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The sound of MUSIC. Its the twanging of a THOME (a traditional stringed instrument) echoing across the valleys. Theres something of the Ennio Morricone about that sound. Dwarfed by the vast mountainous landscape, a lone figure approaches on horseback from way off in the distance. Hes wrapped in a brown and white Basotho blanket strongly reminiscent of Clint Eastwoods poncho in A Fistful of Dollars, and wears a conical piece of straw headgear topped by a complicated knot. Close, its the rider playing the thome. He bestrides his horse with the easy rhythmic grace of an expert horseman. Tied to his saddle, a strong stick as a weapon. He pulls up on a ledge overlooking the valley below. It is LEBONA, (the One who Sees). He surveys a timeless landscape unchanged since the time of King Moshoeshoe the First. Lebona is young, early twenties. He looks out with unblinking eyes locked onto a vision that no-one else sees. 2 EXT. MENKWANENG SALOON - DAY Lebona rides down the dusty main street of the village of Menkwaneng. There, propped on a wooden chair leaning back against the wall of a saloon, a big beefy bear of a guy swigs from a bottle of CASTLE LAGER. It is KOTSI (Danger), Lebonas one school-friend. Lebona reigns in his pony adjacent to where Kotsi sits. They speak in the Lesotho form of the SeSotho language (to be translated from the English script). Lebonas use of language is quaint and archaic - always quite formal in tone. LEBONA Hai, Kotsi. U kae? (How are you? Lit: Where are you?) KOTSI Ke teng, Bra Lebona, wena o kae ? (I'm fine, and you ? Lit: I'm here, where are you?) Lebona springs from his horse, clasps Kotsi warmly. 2


LEBONA I thought you were gone for ever, my friend? Kotsi shrugs, his speech more colloquial, hipper. KOTSI Only so many women one man can do. Eish, that Jozi is tiring, Im telling you! LEBONA Serious? And what about all the big plans? Kotsi smiles. KOTSI Right on track. I was lucky - came into some bucks. He pats his pocket. KOTSI (contd) Now Im thinking - invest in my future. Lebona grins, indicates the bottle of Castle in Kotsis hand. LEBONA I see your future. Same as your past. Kotsi shakes his head. KOTSI No man, I mean it. A man needs a plan. (A beat) But talking of futures, Palesa came by. Shes looking for you. Lebona smiles. LEBONA Thats always good news. Kotsi shakes his head. KOTSI I dont know, bra - she looks serious. You know that chick when she makes up her mind!


Lebona leans on the wall beside him. LEBONA I do, its exhausting. And you? What is your news? 3 EXT. ICE COLD IN ALEX - DAY 3

A hard-looking guy, SHERIFF MSOMI, and his three henchmen, collectively known as the LAZY Y GANG, are busy trying to extract some information from the barman, known as ICE, of an Alexandra shebeen, the ICE COLD IN ALEX. Sheriff Msomi leans forward into the face of Ice, whose arms are pinned back by the Lazy Y boys. SHERIFF MSOMI Youre wasting my time my friend Ice. Have you forgotten my name? STUPID forces Ices arm up behind his back, painfully. Ice shakes his head. BARMAN Your name is Sheriff Msomi. Sheriff nods. He affects the manner of a quiz show host. SHERIFF MSOMI Correct! Do I look like someone you should waste his time? The barman shakes his head. SHERIFF MSOMI (contd) Now, the question for ten thousand rand. Where the fok is that moegoe Kotsi? You dont get to own an Alex shebeen without being quite resilient. Ice protests. ICE I dont know any Kotsi, I told you! People come in and people go out. How should I know what their names are? Sheriff KLAPS Ice round the head.


SHERIFF MSOMI Wrong answer! But youre through to the second round. Sheriff leans back with a sigh. He unclasps a knife and starts cleaning his fingernails. SHERIFF MSOMI (CONT'D) What we have here, is a simple failure in identification. He indicates his three goons, DOZY, SLEEPY and STUPID. SHERIFF MSOMI (CONT'D) Lets ask a friend here, what is Kotsi like? DOZY Hes a fat fuck. SLEEPY From the sticks. STUPID Ja, exactly! Sheriff Msomi smiles. He whips up his knife and jams it into the nostril of Ice, who freezes. SHERIFF MSOMI So, last time for the prize. Have you seen a fat, rural, fuck from the sticks in here lately? Ices eyes widen. SHERIFF MSOMI (CONT'D) Just blink for yes. Nodding would be a mistake at this stage. Ice blinks. Sheriff removes the blade from his nostril. SHERIFF MSOMI (CONT'D) You see now - how easy is this? ICE Big guy from Lesotho? SHERIFF MSOMI Not bad. And so...? Sheriff makes a circular motion with his wrist to indicate he needs more.


Ice is on a roll. ICE Thats what he said, Lesotho. Bought a round for the house before heading for the hills. He said hed come into some money. SHERIFF MSOMI Correct! Do you know whose money that was? Ice shakes his head. Sheriff KLAPS Ice round the head. SHERIFF MSOMI (contd) You lose! Thanks for playing. Sheriff nods to Dozy who empties the CASH REGISTER behind Ice. Sheriff walks out, folding away his knife. 4 EXT. MOKHETIS HOUSE - DAY At a traditional receiving end of will decide) who The incomparably daughter. house outside Menkwaneng, Lebona is on the some stern words from MOKHETI (The one who is forty to fifty years old, and pompous. beautiful PALESA (Flower) is his only 4

MOKHETI You see, young man, its quite simple. Palesa is the only daughter I have. I sent her to a good school, I bought her the necessary uniforms and the pencils. I have always fed her well. In fact, I have made a big investment in her future. The assembled relatives and menfolk all nod - this is true. LEBONA Yes sir, I know. Mokheti glares at him. MOKHETI Please dont interrupt. I am talking. (The silence hangs heavy) (MORE)

6. MOKHETI (cont'd) In fact, I have recently received some information from Palesas mother. It seems that Palesa wants to get married. Lebona looks around at the stern faces of the assembled relatives. LEBONA I have just now received the same news. MOKHETI Well this should be a source of joy for a father. Why am I feeling worried? Lebona looks down, chooses his words with care. LEBONA Mokheti, sir, I assure you Palesas future is in safe hands. My intentions towards your daughter are honourable. MOKHETI Thats easy for you to say. But consider my position as a father. My daughter is still a young woman. Do you think I want her to devote all her time and energy to one poor young man? Lebona considers. LEBONA I would think it is better for a father to know that his daughter is giving time and energy to one poor young man than to many poor young men. Palesa suppresses a giggle. MOKHETI What? Dont be clever with me, my friend. LEBONA But as for a financial settlement, I will be happy to come to terms regarding the mahali (bride price).


This brings a ripple of derisive laughter from the assembled menfolk. MOKHETI Ah yes, we have heard about your many dreams. I think you are dreaming even now as we speak. PALESA Pa! Mokheti ignores her. MOKHETI We all know your financial condition - no property, no cattle, no prospects. Lebona looks down. He scratches his head. MOKHETI (contd) And speaking of cattle, I always expected a very good bride-price. I was thinking two hundred would be fair. Lebona gulps, hes shocked. LEBONA Two hundred rand? The spectators all laugh. MOKHETI Two hundred cows. Lebona is shaken. But he manages to summon all his dignity. LEBONA Two hundred cattle, sir, are you sure? Palesa is the most valuable jewel of this kingdom in the skies. But you are surely a most generous father... Mokheti is not to be dazzled by oratory. MOKHETI Perhaps not as generous as you hope. Flattery will only take you so far. And thats not far when it comes to cattle. Two hundred head. (MORE)

8. MOKHETI (cont'd) Thats my decision. Do you have a problem with that? The onlookers snigger, derisively. Lebona shakes his head. LEBONA Sir, I dont have a problem at all. Your daughter is beyond value, as I, more than anyone, know. In fact, she is worthy of twice that amount. The spectators gasp at Lebonas audacity. Palesas eyes widen, she winces. Mokheti is irritated. Hes obviously not planning to play games with this cheeky whipper-snapper for too much longer. MOKHETI Fine then, we have settled the question of bride-price. So may I enquire how youre planning to get it? Lebona draws himself up and explains. LEBONA As people may or may not know, I am a direct descendant of the great King Moshoeshoe the First. The spectators all crack up laughing. Theyve heard this speech before. MOKHETI So you say. LEBONA Yes. And as such, I am confident that the answer to your question will surely be revealed to me when the time is right. Ho bea ditho ho hlahisa kgomo (Patience is a virtue) Everyone finds this hilarious. They seem to feel that Lebona, like most village idiots, is always good for a chuckle. Mokheti looks round at his audience, tries a proverb of his own.


MOKHETI Yes, but ho bua hase ho phetha. (Great talkers are never great doers.) I must ask whether there is any evidence for this important ancestry you are claiming? They all laugh. Lebona looks round him, hes serious now. LEBONA This ancestry is something Ive felt deep inside me for as long as I can remember. Its something I know to be true. I have always had many dreams about Moshoeshoe. And confident in this knowledge I will do my best for your daughter. The folks all find this hilarious. But Mokheti gestures for silence. Sitting demurely to one side, PALESA looks worried at the turn this conversation is taking. Mokheti goes in for the kill. MOKHETI Well if its true youre descended from King Moshoeshoe, an important man like yourself should have no trouble getting the cattle! The spectators are rubbing tears of mirth from their eyes, as Mokheti goes on: MOKHETI (contd) I will give you a month to arrange this. Otherwise, of course, you will understand why I will reluctantly be obliged to look elsewhere for suitors for Palesas hand. Palesa looks dashed. As she thought, a disaster! Standing up from the dust where hes been squatting respectfully, Lebona turns and walks down the track towards home, the mocking laughter of the spectators ringing in his ears.


INT. LEBONAS HUT - EVENING Lebona lies on his bed with Palesas arm encircling him, comfortingly. He seems to have slipped into post-coital melancholy. PALESA Dont take it to heart, my darling. I know people laugh at your interest in history. Maybe its better to keep that quiet. LEBONA Why should we need to keep quiet about history? Those were truly times when men were men. PALESA Its just... people hear about your dreams and they think... LEBONA What? They think what? That Im crazy? I really dont care about what people think. Its just this mahali thing now. Palesa gets up, wraps a towel around her. PALESA I spoke to Lerato (Love) today. LEBONA I thought you said she went to Maseru? PALESA Shes at the casino - I gave her a call. Shes earning good money in tips. Lebona gets up, slips into some jeans. LEBONA Forget it, Palesa. You know theres no way She interrupts him.


PALESA How else are we going to get money? I dont see any progress on your side. LEBONA Im waiting, you know. Palesa is scornful. PALESA Waiting? Youre always waiting. Lebona shrugs. LEBONA Im waiting to see what develops. Palesa is exasperated. PALESA Youre waiting to dream up an answer. But Moshoeshoes not going to solve this one for you. Youve got to get on with your own life. Palesa slips out of the door of the hut. Lebona jumps out of bed, struggles into his pants. LEBONA Palesa? 6 EXT. LEBONAS HUT - NIGHT Palesa stands outside the door in the moonlight. Shes looking up at the moon. Lebona comes out of the door behind her. He circles her with his arms. LEBONA Dont worry. Im sure it will work itself out. Palesa breaks free, turns to face him. PALESA Im serious. Im going to Maseru. Lebona shakes his head. 6


LEBONA A woman cant work for her own bride-price. That goes against all our traditions. PALESA So what? I dont care. Forget the old ways. Wake up - its the twentyfirst century! LEBONA Well, Im the man and my word is final. Im not letting you go off to Maseru to take up some job as a maid. The look on Palesas face says it all. 7 EXT. MONTAGE OF TRAVELLING SHOTS - DAY 7

In a comic montage of shots, Lebona and Palesa, both mounted on his horse, ride through a variety of landscapes - through valleys, past huts and through throngs of sheep blocking the road and finally down onto the flat main road on the outskirts of Maseru where the SUVs and semi-trailers honk their horns impatiently and barrel past, blowing them into the verge. 8 I/E MASERU SUN CASINO/BAR - NIGHT 8

Lebona stands outside the Maseru Sun Casino looking through a window into the bar. Inside, from Lebonas POV, Palesa can be seen walking away from one of the tables towards the bar. She pockets ten bucks, a tip from the punter shes just served. Close, Palesa is dressed in a sexy little mini-skirt uniform, her blouse showing just the right amount of cleavage. Shes transformed from the girl in the village - and maybe not in a good way, with lipstick, and makeup caking her face. An over-attentive young BARMAN is certainly impressed as he fills her drink order. Lebona scowls, disapproving. At the bar, picking up orders, LERATO points at the window where Lebona stands. Palesa looks over and catches his eye. She waves him away embarrassed. Lerato giggles.


