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Table Contents Part 1 - 60T:

Chapter 0. Welcome to DB2 Related Documentation for This Book Highlighting Conventions Chapter 1. Relational Databases and SQL 16T Concepts of Relational Databases SQL Language. Chapter 2. Organizing Data 4T

(Thc hanh 8T)

Tables Views Schemas DataTypes Chapter 3. Creating Tables and Views 12T (Thc hanh 16T) Creating Tables Inserting Data Changing Data Deleting Data Creating Views UsingViewstoManipulateData Chapter 4. Using SQL Statements to Access Data -20T (Thc hanh 24T) Connecting to a Database Investigating Errors Selecting Columns . Selecting Rows Sorting Rows. Removing Duplicate Rows OrderofOperations Using Expressions to Calculate Values Naming Expressions Selecting Data from More Than One Table Using a Subquery UsingFunctions ColumnFunctions ScalarFunctions TableFunctions Grouping Using a WHERE Clause with a GROUP BY Clause Using the HAVING Clause After the GROUP BY Clause Chapter 5. Expressions and Subqueries 8T (Thc hanh 12T) Scalar Fullselects Casting Data Types Case Expressions Table Expressions Nested Table Expressions Common Table Expressions CorrelationNames Correlated Subqueries Implementing a Correlated Subquery

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Part 2 90T:
Chapter 6. Using Operators and Predicates in Queries - 8T (Thc hanh 8T) Combining Queries by Set Operators UNIONOperator EXCEPT Operator INTERSECT operator Predicates UsingtheINPredicate Using the BETWEEN Predicate UsingtheLIKEPredicate UsingtheEXISTSPredicate Quantified Predicates Chapter 7. Advanced SQL- 20T (Thc hanh 20T) Enforcing Business Rules with Constraints andTriggers Keys Unique Constraints Referential Integrity Constraints Table Check Constraints Triggers Joins Complex Queries ROLLUP and CUBE Queries Recursive Queries OLAP Functions Chapter 8. Customizing and Enhancing Data Manipulation 12T (Thc hanh 12T) User-Defined Types User-Defined Functions Large Objects (LOBs) Manipulating Large Objects (LOBs) Special Registers Introduction to Catalog Views
Selecting Rows from System Catalogs

Chapter 9. Store procedures 8T StoredProcedureOverview Advantages of Stored Procedures Writing Stored Procedures Returning Result Sets from Stored Procedures Chapter 10. DB2 Administrator 45T Overview of DB2 Universal Database Overview of DB2 Universal Database DB2 UDB Instances and the DB2 Registry Getting Started with DB2 UDB GUIs Creating Database and Data placement Creating Database Overview Creating Table Spaces Overview Creating table Space Syntax Additional Table Space Considerations Configuration Files Creating Object Creating Objects Overview UDTs and UDFs Moving Data Export and Import Load Concepts and Syntax

(Thc hanh 8T)

(Thc hanh 54T)

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Load Considerations Replication Recovery Recovery Concepts Logging Concepts Logging Configuration Parameters Recovery History File Backup Utility Restore Utility Table Space backup/Restore Concepts Roll-forward Utility Additional information Monitoring and Problem Determination Using Error logs Database Monitor Snapshot Monitoring Event Monitoring Explain Tools Other Commands Additional Information Concurrency Locking Concepts Lock Modes Lock Mode Compatibility Isolation Levels Other Factors influencing Locking Application Alternatives Database Engine Access Embedded SQL Preparation Precompile and Bind Commands ODBC Additional Education Opportunities Application Performance Introduction Optimization Rebinding Applications Configuration Parameters Blocking Operational Utilities Security Introduction Authentication & Authorization Authority Levels Privileges Explicit Privileges Implicit Privileges

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Overview of DB2 Universal Database Getting Started with DB2 UDB GUIs Creating Database and Data placement Creating Object Moving Data Recovery Monitoring and Problem Determination Concurrency Application Alternatives Application Performance Security

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Using GET ERROR MESSAGE in Example Programs ........118 Chapter 5. Writing Dynamic SQL Programs ............127 Why Use Dynamic SQL? .......127 Dynamic SQL Support Statements . . . 127 Comparing Dynamic SQL with Static SQL 128 Using PREPARE, DESCRIBE, FETCH and the SQLDA ............131 Declaring and Using Cursors .....131 Example: Dynamic SQL Program . . . 133 Declaring the SQLDA .......143 Preparing the Statement Using the Minimum SQLDA Structure .....144 Allocating an SQLDA with Sufficient SQLVAR Entries .........145 Describing the SELECT Statement . . . 146 Acquiring Storage to Hold a Row . . . 146 Processing the Cursor .......147 Chapter 7. Stored Procedures .....187 StoredProcedureOverview......187 Advantages of Stored Procedures ....188 Writing Stored Procedures .......190 Client Application ........191 StoredProceduresontheServer....192 Writing OLE Automation Stored Procedures...........209 Example OUT Parameter Stored Procedure...........210 Code Page Considerations ......222 C++Consideration........222 Graphic Host Variable Considerations . . 222 Multisite Update Consideration ....223 NOTFENCEDStoredProcedures....223 Returning Result Sets from Stored Procedures ............225 Example: Returning a Result Set from a StoredProcedure.........226 ResolvingProblems........236 Chapter 7. Stored Procedures .....187 StoredProcedureOverview......187 Advantages of Stored Procedures ....188 Writing Stored Procedures .......190 Returning Result Sets from Stored Procedures ............225

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