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Gas station Padua & Alamosa Towne & Baseline Union & Professor Forest & Professor Elm

& Elmwood Park & College 72nd & Wadsworth 9th & Lafayette 76th & Umatilla 123rd & Huron Mean price per gallon

Price per gallon $ 3.68 $ 2.95 $ 4.43 $ 3.97 $ 4.14 $ 4.02 $ 3.11 $ 3.70 $ 4.21 $ 2.76 $ 3.70

Gas station Padua & Alamosa Towne & Baseline Union & Professor Forest & Professor Elm & Elmwood Park & College 72nd & Wadsworth 9th & Lafayette 76th & Umatilla 123rd & Huron Mean price per gallon

Price per gallon $ 3.68 $ 2.95 $ 4.43 $ 3.97 $ 4.14 $ 4.02 $ 3.11 $ 3.70 $ 4.21 $ 2.76 $ 3.70 3.6970

1 2 3 4 5

FREQUENCY 0 0 2 4 4

Gas station Padua & Alamosa Towne & Baseline Union & Professor Forest & Professor Elm & Elmwood Park & College 72nd & Wadsworth 9th & Lafayette 76th & Umatilla 123rd & Huron Mean price per gallon

Price per gallon $ 3.68 $ 2.95 $ 4.43 $ 3.97 $ 4.14 $ 4.02 $ 3.11 $ 3.70 $ 4.21 $ 2.76 $ 3.70 3.697

Height in inches 73 72 62 67 73 68 62 70 65 76

Difference, Mean of height and A2:A11 mean height

Squared differences

Starting value for Solver

Sum of squared differences

Height in inches 73 72 62 67 73 68 62 70 65 76

Difference, Mean of height and A2:A11 mean height 68.8 4.2 68.8 3.2 68.8 -6.8 68.8 -1.8 68.8 4.2 68.8 -0.8 68.8 -6.8 68.8 1.2 68.8 -3.8 68.8 7.2 Sum of squared differences

Squared differences 17.64 10.24 46.24 3.24 17.64 0.64 46.24 1.44 14.44 51.84

Starting value for Solver 68.8


Asking Price ($000) Mean Median $ 125 $ 232 $ 193 $ 126 Row Labels Count of Asking Price ($000) $ 127 (blank) $ 128 125-174 12 $ 129 175-224 21 $ 130 225-274 13 $ 131 275-324 6 $ 132 325-374 4 $ 133 525-574 2 $ 134 675-725 2 $ 135 Grand Total 60 $ 136 $ 175 $ 176 $ 177 Count of Asking Price ($000) $ 178 $ 179 $ 180 25 $ 181 20 $ 182 $ 183 15 $ 184 10 $ 185 $ 186 5 $ 187 0 $ 188 (blank) 125-174 175-224 225-274 275-324 325-374 $ 189 Asking Price ($000) $ 190 $ 191 $ 192 $ 193 $ 194 $ 195 $ 225 $ 226 $ 227 $ 228 $ 229 $ 230 $ 231 $ 232 $ 233 $ 234 $ 235 $ 236 $ 237



$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

275 276 277 278 279 280 325 326 327 328 525 525 725 725




Age in Years 62 3 82 37 12 14 76 8 74 18 69 89 17 67 71 32 25 49 6 37

37 Row Labels 3 6 8 12 14 17 18 25 32 37 49 62 67 69 71 74 76 82 89 (blank) Grand Total

Count of Age in Years

Count of Age in Years




1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Age in Years


t of Age in Years



Make Ford Toyota Ford GM Toyota Toyota Ford Toyota Ford Ford Toyota GM GM Ford Ford GM Toyota Ford Toyota GM

Make Ford Toyota Ford GM Toyota Toyota Ford Toyota Ford Ford Toyota GM GM Ford Ford GM Toyota Ford Toyota GM

Central tendency


TEST 1 57 50 36 47 97 92 97 4 6 81 24 37 96 70 52 46 93 7 66 94 71 85 95 0 82 12 97 11 82 29 3 91 34 15 54 39 96 42 51 79 65 75 88

TEST 2 38 34 69 83 66 88 90 46 52 70 90 6 88 44 11 2 63 83 46 11 50 91 91 56 57 95 55 16 53 19 98 90 86 38 34 56 11 51 27 76 91 80 22

Measures of Central Tendency It would now seem appropriate to calculate some summary statistics for these data. We will concentrate on central tendency first of all. The most widely known of these is the Arithmetic The functions and formulae to this are indicated in the comments. ARITH. MEAN TEST 1 ARITH. MEAN TEST 2 ARITH. MEAN AGGREGATE 100 Another measure of central tendency is the Median This gives the mark that is equalled or exceeded by 50% of t AGGREGATE VERDICT 95 FAIL MEDIAN TEST 1 84 FAIL MEDIAN TEST 2 105 PASS MEDIAN AGGREGATE 130 PASS 163 PASS 180 PASS Finally we might want to calculate the pass rate 187 PASS for this group of students. 50 FAIL The way to do this is to count all the students who passed 58 FAIL and then divide this by a count of all the students in the grou 151 PASS Study the comment in F22. 114 PASS PASS RATE = 43 FAIL 184 PASS 114 PASS 63 FAIL 48 FAIL 156 PASS 90 FAIL 112 PASS 105 PASS 121 PASS 176 PASS 186 PASS 56 FAIL 139 PASS 107 PASS 152 PASS 27 FAIL 135 PASS 48 FAIL 101 PASS 181 PASS 120 PASS 53 FAIL 88 FAIL 95 FAIL 107 PASS 93 FAIL 78 FAIL 155 PASS 156 PASS 155 PASS 110 PASS

98 99 75 23 26 42 81

98 48 8 0 58 11 71

196 147 83 23 84 53 152


ummary statistics for these data. The most widely known of these is the Arithmetic Mean. 57.84 54.34 112.18

easure of central tendency is the Median he mark that is equalled or exceeded by 50% of the group. 61 55.5 107

might want to calculate the pass rate

do this is to count all the students who passed vide this by a count of all the students in the group. 60% 30

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