Palesa puts an order of drinks on her tray. She smiles at the Barman, who winks. In her borrowed high heels, she clicks over to a table of rowdy AFRIKAANS FARMERS on a night out over the border from the Free State to gamble. The Farmers all leer, whistle and catcall at Palesa as she puts down their drinks in front of them. Dominating this group is KOBUS DE JONG, 35-40 years old, blonde, bearded and powerful. As Palesa puts down his Klipdrift and Coke on the table in front of him, Kobus clocks her cleavage, looks up and notices her. Palesa smiles sweetly, but Kobus interest is aroused. As she turns to go, Kobus grabs her arm, pulls him back towards him. KOBUS (English) Hey meisie, not so fast. Close, through the window, Lebona sees this, his eyes narrow. Back at the table, Kobus peels a 50 buck note off a wad from his pocket. He hands it to Palesa, who smiles, uncertain. Kobus pulls her towards him, spins her round and draws her down to sit on his lap. KOBUS (contd) Any chance of a lap-dance, hey? At the window, Lebona is galvanised into action - he heads for the door. Inside, Palesa tries politely to disentangle herself from the paw of the Boer. She looks at her watch. PALESA Oh, look at the time. My shifts over. KOBUS Really? One of his mates takes this as a good sign. MATE Go for it, Kobus. Why not? Kobus looks round at his mates.


KOBUS What happens in Lesotho stays in Lesotho! 9 EXT. BAR DOOR - NIGHT Lebona bursts through the swing-door into the bar and calls out in SeSotho. LEBONA Leave her alone! The Afrikaans farmers at the table all turn to look at this wild apparition, incongruous in the bar of the Sun Casino. Striding up to Kobus table, Lebona smacks down his heavy stick on it, making the Klipdrift jump. Kobus jumps to his feet, dislodging Palesa from his lap. He cant believe what hes seeing. KOBUS What? Lebona switches to English. LEBONA I said, thats enough! KOBUS Scuse? Who the fok are you? Lebona draws himself up to his full height. LEBONA I am Lebona Lepoqo (disasters) Moketeli, descendant of King Moshoeshoe the First, the founder of Lesotho. Palesa knows this is not a good start. One of the Farmers points at his temple with a screwing motion, indicating that Lebonas a lunatic. They all LAUGH. The Farmers all get to their feet, confront Lebona. FARMER ONE Hey Moshesh - you down on your luck or what? Farmer Two stabs Lebona in the chest with his finger. 9


FARMER TWO You get your own chick, buddy. This one belongs to Kobus, ek se. Lebona takes a more conciliatory tone. LEBONA I see that you, our neighbours from the Free State, are not familiar with our customs. Really, in fact, you have made a mistake... Palesa makes good her escape to behind the bar, as: With one lightning swift move, Kobus snatches Lebonas stick from his grasp. His arm swings back and around and the end of the stick whistles past Lebonas nose as it lifts the traditional hat from his head, spinning it up and around and looping it out through the doorway. As Lebona half turns in surprise to watch his spinning hat exit the room, the stick swings again in hands as deft as some Kung Fu master, and cracks Lebona on the butt with a slap that sends him staggering. Kobus snaps the heavy stick across his knee like a twig and points at the door. KOBUS Voetsek! And as Palesa watches in disappointment from the safety of the bar, Lebona beats an ignominious retreat whence he came, to the chorus of LAUGHTER from Kobus and his friends. The handsome Barman puts an arm round Palesas shoulder. She is clearly unhappy. 10 INT. PALESAS ROOM/MASERU SUN STAFF QUARTERS - NIGHT 10

In Palesas cramped room in the staff quarters, she wipes off her makeup. Lebona harangues her. LEBONA Just look at those Boere - theyre animals! This is no kind of job for my wife.


Palesa is upset. She turns on Lebona. PALESA And wheres my great warrior now? I didnt notice Moshoeshoe helping you out with that Boer while he was grabbing and groping me? Lebona cuts in. LEBONA This is something between you and me. Dont bring my ancestor into this. PALESA Youre the one always hides behind him. Dont you get it? People just think youre an idiot. She does the twisting her finger into her temple motion - a screw loose. LEBONA And you? What do you think? PALESA What do I think? I think youre Lebona. Yourself, no-one famous. An ordinary guy. I really dont care about your ancestors. (A beat) But someones got to earn this mahali, since you obviously arent going to manage it. Lebona looks at her, stung. He heads for the door. PALESA (contd) Oh, fine - thats right, just take off and leave me. That will solve everything! Bye! Lebona walks out, slamming the door behind him. 11 EXT. MASERU SUN - NIGHT Lebona leaps deftly onto his horses back and gallops away into the night. 11


A moment later, Palesa darts out of the door looking for him, just in time to hear the sound of HOOVES clip-clopping into the distance. PALESA LEBONA! 12 EXT. BUSH CAMPSITE - NIGHT 12

By the light of a fire, the huddled figure of Lebona sits propped against a boulder staring into the embers. There is no sound except for the STREAM GURGLING nearby and NIGHTBIRDS in the bush. Close, Lebonas eyes close and his head nods back as he dreams: 13 EXT. LEBONAS DREAMSCAPE - DAY 13

Lebona dreams of a huge cloud of red dust sweeping across the landscape. The sound of a thunderous DRUMMING of hooves. From out of the dust, a half-glimpsed face - could it be...? 14 EXT. BUSH CAMPSITE - DAWN Lebona wakes with a start. He sits bolt upright. LEBONA Moshoeshoe! 15 INT. PALESAS ROOM/MASERU SUN STAFF QUARTERS - DAY The loud sound of KNOCKING on her door wakes Palesa. She throws on a gown and opens the door, bleary-eyed. Lebona bursts in. Hes excited. LEBONA Ive got it! He strides into the room, full of energy. Palesa sleep-walks over to the kettle on the top of her chest of drawers. PALESA Got what? The mahali? Thats great! 15 14


She fills the kettle at the small basin in the room, starts to lay out two cups for tea. LEBONA I had a dream - clear as day. Moshoeshoe showed me I have to shave the Boers beard. He pantomimes shaving swiftly and cleanly down each of his cheeks. LEBONA (contd) Its perfect, you see. Nice and clean! Palesa sighs deeply. PALESA Please.... Its too early for this. LEBONA No, serious. Its easy. I know what to do. I need to find out where he lives. Palesa is dubious. PALESA Lebona, I think you must leave it alone. Sure, he grabbed me, the man was drunk. He made me feel really cheap. (Gently) But I dont see what you can do about that. LEBONA Ill make him sorry he ever met me. Ha o otla ntja, e tla betla meno. (If you beat a dog, it will bare its teeth.) Palesa looks dubious. PALESA I dont expect you to fight with this Boer. Maybe we should just forget about it. Lebona shakes his head.


LEBONA Im going to make this barbarian pay. She slams down the sugar-bowl on the table. PALESA Did you wake me up just to discuss that De Jong? Cant you ever just face the facts. You did your best, but hes bigger than you. Youll never get him to say that hes sorry. Lebona cuts in, suspicious. LEBONA How do you know this Boers name? Palesa sucks her teeth at his stupidity. PALESA I swiped the guys credit-card. He had to sign. His name is De Jong, okay? Lerato says hes a rancher from Ficksburg. Everyone here knows De Jong. Lebona, pensive, savours the words. LEBONA De Jong....Okay, good - De Jong. He hugs Palesa and starts to leave. PALESA Where are you going? LEBONA Trust me, Im going to deal with this Boer. Everythings going to be fine. PALESA And what about my bride-price? Lebona stops at the door. LEBONA Dont worry about it.





Outside the saloon, Kotsi occupies his favourite spot in the sun. An old-fashioned TELEPHONE RINGS loudly inside. Kotsi takes a swig on his beer, contemplates the empty street. The SALOON OWNER sticks his head round the door. SALOON OWNER Kotsi! Its for you. Kotsi jerks out of his reverie, bewildered. KOTSI Me? Who is it? SALOON OWNER Guy called Ice from Alexandra. He says to tell you its urgent. 17 INT. MENKWANENG SALOON - DAY Close, Kotsi speaks into the old bakelite phone. Hes incredulous. KOTSI Hes coming here to Lesotho? You mean he knows where I live? ICE (V.O.) No he doesnt. Not yet, anyway. But your friend Sheriffs a very persistent guy. Sooner or later expect a visit. Kotsi looks worried. KOTSI Sharp sharp, Ice, thanks a lot man. ICE Just dont come back til youve sorted this out! And dont fuck with Sheriff - Im serious! Ice slams the phone down on the other end just as: Lebona comes into the saloon. He sees Kotsi there, signs for a bottle of beer. 17


As Kotsi puts down the receiver, Lebona thrusts a Castle into Kotsis hand. LEBONA So heres the thing KOTSI What thing? Lebona drags Kotsi towards the door. LEBONA Ive got a plan. Its simple. 18 EXT. MENKWANENG STREET - DAY 18

Lebona and Kotsi walk along the street deep in discussion. Kotsi resists to the best of his ability, but its clearly a losing battle. KOTSI No way. Ive got my own problems. Im really not listening to you. He puts his hands over his ears. LEBONA Its perfect. Mejo ha e rutanwe, ho rutanwa ditlhare. (Every man is the architect of his own fortune.) Kotsi hums to keep out the sound of Lebonas persuasion. KOTSI La la. I know you and your silvertongued bullshit. Not this time, dude, forget it! LEBONA Come on, my friend. Be reasonable. Have I ever steered you wrong? Kotsi snorts, he thinks back. Theyre approaching the SCHOOLYARD, small boys playing football together. KOTSI The great apple robbery of Grade 3. Lebona thinks back - he shrugs. LEBONA Okay, apart from that one.


KOTSI The chicken hatchery scheme in Grade 5. Lebona nods. LEBONA Okay, sure. The underlying principle was fine - its just that the execution was lacking. (A beat) I never knew you held grudges. KOTSI I dont hold grudges. Im just not investing in one of your fantasies. Lebona is hurt. LEBONA Its not a fantasy, its a dream theres a difference you know. I dreamed I must shave the beard of the Boer. KOTSI That would be you - not me. LEBONA We have to learn from our history. Otherwise how can we know how to act? We are the great-grandsons of warriors. And we must behave as such. This is way too much philosophy for Kotsi. KOTSI Whatever....Maybe thats true. But so what? Lebona presses home his advantage. LEBONA So we have cultural precedents to guide us. This is a business that runs in our blood. Thats why our success is guaranteed. Moshoeshoe is right - its simple. We hit the Boer where it hurts - in his pocket. Kotsi shrugs.


KOTSI Okay, so youre saying we can make some big bucks. (A beat) But why would you need my money? Lebona goes in for the kill. LEBONA Its an investment. Just like you wanted. Were going to need men and equipment. Kotsi considers. KOTSI Its true - I could use a quick profit. How much are we talking here? Hypothetically Lebona cuts in. LEBONA Double your money easy. We can clean up in a week. Kotsi scratches his chin. KOTSI Double my money. That quickly? Lebona nods. LEBONA Double. No problem. KOTSI And this involves leaving the country, you say? Lebona shrugs. LEBONA Well just for a while. We have to go to the Free State. Think of it like a short holiday. Kotsi considers. KOTSI I could do with a holiday just at the moment.


LEBONA You see, now! KOTSI (Decides) When can we leave? Lebona hugs him, ecstatic. LEBONA You wont regret it. I promise. Kotsi drains his Castle. He chuckles. KOTSI Well if you can pull this one off, then I will personally perform a Mokorotlo (war-dance) in your honour. Lebona smiles. LEBONA That Ill look forward to seeing! 19 EXT. SHEEP DIP - DAY 19

Lebona and Kotsi rein in their horses beside a busy sheep dip. Theyre sizing up MOLAHLEHI (the Lost One)whos darting to and fro on his pony, wrangling hundreds of panicky sheep into a pen that funnels them through the dip. He seems to have the virtue of endless patience for these deeply stupid animals. Lebona leans over his horses ear, speaks quietly. LEBONA Hey KUTLOANO (mutual understanding), you want to give our friend Molahlehi a hand? And in a dazzling display of horsemanship, Lebona guides Kutloano through a spectacular series of twisting and turning quarterhorse moves that stream the lumpen morass of milling sheep effortlessly into the dip. MOLAHLEHI Hai Lebo - you trying to take my job?


