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Neil Jedwyn S. Mendoza English Short Story Draft Teng! Teng! Teng!

The sound of the bell surrounded the place, signifying the end of our sparring match. I was still catching my breath as I descended from the boxing ring. This session really exhausted me, in fact I can't even remove my own boxing gear. So, I asked help from my coach, who is sitting on the bench just a few feet from the ring. "If you want to win, you're gonna have to step up your game, boy." He said. "What you did there was not boxing, you were just like a punching bag up there." He added, with a comical smile upon his face. "Sure." I responded. I'm saving up on my words. Because I'm really exhausted. "You know, boxing ain't just about strength, you need to focus. And from what I am seeing, you're not focused at all. Why? Is something bothering you?" He asked me. "It's nothing, Mr. Smith." I responded. "Come on Jeff, you've been like a son to me. In fact I've trained you since you can stand up on your two feet. You can tell me your problem." Said Mr. Smith. "Okay Sir. Do you remember Mike? We had a little trouble when I ran across him in the street. He's still mad at me for getting kicked out of our gym. Anyways, it's his fault for getting kicked out. Why would somebody assault a fellow gym partner like that?." "You see, Mike has a different perspective upon martial arts. He is short-fused, and ill tempered. He wanted to use martial arts to oppress, to gain advantage and to get what he wants. When he assaulted his partner,

he just proved that he has no discipline, and he doesn't deserve to learn." Mr. Smith said with full conviction. I did not respond. I'm still letting all those ideas to sink in to my mind. What Mr. Smith said was a little old school. Somehow corny and generic. But I can see his point and I know from where he's coming from. He has been a great training coach to me, almost like a father. And he is just as old as my father. But he's still in shape and fit. I have outstanding respect for him, so I just absorbed what he said. The gym session ended, and I decided to drop by the near store to refurbish my supplies. It's almost evening so I'm rushing. I have gathered all that I need and proceeded to the checking counter. I was shocked. I saw Mike. I was thinking of going back, but it's too late now. He already saw me. He was just in front of me in the line. And then I thought maybe I could sneak out of this situation by a few apologetic talk. "Hey man, I'm really sorry you got kicked out." I said. You can see from my face that I'm really nervous right now. "You still think it's funny? I lost my chance to get a professional career because of you! I have wanted to be a boxer since I was a kid. You should have just kept your mouth shut" Mike said in a loud and angry tone. "It's your fault man, you should have put your discipline first in the line." I said in a loud manner. I got mad because now, it's looking like it's my fault. Things are getting out of hand. Tension is rising . He dropped his shopping basket and pushed me. I dropped mine and shove him back. I didn't care if we are in the store. My instinct to fight back was already ignited. I was holding his collar when

the guard came to us. With his taser gun pointed. He said "Stop! Or Take it outside." And then this old man came and mediated between us. It was Mr. Smith. "Stop! You two are acting like kids! I am not expecting something like this from you two. This fight started because of martial arts. It should end in martial arts too. If you want to end this, settle this in a fight match. It's about time you act like real men. Not like immature kids like what you're doing right now." Mr. Smith said. "Tomorrow, at our gym 5:00. Bring your gloves. Tomorrow will be the end of this." Mr. Smith added. I went home to get some sleep. I really didn't know if I was saved or put into greater trouble. But what I knew was I needed to win that match. For the sake of my coach. For the sake of respect. For the sake of teaching him the right values. The day finally came. The hours seem to pass by so fast, and now, I am here sitting in the locker room. I know Mike is just in the other corner and he will be ready to annihilate me. But I know within myself that I will win this. I have fought many battles in the past. Some I have fought for my pride. Some for my name and record. Some for money. But this time,.....I will fight for what is right. The announcer is calling upon us. I proceeded to walk towards the stage. I got surprised by how many people managed to get inside the gym and watch. It's like a real match in here. I got in the ring, and there I saw him. I see no difference upon our strength, i can see from his eyes the courage that I also have. But I know I'm gonna win because I have the right reason. And so the fight started. He fought like a bull since first round. You can see from his eyes the maddened anger consuming his heart. But there I stood

like a gentle matador, docking under his blows, evading his power punches, weaving into his strategy. Until I saw an opportunity and released my power. It was a right hook directly to his chin. It dazed him. He was almost knocked out. But I made a mistake. I got confident. I forgot to keep my guard. And so it happened. A right uppercut from him was enough to send me falling into the canvas. The referee was counting. I'm still lying there, motionless. That punch really hit me. Things went to my mind. Things like defeat and quitting. But then it came to me. I need to win. Losing to him will prove that discipline is no need in boxing. And somehow I got all this energy and power to stand up on my feet. Like a phoenix, I rose from the ashes. And I was ready to finish him. And so the fight continued. Grueling rounds have passed. I keep punching but he just seems to absorb it. Until we came into the last round. The boxing stalemate continued. Until we have reached the last thirty seconds of the last round. I just decided to give it all. Time seemed to slow down. I sacrificed my guard, provided an opening for him. And he took it. I felt that punch. But what that did, is provide an opening for me to take. So I took it. Still hurt from that punch, I leaned back and give all my power to this last left hook that I will give. And BOOM! As soon as my punch connected. It was lights out for him. The referee counted. Those seconds seemed really slow. But then, it reached 10. 10?! Did I just hear ten? My mind was still processing. And from that moment I knew I won. All this pain I'm feeling now has been worth it. Victory was mine. But I didn't boast of it. After that match, what i did was immediately go home. And get some rest. I didn't boast of that win because I knew that what I have done was the right thing. I was surprised. Mr. Smith

came to my house. The next morning. "Someone is here to talk to you Jeff." Mr. Smith said. "Mr. Smith took me back to the club, man. Lets just leave all those things in the past man. I should have been more careful about my actions" Mike said. I never thought Mike would say that. "Sure thing Mike." I said smiling. With a feeling of closure in my mind. "So boys, what would you say we start exercising right now. Okay, 3-mile jogging to the gym. Start!" Mr. Smith said. I guess that's how the story ends. Not much to it, but now I have seen and experienced martial arts in a way that i have never seen before.

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