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and Motivational Strategies

Jeff Toorongian EDTECH512, Fall 2011 Prof. K. Diane Hall

Overview of Web-Based Instructional Design for: An Introduction to the Canvas Learning Management System Orientation to Learning 1. Provide an overview Instructional Strategies (Overview) Learners are introduced to WBI by: - An introductory welcome statement on the home page of the course describing functions of a learning management system (LMS). A brief history of the previous LMS is discussed and the Canvas LMS is introduced. - Learners are directed to view an introductory video, which provides a short summary of learning modules and associated activities. Each module will be introduced. - A concluding description of the role an LMS plays in an instructors teaching duties is provided and learners are encouraged invest the time needed in this course to help their transition to the new campus LMS. 2. State the objectives - Main learner objectives are introduced in each module. 3. Explain relevance of WBI 4. Assist learner recall of prior knowledge, skills, and experiences 5. Provide instructions on how to progress through the unit of instruction Instruction on the Content 1. Present instructional content - Overview of key LMS functions is reviewed, stressing how an LMS can help busy instructors be more efficient and productive. - Compare key Canvas features and functions with those of current LMS to establish similarities with current teaching practices. - Learners are directed to a video, which highlights the course structure and navigation design. Unique attributes of the course are highlighted, as learners are encouraged to learn navigation and features during the process of completing the course content. Instructional Strategies (Overview) Each learning module will offer a similar instructional flow as detailed below: - Clearly labeled learning module

- Introductory text description of the LMS element(s) to be discussed, and the main goals and objectives for the module. - Core instruction for the module provided by a video tutorial. - Demonstration of learning activity to be completed as part of the video tutorial. - Video and narration carries the instruction of module content. 2. Provide learning cues - Key points and attributes of LMS content are highlighted or otherwise enhanced graphically to command learner attention. - Encourage learners to pause/review/replay video instruction as often as needed to help with comprehension of course material. 3. Present opportunities for practice - Provide learning activities related to module contents. Learners will complete module activities after viewing related video tutorials. They will configure various course components and structure their course as directed in video tutorials. - Discussion boards will be available in each module to allow learners to ask questions, and get feedback from other course participants as well as from the course facilitator. 4. Provide feedback on practice performance 5. Provide review of and close the unit of instruction Measurement of Learning 1. Assess performance - Direct feedback will be provided to learners as they progress through course modules. As they manipulate the LMS they will see the results of their actions as an evolving LMS course shell. - Concluding summary of key points from module will be reviewed. Relevance of these features for instructors will be clearly explained. Instructional Strategies (Overview) - Quiz assessments, administered within the LMS course module will review the important functions and attributes covered. - Self-assessment will be provided as learner compares their course progress to that in the video tutorials. 2. Advise learner of performance errors - Quiz assessments will be automatically graded and scores provided to learners within the course LMS.

- Formative feedback from other learners and course facilitator will be available in the discussion board of each module. Summary and Close Instructional Strategies (Overview) 1. Provide opportunities for retention - Content and main learning objectives in each course module will be summarized. - Closing remarks will connect new knowledge to previous knowledge and highlight key points. 2. Provide remediation for unmet objectives - The self-paced nature of the WBI will allow learners to revisit any course content as often as they desire. All video tutorials are available on-demand and allow the learner to control the flow of information to help improve knowledge retention.

- Additional Canvas training resources will be made available to learners. Module discussion boards will allow learners to 3. Enhance and enrich collaborate, solve problems, and compare ideas related to course learning structure. Detailed Instructional Strategies An Introduction to the Canvas Learning Management System Orientation to Learning (Strategies essentially repeated for each lesson) 1. Provide an overview Instructional Strategies- Modules 1-5

Learners are introduced to WBI by: - An introductory welcome statement (either audio with slides, or video) detailing the module learning objectives. - Details on how to proceed through module activities are provided.

2. State the objectives - Primary learning objective of each module introduced: Module 1: Review of Canvas interface and completion of user profile. Module 2: Complete course configuration

Module 3: Review of Canvas communication tools Module 4: Introduction to course content management options Module 5: Introduction to assessment tools Text-based objectives supported by video tutorials. 3. Explain relevance of WBI - Connect module topic to practical need and/or value to learner: Module 1: It all begins with learning the layout of the LMS and establishing your user profile. Important first steps to begin using the LMS and building your course. Module 2: The Canvas LMS is flexible. It offers the instructor many options for delivering course materials and to students. In this module the learner is introduced to these options and practical applications of them. Module 3: Connecting with online students is the key to helping them achieve learning objectives. Canvas has a suite of communication tools to support learner/teacher connection. Module 4: Course content is the heart of online instruction. Managing this content effectively is an important skill for the instructor to master. Module 5: Assessing student learning is vital to confirm the mastery of the learning objectives. This module reviews the various assessment tools available for instructors in the Canvas LMS.

