Argumentative Essay

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. INTRODUCTION QUESTION ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION FIRST POINT +STRUCTURE CONNECTOR - NEXT POINT + STRUCTURE - example CONNECTOR - NEXT POINT + STRUCTURE - example CONNECTOR - NEXT POINT + STRUCTURE - example CONCLUSION WITH 1ST PERSON+STRUCTURE CONNECTOR OPTIONAL 1The internet is used for many things one of which is to keep in touch with friends, family and 2- business associates. This is called social networking and is very popular. But, is social 3- networking bad? This is the question I will endeavour to answer by discussing the points in favour and against, and finally I will give my opinion as the conclusion. 4Firstly, social networking can be very bad and it causes a lot of problems because it 5 - may/could become addictive, for example many young people spend hours checking what is being said by friends and acquaintance. 6Additionally, your privacy can disappear the instant you share information as once shared you do not know what other third parties will have access to it. 7But, on the other hand, social networking can be very entertaining due to the fact that it allows individuals to follow the lives of their friends and family, for instance weddings, births and social life. 8 - Summarizing, if you can keep networking under control, it can be very useful and entertaining. word count 184 1The internet is used for many things one of which is to keep in touch with 2 - friends, family and business associates. This is called social networking and it is 3 - very popular. But, is social networking bad? This is the question I will endeavour to answer by discussing the points in favour and against, and finally I will give my opinion as the conclusion. 4Firstly, social networking can be very bad and it causes a lot of problems due 5 - to the fact that it may/could become addictive, for example many young people spend hours on end checking what is being said by friends and acquaintances instead of dedicating their spare time on doing something more constructive and useful such as sports. 6Additionally, your privacy can disappear the instant you share information as once shared you do not know what other third parties will have access to it. Consequently you could be a victim to identity theft which could cause you serious problems. 7But, on the other hand, social networking can be very entertaining due to the fact that it allows individuals to follow the lives of their friends and family, for instance weddings, births and social life or keep in touch with business associates as well as make new contacts. 8 - To summarize, if you can keep networking under control, it can be a very useful tool as well as entertaining but you should never allow it to control your life. word count 252

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