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The scene opens, almost literally, to Tamikurasou, a two story apartment. Wooden and dilipidated.

With a downcast look, Araragi comments on the state of the Senjougahara family. A monologue plays out, with Senjougahara briefly explaining the situation regard ing her family: Her mother joined a cult, donated away all their money, and wrote up a large deb t, And now her parents are divorced, and she lives with her father, who is working hard to repay that debt. In the one room apartment. What is interesting, right after another OP of "Staple Stable," Are the text panel flashes, using SHAFT's Powerpoint animation. It's an old story from overseas. Once upon a time, there was a young man, a good young man. One day, this young man met a strange old man in the village. The old man asked the young man to sell his shadow. The shadow that sprang from his legs when the sun shone upon him. "Ten gold coins" is what he asked for. The young man sold it, without a second's thought. Sold his shadow for ten coins. That young man didn't even think once that his shadow had more worth than ten go ld coins. Well wasn't he right? Practically speaking, not having a shadow is hardly a disadvantange There isn't any constraint But in the end, it didn't go well;the young man was persecuted by townspeople an d family. It was just out of place. It's weird for someone to not have a shadow," they said. Well that's it. It's just weird. Shadows themselves can be pretty weird, but not having any shadow is hundred tim es more weird. Like... something normal is missing. In other words, the young man had sold his normality...for ten coins That young man went looking for the old man in order to return his shadow. But no matter how hard he searched, no matter where he searched, he never did fi nd that old man, so it's said. The story flashes by in less than 10 seconds, in 37 frames. [Talk] In any case (that is, this case), episode two picks up immediately with the repe tition of Senjougahara's question: Can you save me? to which Oshino says, "I can't save you, but I can help you." The first instructions are, to clean her body with cold water and change into cl

ean clothes. And then the group would reconvene at midnight (the time during the conversation was just around 8:04 PM) Oshino also decides to charge Senjougahara 100,000 yen [Convert to USD], which h e indicates, is also the amount he charged Class Rep-chan, Hanekawa. Hinting again, that Hanekawa also had encountered an oddity (which is another Mo nogatari). Araragi then exclaims that he was charged 5 million yen [Convert], also indicati ng Oshino's involvement with Araragi's vampire incident (covered in Kizu) The scene shifts back to Tamikurasou, and what follows to the end of Part A is a quintessential Monogatari, Nisio Isin, conversation between sharp-tongued Senjo ugahara, and straight man Araragi. If anything, this conversation deals more about the personalities of these two c haracters, Part B, It's revealed that Oshino went to divinity school, but never went on to be a pri est or monk. Also, the fact is reiterated again, that Araragi and Hanekawa have both encounte red oddities before, and have been helped out of their predicament by the strang e old man. The three approach a makeshift shrine, Oshino set up, Seems sketchy, doesn't it? As is always with these stories. After setting up the atmosphere, Oshino proceeds to ask questions to Senjougahar a, Some generic questions, identification, as well as a number of questions Senjoug ahara refuses to answers, but still revealing much about herself. Eventually, th e exchange comes to a halt at the following question: "What was the most painful memory in your life up until now?" The story Senjougahara had briefly mentioned to Araragi at the start of the epis ode, is revealed: Senjougahara's mother became involved in a cult. A higher up official of the cult went to the Senjougahara household, led by her mother. Claiming it to be some ritual, the official tried to rape Senjougahara. She fended him off with a shoe. With her mother just watching, all the while. Oshino explains that these are her feelings/ her burden (given that the Japanese for those terms are homonyms) And explains that she alone, must bear them. At this point, Senjougahara opens looks up, and there stands, the Crag. Which only she can see. Action scene, pinned to the wall, Oshino rips it off her (while commenting how h e hates crabs because they're hard to eat) Senjougahara, stopping Oshino from crushing the crab,

Proceeds to beg the Crab God for her weight back. More of the story of the Senjougahara family is then explained, through Araragi' s monologue: Senjougahara's mother became involved in the cult when Senjougahara was in fifth grade, And had been suffering from a serious illness. A form of escapism, for the mother. While the daughter nearily dies from the surgery, but manages to survive. Leading the mother further into the cult's belief, Degrading their mother-daughter relationship. The two stopped talking as Senjougahara started middle-school. And folloing the incident, The family dissolved, and Senjougahara met the crab. End flashback. With Senjougahara sobbing, Oshino explains the Crab god to Araragi, heavy stone gods, whose names mean "ties of obligations." Araragi's monologue continues the explanation, When she met the crab, Senjougahara's ties with her mother were severed, stoppin g her from feeling, and taking away her weight. Basically, she had tricked herself, in order to be freed from her feeling and bu rdens regarding her mother. Even with her feelings returned, there was no way her family could reunite. But that was fine. And the story of Hitagi Crab concludes, with Senjougahara declaring that she had made a new friend, with Araragi

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