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Risk Assessment (M.E. Main bearing overhaul) - a. filling of evaluation of the hazards listed and countermeasures

the form, b. taken.


Enclosed space entry procedures Tackling a victim in enclosed space/first-aid measures; Lighting to be used in enclosed space. 3 Lifting gear *testing *checks * surveys. 4 Main bearing overhaul procedure checks on the brg/materials/defects. Photographs shown deciding whether the brg can be used/discarded/identification of faults. 5 Journal defects rectification. 6 Explaining I.G. system a. scrubber checks/materials used/testing of alarms b. O2 analyser/calibration/fault reading c. I.G. blowers defects/maintenance, vibration/monitor/alarm d. Deck seal checks/alarm/principle of operation. 7. Temp measuring probes/principle of operation. 8. Explosimeter explain/tests/calibration. 9. Induction Motor - Problems not starting, various vaults, single phasing, testing for faults, differential trip. 10. Drydocking Points to take care of as Chief Engineer for the following:a. ship before enters drydock b. while the ship is docking c. while in drydock:Safety precautions and standing instructions given to engineers Drydock inspections and surveys Testing of rudder for leaks how Isolation of CO2 firefighting system how Tank entry procedure and precautions. 11. Certificates carried on board, brief explanation of each. State Certificates that are relevant to Chief Engineer. 12. Action in the event of scavenge fire. 13. Performance and Indicator diagrams Fault findings on indicator diagrams Power calculation

14. 15.


17. 18.

19. 20.

22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.


Engine power balancing, why and how it is done Precautions to be taken while adjusting fuel racks Fuel timing adjustment. Experiences of major breakdowns encountered on board. How do you take over as Chief Engineer? Checks in battery room why ventilated. Difference between Lead acid and alkaline batteries/tests on them, chemicals used in them Safeties in battery room. Light fittings in battery room/cargo pump room. Emergency general checks, M Notice details on Em Gen. CO2 room checks/ temps and press of bulk CO2. How temperature is maintained. How do you release CO2 for a car carrier hold. How do you enter after CO2 release. How to calculate fuel consumption if the vessel is to be run at a different speed compared to previous voyage. What is PMS and how it helps. How do you know what jobs have been carried out on main SW pump What do you do prior to major O/H of slow speed or medium speed engine. Sketch a composite boiler and show gas path. How do you know that Exh Gas Boiler working efficiently and how are tubes cleaned? Details of fire fighting equipment on board and in E.R. What is ISPS and why required. Why you calculate water requirement for a voyage. What are the effects if TDS goes up in Boiler water? Vessel has sailed, black smoke reported from funnel, what are you going to do? How does a viscotherm work? What problems are associated with L.P. fuel lines. What is CCAI, how is it calculated? What will affect the aspiration of the engine? How do you maintain turborcharger performance? How does engine load program work? How does it monitor engine speed? What happens if speed pick up fails? How does shaft generator work? What is a thyristor, how does it work. How are KVARs accounted for? What would happen if a single thyristor failed? -

38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.


45. 46. 47.


49. 50. 51. 52.


54. 55.
56. 57. 58.

Is your ship computer operated? Is there redundancy. What are fibre optics, why are they better than normal cables? How do you, as chief engineer, know your duties, where can you find out? How do you know that your ratings and officers are qualified? How would you train new ratings? How can you maintain a good working environment? In drydock, explain how the propeller is removed. What can be done if the propeller wont come off? What hazards are present? What would you enter on a Risk Assessment form? What damage may be present? Why would deformation of threads be a problem? What would you do about fretting on the tailshaft. How is the propeller fitted, what is push up and where do you measure from. Is temperature a problem? What would you be looking for in a gearbox? What is case hardening, how is it done. Why would it fail? What are helical gears better adjustment of backlash? Why would there be scarring on the gear teeth? What would you include in standing orders? Preps for Dry Docking. Inspection of hull a. Clearances b. What if dents are found internal inspection. c. Rudder - How to test for water leaks. Describe pressure test (wanted monometer rather than regulator and pressure gauge). Orders to ER staff during dry docking. CO2 system, isolations for dry docking. Ships Certificates. Training, what publications are available? Economiser Fires a. Causes b. Methods of cleaning c. Complications with water disposal. Effects of advancing and retarding fuel injection Timing of fuel pump describing the type Would you be happy to sail as Chief Engineer? How will you implement ISM on board? You have joined a vessel having no records whatsoever. How will you go about setting up a system of PMS and complying with ISM?

59. 60. 61. 62.

63. 64. 65.

66. 67. 68. 69. 70.


