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Is It Possible to Test for Methane in Water?

What is Methane?
Methane is a gas that is both colourless and odourless, meaning it is impossible to distinguish when you come into contact with it.

Methane is lighter than air, and while it is not considered a toxic substance, there are still precautions that must be taken when dealing with it.
Methane can be found naturally in several different situations.

Where Is Methane Found?

Some of the places that methane gas may be found, include: Decomposed plant and animal matter Landfills Coal mines Waste water treatment facilities Even though methane isnt toxic on its own, it can be dangerous, and methane gas testing is an important discipline.

Is Methane Dangerous?
When methane comes into contact with other substances, the harmless tag can get thrown out the window.

Methane is highly flammable, and when introduced to heat, sparks or flames it may ignite. In the air, methane is explosive when volumes reach 5 to 15 percent. When contained in confined spaces, methane has the potential to displace oxygen, which in turn makes for a dangerous situation.

What Are the Risks?

If you arent careful with methane and dont respect what it can do, some of the risks include:
Asphyxiation - if methane displaces oxygen to the point where oxygen levels fall below 10 percent, asphyxiation is a possibility. Explosion - oil rigs and mining projects have encountered deadly explosions in the past, when the methane levels have risen too high. Methane gas testing is a must when any type of ignitor is present.

Risks cont
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - natural gas consists of 97 percent methane, and without proper ventilation its possible to suffer carbon monoxide poisoning from your residential heating system.

Methane in Well Water

It is possible to find methane gas in well water, when the right circumstances are present. If a well is not properly cased, methane can migrate into the well water. In some cases, the gas might also be present naturally. Methane may also be present in an aquifier, existing as a dissolved gas within the water. As the well is pumped, the water level gets lower which lowers the well pressure, releasing more gas from the water. Methane gas testing in water is important in these situations.

Testing for Methane in Water

It is possible to test for methane in water, but it must be handled carefully and by highly trained technicians. Collecting the water sample is of the utmost importance because the methane moves into the gas phase quickly and easily, which will give a false impression of how much is actually in the water. If you require methane gas testing from water samples, its always best to consult a qualified lab as as first step. Lab results will indicate the percent concentration of methane in the water.

How to Remove Methane From Well Water

Venting pressure and heating water are two ways to get the methane out. Using a galvanized pressure tank along with an automatic air vent lets the gas escape into the air.
However, larger volumes of methane may be too much for just a vented pressure tank, and a cistern with a vent and spray unit might be necessary. Whatever the situation, respect the gas and get professional advice before you proceed.

Ortech Consulting Inc. offers odor testing and methane gas analysis services to businesses. Their offices are located at 804 Southdown Road Mississauga, ON L5J 2Y4 (905) 8224120. Visit for more information.

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