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1672 Morton Ave., L.A. 90026 MA 5-8427
February, 1967
GOOD NE1'1'S! Hazard Park has won the first round in it.s legal
battle. Superior Judge Robert.W. Kenny ruled Monday, Feb. 27, that
his court willretainjurisdiction over the complaint filedby Atty.
Abraham Gorenfeld seeking a temporary restraining order. The city
claimed, in a demurrer; that the case belongs in the Federal Court.
Judge Kenny rejected the demurrer. The city has 10 days in which
to answer. The Save Hazard Park Ass'n maintains that the building
of a veterans' hospital in the park would .violate the city charter.
To help sustain the send contributions to the Association,
P.O Box 2914 Terminal Annex, L.A., 90012. And write Sen. Kuchel,
Senate Bldg.,
.'1'ashington, D.C., opposing the destruction of Hazard
THE PARK THAT WAS PRESERVED is at the printers. It is a
beautiful booklet by Steering Committee member Don Figge. The in-
troduction tells the story of our t:-"ro-yea r struggle; the pages fol-
lowing extol Elysian Park in color pictures and verse. You vrill find.
it a pleasing memento of your participation in the fight that led to
victory. Copies to your friends will encourage them in their battles
and may spark new efforts to hold the despoilers in check. If you
have not yet ordered., or if you want additional copies, use enclosed
order blank.
WORD OF THE COMMITTEE'S SUCCESS in saving Elysian Park has
spread to the Philippines, 8,000 miles from these shores, and seems
likely to stimulate a park-rescuing action there. Mrs. Roseline L.
Fontanilla of barrio (village) Camantiles, town of Urd.aneta, in
Northern Luzon, writes: "I'm interested in your Elysian Park book-
let as I may lead a same crusade for our Urdaneta Park which was
taken over by the cattle market."
HERE AT HOME friends have sent in warm words of congratula-
tions over the Committee's receipt of the Governor's top leadership
award. These include: Garret Eckbo, head of the Department of
Landscape Architecture at Berkeley; A. (uincy Jones, Fellow of the
American Institute of Architects (FAIA); Alfred T. 'vHlkes, AIA; Dr.
Mildred Mathias, Botany Dept. UCLA; Mary Graham, active
in the Committee's work; Mike Kellin, composer of the song, 'Preser-
ven El Paroue Elysian" ;and Councilmen John Holland, Thomas Bradley
and Ernani Bernardi.If you would like a replica of the award, please
send to cover cost and mailing.
ROGER JESSUP PARK in Pacoima is about to be replaced by a
city airport. Those trying to keep it as a park have appealed to
our Committee for help. The land. is owned by the county but is to
be to the citv in an A is scheduled before
the-Board of Supervisors, Hall of-Administration, 500 w. Temple St.,
Room 381 at 9 A.M. Tuesday, Narch 7. Your attendance would be wel-
comed. Phone the clerk of the Board, 625-3611, to confirm the date.
POLICE ACADEMY -- The citl is considering placing library
and police b?nd issues totalling million on the May 31 ballot.
Part of the million police bond money is for a new training aca-
demy, in Elysian Park, on the parking lot adjoining the existing
academy. The Police Dept. says that no new park land will be taken
--but wouldn't it be preferable to build the academy elsewhere, out
side the Park? It doesn't belong there1
not a member, but want to
this on the reverse page.
as in the past.
-- We are revising our files. If you are
remain on the mailing list, please indicate
We sha11 be glad to send you newsletters,
FINANCES -- The Committee i's free of debt, but we must be
ready to meet any new threat to the park. If you have not already
done so, please send in your 1967 membership dues. A financial re-
port will be included in our next newsletter.

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