Molahlehis impressed, his interest aroused, as he lifts his game to match Lebona, laughing and whistling to get the job done. Kotsi observes from a distance as Lebona pitches his proposal to Molahlehi as they work together. Then as the last of the sheep pass through, they rein in their horses close together. Molahlehi shakes his head, responds. MOLAHLEHI (contd) Sorry, my friend, this is steady work. At least I get paid at the end of the week. LEBONA Sure, but how much? A fistful of Maloti! Wheres the future in that? MOLAHLEHI Who says theres a future in your crazy scheme? Lebona draws from his stock of proverbs. LEBONA Moketa ho tsoswa o itekang. (God helps those who help themselves.) Lebona indicates Kotsi in the background. LEBONA (CONT'D) Kotsis not afraid to take a chance. You know we were born for this job, Molahlehi, wheres your sense of history? The OWNER at the dip exit holds up his counter, which he has thumbed as every sheep passes. He shouts out to Molahlehi. OWNER What do you reckon? This is obviously a ritual between them. Molahlehi shrugs without thinking, calls back. MOLAHLEHI Two fifty one.


They ride up to the Owner, who reaches into his pocket and stumps up the usual ten bucks. OWNER I hate that! How do you always do that? They ride up to Kotsi. Molahlehi touches fists with the big guy. LEBONA (To Kotsi) Molahlehi wants to hang onto his job here. What can I tell you? The man likes sheep. Kotsi looks at Molahlehi appraising him. He deadpans. KOTSI Fine - you like sheep... LEBONA Hes a sheep kind of guy. Molahlehi takes the bait hook, line and sinker. MOLAHLEHI No, I dont like them. I hate fucking sheep! LEBONA They are a bit nervous. You find that? MOLAHLEHI Nervous? And stupid! They keep me awake nights. (A beat) Theyre just not relaxing to count. KOTSI Okay then... LEBONA Thats settled. They shake hands - hes with them.



EXT. CHIEFS KRAAL - DAY TSEBO (Knowledge) is at work in the CHIEFs kraal, while Molahlehi and Kotsi watch, assessing. Lebona is speaking quietly to Tsebo as he tends to a HEAVILY PREGNANT COW. LEBONA Wouldnt you rather have cows of your own? Tsebo shakes his head. TSEBO You cant guarantee that. LEBONA Exactly. Thats why its called an adventure. TSEBO I think you will find its called stealing. LEBONA Nonsense, my brother. You know what the Boere took from our people. If you think about history, were just readjusting the balance. The CHIEF comes out of his hut, sees the lads there. He approaches the kraal. CHIEF Tsebo, what do these layabouts want? (Spots Lebona) Ah Moshoeshoe - is that you? (A beat) Or am I dreaming? The Chief cracks up into gales of laughter which escalates into a coughing fit. He spits out a gob of phlegm. Lebona smiles, good-natured. Hes heard all the wisecracks before. LEBONA Hai Chief, what excellent cows you have here. My friend Tsebo is keeping them all in good condition for you.



He quotes an old proverb. LEBONA (contd) Dikgomo ke banka ya Mosotho they say. (Cattle are the bank of a Mosotho) The Chief nods. CHIEF Well I hope you young tsotsis arent here trying to make a withdrawal? Tsebo reflects on the wisdom of Lebonas astutely chosen proverb for a moment. He speaks as though to himself. TSEBO Dikgomo ke banka ya Mosotho. Lebona watches him taste the words on his tongue. TSEBO (contd) Dikgomo ke banka ya Mosotho. LEBONA Thats right. Then Tsebo makes a decision. He shakes Lebonas hand and he, Lebona, Kotsi and Molahlehi mount up in silence and ride off together. CHIEF Wait, Tsebo! Where are you going? You cant just take off like that. (He shouts after Tsebo) Okay, fine. Dont bother to come back. Youll never find work in this village again! Tsebo shouts back over his shoulder. TSEBO Dikgomo ke banka ya Mosotho! The spluttering threats of the Chief fade into the distance as his indignant form recedes into the distance behind the four horsemen.





The SHOPKEEPER is totting up the prices of a variety of ITEMS on the wooden counter of his shop, while Kotsi watches, pained at the escalating tally. Amongst the items on display are PLIERS, BOLT-CUTTERS, various pairs of GLOVES, COILS OF ROPE and so on. Lebona throws down a large coil of ELECTRICAL FLEX on the counter. Kotsi looks at him, whines. KOTSI Dude? The Shopkeeper smiles. He licks his pencil and keeps adding up. Kotsi, starts to peel notes off his ROLL OF CASH - lays them out on the counter. 22 EXT. ARMS DEALERS HUT - DAY 22

Lebona and Kotsi sit at a WOODEN TABLE outside a rather derelict-looking hut. Kotsi is nursing a warm CASTLE LAGER, while Lebona sips a COKE. LEBONA Im not so sure. KOTSI What? An older man, the ARMS DEALER comes out of the hut carrying a rolled-up BASOTHO BLANKET, which he tenderly unrolls on the table and lays out his merchandise. LEBONA You really think we need this stuff? KOTSI Even Moshoeshoe himself needed guns, dude! Close on the blanket are what looks like an old bolt-action Lee Enfield rifle from the Boer War, a Webley Mk IV British Army service revolver from about the same period with some .455 inch ammunition and equally battered, but about 50 years more current, an AK47.


The wily Arms Dealer looks at Lebona. He starts up his sales pitch. ARMS DEALER In fact, some of these very guns have been traced to Moshoeshoe the First and the Gun Wars. Lebonas interest picks up. LEBONA Is that right? KOTSI I told you Im not going there with a stick. Kotsi picks up the revolver, tries some cowboy-style moves, clicking it off. The Arms Dealer sets up some bottles spaced out on a rock about 20 metres away. Kotsi loads the revolver and fires off a shot. He misses completely. He looks disgusted. Hands Lebona the revolver. Lebona looks at it unconvinced. LEBONA Why would I need this? KOTSI You never know. LEBONA Words are more persuasive than bullets. KOTSI I wouldnt count on it. Lebona tries to give him back the revolver. KOTSI (CONT'D) Dont be a woos - try it out. Lebona swings up the gun and looses off a shot without really aiming. One of the bottles EXPLODES. Kotsi laughs, delighted.


KOTSI (contd) You see, now. Youre a natural. Lebona looks at the Webley with new respect. He hefts it in his hand. Kotsi picks up the AK47, cradles it lovingly. He loads a curved clip of ammunition and points at the bottles. The AK, set on automatic, smashes all the bottles to smithereens before leaping up and recoiling out of Kotsis control and spraying the entire area, shredding the chairs and table as well. Lebona and the Arms Dealer dive for cover until Kotsi remembers to let go of the trigger and the shooting subsides. There is a deathly silence as Lebona and the Arms dealer get back to their feet. KOTSI (contd) Thats what Im talking about. Well take them! 23 EXT. MOUNTAIN VIEW - DAY Lebona and Kotsi wait at the rendezvous point outside Menkwaneng overlooking a spectacular mountain vista. Singly and in pairs, their team of selected riders approaches. Molahlehi and Tsebo drift in first. They are followed by the sunny, natured LESELI (light, illumination). LEBONA Hai Leseli. Leseli smiles. Next, the sombre LEFU (death, misfortune). KOTSI Hai Lefu. Lefu nods. And finally, as though against his better judgement, LETSWALO (fear, apprehension). LEFU My brother, Letswalo. 23


LEBONA Welcome. Together, they are a ragged Magnificent Seven. They form up around Lebona. KOTSI Lets get this show on the road. But first, Lebona wants to inspire his men. LEBONA So here we are, my brothers. Its time. I want to dedicate this adventure to the spirit of Moshoeshoe the First. It was he who spoke to me in a dream - and I know he will guide us in all that we do. With Moshoeshoe behind us you know we cant fail. Lets shave the beard of that Boer! Lebona leans over his horses ear. LEBONA (contd) Ready Kutloano? (To the crew) Move out! Kutloano steps delicately onto the track and the rest fall in behind him, one by one. 24 EXT. SANDSTONE PASSES - DAY In a montage of riding shots accompanied by the Morricone inspired twangy thome music: The seven riders gallop towards camera compressed by a long lens. The phalanx of riders in an arrowhead formation with Lebona at its head. In mid-shot, Lebona is grim, determined. In a series of passing shots, the riders strung out in a line along a mountain trail. The team gallops away past the camera and into the distance. 24





Sheriff Msomi watches outside the gate of an UPMARKET HOME as his three feckless hoods from the Lazy Y gang make a hamfisted attempt to boost a BMW from a determined BUSINESSWOMAN armed with a pepper-spay on her key-ring. The Businesswoman squirts the pepper-spray at Dozy and Sleepy, who fall to their knees holding their eyes. DOZY Shit! SLEEPY Fuck! She swings her heavy handbag at the head of Stupid, who falls back. STUPID Eina! Sheriff has seen enough. He steps forward to the car window and puts the barrel of his 44 Magnum revolver to the womans temple. SHERIFF MSOMI The keys. The Businesswoman switches off the car and hands him the keys. BUSINESSWOMAN Please dont kill me. Ill do whatever you want. This is not an attractive proposition. Sheriff looks at her coldly. SHERIFF MSOMI Okay. Get out. The Lazy Y boys are back on their feet. Sheriff turns to them. SHERIFF MSOMI (contd) Get in the car. He turns back to the Businesswoman. SHERIFF MSOMI (contd) What I want is to see how fast you can run.


She takes off like a rocket, sprinting. Sheriff gets into the driving seat of the Beamer and turns it over. 26 EXT. SUBURBAN STREET - DAY 26

The BMW passes down the suburban street. Sheriff looks over at the pavement ahead. A couple of SUBURBAN JOGGERS in shorts, sneakers and sweatbands are startled to find themselves being overtaken by a smart woman in a business suit and high heels, who sprints by. The Joggers exchange looks. JOGGER 1 Power jogging? JOGGER 2 You know, then! The BMW wipes past. 27 EXT. DE JONG RANCH - DUSK The mighty De Jong herd grazes behind electrified fencing, SECURITY VEHICLES passing from time to time. 28 EXT. BLUFF OVERLOOKING RANCH - DUSK 28 27

Revealed on a bluff overlooking the ranch, Lebona stands patiently observing the scene below. He watches the movements of the guards, takes in every detail. Some of the crew are apprehensive. LEFU Eish! LETSWALO I dont know... Kotsi puts a finger to his lips in warning. KOTSI (Quietly) Relax. Let the dog see the rabbit.


Lebona turns, motions Kotsi towards him. He points at the ranch below, whispers quietly into Kotsis ear as the others watch and wait. Kotsi nods, understanding. He urges his horse off down the hill. 29 EXT. DE JONG RANCH/GATEHOUSE - NIGHT 29

Kotsi approaches the gatehouse to the De Jong ranch on foot. A SECURITY GUARD comes out to challenge him. SECURITY GUARD What? Kotsi is playing naive. He affects a deep-rural accent. KOTSI Hai Captain. I want to join up. SECURITY GUARD Join up? How do you mean? Join what up? KOTSI This work you are doing. This is fantastic. Who must I talk to if I need to get this work? Kotsi points to the Security Company logo on the gate. The Security Guard calls over his boss, who is about to climb into a WHITE BAKKIE with the same leopard/tiger logo and the words MAPOGO A MATHAMAGA on it. The Head of Security, known as MAPOGO, wanders over as Kotsi launches into a long rambling story. KOTSI (contd) Hai General. I myself have always wanted to work on an impressive ranch like this one. Kotsi smooths some dust off the sleeve of Mapogos uniform. KOTSI (contd) This work is a big responsibility. I see you have the gun and you are driving this bakkie. Mapogo is flattered by Kotsis admiration.


MAPOGO Its not everyone who can take on this work. Do you have any experience? Kotsi nods. KOTSI Oh yes, definitely. I have had some experience with criminals in Jozi. I was working in Alex recently. (A beat) You know, I would love to apply for this work. What can you tell me about it? Mapogo looks like a man who enjoys the sound of his own voice. MAPOGO Well our name is drawn from an old Sotho proverb. KOTSI If you, the criminal, conduct yourself like a leopard, remember the victim can change into a tiger. My friend told me that one. MAPOGO Aha! You know, then. This is the heart of our system. (Pompous) There are ten key things that I always tell new recruits. He counts off on his finger. KOTSI Number one... 30 EXT. DE JONG RANCH/FENCE LINE - NIGHT 30

Lebona and Tsebo leopard-crawl through the brush towards the fence. Tsebo has a coil of electric wire over his shoulder. Tsebo eventually manages to connect one end of the insulated wire to a terminal of the electric fence. He gets a shock. TSEBO Ai!


