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Coronary artery disease (CAD) -is a condition in which plaque builds up inside the

The pain usually occurs with activity or emotion, and goes away with rest or a medicine called nitroglycerin.

coronary arteries. These arteries supply your heart muscle with oxygen-rich blood. Other Names for Coronary Artery Disease Atherosclerosis Coronary heart disease Hardening of the arteries Heart disease Ischemic heart disease Narrowing of the arteries Causes/Risk Factors: >Smoking >High amounts of certain fats and cholesterol in the blood >High blood pressure >High amounts of sugar in the blood due to insulin resistance or diabetes >Obesity Signs and Symptoms: Chest pain or discomfort (angina) is the most common symptom. You feel this pain when the heart is not getting enough blood or oxygen. How bad the pain is varies from person to person. It may feel heavy or like someone is squeezing your heart. You feel it under your breast bone (sternum), but also in your neck, arms, stomach, or upper back.

Other symptoms include shortness of breath and fatigue with activity (exertion). Fatigue Shortness of breath Weakness

Complications: Chest pain (angina)

Heart Attack Unstable Angina Heart Failure Sudden Cardiac Death

Treatment Lifestyle changes that may be useful in coronary disease include.

Weight control Smoking cessation Exercise Fish oil consumption to increase omega-3

fatty acid intake Surgical intervention

Angioplasty Stents (bare-metal or drug-eluting) Coronary artery bypass Heart Transplant

Recommended Diet:
>Low fat, low cholesterol, low simple sugar, moderately high calorie, high protein. FOODS TO AVOID:

Potato chips, French fries, all "junk" Vegetables cooked in butter, cheese Fried foods Bacon, sausage and organ meats such Egg yolks, cheesecake, pastries, and Ice cream, butter and/or margarine Lard Gravy Cream sauce Nondairy creamers Coconut, palm, cottonseed and palm-

Foods allowed:
Sweet potatoes Green leafy vegetables Carrots, Broccoli and Greens (lightly cooked to keep the carotenoids) Pumpkin, canned or cooked Squash 97% or greater fat free chicken or turkey breast (I look for 99% fat free.) Low fat tomato sauces and pasta Onions and Garlic (Chop or crush to release the photonutrients) Foods with low/no salt for those who have high blood pressure Peanuts, walnuts, almonds in moderation (be careful not to gain weight) Olive oil and canola oil Salmon and other fish (mackerel, sardines, herring), including the skin and fat (Research suggests this omega 3 fat (EPA fat) has the ability to raise HDLs. Defatted soy flour Fat free milk (skim) Oatmeal, shredded wheat, low-no sugar added cereals Whole wheat bread Fresh fruits Apples (with skin for flavonids) Oranges (Eat pulpy parts for flavonids) Red or black grapes Grapefruit, especially pink which has 40% more beta carotene than white Dried fruits, especially apricots, dates, prunes

foods or cream sauces

as liver doughnuts

kernel oils SAMPLE MENU Appetizer >White bean dip Protein DIsh >Chicken strips with honey mustard sauce Vegetable Dish >Easy vegetable stock -fresh white mushrooms, brushed clean and coarsely chopped -carrots -bay leaf

Dessert >Orange dream Beverage >Fruit smoothies

Prepared by Group 2:

Pillagara, Joy Vee Sotero, Pauleen Anika Tumaneng, Gladys Gamoso, Athena

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