Why have ISM? State incident from your person experience that could have been avoided had ISM been implemented. What is safe manning? Vessel is a shuttle tanker plying between terminal up river and vessel out at sea. High temp alarm for stern tube has been activated while manoeuvring river passage. a. What action. Describe investigation and reasons for decision. b. Imagine worst situation. What would you suggest to Company and Owners. c. Commercial pressures forcing you to continue running the vessel. Your decision and reasons for same. d. On further investigation fund that situation not as bad as earlier imagined. Now what? Commercial pressure again. Your decision. e. Your earlier decision to drydock accepted by company. Outline procedures in detail preparing for removal of stein tube, replacing bearing, alignment and basis for accepting alignment as satisfactory. f. On having accepted alignment as satisfactory. Further checks indicated intermediate shaft bearing second last crankshaft bearing not supporting the shaft/journal. What action? You are joining as C/E of a new ship purchased by your company. How will you take over? What certificates do you need to sail out from port? How will you deal with the Safety Management Certificate in this case? Will you follow the previous companys SMS? He wanted to hear about Interim SMC. Suppose your company is not dealing with this type of ship, what arrangement is required? Wanted to hear about Interim DOC. How will you deal with SOPEP? Continuous Survey of Machinery (CSM) comes under which Certificate? ISM comes under which Convention? What is PMS? How ill you monitor your machinery? What will you check on an electric motor under Continuous Monitoring system? Your vessel is going to Dry-dock. As a C.E how will you plan for it? a. What particulars will you include in the Dry dock specification for a specific job? b. What is docking plan? What information you get from it?


d. e. f. g.

h. i. j. k. l. m.


o. p. q. r. s.

What are the requirements your ship needs to comply with while docking? He wanted to hear about trim, list draught, no cargo and minimum fuel and water. How will you take Shore power? The requirement of your ship is 440V, 60 Hz. But the dock can supply only 380 V, 50Hz. What will you do? What are the problems associated with this? What arrangements will you make to take care of motors overheating? What items will you include in your Standing Orders in Dry dock? You want to do some welding at forcastle store by ship staff, when you are in dry-dock. How will you deal with this? He wanted to hear that no welding be carried out on board without the Dry-dock permission. Who will issue a gas-free certificate in this case? Shore Chemist appointed by dry-dock. What items will you check, when you inspect the hull in drydock? How will you take out a key-less propeller from tail shaft? What checks will you carry out on both the tail shaft and propeller? How you will identify cavitation on propeller? How will you detect cracks in tail shaft? What is Magnetic particle test? After survey and inspection, how is it fitted back? How the required push-up is determined? Why you are measuring the temperature of both the shaft and the hub? How the required hydraulic pressure is determined? He wanted to know the exact procedure. Now you have fitted back your propeller. What will you check? How is the propeller drop checked? How will you secure the pilgrim nut? What compound is applied to the threads before putting the cover on? What will you check on rudder? Dry dock staff informed you that your chrome liner is grooved. What will be your action? How is the Aft seal arrangement done? How will you shift the chrome liner? Now you are un-docking. Your actions as C/E? What maintenance, inspection tests will you carry out in your main bus-bar, while in repair berth. Main Circuit breaker?

72. 73.





79. 80.

Now that you have completed your dry-docking and sailing, how will you monitor the performance of your engine with a clean hull? u. Can you draw a load diagram and explain where you will be before dry-dock and where after dry-docking? v. How will you analyse the hull condition using a load diagram? He wanted to hear that a comparison will be done with the load diagram plotted during the ships trial. What were the fixed fire fighting installations on board your ship? What checks will you carry out on a bottled CO2 system? How will you check the bottle content? How will you test your CO2 alarm? What checks will you carry out on the fixed foam installation for deck? Why you will send the foam compound for analysis? How often it should be done? What is ISM? What is purpose of ISM? How is it audited? How long do certificates last? Name the document issued to the ship and to the management company. What is harmonised surveying? What are SOLAS requirements for HP fuel lines? What is surface temperature limit for areas in way of fuel pipes? How would you carry out an examination to find out if you are complying with these rules? What precautions for oil pipes not double skinned? How would you test a life boat davit? How would you know the load (was looking for the figure of allowing 75kg for each person plus add the fuel, water and equipment weights)? How would you find a shore tester to do the work? Advantages of using a load cell or weight test with water bags. Survey requirements of lifeboats and the time certificates last. Asked the time interval of various survey certificates (load line, ship safety, radio, etc) What action if approaching deadline and no surveyor available, e.g. ship on long ocean passage? Periods of grace for surveys? How would you calculate how much fuel for a long sea passage? You have no log books or information onboard other than ships manuals, how do you calculate fuel and power to maintain a service speed for the passage? How do you calculate the power and speed needed for the passage? Went into propeller and power curves. Went into unpumpable fuel figures and emergency reserve. What reserve would you carry? The charterer refuses to pay for a fuel reserve, what would you do? How to take bunkers, went into transferring fuel, compatibility, liaising with t.



83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98.

