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Assignment on making Service Script

Submitted to: Dr. Mohan N J Monteiro


Script for massage therapy and general body care at Spa

Customer 1) Phone for Appointment


Spa Fitness Attendant


Massage Therapist

2)Confirm needs and set date and time 3)Arrive at Spa centre 4) Greet clients , verify purpose , direct to waiting room , check for the available spa employee at that time according to the service requirement and notify the employees on the same 5)Sit in waiting room 6)Make the room ready for the client with required spa essentials 7) Enter room and sit in the chair inside 8) Aesthetician enquires the service required and examines clients skin type and condition and design treatments accordingly that will fit into clients lifestyle and budget and conveys the same to massage therapist

9) Lay down on the facial bed

10) Help the client 11) Massage therapist starts the procedure by placing a protective sheet over the client 12) Oils the hair and gives steam treatment to the client 13) Directs the client to the wash, apply shampoo and massage the scalp for 10 minutes and then wash the hair 14) Wraps the clients head with a neat and dry towel 15) Adjust the position of the facial bed towards upright 16) Applies hair mask and conditioner to clients hair and massaged for 20 to 25 minutes 17) Wash the hair 18) Hair cream is applied to the hair from root to tip and massaged 19) Sets the clients hair 20) Offers some tips and thank patient and say good bye

Help the massage therapist whenever required

21) Rises from the facial bed and sits on the chair

22) Gives some self-care advice to client 23) Rise from the chair and thank the aesthetician 24) Leave the treatment room 25) Greet patient , confirm treatment received and satisfaction level ; present bill 26) Pay bill 27) Give receipt ; agree on date for next appointment ; document agree on date 28) Take appointment card 29) Thank client and say good bye 30) Leave spa centre

Q1 What three parts of this script expectations? Why? Explain your thinking. Answer:








1. Use of Good products and Affordable costSpa essentials used were quality products and good on skin. It shows the Spa management believed in providing quality care using effective natural products as advertised. Compared to other available Spa, this spas costs seem affordable. The Spa management was charging just right to attract middle class consumers like us who find Spa as repulsive due to their burgeoning prices.

2. Attention by AestheticianOne-to-one interaction with the aesthetician at the beginning and at the end was a nice experience. The self-care tips given by her were customized to my requirements and made me feel that am important for them.
3. Ambience, cleanliness and organized

The spa looked clean and hygienic. Spa fitness attendant had ensured that Spa looked as serene, organized and the impact of ambience and cleanliness on visitors be long lasting despite of modest resource availability.

Q2. What three parts of this script deviated from your expectations? Why? Explain your thinking.

1. Long waiting timeThe waiting time to be attended was longer than expected because the schedule of appointments was not religiously followed and altered on request of customers who were not punctual to the spa. The receptionist has to be strict on customers not abiding by the timings. Those arriving prior to their schedule should be attended upon later, to ensure that the others who were on time get attended on time.

2. Improper rinsing Hair was not rinsed properly as water temperature was high, more than optimum. This maybe because there were more customers in line and the therapist had to hurry. It is necessary on behalf of the therapist and fitness attendant to strive for providing standardized treatment to all customers asking for similar service. Discrepancy in service may lead the customer to think she/he is unwanted and others are being offered better service for same price. While it may solely be due to the reason of time constraint, it must be avoided and management should ensure better service for all the customers by providing some buffer time in between the customers to adjust for any time lapses. 3. Therapist interrupted time to timeThe therapist was interrupted more than once by co-workers for sharing gossips or share information about other work at spa. The communication between the treatment need to be curtailed to minimum to avoid diversion of the therapists attention towards the client. Therapists one to one interaction is an important part of the Spa experience and repeated visit by a customer depends on how she/he was made to feel by the therapist. A therapist being interrupted time to time, may let the client to assume the non-seriousness or lack of proper management at the Spa.

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