.2.12.A and B, 5.4.12.A, B, and C, 5.5.12.A, B, and C, 5.10.12.A

A. Early Earth and the Origin of Life 1. Introduction to the History of Life 2. Prebiotic Chemical Evolution and the Origin of Life 3. The Major Lineages of Life B. Prokaryotes and the Origins of Metabolic Diversity 1. The World of Prokaryotes 2. Structure, Function, and Reproduction of Prokaryotes 3. Nutrition and Metabolic Diversity 4. Phylogeny of Prokaryotes 5. Ecological Impact of Prokaryotes C. The Origin of Eukaryotic Diversity 1. Introduction to Protists 2. Protist Systematics and Phylogeny D. Plant Diversity I: The Colonization of Land 1. An Overview of Plant Evolution 2. The Origin of Plants 3. Bryophytes 4. The Origin of Vascular Plants 5. Seedless Vascular Plants E. Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 1. Overview of Reproductive Adaptations of Seed Plants 2. Gymnosperms 3. Angiosperms 4. Global Impact of Plants F. Fungi 1. Introduction to Fungi 2. Diversity of Fungi 3. Ecological Impacts of Fungi 4. Phylogenetic Relationships of Fungi G. Introduction to Animal Evolution 1. What is an Animal? 2. Introduction to Animal Phylogeny and Diversity 3. The Origins of Animal Diversity

H. Invertebrates 1. The Parazoa 2. The Radiata 3. The Acoelomates 4. The Pseudocoelomates 5. The Coelomates: Protostomes 6. The Coelomates: Deuterostomes I. Vertebrate Evolution and Diversity 1. Invertebrate Chordates and the Origin of Vertebrates 2. Introduction to Vertebrates 3. Superclass Agnatha: Jawless Vertebrates 4. Superclass Gnathostomata I: The Fishes 5. Superclass Gnathostomata II: The Tetrapods 6. Primates and the Phylogeny of Homo sapiens Unity Standards are associated with Labs Protist prepared slides both plant and animal type with write-up. Gametophyte and sporophyte generation prepared slides of Bryophytes with write-up Fungi prepared slides with write-up Invertebrate prepared slides with write-up

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