100. 101. 102.


the deck department on stability, etc. How would you source the fuel? How would you know what fuel grade was needed? Went into ISO 8217, discussed water, sludge, compatibility, flash point, viscosity, etc. Asked me to describe the M notice on use of detergents suitable where bilges will be pumped through OWS. Why use a quick breaking detergent? What does a quick breaking detergent do? What would you do if no suitable detergents on board? Asked me to describe how a OWS works, alarms and shut downs, test requirements and regulations etc. Then went into a general discussion of offshore supply/anchor handling vessels looking for info on various things like carriage of dangerous chemicals, firefighting etc. You are joining a new company as Chief Engineer, agent brought you by car and dropped near gangway, describe your handing over as C/E. Checks in CO2 room, Emergency Gen Room, P/P Room, Battery Room, Steering Room, Boiler, Engine Room, Accommodations, etc. What certificates are carried on board? What certificates are with C/Es concern? What certificates come under SOLAS? If a new cadet joins, will the safe manning certificate be affected? Draw power card and calculate power for engine. From I.H.P. how you calculate B.H.P. (I told him if we know efficiency we can calculate but he said how you know of engine). How do you take performance of M.E. How you come to know which components of M.E. are due for survey. Different power cards and draw cards and recognition of problems. All rudder clearances in dry dock. What you check during a motor overhaul? Motor fan is made up of what material (on tankers). CO2 bottles inspection/survey is carried out at what periods. Draw a starter and explain the operation. What will happen if starter Is stuck in star only? What are the causes of low comp pressure? How will you do the load carrying capacity test of windlass? How will you take Emergency Gen on load manually when main generator is also running. (Doesnt want to do balck out test, he wants both Em Gen & main Gen running together but not in parallel and what happens inside the breaker) If M.E. T/C casing is holed, how will you run the M.E.?

104. Environmental pollution all MARPOL Annexes I-VI with references to M Notices. 105. Ballast Management Plan what is it for? How does it work? What is achieved? Reference to M Notice aquatic micro organisms and pathogens. 106. Sewage Plant & System a. Aerobic plant principle of operation? b. New sewage regulation c. What is measured d. Units and value of the various measured parameters as per regulation? 107. All Statutory Required Certificates - Explain need for each and what do they cover? 108. Port State Control importance. 109. ISM origin, importance, operation and benefits (include shore base involvement DOC and SMC). 110. Lifeboat and Davit Arrangement you as CEO receive letter from company to have certification renewed for lifeboat and davit regulation. Outline the procedures. He wanted to request surveyors attendance, contact specialist repairs so as to ensure total safe operation. specialist company. Boat load capacity? Tests arrangement as per hear contact and

company who will actually carry out pre-inspection and checks, any required overhaul or Information you supply to person x maximum operation? Refer to M

that will be done? How each load is worked out? (re estimated weight per number allowed in boat). Person in charge of Notice. Frequency of survey and testing.

111. What is HSSC? Harmonize system of Survey and Certification. What is it for, how does it work? (must include in your discussion all the various surveys which are involved 7 or 8) 112. VIT what is it? How does it work? Why is it needed. What are its benefits? Explain with sketch of pump. Sketch of indicator card (draw card) Explain what happens and various changes. 113. Started with problems associated with burning HFO in medium speed engines. Lead into ordering, properties expected to finding spec and on order. Asked about properties talked about in spec and how they affect engine/storage. Talked through sulphur and vanadium at would

length. Effects of sulphur of engine, what precautions would you take if you had to burn a high sulphur fuel. Effects of vanadium on engine, faults and how detected. How you would find out about valve condition during operation. 114. Alternators. Upon starting up no volts appear on the switchboard, fault find the problem. Introduced the possibility of working live equipment, permit to work and safety equipment associated with it. Type of meter used to test diodes. 115. Marpol. Name the annexes. Discussed IOPP. Moved onto OWS including alarms and shutdowns. 116. Propellors. What is the pitch. Why does the blade angle vary across the blade. What is the difference between varying pitch and controllable pitch result propellers. Damage to propeller, what causes aft end vibration as a of blade damage. Repair in shipyard, including blade section

renewal and tip straightening. What tests would be carried out after the

repair. Back to pitch, working out slip, what is uses are and what it indicates, why can it sometimes be negative. 117. Details of the ship last served (Cargo type, engine details) Ships power source, voltage, frequency etc. 118. What C/E should do immediately upon joining the vessel. (General visual inspection, details of any work being carried out, ships certificates) What are the certificates/documents for which C/E is under his care? (IOPP, IAPP etc) The examiner certificates. responsible and are wanted the full list of

119. Planning ships drydocking, what areas to be considered? What action/organising be looked into with regard to dry docking, 1 month, 1 week and 1 day (the examiner was very particular about 1 day before D/D and expected very specific answers) prior to dry docking. 120. Dry dock entry and safety precautions to be observed and what risks are involved (fire hazards/prevention and accidental release of CO2 who is responsible. high/low frequency, on machinery especially motors. 122. What causes a motor to overheat under these circumstances. 123. Dry dock inspection of the exterior of the ship which would otherwise be submerged under water. Beginning from the bow to the giving special attention to hull condition and CathodicBasic details about impressed current cathodic causes a change in the measured voltages and inspections to be carried out in dry dock on the external propeller/rudder, protection systems protection and what currents. What 121. Shore power supply/connection and effects of over/under voltage and

features of the IC System (anodes, reference-anodes etc)

