Macoupin County: Directory

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County Superintenilent


"Any elghth Brade gxaduate resldlng ln a lonhlgh school tlistrlct may gttend aDt t4ognlred two, three or four year hlgh school, EDil hls tultion shall be paiil by the board of education of the noa-hlgh school tllstrlat ln whtch he reslales.



An etshth grade graduate ln the meaulng ot thls Act ls any person ot schoo] age wbo SlYes

bonilett lndebteilness, whlah shall be computed

maintalnlng the pupfls."

satlsfaetory evlalence of havlngl completetl the flrst etght gradee of school work by presentlng a certlflcate of promotton tssueil by the county superlntendent of sohool or by passlng an examlnatlon glven by the school attenaleal. A rscognlzeal hlgh school ln tbe meaulng ol thts Act is any publtc htgh sohool provlding a ooursa of two or more years of work apDroved by the Superlatendent of Publtc fnstructton. The tultlou patd shall ln no carc Elceeal the per caplta cost of malntalnlng the hl8;h scbool ittentteil, excludtug thenefrom lnterest Imlil on

by iltvttltng tho totel cost of conducttng alil ss.lal hlgh school by the 4Yerage numben of puptls enrolletl lnclutllug tultlon
llchool Ltbrartes.

r am luileedl sorry that so maDy rural cllstrlcts .report notre of Yery few' books ln the llbrary-

Rural pupils more than urban puptls neeal larEier perspEtlve, antl thls may be galnetl through no better metllum than booke. Dach illstrlot'Ehould have a set of supDlementary readers, htstorles' luterestlng story books to $rppleEent the regugeographles as

well as a few lnstruettve


lar branches.

A ldbraqY for EverY School.

"In the past we have thought relatlvely too much about tachtng people how to reatl and aot enough about gottlng them to read atter they Iearn how. To tleveloDe the'readlng habit' ln each pupll shoulil be onetf the chtet alms of evetT teachsr. .chllil so heltkes to reatl, so he ls a f.raln any ral book lover, and hetrtll eclucate htmsell tl heuever goes to school another day. Ilforeover, lfa school has a gooil ltbrar:yttt shoultl alil treatpeople whose school ly ln educattng the older"learntng tlays-shoulil days are over, but rvtose never be over. The saylng of Thomas Cprlyle'
"The true-unlverslty of these tlays ls a oollectlon of boots,' cannot be too often relrdated."
One.Boom and Oonsoltda,teil OounttT School cular.+tste Ilept. Pub[c Instmcilnon (Pages 11-12)


brought to bear upon the chtlil to turn hls thoughts and purposes to the ltvtng of- a- rtgbt Itfe ts found -la -the reacllng of good tooks.

Probably the strongest influence that can be

Through readlng he becomes lntereetetl tn vhat has been done anil what may be doae to mste llfe better. Trls asplrations af,e awakened, hls ambttlou axpu8gd, and he, seEks to realtze ln hls


he has become lnterestetl. Glootl books become hls teachers and hare the same lnfluenoe uDoD the,gfowth ot htb cha.racter that does th-e co-4sul,Bly trds leople. nanlonshlp of -wortby Teople. To suI,BlY thls
'Reartlng neeil the lliinois Pupffs'.'Roatung Clrcle has been

owu llfe wolk aad Soatluct the thlnts ln whlcb


the shllalren. '


fron lts'Ust. from lts"llst,

A small liblary of books,

may'be..matle ot gleat benedt to may

'[oachens' Ortilflcaic.


The Ultrots Ikamtning,Boaltl allows cre(Uts tn the renewal of teacheld cetrUfcates as fol-

Benewa,l of

(a) One credlt ,for elaoh'flve alollars worth of puitls' R.eadtnc Clrcle or othelaBprovstl bootss aAdeO to the scLool tibrary: (b( Ten credlts lor proper suDerrlslo-D ot


Reaaltns Clrcle work and illrectlnB.home

School Boarile Aut'horlzetl to Prrcbase Idbrarld Sectlon 116 of ,the School LaP of Illlnols.pre vlctes for the approprlatlon ol scbool'funds lor the purcXase oflibrartes atter tbe Drovislon hss


It ts not la,wfulrfor anyi I,eDsoB to teach lu the Bubllc schools of thls stats unless he or she has i valitl cerdflcate coYerlng the time of such teaahlng. This applies to substitute teachetrs 'as well. Do not ask some one'to tach for you who has uo certi0cate. I thtnk every rural teachet shoulcl. be at school by elght'o'clock A. M. espsclally ln coltl wather. it is thoir tlutv to hare the school rooB heated to at least 68 alegles Fahrenhelt by 8:30 A. M. For thls reason' as well as vartous others, lt !s to the best interests of the teachor and the school for a rural techer to board ln the dlstrlct. Dlrectors and. teachers sonetimes critlclze tJre new heatere whlch havs been installed, when lt develoBs that the teacher does not undlersta,nd the mecha^nlsm. It you have troutle vtth tbe
stove ask.some one whom you are ceataln understands such things to glve you some suggestiong. In most cases, a letter to the Dersoa or frm' ttom whlch the gtove was Burchaseal vlll be aDsweled either with helpful suggestlons, o! son one vlll

school expenses.

