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TITLE: Essar Sample Programming Placement Paper Level1 (Bolded option is your answer) 1. __________ is not real number? A 40 2. C is a __________ language? A Middle level 3. _________ statement is used control the flow of execution? A If statement 4. The maximum length of a variable in C? A8 5. In the C language a represents? A A character 6. Symbolic consists can be defined using? A Const

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7. __________is not a valid real constant in C language? A 426 8. The loop for,while,do-while are used in? AC 9. A class having no name? A Can?t have a destructor 10. __C++ header file that handles input output functions is? A iostream.h 11. _______manipulator is used to insert null character in a string? A ends 12. STL stands for -----? A standard template library 13. __________symbols is used for indicating comments? A //
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14. A microprocessor can understand instruction written in? A Machine language 15. The pentium processor contains? A Several millions of transistors 16. The first independent version of Microsoft Windows is? A Version 1.0 17. __________is operating system? A Windows 18. What is the name of latest Operating System? A Windows XP 19. The function of a kernel in an operating system is to? A Interact with the hardware device 20. __________user action will not generate a server-side event? A Mouse Move
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21. _____________is the file extension used for an ASP.NET file? A aspx 22. 3) Which category of computer-based information systems are concerned with improving efficiency by applying information technology to common administrative tasks, such as creating business documents? A Office automation systems 23. Cyclimatic Complexity method comes under ____ testing method? A White Box 24. __________testing methods are used by end-users who actually test software before they use it? A Alpha and Beta testing 25. Pseudo code is? A an way to write the programe in english like syntax 26. Clean room approach involves? A Informal Methods 27. Graph base testing comes under which testing methods?

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A black box 28. The primary tool used in structured design is a? A charts 29. _____ is the process of converting typed code to machine code? A Compilation 30. __________ exception will be thrown when you divide by zero? A Arithmetic Exception 31. Assume that x = -7, the Java operation x = x means that the final value of x is? A -7 32. In Java which operator can be used even if there is a single operand? A? 33. Java is designed for the distributed environment of the Internet, because it handles _______ protocols? A TCP/IP 34. The class that does the inheriting is called a ________?
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A subclass 35. The number of operators to a accomplish basic arithmetic in Java is? A5 36. What are the two basic models in the exception handling theory? A termination and resumption 37. _________is not a valid type array in Java? A Four dimensional array 38. ___________terminates an applet when the web browser or Java tool calls this method? A Void destroy 39. ___________is/are true about the class? A Classes does not support Inheritance 40. ____________are not types of access modifiers in C#? A external protect

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