124. Full details with regard to procedure and safety precautions when carrying out a M/E unit overhaul (crank case entry & hazards involved). 125. Brief discussion about the colour coding system of portable fire extinguishers and the hazards involved in identifying them in an emergency. The examiner mentioned that it is advisable to stick a coloured tape around the bottom of the extinguisher to identify their contents now that they are all red. 126. Bunkers what are the problems with bunkers asked about new air pollution regulations for the Baltic and what problems associated with low sulphur fuels. 127. Calculating bunker order quantity wanted to hear about how you calculate fuel consumption (g/kwh) and where you would find the information on how much fuel you had to keep in hand (company regulations/charter party) also wanted to hear that you take unpumpables into account and how much unpumpables you would expect as a percentage of total bunker capacity (told him around 5% and he seemed OK with this), also wanted to hear that you would take into account the water content. 128. How you would prepare for bunkering wanted to hear about pumping tanks empty to avoid mixing fuels and that you would trim the ship to get as much fuel from the tanks as possible. 129. Bunker sampling how do you take samples where do you take them from. 130. Detuners how they work and how to adjust them. 131. How crankshafts are built. What is semi-built crankshaft? What is the material, how is it built. Draw. How welded crankshafts are made.

132. Crack in crankshaft, what is your action. If reference mark is shifted, why and what is action. How you will check timing. 133. Bottom end bearing damaged, found white metal during inspection, what are reasons for damaging. 134. How would you know the unit is overloaded. 135. Draw power card, out of phase card. Explain. Show early injection, late injection. 136. How you will adjust the timing. 137. Elect motor to be surveyed. What are the things to be checked? How you will check the rotor balancing. How you will clean stator winding. 138. Draw AVR circuit. What is droop. 139. What systems are used in tanker for fire extinguishing. 140. How often foam chemicals are tested? 141. Why low exp foam is used on deck. 142. Draw deck foam extinguishing system. Why is high exp foam not used? 143. What is the ratio of low exp foam. 144. During deck fire, fire is spreading and coming towards lifeboat, how will you prevent it? 145. Risk assessment what are the things to look for. 146. Hazardous areas in tankers. 147.Entry into pump room and safeties of electrical equipments in p/p room. 148. As C/E when your vessel is in dry dock your procedure to survey. 149. How to check the chain (anchor)? 150. M/E what is function of tie road, what if distance between tie rods is more. 151. What is I.O.P.P., O.W.S. and how it works?

152. Type of chemical used to clean bilges. 153. OMD test and checks. 154. Difference between pulse constant press/t.charger? 155. How to isolate C Press T/Charger? 156. What are the effect on engine after isolating t/charger. 155. Two stroke and 4 stroke diagram (timing diagram)? 156. What is the material of C/Shaft why? 157. L Oil (Heavy duty) additives why? 158. Crankcase explosion and action as Chief Engineer. 159. Safe entry into engine room after CO2 release. 160. Bunker calculation (complete calculation). 161. How to order bunker (what you will consider before bunkering). 162. Risk assessment boiler entry and how to fill the form. 163. Risk assessment complete overhaul of A/Es. 164. Discussing the completed risk assessment. 165. Checks on an alternator. 166. I G system:- checks, inspection of alarms. 167. Deck seal:- sketch and inspect. 168. P/V valve and breaker:- sketch and explain. 169. Characteristic of zener sketch and explain. 170. Cavitation and propeller repairs. 171. Welding a crack between ballast wing ? risk assessment. Discussion about the contents of the form. 172. Inspection of a welding transformer, construction. 173. Enclosed space entry:- checks. Recommended lights.

174. M/E performance and curves analysis.Information derived and adjustments based on this. 175. M/E fuel P/P faults and adjustments/corrections. 176. PMS:- comparison with the possible alternatives. 177. Taking over as a C/E:- inspection of M/E. 178. Survey/inspection of a pump/motor. 179. Areas covered and role of an engineer under:i) Ship construction certificate ii) Safety equipment certificate iii) Load line certificate 180. Fire and damage control plan. 181. Emergency generator regulations. 182. L.O. analysis and interpretations involved. 183. Compressors start air explosions/preventive maintenance. 184. Different types of L.O. additives.Problems leading to high and low viscosity. 185. Exhaust Blr failure. 186. Different types of bulkheads. 187. Fire and damage control plans. 188. Types of thermometers used for measuring brg temperature. 189. Risk assessment general discussion. 190. Preparation before DRYDOCK 1month. 191. One week before dry-dock. 192. At repair yard crankshaft deflections etc.

