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Grace E.

Simons, Chairman

January 12, 1974 -- No, 57

ROOKIES OR PHANTOMS? -- The Police Dept. claims there's no basis ~or saying thet park land is used for recruit training. The land shom above is all park land, except the Academy grounds, upper left. The men in grey sueat suits are police rookies. Or are they phantoms? Judge for yourself. The ra.,, bulldozed hills (upper half of photo) speak eloquently of the City's neglect of one of its priceless possessions, Elysian Park. CONNED /\GAIN? On Nov. 1 the Recreation and Parks Commission voted that money for restrooms and drinking fountains for the Bishop Canyon landfill be. included In the 1974-5 budget. They had been omitted from original plans for contouring and planting the area. (See photo -- large hill to right of Police Academy .) .But the allocation uas bluepencilled before the, budget uas sent to the City Council. lie had thought the 'forty years of neglect .and dismemberment of Elysian Park uere behind us; but his legacy 1 ingers on. lidding insult to injury, the Recrea.tion and Parks Department then relegated the $35,000 for the rest: rooms to the !ouest priority -- item No. 22 -- on the proposed $250,000,000 State Bond Fund, uhose passage is problematical. If ue're lucky, ue may get restrooms in Bishop Canyon by 1990. The Citizens Committee has asked that the $35,000 be reinstated in the 1974-75 budget and that from $500,000 to $1,000,000 of the State bond money be earmarked for implementation of part of the Elysian Park Master Plan. IT'S TIME TO MAKE RESERVATIONS FOR CHINESE BANQUET FEB. 16 Please send in reservations nou, including checks, for our Chinese gourmet banquet Saturday evening, Feb, 16. Social hour, 6 p.m., dinner at 7, at the Hong Kong Lo" Restaurant, 425 Ginling \lay, in neu Chinatom, off N. Broaduay. No tickets are being sent out.Ushersuill escort you to your assigned table. Proceeds from the banquet 11ill help replenish our court action fund, and you're sure to enjoy the festivities. Larry Emme uill be the M.C. Narion Siu, in charge of the affair, uill comment on hou to tackle unkno1ms and uhat to dip in uhlch sauce. Menu: Chicken mapped in paper, lobster Cantonese, deep fried red snapper in sueet-sour sauce, \/on Ton soup supreme, almond duck, barbequed squab, broccoli beef, mixed vegetables 11ith pork, and rice. Reservations should be sent in by Feb. 1. lie must turn do;m last minute requests unless there happen to be cancellations. Chinese banquets are ordered by the table, 10 to a table, The same amount of food is served (and paid for) even if half or more of the places are unoccupied. Please make checks ($10 for each person) payable to the Citizens Co1nmittee to Save Elysian Park, and send them to Harion Siu, 1471 /lvon Park Terrace, L.A. 90026, Tel, 661-3373. If your group uants a uhole table or you uant to sit ith certain individuals, please give us their names.

CITIZENS COMMITTEE TO SAVE ELYSIANPARK 1672 Morton Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90026/.MAS-8427
POLICE IGNORE FACTS, LEGALITIES IN RUSH TO PLANT ACADEMY IN ELYSIAN PARK The Los. Angeles Police Department is using< all its muscle in U:s . stubborn insistence on planting its neu Academy firmly in Elysian Park, and nouhere else, Brushing aside the fact.that the Planning Commiss.t.on has never approved use of .the' present site for the projected ne" facility, the LAPD is proceeding as. if. that location has been authorized. This false assumption is embodied in the. LAP.D draft Envirornnental Impact Report (EIR) for the Police Facilities Master Plan. In reply to the Citizens Committee criticisms, the LAPD has come up uith some incredible statements. tiere are a feu of them:

1. "Insistence that the Police Department is. illegally usurping park land is irrevelant to the proposed Police Facilities Plan and is also totally ulthout basis," Take another look at the photograph, overleaf.
2. "No irreversible environmental effects uould result from the construction of the Police Academy." (Informa.ti,on on Academy plans in mid-1972 called for 444,000 square feet of neu buildings, including 900 spaces for automobiles.) 3. "The surrounding sides of the ravine effectively muffle the noise (at the firing range) to a level that is scarcely discernible by audio-measuring.devices. from t<ithin the Park or in the nearby residential area." If you think you hear the sounds of battle, you're just suffering from.delusions. The Citizens Committee, at a hearing Jan. 8, asked the Envirornnental Quality Commission to have proper noise tests made. of the shooting at .the firing range, and return of the draft to the LAPD for revision since it is evasive and uni:esponsiveto the requirements of the California Environment Quality Act. DONATION FOR COURT CASES , , , ...... ; . $_ _-:ME..MBERSHIP ($1) ~ .............................

.?:'-- - -

ELYSIAN PARK NOTE CARDS, 12 to pkg, donation $1.50., $_ __ Name Address



gourmet Chinese banquet February16


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