LEBONA Shh! Tsebo unrolls his wire down along the ground and up to a terminal further along the fence-line, completing the circuit with a bypass. He gets another shock. TSEBO Ai! LEBONA Shh! Lebona buries the insulated wire in the sand. Lebona gestures to Lefu and Leseli who go to work with boltcutters, removing a wide section of fence. 31 EXT. DE JONG RANCH/AMONGST THE HERD - NIGHT 31

Close, the padded hooves of a horse, wrapped in cloth, moves silently through the forest of legs of the cattle. It is Molahlehi, who ghosts amongst the herd CLICKING AND HISSING sibilant sounds. Hes shifting them towards the fence. One cow MOOS loudly, breaking the silence. Lebona hisses to Molahlehi. LEBONA Ask them to keep it down! Molahlehi addresses the cows in a hypnotic whisper. MOLAHLEHI My sisters, were all going home to a beautiful place. But its better you keep this a secret. Gradually, the cattle start to move forward, walking calmly as Molahlehi works his magic with them. They wander calmly out through the gap in the fenceline, to where Tsebo and the other riders lead them silently away. Lebona rides up next to Molahlehi. LEBONA How many? Molahlehi shrugs.


MOLAHLEHI Twelve hundred and fifty-three. Lebona smiles. 32 EXT. DE JONG RANCH/GATEHOUSE - NIGHT Kotsi looks at his watch as Mapogo rambles on. MAPOGO And the seventh key thing I like to stress... Kotsi winds up Mapogos long peroration. KOTSI I think I have been taking too much of your valuable time, General. I have to thank you for explaining all your duties to me so generously. MAPOGO Thats okay. I like to encourage a polite young man who is interested in this profession. It is not one for sissies! KOTSI That is for sure, my General. Thanks to you, I now understand where I lack some of the essential qualities that would help me to progress in this field. Still, I will live in hope. My application will be in the post. The two men part, waving to each other amicably, and Kotsi disappears into the night, followed by the sound of HOOFBEATS receding as he regains his mount and rides to join the others. 33 EXT. DE JONG RANCH/BEYOND FENCELINE - NIGHT 33 32

Bathed in the light of a full moon, the Rustlers lead their vast herd off towards the hills, snaking along at an ambling gait. Close, Lebona reigns in his horse and looks back, surveying the scene with immense satisfaction. Kotsi pulls up beside him and they slap hands.


Lebona looks back at the ranch below where two headlights cut through the night. 34 EXT. DE JONG RANCH - NIGHT Closer, its the WHITE BAKKIE with the leopard logo on it. Its patrolling the fenceline. 35 I/E. MAPOGO BAKKIE - NIGHT 35 34

Inside the bakkie, MAPOGO is tooling along SINGING TUNELESSLY at the top of his voice. He takes a long swig from a bottle clenched between his legs. Mapogo glances idly out at the fenceline, then he doubletakes, stands on the brakes. MAPOGO Yoh! Mapogo jumps out of the cab of the bakkie, upending his bottle of beer in the process. He runs over to the fence-line where a huge section is missing. Mapogo stands in the gap, head swinging wildly, eyes wide. It is dawning on him that the herd has gone. MAPOGO (contd) Yoh! 36 EXT. DE JONG RANCH-HOUSE - NIGHT Kobus de Jong bursts out of his front door to confront the nervous Mapogo with a face like thunder. KOBUS Mapogo, whatever you want at this time of night, it better be fokken important! 37 EXT. RUSTLERS VALLEY - NIGHT 37 36

The still night is rent by the sound of a SIREN. Back on the ranch, the alarm has been raised. Lebona looks back towards De Jongs farm compound way off in the distance.


LEBONA Lets move it, my friends. The jackals awake. 38 EXT. DE JONG RANCH-HOUSE - NIGHT Kobus interrogates Mapogo, who in turn interrogates the assembled workers. KOBUS I know these foks. Ungrateful bastards. This is an inside job! Mapogo, lines up the workers, a SJAMBOK in his hand. MAPOGO No problem, Meneer. I can sjambok them, easy. Pacing up and down the line, Kobus stares deep into each quaking mans soul. He knows they can hide nothing from him. KOBUS Mapogo - what do I pay you for? MAPOGO Security, Meneer. KOBUS Exactly, security! So how come you havent got a fokken clue? MAPOGO Meneer? KOBUS A thousand head of prime beef dont just vanish into the mist. Where do you think theyve got to? Mapogo thinks. He makes a tentative suggestion. MAPOGO Lesotho? This seems to amuse the assembled workers. Kobus shouts very close to Mapogos ear. KOBUS Not WHERE, you idiot, I know Lesotho - I mean WHO not WHERE! 38



EXT. RUSTLERS VALLEY - NIGHT Kotsi rides up alongside Lebona. KOTSI So whats the plan? Lebona shrugs. LEBONA What plan? Weve got the guys herd - now we run.





Driving a QUAD BIKE, Kobus leads the charge of bakkies with spotlights criss-crossing the terrain. Its chaos. 41 EXT. RUSTLERS VALLEY - NIGHT Kotsi looks back towards the hive of activity behind them. KOTSI Hang on, dude. What did you tell me about the chickens? The principle was fine, but the execution was lacking. Isnt that what you told me? LEBONA Okay, okay. I get your point. KOTSI Those guys will be all over us soon like a cheap suit. Whats the next move, oh great warrior? Lebona looks around at the landscape. He considers. LEBONA Well I know what our forefathers used to do. KOTSI Great. Lets do that - like the old guys. But quick. Lebona urges his horse ahead and scouts ahead through the monumental sandstone outcrops. 41


Then he turns back and falls in beside Molahlehi. He points ahead. LEBONA Move them down into the bottom of that gulch there. Molahlehi nods, starts to whistle and signals to the others to turn the herd. As they start moving across the sandstone and drop into the valley, the herd seems to disappear in the shadows. 42 EXT. TOP OF RUSTLERS VALLEY - NIGHT 42

Standing on a vantage-point overlooking the network of gulches worn into the sandstone landscape, Kobus and Mapogo discuss the situation. MAPOGO Theyve disappeared. Kobus looks around him. The terrain seems completely empty. KOBUS Dont talk kak. They cant disappear. Theyve taken them down into one of these gulches. Mapogo nods. MAPOGO We wont get the bakkies down there, Meneer. Were going to need horses for that. Kobus considers. KOBUS They cant move that herd very quickly at night. MAPOGO No, sir, they cant. We can pick up their trail in the morning. KOBUS Bastards! This isnt over. Well see whos laughing tomorrow.





Sheriff Msomi drives the boosted Beamer while the Lazy Y boys argue about how to get the GARMIN GPS system to work. Sleepy is full of advice from the back seat. SLEEPY No man, go to Menu. STUPID Its not that easy. SHERIFF MSOMI How hard can it be? You just put in Lesotho! STUPID Thats too wide, boss, from what I am seeing. You need like Number 1 Main Street, Maseru. Sleepy is scornful. SLEEPY But maybe Kotsi doesnt live at Number 1 Main Street, Maseru. Stupid pushes a button. STUPID What about points of interest? Sheriff nods, approving. He looks over to see. SHERIFF MSOMI Okay, press Casino. What other points of interest can these moegoes have? (Thinks) How big can Lesotho be anyway? Its got less people than Soweto! He puts his foot on the gas and the BMW shoots over the horizon. 44 EXT. RUSTLERS VALLEY - DAWN 44

As the first light breaks over Rustlers Valley, Kobus towers erect astride his magnificent BOERPERD STALLION like some mythical image of Koos De La Rey transported in time to this very hilltop from the Basotho War of 1865.


Mapogo and some TRACKERS grub around in the dust analysing the spoor. Mapogo points down into the valley towards a particular gulch and he and the trackers mount up and ride. 45 EXT. BORDER RIVER-BED - DAWN Faced with a wide, swiftly-flowing river Lebona and the Rustlers take stock of the situation. LETSWALO Jesus! Lebona sees his dismay. He tries to rally the troops. LEBONA Okay, one last push. Then were home and dry. KOTSI Dry? LEBONA Well okay, maybe not dry. Back in Lesotho. Letswalo looks around, desperate. LETSWALO You want to go over the river? LEBONA Were going home, arent we? He looks at Kotsi. LEBONA (contd) Thats the plan. Letswalo shakes his head. LETSWALO I cant go over there. Lebona looks at him, disbelieving. LEBONA What do you mean, you cant go over there? Where do you want to go? Thats where we live. 45


LETSWALO Look, its just Lebona suddenly guesses the problem. LEBONA You cant swim? Letswalo shrugs. LETSWALO Its not natural. Lebona and Kotsi both laugh. KOTSI Letswalo, you check, its the horse has to swim. Lebona nods. LEBONA You just sit on the horse. Letswalo is not convinced. LETSWALO What if my horse cant swim either? How would he know how to swim if I cant? LEBONA Come on, my friend. Theres no time for this. Lebona motions to Kotsi, who whoops and crashes into the water, leading the way. The others start to drive the cattle into the river behind him. 46 EXT. VANTAGE POINT ABOVE RIVER - DAWN Kobus, Mapogo and the trackers arrive at a vantage point looking down on the river far below. Mapogo points. MAPOGO The border. 46


KOBUS I know what the damn border looks like! Kobus raises a pair of binoculars to his eyes. Below, from Kobus POV through the binocular lenses, his herd is swimming across the river. 47 EXT. BORDER RIVER-BED - DAWN 47

Lebona looks back across the river. Letswalo is frozen on the bank - he still cant get up the nerve to cross. Lebona swims his horse back over to Letswalo. Seen from a distance, he remonstrates with Letswalo. But its no good. Letswalo shakes his head. His fear is too strong. Lebona sees that hes wasting his time. LEBONA Its fine. You go round the way we came. It might be long, but its dry. LETSWALO Ill move fast. Without cattle its quick. You wont be short for long. Lebona smiles. LEBONA Dont worry, well manage. Find us when you can. Well camp near Semonkong later. LETSWALO Okay. LEBONA I was thinking the Maletsunyane Falls. Letswalo nods. LETSWALO See you there. He watches as Lebona urges his horse back across the river and up the opposite bank, to disappear into the undergrowth on the far side.


Letswalo turns his horse and makes his way along the bank into the tree-line just as: Kobus and his men clatter down the slope to the river-bank, Kobus leading the charge. Kobus urges his horse forward into the torrent, but swings round and turns back as the others all stop at the rivers edge. KOBUS What now? Please dont tell me you cant fokken swim? MAPOGO Meneer, we cant go that side of the river. KOBUS You mean youre too chicken-shit! There goes my herd! Mapogo shakes his head. Hes adamant. MAPOGO Maybe Meneer can go where he wants. My organisation has rules. Kobus cant believe what hes hearing. KOBUS Rules? You crazy? What fokken rules? MAPOGO We cant chase thieves over there. (He points) That, over there, is another country. Thats when you have to call Interpol. 48 EXT. RIVER-BANK/TREES - DAY Letswalo peers out from the trees where hes hidden. Hes been following all this nervously, camouflaged amongst the trees. Then a leaf tickles his nose, and Letswalo cant restrain an almighty SNEEZE. Kobus, swings round and spots him hidden there. 48


At a signal from Kobus they all converge on the hapless Letswalo, who breaks from the bushes and bolts. 49 EXT. LESOTHO BORDER LANDSCAPE - DAY 49

The Rustlers, now reduced to a Magnificent 6, push the herd into a run. Theyre whooping and hollering, celebrating the success of their mission. The herd is running smoothly, this drive like a well-oiled machine, with each man part of the joyous flow. 50 EXT. RIVER-BANK/LARGE TREE - DAY Letswalo is tied to a tree on the riverbank. Mapogo cracks his sjambok. MAPOGO What were you doing there hiding? LETSWALO What hiding? Its a free country. I was just passing by. Mapogo cracks his sjambok again. This time closer. MAPOGO You dont know about any cattle? LETSWALO I dont know about anything. Im going to Ficksburg. MAPOGO Youre not rustling cattle? Letswalo shakes his head nervously. Mapogo holds out his hand. MAPOGO (contd) Spit here. LETSWALO Sorry? MAPOGO Spit in my hand. Kobus is impatient. 50


KOBUS Mapogo, what the fok are you doing? Mapogo taps the side of his nose, wisely. MAPOGO Thats what we call an investigative technique. If the suspect is telling the truth he will spit, if hes lying his mouth will be dry and hell fail. KOBUS Bullshit! I dont have time for this. Mapogo looks at Letswalo. MAPOGO Spit! Letswalo works his mouth, but no spittle will come. Kobus looks at Mapogo with renewed appreciation. Mapogo unleashes his sjambok. He makes Letswalo dance spurts of dust puffing up around his feet as he yelps. Kobus gestures for Mapogo to stop. He looms over Letswalo, pats him on the cheek. He speaks in English. KOBUS Let me tell you the deal. For the last time. I am going to ask you where my herd has gone. He reaches out to tuck a R100 note into Letswalos breast pocket. KOBUS (contd) Now if you tell me what I want to know Ill buy you a one-way ticket to Pondoland, or Phalaborwa, or Poffadder - anywhere with a P in it. (A beat) Not Lesotho because Lesotho doesnt have a P. His voice rises to a crescendo.