193. Precautions when lowering the water / pumping of water from the dock. CEO always in contact with the dock master. 194. Connection of shore power, - Voltage, FREQUENCY, phase sequence. 195. Removing and fitting of keyless propeller. Explain the precaution of how the push up distance is determined, effect of temperature! 196. Aux boiler safety valve setting after survey. 197. Exhaust boiler safety valve setting. 198. Exhaust boiler fire Fire fighting? After an exhaust gas boiler fire before tube starting engine- hydraulic pressure test of boiler! Precautions. If found leaking blank tube. about fuel as specified by engine manufacturer, fuel oil heater capacity, purifiers ability and bunker tank capacity. 200. As a Chief Engineer, how much excess fuel would you carry on board. I answered him by saying 4-5 days, as it was my company policy. Assume you were in the middle of a voyage out at sea. You receive orders regarding change of destination port. This change of destination port involves additional voyage of 6-7 days. As a chief engineer what would you do to ensure that that the vessel reaches the new destination port? I answered him by saying that the engine would be run at economical speed as this would reduce the fuel consumption, however he was not convinced. 201. How does an induction motor work? 202. How is torque produced in an induction motor? What is slip and why an induction motor never runs at synchronous speed? 203. Assume an electrical motor is to be surveyed by you. As Chief Engineer how would you go about it?

199. What factors would you consider before ordering bunkers? I told him

204. How would you know whether the rotor of an induction motor is balanced? I told him that if the rotor is balanced ,then when you put it on a lathe machine and turn it by hand, it will rotate and finally stop rotating at different positions every time. Had there been an unbalance, every time. the rotor is polar axis it will rotate and finally stop rotating at the same position Now he wanted to know why this happens? I told him that if balanced, then the centre of gravity of the rotor will lie on the of the shaft.

205. How do you check the functionality of overcurrent and under voltage relays. I told him that these would be checked by calibrated D.C. current and D.C. voltage. 206. Purpose of thermistors in induction motor. I told him that it is used for short circuit protection. An important property of thermistor. I told him negative temperature coefficient. 207. Draw a hatch-coaming and explain how increase in strength is accounted for this large opening. 208. Explain the purpose of longitudinal and transverse girders. 209. What are the purpose of floor plates and margin plates. What are offset bulb plates. Why holes are provided in floor plates. 210. For manholes on the weather deck, How is additional strength provided for this opening? I told him about compensating ring. 211. How would you lower a lifeboat? 212. Describe the tests carried out on the handbrakes and the centrifugal brakes. 213. What additional features are provided in a fully enclosed life-boat? I told him sprinkler systems, air bottles, hydrostatic release etc.

214. A Main sea water centrifugal pump is to be opened up. However the eye bolts for it are missing. What would you as a C/E do in case the casing has to be opened up. Would you fabricate one on board? I said NO. I will not fabricate. However, I would choose an oversize eye- bolt, machine a die nut. 215. Initially asked for main differences between steam and motor ships Wanted cycles, relative efficiencies, and maintenance workloads comparisons. 216. Explain concept and requirements of ISM Code - whats it all about?. Emphasis on how it is to help ships engineers - happy with example of not receiving spares and using ISM to report back via DPA to get system working. 217. Asked about new environmental legislation coming into effect? 218. What are the duties of Chief Engineer? 219. What is PMS. Where did it come from? 220. What is CSM, can CSM and PMS be done together? 221. How will you know your m/c performance? 222. What is condition monitoring trend analysis? 223. What spares are to be on board as statutory requirement and what about spares for PMS? 224. What are C/E responsibilities towards IOPP certificate? 225. OWS. What is function of OCM (He was interested in term automatic shut down)? 226. Your V/L is at anchorage, your 2/E tells you that E/R bilges are filling up. Can you pump it out? Why you cannot pump out using OWS? He was interested in to be en route. it to the required size and finally threads would be cut on it by

227. What about special areas? Can you PP out M/C spaces through OWS? 228. What to prepare before dry docking? 229. What to do after docking? 230. What standing orders as C/E will you issue? 231. What surveys expected to be carried out on dry dock? 232. What will you inspect under IOPP? 233. What will you inspect under safety construction certificate? What defects may be on hull? How will you deal with a crack on hull? 234. How will you deal with dents or depressions on hull (strength member)? 235. What is a damage control plan? What information is contained in damage control plan? 236. What type of engines have you worked with? What effects will power imbalance have on engine? 237. How to calculate cylinder power? 238. What adjustments will be made on engine to restore power balance? 239. What will happen if fuel pump timing is advanced? 240. What will happen if fuel pump timing is retarded? 241. What is a 3ph motor? What tests are carried out on motor? What instrument is used to test insulation? How is it carried out? 242. What major engine repairs have you carried out? 243. What surveys have you seen? 244. If ask to sail as C/E on an unsafe ship, what will you do? What organisations will you complain to? 245. What is the difference between passage ship safety certificates and cargo ship safety certificates?