4. Assist learner recall of prior knowledge, skills, and experiences

Throughout WBI learner will be encouraged reflect back on earlier lessons and learning activities. This will help the learner connect with the current instruction and re-establish user-LMS interactions.

5. Provide Learners are directed to a video, which highlights the course instructions on how to structure and navigation design. Unique attributes of the course progress through the are highlighted, as learners are encouraged to learn navigation unit of instruction and features during the process of completing the course content. Instruction on the Content (Strategies essentially repeated for each lesson) 1. Present Instructional Strategies

Each learning module will offer a similar instructional flow as

instructional content

detailed below: - Introductory text description of the LMS element(s) to be discussed, and the main goals and objectives for the module (Overview, profile, configuration, communication tools, content management, and assessment tools). Module 1: video tutorial providing a narrated tour of the Canvas interface. Highlights of keys functions, tools, etc. Module 2: video tutorial providing narrated description of configuring a Canvas course. Demonstration of the various options, which include modules, custom html pages, a communication stream outline, etc. Module 3: video tutorial providing a narrated description of the various communication tools that are offered. These will include conversations, the inbox mail function, threads, and possible replies by text, or audio/video recordings. Discussions will be introduced and the process of creating and replying to discussion posts will be introduced. Module 4: video tutorial providing a narrated introduction to type of course content and techniques for uploading, linking and assigning point values will be reviewed. File uploading will be stressed, as this is an important and common activity of instructors. Module 5: video tutorial providing a narrated description of practice and graded assessments, the numerous type of assessments instruments will be discussed, and how they are created and configured.

- Core presentation offered as a video tutorial demonstrating features, navigation techniques, and completion of the learning activities. 2. Provide learning cues - Learning cues supported by video, screen grabs, text descriptions, and audio narration. Content will be learner controlled to allow for review, and chunking of content. - Demonstration of learning activity to be completed as part of the video tutorial. 3. Present opportunities for practice - After core video tutorial segments are viewed, learners will be asked to complete associated learning activities in their practice Canvas course. Module 1: complete user profile Module 2: configure course

Module 3: Incorporate a discussion board and set up a conference in their course. Module 4: add/configure assignment, file, content page, and external link. Module 5: add/configure practice and graded assessments and associated questions, etc. 4. Provide feedback on practice performance - Self-directed feedback will be gained as learner completes course activities and reviews progress of the evolving course shell, using rubric for guidance. Module 1: Confirm profile is complete and accurate, with settings functional. Module 2: Confirm desired course layout Module 3: Are communications tools functional? Module 4: Are content items (file, assignment, external link) present and functioning properly? Module 5: Are practice and graded assessment items in place and fully functional? - Each module will offer a learner discussion board as a soundboard to ask questions, compare techniques, and otherwise support each other in their learning efforts. -Learners will also be able to post questions to course facilitator for guidance and feedback as needed. 5. Provide review of and close the unit of instruction - A short concluding tutorial will close each module. This will provide a visual overview of activities and provide a reinforcing instructional event to solidify learning. - Learner will be guided to next module by way of brief introduction of coming activities. Measurement of Learning (Strategies essentially repeated for each lesson) 1. Assess performance Instructional Strategies

- Quiz assessments, administered within the LMS course module will review the important functions and attributes covered. Module 1: Assess basic familiarity of interface Module 2: Assess understanding of course layout options and their application Module 3: Assess comprehension of communication tools, and their application.

Module 4: Assess comprehension of various content types (links, assignments, files, etc.) Module 5: Assess understanding of assessment tools, their development, and use. - Self-assessment (via rubrics) will be provided as learner compares their course progress to that in the video tutorials. 2. Advise learner of performance errors - Quiz assessments will be automatically graded and scores provided to learners within the course LMS. - Formative feedback from other learners and course facilitator will be available in the discussion board of each module. Summary and Close (Strategies essentially repeated for each lesson) 1. Provide opportunities for retention Instructional Strategies

- Closing summaries (both text-based and video) in each module will review concepts. - Learner self-review of their course progress will solidify concepts and provide further review of Canvas interface. - Learners have full access to their canvas practice course to review module activities and further experiments with course tools. - Optional review of a learning resources will allow learners to further visit specific course content