KOBUS (contd) And you wont have a P to piss with if you dont tell me where my fokken cows are going! (A beat) Do we understand each other? Letswalo nods vigorously. Kobus turns to Mapogo, taps the side of his nose. KOBUS (contd) Now thats what I call an investigative technique! 51 EXT. LESOTHO FOOTHILLS/CAMP - DAY 51

Nestled in some undulating foothills, Lebona and the Rustlers camp near the Maletsunyane Falls, a 192 metre horsetail drop which is the largest in Southern Africa. They set about re-branding the cattle with an iron Lebonas devised. It cunningly changes Kobus Ko brand, into LeBo, for Lebona. Its a classic helter-skelter musical montage of cutting, roping and branding. The Rustlers LAUGH maniacally at each others efforts as they slip and slide, dragged on the end of a rope. They WHOOP and CHEER as each man brings down a cow on its side to be branded. They SNIGGER when Lefu lands on his butt. CUT TO LATER: 52 EXT. LESOTHO FOOTHILLS/CAMP - DUSK 52

Towards dusk, the Rustlers finish off the last cow, release it into a brush kraal theyve constructed in the valley near the camp. A cow turns on a spit over a large fire, as the first invited locals turn up for the feast in celebration of their victory. Local villagers crowd into the camp, bringing beer. Young women cook pots of pap on the fires.


Lebona looks on. Hes happy. CUT TO LATER: 53 EXT. LESOTHO FOOTHILLS/CAMP - NIGHT 53

Kotsi leads the Rustlers in his promised Mokorotlo war-dance in honour of Lebona. Traditionally reserved to honour the chief, it entails a rhythmical backward and forward swinging action accompanied by the stamping of feet. Kotsi sings the lead in a rather incongruous high-pitched voice, while the others accompany him in a deep throaty refrain. Lebona watches, smiling. Hes in his element. From time to time, one or other of the Rustlers breaks away from the group to dance in front of Lebona, miming a battle attack. The men stamp and strut aggressively, periodically leaping up and firing their guns into the air. Kotsi motions for quiet - he wants to give a speech. He raises his beer to Lebona. KOTSI Heres to my good friend, Lebona. He shaved the Boers beard - just as he promised us! Kotsi drinks deeply. They all toast and drink. Lebona stands up. LEBONA Thanks to all of you for believing in me. We are tasting the first fruits of victory. So my brothers, eat your meat and drink your fill. Were safe now - the Boer will never find us! The Rustlers all cheer - theyll drink to that. CUT TO LATER:





That night, Lebonas sleep is troubled. He tosses and turns by the dying campfire. 55 EXT. LEBONAS DREAMSCAPE - DAY 55

A thick cloud of red dust blows across the familiar abstract landscape of Lebonas dream. But this time, the DRUMMING SOUND grows louder and louder. Its like the drums of the Mokorotlo dance. MEN SHOUT OUT LEBONAS NAME, GUNS FIRING and finally the herd of CATTLE RUNNING, their hooves mingling with the drumming sound as they disappear into the cloud of red dust. 56 EXT. RUSTLERS CAMP/LOOKOUT SPOT - DAWN Kotsi is on watch on the hillside. Hes playing Lebonas thome and singing to the cows to soothe them. Then Kotsi seems to hear a SOUND in the distance. He stops playing, looks around him. He stands up but cant seem to locate the source of the distant HUM in the wind. Close, Kotsi looks disconcerted. He starts to walk down the hill to the camp. 57 EXT. LESOTHO FOOTHILLS/CAMP - DAWN Kotsis hand shakes a blanketed form. Lebona jerks bolt upright. Around him the campsite is filled with the sound of his SNORING crew. LEBONA What? KOTSI I dont know. We need to get going. Lebona is disoriented. LEBONA I...I was having a dream. KOTSI You amaze me. 57 56


He calls out to rouse the crew. KOTSI (CONT'D) Wake up! LEBONA Relax. Let them sleep it off. Were fine now. Kotsi shakes off Lebonas restraining hand. He starts rousing the others. KOTSI Come on you lazy pricks - rise and shine! The Rustlers wake up bleary eyed and hung over. LEFU Whats the big hurry? Kotsi reacts. KOTSI The big hurry is theres a job to be done. Its not over til the auctioneer sings! Lebona throws some sticks on the fire and coaxes it back into life. He puts a COFFEE POT on to boil. LEBONA I wish youd relax. You dont have to worry. I dreamed of the victory celebration. Kotsi turns away, he looks worried. He looks around as though listening for the sound in the wind. KOTSI Shh! LEBONA Moshoeshoe wont fail us, believe me. Id know if there was a problem... Kotsi calls out. KOTSI Lebona! SHUT UP! They all turn to Kotsi, who holds up a hand.


In the sudden silence, they can hear the THRUMMING sound off in the distance. Is that the sound of the Lebonas drums? Lebona is galvanised into action. He runs to his horse, leaps on and urges it up the hillside to the top. Kotsi screams at the Rustlers. KOTSI (contd) Move your asses - mount up! 58 EXT. CREST OF HILL - MOMENTS LATER Lebona gallops to the top of the hill. He arrives just as: A dark menacing CHOPPER crests the hill right in front of him. Lebonas horse spooks - rears up on its hind legs. And for one brief instant in the spotlight, Lebonas face is imprinted on the eyes of Kobus, who is sat in the passenger seat of the chopper. A look of mutual recognition passes between them, mirroring their face-off in the casino bar. Then Lebona turns his horse and gallops off down the hill. LEBONA Run for it! 59 EXT. LESOTHO FOOTHILLS/CAMP - CONTINUOUS As Lebona gallops, the Chopper swoops low behind him. Kotsi SHOUTS. KOTSI Lebona - look out! The Rustlers mount up and scatter, SHOUTING out warnings and imprecations, FIRING THEIR GUNS in the air. But as the Chopper swoops low again, intent on decapitation, Kotsi lets loose with his AK47. His random spray of bullets is comically inept, but it does force the Chopper up again. 59 58





The PILOT pulls the Chopper up and away as BULLET HITS rake the cockpit. KOBUS Down! GO DOWN! Dont let this scumsucker get away! Kobus tries to level his gun through the window. INSERT CLOSE ON THE FUEL GAUGE AS THE NEEDLE GOES DOWN The Pilot turns to Kobus. PILOT The tank must be hit. We have to go back. KOBUS Put it down here. The Pilot looks at him, shakes his head. PILOT Theres at least ten of those fuckers, armed to the teeth. Theres no way Im going down there. He pulls back on the joystick. The chopper veers away. KOBUS (V.O.) PUSSY! 61 EXT. RUSTLERS CAMP/CATTLE KRAAL - MOMENTS LATER 61

The Chopper disappears towards the horizon as Kotsi continues to loose off his AK47 in their approximate direction. The SCREAMING, the GUNFIRE, the NOISE of the Chopper - in fact the exact soundtrack to Lebonas nightmare - all this has combined to spook the herd. In a montage of close shots they start to move, eyes wild, hooves pawing the ground. They break into a walk, jostling, then a run. The herd breaks through the thorn scrub fence of the Kraal, the pressure from behind urging them forward.

56. Now its a full-blown stampede. Trailing a plume of dust, the herd clatters off into the distance, dispersing. CUT TO LATER: 62 EXT. LESOTHO FOOTHILLS/CAMP - DAY 62

In the cold light of day, the full extent of the disaster is apparent. The campsite is trampled, the cattle have bolted. And the Rustlers picking through the detritus of the campsite are discouraged and mutinous. TSEBO I knew it! I had a steady job. MOLAHLEHI Its okay for him to have dreams. What about us? LEFU Ja - wheres all his promises now? Lebona comes up to them, but they cant meet his eyes. LEBONA Look guys, Im sorry. I didnt expect this... Tsebo is bitter. TSEBO Dont worry about us. (Sarcastic) Dikgomo ke banka ya Mosotho. Lebona shrugs. LEBONA Wed better split up. You guys should spread out and make your way home. We want to avoid attracting attention. Molahlehi is bitter, sarcastic. MOLAHLEHI Oh I think well attract some attention back home. Well be the laughing stock of the village.


And one by one they turn their heads and walk away from him, leaving Lebona standing alone. CUT TO LATER: 63 EXT. RUSTLERS CAMP - DAY 63

Now, its just Lebona and Kotsi left. Lebona looks at Kotsi who shakes his head with regret at this disaster. KOTSI Cant hang around here. The Boer could be back any time. Lebona nods. LEBONA Ja. (A beat) Look, I know this isnt the time to ask you for a favour... KOTSI Youre right. It isnt. LEBONA Just on your way home... Kotsi sighs. KOTSI What now? LEBONA You couldnt pass through and pick up Palesa? I want you to take her home with you. KOTSI Whys that, then? Ive got to tell you, Palesas transport problems arent high on my list right now. LEBONA That Boer recognised me, Id swear to it. KOTSI What, from the chopper? I really doubt that....You know we all look the same to these guys.


LEBONA No, really. I saw his face and it wasnt pretty. He might go and look for Palesa to find me. Kotsi shrugs. KOTSI What about you? What are you going to do? Lebona looks around at the devastation. LEBONA I cant give this up. Kotsi shakes his head. KOTSI Dude, its over. Forget the Boer now. Okay, so he whipped us. But we did our best. Its not like the good old days any more. Lebona is thoughtful. LEBONA I dont care about losing. Its not about him. But I really need those cattle. Kotsi laughs mirthlessly. KOTSI Forget the cows, dude. Its finished. Theyre scattered all over Lesotho by now. Lebona shrugs. LEBONA You tell Palesa Im doing my best. (a beat) Ill see you back home. Kotsi mounts up. KOTSI Sure. Whatever... He rides off.





Meanwhile, back at the ranch, an eye takes aim down the long barrel of an elephant gun and looses a shot with a BANG. A BABOON SKULL stood on a fence-post 150 yards across the paddock EXPLODES - shatters into a thousand pieces. De Jong packs the gun into the 1966 eight-cylinder MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE parked in the middle of a field. He whistles for his prized Boerperd stallion, which gallops up to him and allows himself to be led into the horsebox hitched to the back of the Mustang. 65 I/E. FREE STATE ROAD - DAY 65

The Mustang, with the Horsebox hitched behind, powers along the tarmac road from Ficksburg to the border. Kobus, eyes narrowed, stares straight ahead like some grim nemesis. 66 EXT. LESOTHO BORDER POST - DAY 66

Kobus swings into the Lesotho Border Post parking lot, parks, and walks inside. 67 INT. LESOTHO BORDER POST - DAY 67

A hick IMMIGRATION OFFICER confronts Sheriff Msomi with his lack of travel documents. He speaks in English. IMMIGRATION OFFICER Passport? SHERIFF MSOMI Sorry? IMMIGRATION OFFICER Passport! Sheriff is clearly surprised by this request. SHERIFF MSOMI Why would we need a pass book any more? This is the new South Africa, isnt it?


The long-suffering IMMIGRATION OFFICER sighs. He jerks a thumb over his shoulder towards where theyve just come from. IMMIGRATION OFFICER That is the new South Africa. He points a finger in front of him. IMMIGRATION OFFICER (contd) This is the old Lesotho. SHERIFF MSOMI Ja, but its all still Africa, isnt it? How come we need some papers to move? The Immigration Officer is unmoved by his argument. He sighs deeply, holds out his hand. Sheriff Msomi looks down at the hand, applies some lateral thinking. SHERIFF MSOMI (contd) Let me explain you a thing. Im from Alex? IMMIGRATION OFFICER And so? SHERIFF MSOMI And so I reserve my constitutional right to resolve this according to my cultural customs. Sheriff pulls out a wad of cash from his pocket. He slaps it into the Guards hand. With the Lazy Y boys leaning over persuasively, the Guard feels it best to pocket the gift. He waves them on their way. Kobus shakes his head, disapproving. He slaps his PASSPORT on the counter. 68 EXT. LESOTHO BORDER POST - DAY 68

In the car-park of the border-post, Sheriff stops gobsmacked. His Lazy Y henchmen all pile up behind him like a multi-car crash. Sheriff has seen the Mustang parked there. Close, in his eyes, it is love at first sight.