246. Quantity of bunkers on board? (5 day reserve) Quantity of unpumpables? Why do you need a reserve (bad weather)? Working out fuel oil consumption (Relationship between speed and fuel consumption) 247. Cracks in bedplates? 248. Change a main bearing? Faults on main bearings. Fretting on back of bearing? What if the bearing is low? Deflection diagram. 249. Shaft Generator - Excitation - How it works? Control of voltage and speed? What to do if no excitation (Fault finding - use of battery to reexcite)? How does AVR work? 250. Class of Bulkheads A, B. 251. Stability and Trim (interested in free surface effect). 252. Why are tankers dangerous? Which is more dangerous crude oil or hfo? What can be the source of ignition in a cargo tk/ deck? How static electricity can be created in tks? 253. What type of Electrical equipment is found on tanker deck? Explain intrinsically safe. How to identify? 254. Risks in p/p room? Safe entry procedures? How is p/p room monitored? 255. How p/p room gas detection works? From where are samples drawn? 256. Safeties on cargo p/ps? 257. How do you know main propulsion plant is efficient? 258. What should be the sea trial conditions when propeller curves are drawn? 259. If you suspect the hull is fouled what will you do? 260. How do you conduct maintenance on machinery? If on repeated overhauls a machine shows good condition will you make changes in PMS interval? How do you organize PMS and survey together?

261. When you join a ship how do you know status of maintenance/surveys? 262. Other than PMS how you ensure that condition of machinery is OK? 263. What is a condition of class? 264. Why is port state control is required when C/E and Master are qualified to do their jobs? 265. As a C/E how will you satisfy a port state control inspection? 266. What is a fire bulkhead? How to find out? How does a fire plan help C/E and Master in fighting a fire? 267. What prevents flooding of a ship? Which certificates ensure the water tight integrity? 268. Describe a load line survey? Why freeing ports are required? 269. How do you know E/R personnel are following safe working practices? 270. What will you check when a new E/R crew joins? How will you familiarise him? 271. What is C/Es involvement with MARPOL? What does annex 1 say about E/R bilges? 272. What are the conditions to go on UMS? If you could not box up machinery by evening what will you do? 273. What is ISM explain? 274. What is STCW95 explain? 275. In case of an accident in E/R what will you do? 276. What are the problems associated with bulk carriers? Why do they usually crack in the middle? What is Hull stress monitoring and how does it function? What inspections do you carry out on a ships Hull? 277. How is a P.M.S. generated?

278. What are the requirements for the International Load Line certificate? 279. How would you assess the performance of your engine? What would you check before you take indicator cards on your engine? 280. How would you come to know the ships Hull is getting fouled? 281. How is planned maintenance and surveys carried out in conjunction? 282. How would you carry out a survey on a boiler? Can a CEO carry out a survey on a boiler all by himself? 283. How would you know your staff are carrying out work in a safe manner? 284. What prevents fire from spreading in a ship? What is a fire bulkhead and how do you identify it? Where would you find the information regarding fire bulkheads? How would you use the fire plan for fighting the fire? 285. What are the precautions needed for drydocking a ship? What would you do just before the vessel is drydocked? What would you check while the vessel is in drydock? What checks are carried out on the tailshaft and propeller? What previous records about the tailshaft will the CEO have? 286. Where would you find information about machinery and electrical installations? 287. What are the conventions of IMO? Explain briefly about the contents of MARPOL, SOLAS and STCW95? 288. If one of your engineers falls sick or meets with an accident and has to be relieved how would you know whether your ship could proceed to sea? 289. What is the purpose of I.S.M.? 290. As CEO, How Do You Maintain The Hull Of The Vessel? What Checks And Inspections Would You Carry Out? What Are The Implications For The Vessel If The Hull Is defective?

291. How Will You Order Fuel? How Would You Store, Handle And Use It? What Do You Know About Fuel For The Emergency Generator? What Problems Does This Fuel Overcome? 292. Boiler Survey? How Often? What Is Checked? What Is Checked On Combustion Control Side? 293. What Conventions Do You Know? What About Ism? Where Does Ism Originate From? Other Than Solas And Marpol, What Conventions Do You Know? What Is In Solas? Regulations For Tanker Discharging Tank Cleaning Water - Where In Marpol Also Gave The Regs. 294. As C/E How Would You Plan Your Maintenance? How Do You Know All Items On-Board Are Being Maintained? 295. How Would You Get Items Surveyed Without A Certificate Of Authorisation? How Does The Chief Survey Certain Items? How Is It Credited? 296. Checks On Lifting Crane. How are E/R Crane And Deck Cranes Surveyed? How Often, What is Checked? 297. What Certification Should A Fire Man Have? (For Some Reason, Was Really After Medical Certificate Here??) 298. Overhaul And Survey Of Main Propulsion Plant. 299. As C/E How Would You Maintain Electrical And Pneumatic Control Systems On-Board? 300. Difference between tanker and other ship as far as fire equipments are concerned. 301. How IGS can be dangerous. IG alarms and trips. 302. Electrical equipment fitted on tanker deck - how do you identify them. What are the requirements? 303. Structural difference between tanker and other ships.

