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1672 Morton Ave,, L.A. 90026 MA. 5-8Lf27

No .. .Z4
_ AS_A RESULT of citizen protest,the Re('.reation and. Pe.rlrs Com-
decided against placin::; the t;1,200,000 tennis center
Hills Park. Commissioner James liadrid. su.";::;ester'. ElysiP.n
ParJ;: instead, He seems especially interested in the old reservoir
east of the Pasadena Freeway, where some earth-movins is nNJ
COUNCILMAN PAUL LAMPORT, whose district includes Elysian Park,
says he 0pposes use of the park as a site for the c.enter. It doesn't
belong and. would taire up too much valuable J::'A-rir space, he told.
our ?ha:-rman. We agree. But R query to the Rec.rea tion and ParJrs
broue;ht a non-commi tal reply, B11ouldn' t the public. be
informed.? --
LACK 0F CONFIDENCE in ,"overnment is fostered. by the
failure of offiCiials to koeu their promises. On Sept. ]_2 the Re-
creation and Pe.rks turned down n plea that Fl. portion of
anticipated State funds be used for urgently necd.ecl. irrigation in
Elysian Park. It then votGd unanimously and enthusiastically to
pr.?vide f0r Elysian Park "next tirr.e 'round."
THE DEPARTlillNT'S BUDGET for 1?69-70 is "next time 'round."
Parts of the budget approved rec, 5. Not a penny for irric;at-
ing Elysian Park. The remainder is to be considered Jan. 9. A de-
partment spokesman advised. that it is hi::;hly unlikely that the pro-
mised appropriation will be included,
JVIAIN PIPES and. valves to speed water to critical park areas
cost 000, Mr. 1-Jilliam;;:son Jr., R and P' s general
manager, told the Commission, But there is no money to meet this
need, (()f the funds sou::;ht fr0m Sacramento, is for a "con-
cession headq_uartors,'' Another i$1,200,000 of department funds is
earmarked for an Rand P ad.lJlinistration building in Griffith Park.)
TAKE A through Elysian :!?arl;;:. You be P.ppalled P.t
the nuuber of dead trees and. the scores nf others, already suffer-
ing, that may not last Fl.nother parched season. A few lon::;ths of
new pipe have ';)ecn laid -- a 'Relcome development, but only a frac-
tion of is needed. Please write the c'ommission to urc;e a halt
to the further deterioratiC?_ll of' a beautifulJ.la_r!;;:.
DRAINAGE ON S..J'\D.:!J,IT1 HAY -- !;)0 AQ_CJ;',I'l\1
U.ST YEAR'S BUDGET contained 1.S35, 000 for installing d.raina::;e
pipes on Stacl.ium vJay, between Scott Av-enue and I1orton Place The
rainy see.son is ac;ain upon us, So far, no aetiDn. 1-Jo arc tolrl t:llR.t:
i.f a contract is not let by next Juno, tho money may rev-crt to the
Sbnc,=.l fund, l{illin(l; the drFI.inage projec.t as as more trecs
vJHO RUNS LOS ANGELES? Apparently tho chief engineer P':"YS no
',vre attention to Councilman Paul Lamport than to his immedic.vo s::-
:PerJ.ors, the Board. of Public T-J?rl;;:s, . A year and fi vo months e. go
( ,J JJ,y 10, 1967) the Board instructed Nr. Lyle Pardee to vaea to the
:rl.lht of on Stadium way (between Scott Avenue and !1orton Plaee)
o "'"l " t' -'-! _,_ 1:'a 'Y'kS ne,.,t
:::' ,,.,,,,, ,,1e land could be returned. to o:J.e anc. ".- "' ' '
A''.,o;ust (1968) 11r. LA.mport promised to do he eoula end.
cr,e fcot, 1:rc,.r;e1.n.r;. But rwthin
has hFi.ppened. Tho e.hiof
;to ret:8.:i.:n jiJ.rlsdir.tion in order to build a

tnr'J'lf')1 the !!J8.:i.n :CAc:ceat;ion area of ElysiRn Park. 1-Je vaLL f.1. . .-
this >r:i.I-.1J e'Tcr y-1-.JJj.rJ.r; have, and know that you are th us
NO CmTiillNT -- 11r. Neil Petree, principal promoter cf the in-
f!:<.11lO'l.S snheme (sh1c;e f,ef.eated) to c;rab 63 ac.res of Elysian
a tro.d0 chow ar.!.O_ non vent ion center .. rec.ei ved To"rV\1..<'1 H2..ll r s
lc f
:;1'1"- . f "
or .oJ. T Hl .t-.C>l:].eVement,"

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