Sheriff goes across to admire the immaculately polished Mustang convertible gleaming and sparkling in the sunlight. He runs his hand lovingly over the bonnet, caresses the hood ornament. Sheriff starts to try the drivers side door, just as: Kobus steps out of the border-post doorway. KOBUS HEY! DONT TOUCH! Sheriff turns as Kobus approaches. The Border Guard comes out to see what the fuss is. Sheriff decides on discretion. SHERIFF MSOMI Nice car. Kobus is brusque. KOBUS Ja, it is. He pushes past and gets in. Sheriff listens admiringly as the V8 engine roars into life and Kobus pulls out. 69 EXT. LESOTHO FOOTHILLS/THORN THICKET - DAY 69

Lebona has located one of his missing cattle in the midst of a thicket of thorn bush. With a comic degree of difficulty, he manages to stalk it, tries to lasso it. But the cow keeps eluding him as Lebona keeps pricking himself on the thorns. A couple of passing ten-year old HERD BOYS stop to watch all these antics with barely-disguised amusement. 70 INT. PALESAS ROOM/MASERU SUN STAFF QUARTERS - DAY 70

In her room at the Maseru Sun, Kotsi grabs handfuls of Palesas clothes from her cupboard, stuffs them into her bag. PALESA Kotsi! Will you stop that! Im not going anywhere. Kotsi carries on packing.


KOTSI Lebona says you need to go home. PALESA Well, Im not interested in what Lebona says. He just disappears not a word! KOTSI Weve been working. Palesa seems dubious. PALESA Oh really. What work is that? KOTSI Mens work. Palesa is not impressed. Shes sarcastic PALESA Oh mens work? That would be a first. The men I know dont do any work! KOTSI Come on. Its serious. We gotta get going. Palesa resists. PALESA Why didnt Lebona come here himself? He has some explaining to do. Kotsi looks at his watch. Hes tired of this shit - he doesnt have time. He picks up Palesa and swings her up onto his ample shoulder, kicking and protesting. He grabs her bag with his free hand and heads out of the room. 71 EXT. MASERU SUN/ALLEYWAY - DAY 71

Kotsi bursts through a side door into the alleyway where his horse waits patiently, tied to a WHEELY BIN. Kotsi tries to load the reluctant Palesa onto the back of his horse.


PALESA No way - no! HELP! At that moment, two traditional-looking OLD MEN with sticks round the corner. Palesa sees them. PALESA (contd) Please - help me! This man is kidnapping me! The Old Men stop, assessing the scene in silence. Kotsi shrugs, apologetic. A beat. Then the Old Men give him a wink of approval - the thumbs-up, and they turn a blind eye and walk on. PALESA (contd) Oh great! Typical. Thanks very much. 72 EXT. MASERU BOTTLE-STORE - DAY 72

Sheriff Msomi walks out of a bottle-store in the main street, directly opposite the Maseru Sun. He hears SCREAMS issuing from an alleyway up the block. He looks in that direction, just as: The Mustang Convertible pulls up outside the Casino, Kobus at the wheel. Kobus jumps out and goes into the hotel. Sheriff is instantly distracted. He walks purposefully across towards the beautiful car. His hand grips the door-handle just as: Kotsi gallops past with Palesa behind him. Sheriff catches a brief glimpse of his quarry - double takes. A smile of grim satisfaction spreads over Sheriff Msomis unprepossessing features. SHERIFF MSOMI (To himself) Points of interest! He turns to round up the Lazy Y boys.





From a distance, it looks like Lebona is trying to sell his cow to the two young Herd Boys without much success. He is gesticulating a lot, pointing at the cow, indicating himself. The two Boys shake their heads dubiously, examine the brand closely. 74 INT. PALESAS ROOM/MASERU SUN STAFF QUARTERS - DAY 74

Inside Palesas room, the rather camp DUTY MANAGER indicates the empty cupboard, the open drawers - the room showing signs of a hasty departure. He tuts in disapproval. DUTY MANAGER (English) Will you just look at this mess? Well good riddance to her, thats what I say. KOBUS Shes gone? The Manager shrugs. DUTY MANAGER I would say so. She certainly didnt show up for her shift. The pretty young barman came whining about that. (Gossips) I think hes got a bit of a crush on her. KOBUS And her boyfriend? The Manager makes a horrified gesture. DUTY MANAGER Darling, please, - spare me the details! Its hard to keep up with their personal lives. I just know shes not on the premises.



INT. MASERU SUN/OFFICE BEHIND RECEPTION - DAY The Duty Manager digs into a filing cabinet. Riffling through, he manages to unearth Palesas file. DUTY MANAGER You couldnt possibly imagine what my job is like. These young girls come and go all the time. Theyre not what Id call reliable. Give me a male waitron every time. (A beat) But the customers here just wont go for it. You wouldnt believe all the hanky-panky!


He writes something on a pink post-it note - gives it to De Jong. Close, its Palesas address - Menkwaneng. Kobus nods curtly. KOBUS Okay. The Duty Manager is flirtatiously optimistic. DUTY MANAGER Anything else I can do for you? But Kobus is already halfway through the door. 76 EXT. MASERU SUN - DAY 76

With a screech of tyres, the Mustang pulls away from the kerb outside the Casino. 77 EXT. MAIN ROAD OUTSKIRTS OF MASERU - DAY 77

Kotsi rides his horse along the road leading up to the hills through the outskirts of Maseru. It looks like Palesas still bending his ear. Then a BMW pulls alongside. Sheriff Msomi extends an arm holding a big .44 Magnum revolver. Kotsi sees the car, sees Sheriff. Palesa rattles on behind him, oblivious.


PALESA This is really not on. Youre going to regret this... Palesa follows his eyes, sees the gun - and her rant trails off mid sentence. 78 EXT. LESOTHO MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE - DAY 78

Lebona rides Kutloano through a wide lonely landscape. He is driving his single cow before him. As he rides, Lebona speaks to the horse. LEBONA Look, its not so bad. I can fix this. Anyone can misinterpret a dream. (A beat) Maybe its just a case of reducing our expectations a little. Kutloano ignores him. 79 EXT. MENKWANENG/MAIN STREET - DAY 79

Lebona drives his lone cow down the main street of Menkwaneng. He looks for Kotsi, but Kotsis favourite chair outside the saloon is empty. 80 EXT. LEBONAS HUT - DAY 80

Lebona arrives home, drives his cow into the kraal beside his house. Kotsi comes out of the hut. He speaks in a low voice. KOTSI We have a small problem. Lebona closes the gate, starts to unsaddle his horse. LEBONA Its not as bad as it looks. No problems, only solutions. As he speaks, Palesas voice calls out from his hut. PALESA LEBONA?


Lebona looks up as: Palesa emerges from his hut, one arm held firmly by Sheriff Msomi. PALESA (contd) Can you please tell me whats going on here? Lebonas amazed, turns on Kotsi. LEBONA Whats going on? Lebona takes a step forward towards Sheriff Msomi, but seeing the Lazy Y Boys makes him stop. SHERIFF MSOMI Thats a very good question. Let me explain. From what he tells me, your friend Kotsi here has invested my cash in a lucrative cattle deal. LEBONA (To Kotsi) His cash? Sheriff looks at the lone cow in the pen. SHERIFF MSOMI And while I realise my Jozi eyes are better with cars than with cows, I dont see how one cow will do the trick. PALESA Lebona? Who is this guy? Lebona shrugs, looks at Kotsi. LEBONA Who - ? Sheriff cuts him short. SHERIFF MSOMI You understand that this money was part of a lucrative business undertaking to import a consignment of high-grade Lesotho product for my business in Alex. Lebona looks at Kotsi.


LEBONA Your money was his money? Kotsi shrugs. KOTSI In a way... Sheriff corrects Kotsi. SHERIFF MSOMI In every way! (A beat) This fat bullshit artist explicitly promised me that he had good connections amongst the highcountry export merchants of this miserable Kingdom. PALESA Oh my god! Sheriff ignores her. SHERIFF MSOMI Now Im out by a considerable sum which is increasing daily at a high rate of interest. In fact, you might say the meter is running. Palesa tries to pull her arm free of Sheriffs grip. PALESA Whats all this got to do with me? To Sheriff. LEBONA This has got nothing to do with the woman. SHERIFF MSOMI Ah yes. In one way youre right. But think of her as a form of insurance. Lebona considers. He starts to re-saddle Kutloano LEBONA Look, if thats all you want, Ill get you your stuff...


SHERIFF MSOMI Correct! And your girlfriend will wait here with us. KOTSI What about me? I should go too. Sheriff considers. SHERIFF MSOMI I think your best plan is to shut the fuck up. Your friend with the brains, who took all my money, must sort out this fine mess hes got us all into! Lebona turns towards Sheriff. LEBONA Ill do this on one condition. Sheriff looks at Lebona. SHERIFF MSOMI I dont think youre in a position to make conditions. Lebona is adamant. LEBONA I want to speak to Palesa. Sheriff shrugs, releases her arm. SHERIFF MSOMI Make it quick. LEBONA Alone. Sheriff pulls out his .44. He indicates that they should go into the kraal with the cow. SHERIFF MSOMI Two minutes. Im watching you. 81 EXT. LEBONAS HUT/CATTLE KRAAL - DAY Lebona takes Palesa out of earshot, speaks in a low voice. LEBONA Are you okay? 81


PALESA What does it look like? (She explodes) What the hell do you guys think youre playing at? LEBONA Im sorry. I didnt expect this. PALESA No, sorry just doesnt do it Lebona. This time were not in one of your dreams. (A beat) And its not just us - theres a baby to think of. LEBONA Baby? What baby? (It dawns on him) Congratulations? (A beat) I didnt think Palesa cuts in. PALESA Exactly! Thats the whole point you didnt think. (She shakes her head.) You know what your trouble is, Lebona? You dont really think about anything. You just blow with the wind, wait for some sort of sign. Im sick and tired of Moshoeshoe, okay? When are you going to stand up for yourself? LEBONA Look...I know... All Palesas frustrations come pouring out. PALESA Better still, when are you going to stand up for me? You have to start taking this seriously. This is our problem and we have to deal with it. You cant just wait for help from your ancestor - Im sure he wants you to think for yourself.


LEBONA No, youre right. I can sort all this out. Palesa shakes her head. PALESA You know what, Lebona, I think its too late. My father was right, I was stupid. If me and this baby get out alive, Im going to have to make my own plans. (A beat) And dont expect to be part of them. Lebona is shattered. LEBONA Dont be like that. Ill work it out. Trust me. Palesa shakes her head. PALESA I did trust you - that was my problem. And now its time for us both to grow up! (A beat) From now on youre on your own. Sheriff comes over towards them. He waves the gun. SHERIFF MSOMI Thats enough of this domestic bullshit. I cant afford to hang around here. This time tomorrow your friend Kotsis dead. Sheriff grabs Palesas arm and pulls her away. SHERIFF MSOMI (contd) And as for the chick, Ill think of a plan. Shell have to work off your debt back in Alex. Lebona tries to calm Sheriff down, reassures him. LEBONA Relax. Theres really no problem. He speaks to Palesa.