304. What are shipping governing bodies. IMO, MEPC, MSC. 305. MARPOL, ANNEXE (all) name them. E/R - oily water seperator. Why special? What type of filters used. If somebody has done changes in pipeline, what will you do. (IOPP invalid). 306. Classification societies. How they are connected to IMO? 307. UMS operation, what is requirement? 308. In drydock who looks after fire fighting? What about safety of workers and ship staff. What means are provided to escape up to jetty? 309. Steam plant survey onboard - what you will check. After survey is finished what you will do/check. 310. What you will write in standing orders (as C/E)? 311. New cadet joining ship, what you will tell him? 312. New oiler/wiper joining, what documents to check? 313. As a C/E how would you ascertain the performance of a slow speed engine (he was interested in load diagram). 314. As a C/E detail the inspection prior to UMS operation. 315. Bunker calculation, ordering and receiving. How will you know the safe maximum pressure for your bunker system. What are the tests you will do before receiving bunker? 316. What you will do prior to and during dry-docking. What should you do to go is prevent fire when in dry-dock. What should you do to ensure that the dockyard workers are working safely and correctly. How many ways to out should be from ship to shore when in dry-dock? a fire bulkhead? 317. What prevents fire spreading from one compartment to another? What 308. As a C/E how will you plan your maintenance?

309. What are the certificates you will find onboard. Which certificates cover FFA & LSA. What is IOPP (details) certificate. What is port state control. What they will check. What are the items are C/E responsibility in safety them? 310. As a C/E what should you do prior to discharge CO2 in E/R.? CO2 room inspection. 311. What is hull-stress monitoring? Where are the strain gauges put? Why on deck, why not in DB spaces. Describe hull-stress monitoring. 312. How do you carry out adjustments on M/E for power-balancing for poor quality fuel? 313. You have joined a ship, how will you ascertain if you can run it as UMS or not? 314. If emergency fire p/p is not boxed up by evening, what will you do? 315. How do you carry out a boiler survey? 316. Description of resilient mountings, why used? 317. Why white metal in bearings? 318. If you had a piston on a med speed with broken rings how would you diagnose this? 319. Describe a cascade control system on your ship. (HTFW) 320. What stern tube arrangement did you have? 321. DC motor maintenance 322. Explain the operation of CO2 System with reference to procedure for operation and time taken for release. 323. Draw an Indicator Card showing Early Ignition, Normal, Late. Explain. equipment certificate. What checks would you do to maintain

324. Deflections and reasons, explain taking a set. 325. Outline your power generation and why use HV ie 11KV. 326. Bunker sampling and Quantity Calculations with reference to SG, Trim,TCF. 327. Lifeboats type onboard and operation. 328. Boilers explain the Operating sequence of a fully automatic control unit. What safety devices are installed. How to detect oil in the boiler (more towards observation tank) You find oil in your boiler what procedures and how to remove? 329. Fresh Water Generators rules regarding operation. Water treatment. 330. Drydock As Chief Engineer outline your drydock inspection, if repairs required to steelwork in way fuel tank what procedure (cleaning, gas freeing, adjacent tanks, confined space).Checks made prior to flooding the dock. Anodes explain difference between impressed current device and fixed anodes. 331. How are engine exhaust valves set (clearances) What are consequences of incorrect settings? 332. ME torque settings. Consequences of incorrect settings. 333. Piston ring pack operation? How does it work? 334. Lubrication of cylinder. How is oil fed. Contamination in trunk pistons. 335. How is thrust accounted for in motor ship engine? 336..Main engine maintenance/overhauls. What data is collected. How is it used to benefit? 337. CPP not achieving full pitch. Give reasons, diagnosis and rectification. (Bridge control). 338. What type of T/Cs? Pulse or constant pressure. Explain how a pulse-converter works. What type of bearings fitted? How lubricated. Causes of bearing failure in T/Cs. 339. Describe a control system, how it works! HT/LT. 340. How is temp converted to electronic/pneumatic signal. 341. How does a governor work? Governor control of a generator.

