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of St.

Johns in Pine Meadow

St. Johns mission is to nurture all people in their spiritual growth, in their Christian education, and in their relationship with God. The Rev. Salin Low, Rector February 2013

She inspires all of us to do servant ministry - Nancy Butler Charlotte Dufour Award for 2013
If Nancy had her way, it would probably be the Mrs. Dufour Award, the way Nancy always addressed Charlotte. Nancy was faithful in bringing Charlotte to the Wednesday evening service for several years. Then she would be sure to help clear the altar before taking Charlotte home. Nancy is faithful in her service in many areas. There is almost nothing she is unwilling to do - when asked and many times without being asked. The top picture to the right is Nancy painting the inside of the church. That perch would be much too high for me, but that is nothing compared to Nancys willingness to get up on the roof to paint the dormers outside when necessary. The big, brave men are in awe of her fearlessness in pursuit of a good paint job. Nancy has been Junior Warden, serves on the altar guild, works on all cookout efforts, has used her recreational abilities to entertain kids at parish picnics and the community party, and is now helping at the Open Door. She is a chalice bearer at 8:00 and pitches in whenever and where ever there is something that needs to be done. Usually I just include one picture of the Charlotte Dufour recipient. In Nancys case, though, that didnt seem like enough. Its one thing to list all of Nancys hard work. What makes her dedication particularly noteworthy is the way she does everything - with that wonderful smile. Nancy is truly a joyful Christian, and her joy is really contagious. It is always a pleasure to be with Nancy, whether engaged in conversation or working on a project. And of course you cant talk about Nancy without mentioning Tom Chappell. Tom has also taken on many tasks around St. Johns, most notably being one of our prime cleaning crew members. The two of them make a great team and set an incredible example of willing service for all of us to follow. Im not sure what we did at St. Johns when Nancy wasnt regular in her attendance. Im so glad that she returned to the church of her childhood. Nancy continues the tradition of those who have served, as Charlotte herself served - offering service that shapes a life and is done over a lifetime. Blessings and Peace,



Operating Income Operating Expenses $ 49,312 $ 12,415 $ 223, 918 $ 194,759 Prayer Requests Requests are handled confidentially through the office during the rectors absence. Prayers will continue for a month unless other time periods are specified. You may fill out a prayer request form or call the office at 379-3062. Church Office Hours Office hours are 8:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Drum Circle will take place on the second Sunday of each month at 4:00 PMFeb. 17 next. You Can Change St. JohnsThe January offering was $58.62. We collect all month, so feel free to bring in at any time and bless it on the first Sunday of the month. Flower Chart Posted in Narthex - Sign up for the Sunday of your choice. Cost is $50, or you may bring flowers from your garden in summer. The office will contact you about memorials.

Year To Date
Operating Income Operating Expenses Sue Bremer, Treasurer

Annual Appeal Results

103 pledge cards were distributed 80 pledge cards returned 46 pledges increased 10 pledges decreased 24 pledges unchanged Total amount pledged to date : $158,124 If you have not returned your pledge card, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you to the following parishioners who returned their 2013 pledge card recently: Josette & Richard Carter.

Lent Begins February 13

Ash Wednesday Services Holy Communion Imposition of Ashes 7:00 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Ashes to Go Expanded
We have a new, more mobile, sign, and if the weather permits, Ashes to Go will go on the road. It is the rectors intention to be in front of the church 6:00 a.m. to 6:45 and 3:00 to 5:00. After the early service she will likely be in Marandinos parking lot for several hours. Spread the word.

Shopping Cards
An Easy Way to Help

Now Available for Immediate Purchase $100 Stop & Shop Cards
When you buy shopping/gift cards through St. Johns, you are making a contribution that does not cost you financially. It may take a little planning. Orders are taken the 1st and 3rd Sundays, and cards are delivered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Order forms are available in the narthex and parish hall and can be placed in the lockbox at any time.

(Broadly Defined)
The register is broadly defined, because there are events in the lives of parishioners and their families which are not recorded in St. Johns register. It is good, however, for us to hear about these events in each others lives. Let the office know about happenings in your own life and in the lives of other parishioners, especially hospitalizations. Deaths Waldo Bud Bushnell Baptism Alexander Joseph Sabolcik Son of Cindy and Christopher Sabolcik Special thanks to Ron & Joan Caine, Rose Osorne and Tom Chappell for cleaning the church. Thanks to Bruce & Laura Wearne for providing the Christmas tree, as well as putting it up & removing it before the pageant. Thanks to Rick Smith, Joan Caine, and Carol Wilson who helped with the luminaria on Christmas Eveputting them out and bringing them in. Thanks to Donna Colavecchio and the altar guild for all their hard work at Christmas. Everything was done very well. Thanks to Linda Snyder and the Church School for the wonderful Epiphany Festival. Thanks to Rose Osborne, Kevin Case, and Mac Wilson for shoveling and sanding the walks. Thanks to everyone who helps with the mission and ministry of St. Johns.