2. Provide remediation for unmet objectives

3. Enhance and enrich - Learners will be encouraged to use their existing course shell learning (in the Blackboard LMS) as a guide as their build their Canvas course. This process will allow learners to compare course tools, learn the differences in functionality, and dive deeper into the Canvas LMS environment. - Module discussion boards will allow learners to collaborate, solve problems, and compare ideas related to course structure. - Links to specific Canvas resources will be provided at the end of each module to for learners to optionally get further training. Motivational Strategies With guidance from Wlodkowski and Ginsbergs Motivational Framework, the WBI will include elements of the four types of motivational strategies as discussed below:

Orientation to Learning Motivational Strategies Establishing Inclusion- To set the WBI stage, the opening module will include instruction that aims to establish a community of learners. In this case the community is the assembly of instructors, who together are tasked with learning a new LMS. Learners will be made aware of open discussion forums where they can share ideas and struggles, and help each other in the process.

Instruction on the Content

Emphasizing relevance and choice- Throughout the WBI, learners will be provided options and choices in how they interact with Canvas, and ultimately how they structure their resulting course. Learning activities are aimed at informing learners of LMS options and flexibility, allowing the, to customize their course shell to suit their learning objectives and instructional strategies. Establish Inclusion- Through the use of discussion boards and chat areas, learners will have options to support each others learning, exchange ideas, and troubleshoot problems. The course facilitator will also be available to response to posts, or for direct email communication. Enhancing Meaning- The video tutorials throughout the WBI will provide authentic examples of the learning objectives in each module. With full control on this content, learners will have a support structure to complete the activities and further explore the LMS environment. Engendering Competence- Learners will be presented with opportunities to practice their skills and improve their LMS knowledge in each module. Active participation will keep learners engaged with the instruction and motivated to continue progressing through the WBI.

Establish Inclusion- Learners will have opportunities to participate in group discussions on course-related issues. This process will allow for positive feedback about shared experiences during their learning.

Measurement of Learning

Engendering Competence- Learners will be able to track their learning progress as the WBI continues. Their sample Canvas course will develop before their eyes, providing important visual feedback of their new skills. Quiz assessments administered in the WBI, will provide instantaneous feedback on their progress with learning objectives. Engendering Competence- Stressing the idea that learning never ends, participants will continue to have access to the WBI after they have completed the five learning modules. They will have access to ongoing discussion threads, be able to provide input and assistance to new learners in the course, and compare experiences as a learning community. Learners may optionally provide access to their course shell for others to review and gain new ideas that they can carry back to their own course.

Summary and Close

Plans for handling other factors related to WBI project Class Size The WBI course will be self-paced. New learners will be starting the instruction at random times. Course facilitators, staffed by eLearning personnel, will support the learners through an even distribution of resource time. This support staff will monitor the discussion boards and email traffic generated by learners. Adjustments to this flexible approach to the course may require modifications upon review of formative and summative evaluation results and the support capacity of the eLearning team. Continuity in design and layout of module materials will be desired. Modules will be opened in succession, upon successful completion of the previous modules learning objectives. This linear approach is needed because the content builds upon previous information and skills from earlier efforts. Navigation controls and graphical elements will be largely established by the design elements available within the Canvas LMS. While some level of individual customization may be available, it is expected the other course design elements will remain close to the default features of the LMS. The eLearning team will reply to discussion board and email inquiries for all course participants. Additional resources will be linked from

Navigation and Learner Control


course modules as needed, providing learners with optional supplemental resources directly from Canvas web support pages and/or other relevant sites. Fellow course participants will provide feedback to each other through discussion board and email replies. Interactivity Email and discussion boards will be primary methods of learner communication amongst themselves and course facilitators. Primary instruction will be provided via streamed video tutorials. Learners will have full playback control of these instructional materials. All gradable assessments will provide results to learners within the Canvas WBI grade book.

Questions to Address Media Types Instructional Questions - What media types will best provide the information needed to train learners on LMS objectives? - Do the media support the goals of the WBI environment? - Is interaction with the media intuitive and easy? - Do the media support the learners needs as they engage the course content? -Do the media support the learning objectives? - Do learners have network bandwidth needed to access the media? - Do learners computers have the needed system plug-ins or software players to access the media? - Are solutions for streaming the media to learners in place? - Are learners web browsers compatible with LMS requirements? - Are production tools in place to produce the media content in house?

Technical Questions

2011 Jeff Toorongian

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