Eastenders E20 - Series 1

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Eastenders E20 Series 1, Episode 2

Starting sequence Establishing shot of a birds eye view of London with the O2 Arena (Millennium Dome) fully focused. Mercy putting down tea by Fatboy and Leon This is a eye line match as we are watching what she is doing when she is putting the tea down. But it also like a shot reverse shot because as she puts the tea down in one shot, we see a shot of her looking at the person she is giving the tea to. Mercy placing a teas by Zsa Zsas door This is a match on action because we see her knocking on her door, placing the tea down and walking away in the same shot. Mercy walking back into the room where the boys are sleeping This is called an eye line match shot because we are following her gaze as she is walking into the living room. Mercy and fatboys argument This is a shot reverse shot as she watches him answer the phone and then he ends the call and there is a shot reverse shot as they are arguing. Zsa Zsa getting ready This is match on action because you see her getting ready in one shot.

Zsa Zsa walks into the living room This is match on action and eye line match as you see her walk into the room, and then look at Leon. Fatboy on the phone and walking Shot reverse shot as Mercy and Fatboy are talking also. Fatboy talking to Ben Shot reverse shot of them talking.

Fatboy sees Lucy from afar This is eye line as the camera zooms into his face, and you see him looking at her.

Mercy talking to Lucy This is shot reverse shot as the two girls are talking Zsa Zsa is talking to heather and looking at George This is shot reverse shot and also eye line match as she is talking to heather and then when she looks at George the camera turns to him also. Mercy pretending to be drunk This match on action as Mercy is looking dizzy so the camera is following her movements. Fatboy, Lucy and Leon talking This is shot reverse shot as one person talks, another does also so it goes from shot to shot of them all talking to each other. Zsa Zsa finding the flat keys This is

match on action because the camera is following her as she looks for the keys. Fatboy chatting up Jane This is shot reverse shot as the camera is going back and fourth on the two characters as they are talking. Fatboy, Leon and Zsa Zsa walk back to the flight to find Mercy This is match on action as it follows their movements and doesnt change shot as they dont change the camera for a minute. Zsa Zsa and Leon talking This is shot reverse shot as they are talking, and also an eye line match as she looks at him sitting down.

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