342. What type of Steering Gear (Rotary Vane) Explain operation of S/G. How is oil prevented from leaking over top of rotor vanes. 343. How to deal with oily bilges. Explain IOPP, ORB etc. 344. Describe fuel system from bunker main to engine fuel pumps. 345. What type of fixed fire fighting system? Describe operation, testing interval and procedure. 346. What type of plant on your last ship? (Diesel Elec cruise ship). Why do cruise ships use diesel elec and CPP, - what influences propulsion plant choice? Describe electrical power system, how propulsion motors work and are controlled. Can a generator be run to supply load to the board if it has no working governor? What trips and alarms are on the engines, when and how are they tested? 347. Are crankshaft deflections relevant on medium speed trunk engines or just for slow speed engines? 348. What preparations would CEO make prior to drydock? What can you do if no shore power is available? 349. What should CEO do as soon as ship is dock and water is out? (Looking for dock bottom inspection routine, especially rudder leaks.) 350. What other items are checked in drydock? 351. Why does cavitation on propellers occur, how do you deal with it? What do you look for on bow thrusters? (Looking for oil leaks.) 352. How do you tell if ship does not hog or sag in drydock? (Crankshaft deflections at start and end.) 353. Why and what is the difference between trunk engine and crosshead engine crankcase oil? Explain and give example of open and closed loop system, why are they desirable? Explain and give

examples of desirable.

proportion and proportional-integral control, why are they

354. What results are given on fuel oil bunker analysis reports? What are acceptable levels? What would you do if fuel had high sulphur, sodium, vanadium and carbon and what do these elements cause? What would you do if bad fuel was bunkered, what steps would you take to use it/discharge it? What fuel and lube oil tests are done on board? 355. What fire fighting system is in passenger areas, how is it tested, and what addition alarms has it got? (Tamper alarm on sprinkler section valve.) 356. What equipment is used to discharge bilge water? What limits are there on this, where and when can you use it, where cant you use it? What limits how much bilge water can be discharged What information goes in oil record Book? 357. What is CCAI and what is its effect on engine it ifs value high and low. 358. What do you mean by TBN, how much M/E sump contains. M/E cylinder oil TBN value, and A/E TBN value. How often L.O. Test carried out board. What effect on L.O. due microbial bacteria. How you identify and what action you will take? 359. If your 15 PPM system and auto cut off system is not working can you pump out n special area (only in emergency). Oil record book, what are the contents and how do you fill it in. 360. If you are trying to fight E/R fire unable to extinguish it, what will be your next action? 361. Function of Piston Ring? Material of PR? Properties of PR material. 362. Material of liner 363. If you notice sudden increase in M/E F.O consumption by 5% what would be the cause? 364. If oil analysis report of one generator sump oil shows that it is not suitable for use - so what parameter they check? If in above case how you will deal with situation? Why cant you burn this discarded lub oil in Main Engine?

365. What would be the reason for rise in % of water in M/E sump? 366. Explain compete bunkering operation. How you order fuel? What on board test carried out during bunkering? What is to be done if you get less oil? What is to be done if you get more oil or bunker barge wants to give more oil. 367. Survey of Air bottle. During inspection of Air bottle, what defects you look for? 368. General maintenance of Reefer plant? What is the effect of under charging/over charging? What is the effect water in the reefer system? 369. Boiler survey; explained about isolation and precautions to take, preparation for survey and inspection of water and furnace sides. What defects to look for and where? 370. Purpose of classification society? Explain the role of the surveyor. As a chief engineer what items could be possibly surveyed? What type of evidence could be used to prove that the item had been surveyed? What items cant a chief engineer survey? 371. ISM, What does it stand for? History of ISM and why did it come about? What is involved with getting a vessel up to ISM standard? What paperwork does the ship get? What paperwork does the office get? 372. Planned maintenance system, do you have one in use on your vessel? Which programme do you have on board? Explained about certain jobs listed and the initial setting up of the system on board. 373. What type of life saving equipment is there on board? Explain about training of crewmembers that are new to vessel, the importance of crewmembers other than engineers being able to operate the emergency generator and emergency fire pump. 374. How do you make safety drills realistic? Explained about different scenarios involving as many people as possible etc. 375. How does an induction motor work? 376. How is torque produced in an induction motor? 377. What is slip and why an induction motor never runs at synchronous speed?

378. Assume an electrical motor is to be surveyed by you. As Chief Engineer how would you go about it? 379. How would you know whether the rotor of an induction motor is balanced? 380. How do you check the functionality of overcurrent and undervoltage relays? 381. Purpose of thermistors in induction motor. 382. Draw a hatch-coaming and explain how increase in strength is accounted for this large opening. 383. Explain the purpose of longitudinal and transverse girders. 384. What are the purpose of floor plates and margin plates. What are offset bulb plates? Why holes are provided in floor plates. 385. For manholes on the weather deck, how is additional strength provided for this opening? 386. How would you lower a lifeboat? Describe the tests carried out on the handbrakes and the centrifugal brakes. How would you test lifeboat davits and pulleys that are mounted on the davits? 387. What additional features are provided in a fully enclosed life-boat 388. A Main sea water centrifugal pump is to be opened up. However the eye bolts for it are missing. What would you as a C/E do in case the casing has to be opened up. Would you fabricate one on board? 389. Explain concept and requirements of ISM Code - whats it all about? 390. How will you know your m/c performance? 391. What is condition monitoring trend analysis? 392. What standing orders you will issue as C/E?

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