LEBONA (contd) Ill fix this, okay? Palesa turns away from him. Lebona mounts up and sets off. Sheriff looks at Palesa. She doesnt look confident. 82 EXT. LESOTHO MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE - DAY 82

Lebona makes his way towards the high country. Viewed from afar, he is rapidly becoming a small and insignificant dot in the vast mountain landscape. 83 EXT. MENKWANENG/MAIN STREET - DAY 83

Unaccustomed to this level of excitement, let alone the sheer volume of traffic, the VILLAGERS are gobsmacked when Kobus pulls into town in his Mustang. Viewed from a distance, Kobus makes some enquiries. The Villagers readily point out the address he is seeking. 84 EXT. MOKHETIS HOUSE - DAY Kobus knocks on the door of Mokhetis house. PALESAS MOTHER opens a crack, takes a look, then slams the door closed again in alarm. Kobus knocks again. 85 INT. MOKHETIS HOUSE - DAY Palesas Mother shakes Mokheti, whos dozing in a chair. MOKHETI Wha...? Palesas Mother points at the door. PALESAS MOTHER Theres a Boer on my stoep! Mokheti clambers creakily to his feet. MOKHETI A Boer? 85 84


Palesas mother nods, alarmed. PALESAS MOTHER I think so. MOKHETI What does he want? Palesas Mother shrugs. The sound of insistent KNOCKING. 86 EXT. MOKHETIS HOUSE - DAY Mokheti opens the door. Kobus greets him in English. KOBUS Morning. Mokheti summons his limited grasp of the language. MOKHETI It is. Im fine. Kobus wants to get to the point. KOBUS Im looking for a girl. Palesas Mother appears at the doorway behind Mokheti. He turns to explain to her in SeSotho. MOKHETI The Boer says he wants a girl. PALESAS MOTHER Palesa? Kobus hears the name, nods. KOBUS Ja, Palesa. Thats right, Palesa. MOKHETI Palesa has gone to Maseru. KOBUS Ja Maseru. Thats where I met her. Now I need to find her - its urgent. Mokheti speaks to his wife in SeSotho. 86


MOKHETI He says hes interested in Palesa. PALESAS MOTHER He wants her? MOKHETI Thats what he says. Mokheti indicates the Mustang. MOKHETI (CONT'D) I think he has money this Boer. Kobus is getting impatient. KOBUS Palesa - she has a boyfriend, right? Canny Mokheti answers quick as a flash. MOKHETI No boyfriend. She is free. KOBUS I saw him, her boyfriend. Mokheti speaks to Palesas Mother. MOKHETI He knows about Lebona. KOBUS Lebona? Is that his name? Where can I find this Lebona? MOKHETI Why do you worry about Lebona? Kobus has reached snapping point. KOBUS Because when I find that cheeky bastard, Ill break his fokken neck! Mokheti nods, enthusiastic. He understands completely! MOKHETI Yes. Fine. Let me show you. He beckons Kobus out onto the road - starts pointing out where to go.



INT. LEBONAS HUT - DAY Kotsi snores on Lebonas bed while Palesa berates her captors. PALESA You wont get away with this. SHERIFF MSOMI You think? PALESA You city guys dont know a small village. Everyone gets to know everyones business. Someone will find out youre keeping me here. The SOUND of a car pulling up outside. Sheriff puts his finger to his lips, speaks to Stupid. SHERIFF MSOMI Keep the chick quiet. Ill deal with this. He walks out the door of the hut.





Outside Lebonas hut, Kobus takes out his gun and gets out of the car just as Sheriff comes out to see whos arrived. Sheriff Msomi is intrigued by the unexpected re-appearance of this fabulous vehicle in his life. He looks at it appreciatively. Kobus eyes him warily. Each is aware of the others gun. SHERIFF MSOMI What brings you here, umlungu? KOBUS Wheres this Lebona? Sheriff considers. SHERIFF MSOMI Who wants to know? KOBUS Whats it to you? Sheriff shrugs.


SHERIFF MSOMI Hes my bitch! Kobus has had enough of the sparring, gets straight to the point. KOBUS Dont you dick me around, my friend. This moffie rustled a moerse herd of my cattle... This cracks up Sheriff. KOBUS (CONT'D) Whats so fokken funny? Sheriff indicates the lone cow in the boma there. SHERIFF MSOMI Theres your herd, check. Kobus heads over to take a look. He inspects the brand closely, the fresh scars in its hide overlaying the old. Kobus turns, his tone icy. KOBUS And the rest? Wheres this oke? Sheriff shrugs. He points off into the distant mountains. SHERIFF MSOMI Lebona has gone on a business trip up the mountain. If you want a piece of this moegoe, then youll just have to wait in line. Kobus gets back into the Mustang. Sheriff Msomi approaches, caresses the hood. SHERIFF MSOMI (contd) How much for the car? KOBUS Voetsek! He accelerates away.





Parked in Menkwaneng Main Street, Kobus opens the back of his Horsebox, leads out his impressive Boerperd stallion. The Villagers gasp and gather round - theyre great connoisseurs of horseflesh. Theres a frisson of mounting excitement as Kobus saddles up, slips his long rifle into a pouch next to the saddle. Kobus straps on a GUNBELT, pulls on some BUCKSKIN GLOVES, straightens his SLOUCH HAT. When Kobus mounts up, the Villagers CHEER - a spontaneous round of applause for this mythic figure, seemingly straight out of the history books. Kobus rides off up the street, heading towards the mountains visible in the distance. 90 EXT. HIGH MOUNTAIN TRAIL - DAY Lebona winds his way up into the mountains. Then, as though feeling a chill wind on the back of his neck, he pulls up Kutloano, turns to look back. LEBONA No....It couldnt be! From Lebonas POV far below on the trail behind, the figure of Kobus follows. LEBONA (contd) (to Kutloano) Could it? In a montage of shots: Through streams and thickets, Lebona tries every trick in the book to shake De Jong from his trail, but: Kobus follows relentlessly, tracking his man across rocks and through the streams. Lebona confides in his horse, Kutloano. LEBONA (CONT'D) I cant believe this guy. Hes good. And hes getting closer! 90





As dusk starts to close in, Lebona climbs the path below the SMUGGLERS hideout, where sacks of compressed weed are being prepared for transit by donkey. Its a veritable production line. The Smugglers LOOKOUT, spots the approaching rider. He calls out to his companions below. LOOKOUT Someone coming. The Boss Smuggler raises his rifle and takes careful aim. BOSS SMUGGLER Anyone we know? They all take a look down at the trail below. One youth, THABA (Mountain)speaks up. THABA I know that horse. Must be Lebona. BOSS SMUGGLER Which Lebona is that? THABA Lebona from school days in Menkwaneng. Im telling you, that kid was really cooked. Hes some kind of history nerd - lives in the past. He thinks hes Moshoeshoe the First. The Boss Smuggler sounds irritated. BOSS SMUGGLER So what? Do I shoot him or not? Thaba shakes his head. THABA Nah. Dont worry, hes harmless. Lebonas always good for a laugh. They lower their rifles and watch as Lebona approaches. CUT TO LATER:



EXT. SMUGGLERS HIDEOUT/CAMPFIRE - NIGHT Later, at the end of a meal cooked on the campfire, Lebona uses all his skills of negotiation. BOSS SMUGGLER Thats quite a package youre talking about! LEBONA Yes, its a good investment for you guys. BOSS SMUGGLER Sorry? How do you mean investment? LEBONA Obviously I will need some credit. But thats where your profit is bigger. The Boss Smuggler laughs. His men all get up and start scraping their plates, packing them away. BOSS SMUGGLER I think youve come to the wrong place, Lebona. Do you see me wearing a suit?


Lebona looks at the worn BLANKET, the stinking old SNEAKERS. LEBONA A suit? I dont get you. The Boss Smuggler laughs. BOSS SMUGGLER Do I look like the manager of the Agricultural Investment Bank? LEBONA No, of course, its a large amount. I was hoping we could defer part of the payment. The Boss Smuggler considers. BOSS SMUGGLER And your deposit?


LEBONA No deposit, big interest. I was thinking you could definitely double your money. BOSS SMUGGLER What about no deposit, no interest? LEBONA Sure, that sounds fair. BOSS SMUGGLER If you give me no deposit I have no interest in giving you any dagga. LEBONA Oh.... The Smugglers continue to break camp. They load up their animals ready to leave. BOSS SMUGGLER Let me see if I get you correctly. I give you two donkey-loads of weed. And you give me what up front? Lebona stands up. LEBONA Well nothing up front. The profit all comes at the back end. The Boss Smuggler laughs. He points at the pack animals. BOSS SMUGGLER You see those donkeys there? LEBONA Yes. Excellent donkeys. Theyre strong. BOSS SMUGGLER Well they should be - they eat up a lot of grass. (A beat) And you know what comes out at the back end? The Smugglers all laugh.


Lebona is not so amused. He looks worried. CUT TO LATER: 93 EXT. HIGH PEAKS SMUGGLERS HIDEOUT - NIGHT 93

In the FULL MOON, their donkeys all loaded, the Smugglers are ready to pull out. Lebona sits by the campfire forlorn. Hes run out of options. The Boss Smuggler comes up to Lebona. LEBONA You off? The Boss Smuggler nods. BOSS SMUGGLER We ride by night. He hands him a PACKAGE wrapped in newsprint. Its about as thick as a mans forearm. BOSS SMUGGLER (CONT'D) Ill leave you this arm as a sample. Thats the best I can do. Its business. Lebona nods. LEBONA I understand. Thanks. The Boss Smuggler pats him on the shoulder. BOSS SMUGGLER All you need is seed money. LEBONA Seed money? BOSS SMUGGLER Ja, with seeds you can grow it yourself. Lebona struggles to conceal his disappointment. He watches as the Smugglers ride off down the trail, swallowed up by the darkness.





Sheltering in a cave, Lebona sits huddled around a tiny fire, freezing and miserable. Below, in the night, like a warning beacon, he can see the Boers campfire blazing. Kobus is closer now, still on his trail. Lebona opens the newsprint package. He takes out a pipe, stuffs the bowl with weed. Contemplating the abyss, he lights up the pipe and falls into a reverie. 95 EXT. LEBONAS DREAMSCAPE - DAY A cloud of red dust sweeps across the landscape. Then out of it, emerges a figure galloping on horseback its Lebona himself. He rides like the wind, leaving the red dust behind him, he approaches growing larger until his smiling face is visible. 96 I/E. MOUNTAIN CAVE - NIGHT With a start, Lebona snaps awake, sits bolt upright. He WHOOPS! 97 EXT. HIGH PEAKS SMUGGLERS HIDEOUT - DAWN Lebona talks to Kutloano as he saddles him up. LEBONA Sometimes, a man has to take his destiny into his own hands. Kutloano nods his head and snorts. LEBONA (contd) This is something we have to sort out for ourselves. Its all down to you and me. Lebona finishes saddling Kutloano. He reaches into his saddlebag. He straps on the gunbelt with his Webley revolver, mounts up and rides out. 97 96 95





From far up the mountain trail, Lebona, mounted, looks down from his vantage point. Close, his eyes squint against the early sun to make out the scene in the distance. Below him, he can see Kobus saddling his horse, mounting up. Lebona checks his revolver, puts it back into its holster. He urges Kutloano on down the trail. 99 EXT. ROCKY OUTCROP - DAY Kobus emerges from behind a rocky outcrop. His eyes are downcast, following the trail. 100 EXT. HIGH MOUNTAIN TRAIL/BOULDER - DAY 100 99

Lebona dismounts, leaves Kutloano behind a large boulder. He scrambles up to the top. 101 EXT. HIGH MOUNTAIN TRAIL/BELOW - DAY 101

Kobus, far off below, hears a call echoing through the rocks and boulders above him. LEBONA (V.O.) Hai! Kobus reins in his horse, looks up for the source of the sound. Close, his eyes narrow as he sees: 102 EXT. HIGH MOUNTAIN TRAIL/BOULDER - DAY 102

Seen from Kobus POV below, Lebona stands on the top of the boulder, hand raised. Lebona shouts out in English. LEBONA I want to talk. He raises his other hand to show that he comes in peace.