Knitting Group On the first Sunday of the month, we get together after each of the Services during coffee hour to knit. If you want to give it a try, Denise is able to show you the basic knitting stitch that youd need to learn in order to make a simple scarf or prayer shawl. Come join us!! Open Door Soup Kitchen - This is the start of a new ministry for St. Johns! Volunteers will be needed for the 3rd Saturday of every month. A minimum of 5 people are needed to participate each month with either cooking, serving, answering phones, and/or stocking canned foods, etc. There are sign up sheets on the board downstairs for JanuaryJune 2013. Please sign up as often as you are able!


Winnie Pratt is very appreciative of all the help she received in arranging the funeral for her husband Bush. She is especially grateful to all who made the reception afterward so lovely and welcoming. Her relatives and friends seemed to enjoy it. This was a very meaningful act of hospitality on the part of many parishioners.


Thankstothosewhohelp. NextMealonFeb23
If you would like to learn more about participating in this important outreach ministry, please contact the Rector. If you would like to help on the 4th Saturday of any month during 2013 or email Salin: Special thanks to Salin Low and Rick and Elena Morgan for helping with the January meal. The Marek/Radziewicz family will coordinate the dinner in February.

Coffee Hour Hosts Needed

10:00 a.m. Service
This is an important part of our ministry of hospitality to visitors, to children, to one another. A sign up sheet is located in the parish hall.

Ice Cream with a Musical Topping

St. Johns Mardi Gras Celebration TuesdayFebruary 127:00 PM Jazz Bands from Regional 7 - Ice Cream Sundaes
Donations at the DoorProceeds Benefit Bands & Outreach

P. O. Box 27 Pine Meadow, CT 06061 Phone: 860 379-3062

Address Correction

The Episcopal Church Were Here For You

Sunday Worship 8:00 & 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday 7:30 pm

news from

church school


At St. Johns we recognize those young people who have become teenagers in the last year. It is our way of acknowledging their changing role in the church and the churchs support of their growing in all phases of their lives. At the 10AM service on Feb. 3, we will have a prayer and encouragement for the teens and their families as they move towards adulthood. We think we have each teen who is 13. However, if you think we might not have gotten your teens age right, let us know by contacting the office (Phone: 860-379-3062 or email:

We meet every Sunday for PreK through 6th grade. Our middle school class meets the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month discussing the lectionary for the next Sunday. Coming this month: Rite 13 Ceremony-Feb 3rd; Pretzel Sunday-Feb 10th; Lent 1 Service of Tears-Feb17th. Rhythms of Grace : A new monthly worship beginning on Feb 3rd at 1:00PM. Rhythms is a church experience for those who dont feel comfortable in a traditional worship setting. Designed nine years ago by The Rev. Audrey Scanlan and Linda Snyder to meet the needs of families with children on the Autism Spectrum. If you are interested, contact Linda Snyder at

February 2013
St. Johns ChurchCalendar of Events
Anniversaries in Italics






8:30 PM AA


Holy Eucharist 8 & 10 AM Rite 13

7:30 PM Holy Eucharist 8:00 PM AA

8:30 PM AA Pam & Michael Tooke


Holy Eucharist 8 & 10 AM



Mardi Gras Jazz Concert 7:00 PM Beth & John Dee

Ash Wednesday 7:00 AM & 7:30 PM 8:00 PM AA




8:30 PM AA

Open Door


Holy Eucharist 8 & 10 AM


Office Closed


20 7:30 PM Holy Eucharist

8:00 PM AA



8:30 PM AA

Peters Retreat


Holy Eucharist Vestry Meeting 8 & 10 AM Vestry Workshop Barbara & Peter Freigant February Birthdays 5-Feb 8-Feb 9-Feb 14-Feb Ignatius Makarevich Cynthia Welch Jessica Hinman Billie Jo Martocchio



27 7:30 PM Holy Eucharist

8:00 PM AA


15-Feb 16-Feb 16-Feb 18-Feb 19-Feb 20-Feb

Russell Dougan Anne Hall Elaine Cambo William Low Skip Misiorski Christian Johnson

20-Feb 25-Feb 26-Feb 26-Feb 26-Feb 28-Feb

Jackie Espinet Kristie Espinet Jennifer Hester Marie Keefe Thomas Colavecchio Ashley Jakubowski

The Epiphany Pageant on January 6 did have the usual shepherds, nativity, and wise men. It also had characters from the Old Testament and from the last 2,000 years who displayed moral and physical cour-

On December 15 people from St. Johns prepared the once a month meal for the first time. The people who took part felt so good about it that even more people took part on January 19. Sign up if youd like to help in this ministry.

Nancy Gibson is examining the new Lenten set of vestments and altar hangings. They were made possible by generous gifts received in memory of Nancys husband Murray and were dedicated on January 6.

On January 20 Alexander Joseph Sabolcik, who was accompanied by parents Cindy and Chris, was baptized at St. Johns. We welcome them into our community!

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