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How to use operating systems to help customer in mobile communication.

Moblink is doing this:

Now the moblink is using the methods of lecture/discussion methods because in this methods moblink thinks that there will be a two way of communication which is very good for their representative to help they will give them lecture to their trainees and after that there will be discussion session with trainer and within trainees to discuss more on the topic. Then they will be given some written material about the usage of operating system and about software which will be used in helping the customer in mobile communication problems. And then they will have to give test about how much they have retained.

Book is telling us: A.TNA

First of all do the TNA, because there is performance gap due to lack familiarity with operating system and software, and many software can be new and updated that is why it can be difficult for new employees to handle them.

Operational analysis
So under the framework of conducting TNA we will use operational analysis because in this analysis ,it examines specific jobs to determine the requirements(KSAs) necessary to get the job done, therefore this step is also called job analysis and task analysis .so here are three steps discussed in book about how to analysis the job. What is job: In this step we try know what job is going to be analyzed. Where to collect data: The data can be collected about job from job description, and specification for understanding and requirements of job. Who to ask: In the process of analyzing the job the officials should provide relevant information about the job, because they are the expert about the job.

Proactive TNA:
And also this will be proactive TNA because this is also focusing on the anticipated or probable problems in near future, so this is the KSAs deficiency, so we will use appropriate method of training for this kind of deficiency. Because the training about operating system is about technical training in book for this kind of training the demonstrations method is suggested, because in that method technical training is handled, and used for technical training.

B. Training design:
While making training design two things will be kept in mind.p.161-165 Organizational constraints: like budgets, strategic plan, technical support etc. Trainee population: subgroups with different KSAs,trainess negative feelings and attitudes Topical sequencing: Also topical sequencing will be used in which complete learning of one topic is done before moving towards next topic.

C. Development of training
Now we will develop the training method which will be best fit for this problem that is demonstration. Demonstration will be used because this method is good at procedural skills, technical and also at interpersonal skills.
So there are two major component of demonstrations method.

i. Present:
Tell the trainees what you will be doing so they understand what you will be showing them. This focuses their attention on the critical aspects of the task. Demonstrate the task describing what you are doing while you are doing it. Explain why each part of the task should be performed in that way immediately after you demonstrate as part of task.

ii. Try out:

Ask the trainees to talk through the task before actually doing it. Give the trainee an opportunity to do the task and describe what he is doing and why? Let the learner practice.

Material and equipment:

Make sure that all necessary equipment is available like, lecture points, supplements readings, charts, posters, and blank sheets for making notes.

Training room:
A windowless room is better because windows can distract the trainees by coming light out of windows and also by watching outside the windows and noise also.

Furniture setup:
Furniture setup should be like theatre style, because in this style trainees focus on the trainers and limits the communication between trainees. And also more trainees can be trained in this style of sitting. D.

Icebreaker: This technique will be used because this exercise prompts trainees to get involved in meeting and talking with others.



For evaluation we will make some questionnaire that will be filled by the trainees in which they will able tell how much they have learned from all the above processes and also will be able to give feedback about the training methods and its better for company not to spend too much money on evaluation. But if the organization is proactive then it will be easy that what should be evaluated, and also if the company do not want the whole evaluation of training it can evaluate specific areas of training by examining it strategic plan.

Now following are some weaknesses of lecture/discussion methods:

The cost is high because every trainer has to receive written material for lecture and write down discussion which will be costly if the trainees are in large numbers. And there will no control over material because large amount of material is handed to trainees. and that process can be very difficult.

Now the strengths and limitation of demonstration: Cost of the financial and other resources required to the training objectives. There will control on material which is being presented to trainees also over the processes. Learning objectives will meet under this like KSAs. And also the learning process will be much easier than lecture method.

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