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25th/ 26th January 2013


gas at protesters in the narrow streets of Manamas traditional market area.

Bahrain protests flare up after government denies opposition request to hold rally
Hundreds of antigovernment protesters have clashed with riot police in Bahrains capital after authorities denied a request for a major opposition rally. Fridays confrontations included police ring tear

The unrest came after authorities rejected a request by the main Shiiteled opposition groups for a gathering in the capital. More than 55 people have died in nearly two years of tensions between the Sunni-led government and the kingdoms majority Shiites seeking a greater political voice. Read More now being held inside the Hoora police station. They will likely be charged with taking part in an illegal gathering, since the interior ministry had not authorized the protest. Almost all the streets leading into Manama were blocked by riot police, Yousif al-Muhafda, deputyhead of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights told AlAkhbar. We have documented at least two cases of injuries from stun grenades, one man and one woman. Read More On Sunday, the main opposition party Wefaq, announced his willingness to participate in a dialogue organized by the authorities, provided the commitment to spread the agenda and establish a timetable to enforce the agreements reached. Read More

Bahrain: Tear gas and stun grenades fired as protests erupt

Police have blocked major roads and are using tear gas and stun grenades against anti-government protesters in the Bahraini capital, Manama. Protesters had responded to a call by opposition parties to march in the city.

Hundreds of youths had taken to the streets of the old market district of Manama, chanting "no dialogue with killers", an opposition source said. The Gulf island nation has been wracked by violence for the past two years. The Interior Ministry had earlier refused permission for the march, tweeting "It is illegal to take part in the rally and action will be taken against violators. Read More The unrest came after authorities rejected a request by the main Shiiteled opposition groups for a gathering in the capital. More than 55 people have died in nearly two years of tensions between the Sunni-led government and the kingdoms majority Shiites seeking a greater political voice. Read More

Bahrain police attack protesters, 40 arrested

Bahrains police arrested several dozen people including a well-known blogger in the capital Manama Friday, after attacking hundreds of antigovernment protesters with tear gas and stun grenades, witnesses said. There was no ofcial arrest count, but lawyers and activists said they documented about 40 arrests, all men, who are

Bahrain protesters confront police

Hundreds of antigovernment protesters have clashed with riot police in Bahrains capital after authorities denied a request for a major opposition rally. Todays confrontations included police ring tear gas at protesters in the narrow streets of Manamas traditional market area.

Bahraini Police Fire Teargas and Stun Grenades at Protesters

Bahraini police red teargas and stun grenades into crowds of pro-democracy protesters in the capital of Manama. Hundreds of youths took to the streets of the old market district chanting "No dialogue with killers". Police

blocked major roads after the interior ministry refused permission for the march. "It is illegal to take part in the rally and action will be taken against violators," it tweeted. In October, the Bahraini government banned all protests and public gatherings, following clashes between police and pro-democracy protesters. Read More

Anti-Monarchy Protest in Bahrain Despite Official Ban

Anti-monarchy Bahraini protesters clashed today with police, who blocked streets and red tear gas and sound grenades in a tumultuous protest that spanned much of this capital.

disperse the rally in Manama.

Bahrain police clash with opposition supporters

Bahraini police Friday clashed with opposition supporters attempting to hold what authorities said was an illegal rally in the capital, dpa reported. Several protesters were injured as police red tear gas and sound grenades to

Police also arrested activists, including an ofcial in the main opposition Shiite group AlWefaq. The clashes come ahead of the second anniversary of the pro-reform uprising which erupted in the small Gulf kingdom in February 2011. Read More

Bahraini police, protesters clash after protest request denied

Bahraini police used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse hundreds of antigovernment demonstrators in the capital Manama on Friday. Protesters clashed with riot police after the interior ministry denied a request by the main Shiite-led opposition bloc al-Wefaq to hold a major rally.

Despite a recent agreement to hold talks with the ruling family, opposition leaders insist that the protests will continue. Anti-government protesters have been holding peaceful demonstrations across Bahrain since February 2011, calling for an end to the Al-Khalifa family's nearly four-decade rule. The protesters also demand an end to state discrimination against the country's Shiite majority by the predominantly Sunni political class. Read More

Bahrain reconciliation talks to start by early Feb minister

Bahrain expects talks with the opposition aimed at breaking nearly two years of political deadlock to start next week or early in February, a cabinet member said in comments published on Saturday. The Gulf Arab state, a U.S. ally against Iran, has been in turmoil since protests

erupted in early 2011 led by majority Shi'ite Muslims demanding an end to the Sunni-led monarchy's political domination and full powers for parliament. Wefaq and ve other prodemocracy groups have said they are ready to attend the talks but have demanded the government show seriousness in addressing their demands, including for a constitutional democracy with an elected government rather than one appointed by the king. Read More national dialogue, considering that national dialogue and national consensus are the only solution to the current problems. Putting into consideration that recent calls for unauthorized demonstrations refelct the lack of credibility among certain political parties as well as their lack of interest in resuming the national consensus dialogue. Read More

Bahrain prepares for reconciliation talks

Bahrain has asked prodemocracy opposition parties to nominate delegates for talks to try to break nearly two years of political deadlock in the Gulf Arab state. The island state, base for the US Navy's Fifth Fleet, has been in turmoil since protests erupted in 2011 led by majority Shi'ite Muslims

demanding an end to the Sunni-led monarchy's political domination and full powers for parliament. Thirty-ve people died during the unrest and two months of martial law that followed, but the opposition puts that number at more than 80. The government rejects the gures and has accused opposition groups of being linked to Shi'ite power Iran. Read More Princess Nora Bint Ebrahim al-Khalifa who serves in Bahrains Drugs Control Unit, allegedly collaborated with another ofcer to torture three activists held in detention following a prodemocracy rally against the island kingdoms monarchy. The princess categorically denies the charges of torture set against her. Read More

Statement Attributable to the Minister of State for Information Affairs, Official Spokesperson for the government of Bahrain
The political authority in the Kingdom of Bahrain has called all the political components to resume the

Royal treatment: Bahraini princess & princes accused of torturing activists

A Bahraini princess is in court for the torture of three pro-democracy activists in detention. The princesss case is the latest in a string of cases of torture and violence has seen the light in a report issued by Bahraini opposition.

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