Kobus reaches deliberately for his rifle in its sheath on his saddle. He raises it to his shoulder, takes aim. 104 EXT. HIGH MOUNTAIN TRAIL/BOULDER - DAY 104

Close, Lebona watches in disbelief. The Boer is at least 900 metres away down the mountain. He waves both his arms, speaks under his breath. LEBONA (Mutters) Not from that distance,mosweu (white person), no way. 105 EXT. HIGH MOUNTAIN TRAIL/BELOW - DAY Close, Kobus adjusts the sight on his rifle. He exhales evenly, squeezes the trigger. BANG! The sound of the rifle reverberates through the rocks as: 106 EXT. HIGH MOUNTAIN TRAIL/BOULDER - DAY In slow motion a high-powered bullet ricochets off the boulder beside Lebonas upraised arm. LEBONA Jesus! He dives flat onto the boulder as: 107 EXT. HIGH MOUNTAIN TRAIL/BELOW - DAY Kobus lines up for another shot. 108 EXT. HIGH MOUNTAIN TRAIL/BOULDER - DAY Lebona rolls over the crest of the boulder as: The second bullet ricochets off the place he was lying. 108 107 106 * 105


Out of Kobus line of sight at the back of the boulder, Lebona springs into a crouch as he rolls and leaps off the rock into the saddle of Kutloano waiting below. He urges the horse back up the trail. 109 EXT. HIGH MOUNTAIN TRAIL/BELOW - DAY Kobus slides the rifle back into its sheath. He spurs his horse on up the trail in pursuit. 110 EXT. MAZE OF BOULDERS - DAY 110 109

Seen from above, Lebona gallops through a landscape full of boulders, twisting and turning in full flight. Behind him, Kobus is gaining, matching his every move. Getting closer, Kobus pulls out his rifle again. He looses a shot off at the retreating figure BANG! Just as: Lebona rounds a boulder and jumps off Kutloanos back, holds him completely still. He takes out the Webley revolver from its holster, holds it ready. Closer, Kobus stops and listens. In the sudden silence, there is only the sound of the wind. Kobus dismounts from his horse, rifle at the ready. He starts to move forward slowly. Concealed behind his boulder, Lebona gestures back down the trail to Kutloano - he smacks him gently on the rump. Then Lebona takes off on foot into the maze of rocks, leaping lightly from one to another. At the SOUND of a horses hooves approaching at a walk, Kobus looks up. His eyes narrow. He takes cover behind a rock and levels his rifle, watching the trail. Behind him, Lebona approaches on foot, creeping up silently just as Kobus sees: Round a bend in the trail, Kutloano clip-clops towards riderless. ,

Kobus steps out from behind his rock, goes forward to take Kutloanos reins.


From behind Kobus, Lebona speaks quietly. LEBONA Hai. Kobus whips around. The barrel of Lebonas revolver, only inches away, is aimed at his head. Lebona looks the Boer right in the eye. And Kobus sees straight away that something has changed since the last time they met in the Casino bar. Kobus starts to raise his rifle as: Lebona leans forward, grasps the barrel. He shakes his head. LEBONA (contd) Uh uh! Lebona takes the rifle from Kobus hand, throws it away to one side. Lebona speaks in English. LEBONA (CONT'D) You looking for me? Kobus smiles grimly. KOBUS Not any more. LEBONA So lets talk about what you want. KOBUS What I want? What I want is to put an end to your bullshit. LEBONA My bullshit? You could have killed me. Kobus laughs. KOBUS If Id wanted to kill you, youd be dead. I wanted to give you a skrik. Lebona shrugs. * * * * * * *


LEBONA Okay - you did that. (A beat) Now what? KOBUS Now you give me my herd back, you fokken cheeky bastard. (A beat) Then Im going to strangle you with my bare hands! LEBONA I thought maybe you would want to apologise. KOBUS Me apologise? You stole my cattle. LEBONA Yes and you insulted my girlfriend. (A beat) I think this is not about cows for you. KOBUS No, fuck the cattle - its personal now. You think you can make me look like a doos? Kobus takes a step towards Lebona. Lebona cocks the Webley. LEBONA So you want to prove youre better than me? Kobus laughs mirthlessly. KOBUS I am better. I dont need to prove it. (A beat) Im just going to beat you to a pulp. LEBONA Im not a fighter, really, Im a horseman. (A beat) And women - I know about women as well.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

* *

* * * * *


KOBUS Ill outride you any day of the week. Theres nothing I dont know about horses. Lebona shakes his head. LEBONA I doubt that. I saw the way you handled Palesa. KOBUS Your girlfriend? Whats she got to do with it? LEBONA I want you to tell her youre sorry. Its something important to her. Kobus shakes his head. KOBUS In your dreams, buddy. Lebona carries on, musing. LEBONA What we need is a competition. Lets see whos the better rider. KOBUS I told you - no contest, my friend. The better rider is me. Lebona shakes his head. LEBONA Would you bet on that? Kobus looks at his Boerperd stallion grazing nearby. KOBUS Sure I would. Every time. I caught up with you, didnt I. Lebona makes his pitch. LEBONA At stake in this bet, an apology to my girlfriend Palesa, the cattle and... (MORE)

89. LEBONA (cont'd) (Thinks) And your car. KOBUS My car! Oh I see, is that all? And me, what do I get? Lebonas eyes narrow, implacable. LEBONA You get to live. Kobus stares back, but its Kobus blinks first. Hes getting a taste of the steel in this boy. KOBUS Bullshit. Youd never shoot me. Lebona shrugs. LEBONA You think? (A beat) You should ask yourself, Boer, Am I feeling lucky? Kobus is clearly not sure what to think now. Hes gaining respect for this lad. Lebona smiles. LEBONA (contd) If you win, my horse and this antique revolver. It belonged to one of your ancestors. Kobus is interested in spite of himself. KOBUS Really? Lets see that. Lebona hands Kobus his Webley. Kobus is amazed. He inspects the gun in his hand, checks the chamber. LEBONA Win or lose, we smoke a peace-pipe together. We put an end to all this. Kobus levels the gun at Lebona. He cocks it.


KOBUS Why should I waste my time with your bet? I can shoot a rustler right here and now. Whod ever know the difference? LEBONA You would. Lebona looks at Kobus, assessing. LEBONA (contd) I think youre a better man than that. (A beat) And youd never find out who would win the horse game. I guarantee you, the answer is I would. Kobus glances at Kutloano. He seems rather less impressive than Kobus own steed. KOBUS Bullshit. LEBONA Unless youre afraid I might beat you? KOBUS No way! LEBONA Fair and square. No guns, no helicopters - just a straight contest man to man. Isnt that what this is all about? Kobus looks at Lebona. Hes thinking. 111 EXT. MOUNTAIN PLAIN - DAY 111

* * *

Lebona and Kobus, mounted on their respective horses, square off for an epic contest on a vast expanse of mountain plain. Lebona explains the rules as he leans down to draw a line with his stick in the dust. LEBONA We start here at this line, by this tree.


He points to a DISTINCTIVE TREE where they stand. LEBONA (contd) You try to get over this line, while I try to stop you. KOBUS And then? LEBONA If you pass, you run. KOBUS Then we race? LEBONA Then I chase you. If I catch you I hit you with my stick until you fall off or I pass you. KOBUS If I have a start you wont catch me. Lebona points to a ROCK OUTCROP way across the valley. LEBONA The rock over there is the place where we turn. Then same again til we get back here. KOBUS And the winner? Lebona shrugs. LEBONA The winners the one who crosses the line first. KOBUS No problem - lets do it. Kobus kicks his horse into action and circles round the tree, heading back for the start line. But Lebona blocks him at every turn. Its an extreme test of handling skills as they twist and turn. Kobus finds it hard to get over the line. Then, feinting left, Kobus passes on the right breaking free. He takes off down the valley at a gallop.


KOBUS (contd) (Shouts) So long sucker! But Lebona turns Kutloano in an instant and speeds off after Kobus, gradually beginning to gain. Kobus turns to see whether hes left Lebona in his dust just as: Catching up, Lebona beats Kobus over the shoulders with his stick as they gallop along at a breakneck pace. Kobus turns his body, manages to grab the stick and wrench it away. But Lebona speeds past him to the midpoint turnaround. Rounding the outcrop of rocks, Lebona is confronted by Kobus, who, in turn, tries to block him, jinking this way and that. But in a slick double-bluff, Lebona breaks free and gallops off across the plain. Kobus wheels his horse and follows. He stretches every sinew to catch up - almost succeeding. Reaching out in a last desperate effort, he swings the stick, clubbing Lebona on the back. Lebona drops the reins and slumps forward, slipping to one side. With his left hand he gets a grip on Kutloanos mane, clings on tight. As Kobus spurs his horse on to pass, Lebona urges his horse into one last effort. Kutloano's too fast. Before the dust settles, Lebona emerges the victor by a nose. 112 EXT. VALLEY VIEWSITE - DAY 112 *

Sprawled out at a spot overlooking an incredible view, Lebona inhales a trail of smoke from his traditional pipe. In front of Lebona, adjacent, the arm of weed is spread out, open. They are both shattered from their exertions. Lebona passes the pipe to Kobus. KOBUS Hows your bruises? LEBONA The pipe of peace. It will heal all the pain. Kobus nods.


KOBUS Okay. Kobus inhales as Lebona motions to him to draw the smoke in deeply and keep it in the lungs. Kobus exhales. He speaks in English. KOBUS (CONT'D) Its nice here, Lesotho. Lebona replies in English too. LEBONA Thats why its called the Kingdom of the Skies. Kobus inhales again, this time fulsomely. KOBUS Is that so? LEBONA It is. Lebona points at a particular mountain in the distance. You see Qilwane renamed capital LEBONA (contd) there. That was called mountain. Moshoeshoe it Thaba Bosiu. He made his there.

KOBUS Moshesh? He fought against De La Rey. He was like you, always rustling our cattle. Lebona laughs. LEBONA He said you Boere were stealing his land! Suddenly it all seems quite amusing. They crack up together in GALES OF LAUGHTER. 113 EXT. HUGE MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE - DAY The sound of the thome, swells and echoes through the mountain ranges. 113


Lebona and Kobus, dwarfed by the vast landscape, ride along companionably together. As they approach, its clear that Lebona is riding Kobus Boerperd Stallion - he pats the horses neck appreciatively. Kobus is on Lebonas Basotho Pony, Kutloano. He looks very happy with the deal. It is Kobus who is playing the thome! They ride past down the mountain together. 114 EXT. MENKWANENG STREET - DAY Close, Kotsi waves happily. Sheriff Msomi grins like a fiend as he drives off in the Mustang Convertible, grinding the gears in a spectacular failure to double declutch. As the car jerks away, the Lazy Y Boys in the back all wave back at Kotsi - or at least raise a token middle finger. 115 EXT. MOKHETIS HOUSE - DAY 115 114

Wide, the Horsebox with Kobus gold logo on the side is hitched to Sheriffs boosted BMW, to which Kotsi is prudently attaching new plates. Inside the box, Lebonas horse peeps out. Hes contentedly chewing some primo Boere hay. Lebona leans over to fondle Kutloanos cheek. LEBONA You agree, my friend, its better this way. Its time you retired anyway. Kutloano nods his head. He nuzzles Lebona comfortingly. LEBONA (contd) Ill miss you, you know that. But you remember Kobus ranch? Theres a lot of green grass for you there. And he tells me he has some very expensive young mares who need servicing. Its a tough job, but what better horse could we ask to do it? Kutloano whinnies, enthusiastically.


LEBONA (contd) Now I must teach the Leaforikanere (Afrikaner) horse how to think right. This is what they call a rainbow nation. CUT TO: Close, Kobus intones formally. KOBUS (In English) Please allow me to apologise to you for my unfortunate misunderstanding back at the Casino. Palesa smiles, shakes his hand. KOBUS (contd) It was the Klipdrift talking. Im really not that kind of guy. In fact, my wife says Im very reliable! PALESA Thank you. Im sure that you are. Kobus shakes the hand of Mokheti, who is standing beside his daughter. KOBUS And as for you, sir, I must congratulate you on your daughters engagement to such a fine young man as Lebona. He is very well named, because he has opened my eyes to a new way of seeing the world. Mokhetis bemused, like he still has his reservations. Palesa smiles. 116 I/E. MOKHETIS HOUSE/BMW - DAY 116

Very close, a match is applied to the bowl of a traditional pipe. The dagga catches with a roar. Standing beside the car, Kobus exhales a dense cloud of smoke, which clears to reveal Lebonas face. KOBUS You take care, my young friend.


Kobus reaches out to shake Lebonas hand. LEBONA You too. He unbuckles his gun-belt, hands Kobus the Webley. Kobus handles the gun, emotional. KOBUS No way. I cant take this... LEBONA Its yours De La Rey. You stole it first from the British. They laugh. Kobus climbs into the car and pulls off, waving the arm of weed in farewell. The assembled Villagers cheer and ululate, as Lebona modestly acknowledges their approval of his diplomatic coup in shaving the Boers beard, yet leaving him happy. 117 EXT. MOKHETIS HOUSE - DAY 117

Lebona turns back from the crowd towards the house as Tsebo and Molahlehi approach with Letswalo and the rest of the Rustlers. Carving a path towards them is a mighty herd, proudly led by Lebonas two Ten-Year Old friends and a new MAGNIFICENT 5 HERD BOYS. Lebona shakes Mokhetis hand and slips his arm around Palesa. 118 EXT. LEBONAS DREAMSCAPE - DAY 118

And as Lebonas returning cattle thunder past, a huge cloud of red dust seems to clear just enough to reveal an imposing figure. It looks a lot like MOSHOESHOE, who seems to give Lebona a smile and a nod of approval - he raises his hand, perhaps in farewell. FADE TO BLACK.

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