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Name: Parent's signafure:

Class: P4 _
Week 1
Unit 1: Whatif...?
1. original ideas 9. splintered
2. imagination 10. scoffed
3. version 11. the tiny, sparkling glass slipper
4. horrified 12. quantity determiners
5. surprisedending 13. catastrophe
6. sadandpathetic 14. obliged
7. bride and bridegroom 15. rattle from the breeze
8. stewardesses

Week 2
Unit l: What if...?

Jim knew he had waited too long to head for home. He loved to linger in the woods
for hours at a time. But now it was getting so dark, he could barely seethe path urder his feet.
He quickened his pace, hoping to shortenthe time it would take to reach the edge of the small
town he lived in. The streetswould be lit; Smithtown had installed lights on every comer-
He also knew that many people left their porch lights on all night. Suddenly, Jim heard a
strangesound. Could this be the terrible creaturethat somebelieved lived in thesewoods? '
Hopefully, that creature only existed in the town's residents'imaginations.

Week 3
Unit l: Whatif...?
l. nephewandniece 9. sizesand textures
2- kiplets 10. solid, liquid and gaseousstates
3. identical 11. compressed
4- photograph of an old Spanishcastle 12. definite shapeand volume
5. luggage 13. mixture of gases
6. officially scheduled 14. matter occupies space
7. ignored 15. properties
8. poisonousspider
-n' -t!
w ee k4
unit 1: what if"'?
. One day a terrible dragon came to the kingdom. Breathing ftre on anyone who crossed
its path, it tampled houses and burned fields. Many knights battled the dragon but their
swords.could not cut its thick scales.Each night it flew home to its cave in the mountains
surroundedby a deepravine. The dragon was enchantedand protectedby a magic spell. Many
knights went to battle and many knights were hurt as the dragon moved closer and closer to
the castle.The King declaredwhosoeverkilled the dragon would be grantedhalf his kingdom.
Now knights s*me from across the sea They were the fiercest, the bravest and the biggest
lnights anyone had ever seen.A thousand of them gathered to attzckthe dragon.

Week 5
Unit 2: You do want to keep fit don't you?

1. healthyand fit 9. drought

2. participate 10. harvested
3. fitnesscampaign 11. nufritiousfood
4. benefits 12. camivals
5. a smeillstalkof celery 13. vaudevilleshows
6. sprinklea little salt 14. immediately
7. peartywhite teeth 15. grumbled
8. nutcrackerjaw

Week 6: Dictation
Unit 2: You do want to keep'fit don't you?
Refer to Primary 4 Health Education Book page I,

Week 7
Unit 2: You do want to keep fit don't you?

1. somersaults g. rateof evaporation

2. world renown 10. furrmidif
3. dangleandswing 11. condensation
4. ferocious 12. tiny dropletsof water
5. dips andsoars 13. invisible
6. reluctantly 14. arczof exposedsurface
7. temperature change 15. watervapour
8. freezjngpoint of water

Week I
Unit 2: You do want to keep fit don't you?
Dictation : Unseen Passage

Week 9 Continual AssessmentI (No Spelling/ Dictation)

Week 10 Enrichment Activities

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