been matle

for the paymett of all


school holidays which a,re January 1st, tbe fourth day of July, the twenty-flfth alay of December and eny day appolnted by the Presldent or Governor as a day of fast or thanksgfvlng' and no deductlon shall be maile trom the tlme or compensatlon of a ta,cher on a.ccount of such days.,, The writtng ln the schools of this coultry ls not bdds glven the amount of attentlon !t , shoultl.'Wltn tne exceptlotr of a few city schools' ' there seems to be an attltutle of intlifrersnce among the teabhers as to the apDearance of a pupil'i paper, when ln truth, looks sloulal- be on a par witl correctness. The adoptton of some syitem of wrltlng is the best remedy for thls evit, ancl tho A. N. Palmer Method of Busltrosg . WfiUng ls the one recommended for us ln thie county. Thls systom has a Sorsico Deparfuemt and I-ask that everv rural teacher enroll ln thls

arise. Tbe legal holitlays in tbts state as glven on pag:e 68, seclion 188 of the School Law of llllnoii Eays:' "The school month sha.ll be the same as-the calendar month. But a teacher shall not be required to teach Saturdays or legal



Study Hour Readers-Prlmer, Reaclers 1-3; Grade's 1-3. Amertcan Book Company, BalalwlD & Bencler 4-8; Grades 4-8. Amerrlcan Book Co.'


SupplementarT.The Beacon Primer.

Publlsheal by Glinu & Compaay, Chlcago. Classlcs Oltt anil New, A Inirst Rreaaler. Classtcs Otil antt New, A Second Reader. Publtshed'by Amerlcan Book Co., Chlcago. Young & FJeltl Llterary Reatlers-Books 1-23-4-6-6, Cllnn & Co. Carpenter's Geographtcql lRoaders (graales 4

have also


The Beacon Second Rsader. you wieh to contlnue thls series, you shoUld

The Beacon




Beacon Charts. Beacon Serles

to 8), American Book

& Co., Chtcaeto.

be sent to remetly mattrs. Do not tret tbo chtltlren sufrer when a few worcls mlght Put an end to the trouble. When the teacher leeves the ln the afternoon, the fresh alr lntake. and the foul alr outlet should be closed in order to keep th-e room walm over night. Teache!6 ancl dirEctors occasionally have mls' untlerstandings over the length of the sehool

The Art-Llterature Readers-Prtmer, Books, 12-3-4-6, Atklnsou, Mentzer & Co., Chlcago. The Fotk Lore of Other Lantls, Row' PetersoD COPY BOOKS.

Co.," Chtcago.

The Palmer System of Penmanshlp, Nos. 1-7' Clradles 2-8, A. N. Palmer Co'' Chlcago.

endl the.evenlng of Septernber 30. If any alays are lost from any cause, they ghoulcl be made up

motrth, holitlays, etc., and for thelr beneit I wlsh tb say that the school month ie taleuttcal wtth the calendar month, i. e. lf school commetross on September 1, the school month wlll

at the enil of the term rather tha'n 8t the

of the month; tn this way, Do compllcattotrs



for the Stucly of Language, Glratles 38. Eoughton Mifrlin Co., Chlcaeio. '';q;itt1-noo't ll-craa"s t-?, at"' lyn &"Baeon, Chicago. Lessons tD Engnah-Eook II, Gratles 6-6. Lesgons in English-Book frl, Gratles ?-8' Language Thiough Nature, 'Llterature an'l Art, Giatles 8-4-6, Macmlllan Oo., Chtcago.




Irirst'Year in Nunbers, Mlfrltn Co'., Chicago.

Glrades 1-8, Houghton,

, CIEIOGRAP.HY. Geography, Grade 4, McKntght & _ 4g-" Normal. KDiCht,


'Wentworthr$mlth's Essentials of Arithmeflc, Grades 6-8; einD & Co., Chicago.


Pnactiial Lessons tn Agriculture, Gracles 6-8' Ivins & Merrill. Elementary Agrlculture, Grades 6-8' Flanagan Co.


^ &

Essentr,als of Geography, X'lrst Book, Brigham

DRAWING. Practical Drawing Arts and Crafts Course' or Modern'Arts, Gractel 1-, Practical Drawing Co.,

McFarlap.e, Gradee 6-6, Amgdssn book Co.,

l9L8-24'Wabash AYe., Chicago.


. Ebs^eTjqls of Geography, Second Book, Brlgham & Mcx'arlane, American Book Co., Cf,icaso.
Tarr and McMurray's New Geography,,Gradeg 4-8, Macmtlla,tr Co., Chicago. Dodge's Elementary Geography, Grades 6-6, Rand McNally & Co., Chlcago. Dodge's Advanced Geography, Ctrades 7-A, Rand McNally & Co., Chicago.

Webstsr's Shorter School Dlctionary. .. . '.60c Elementary School Dictionary. '.. ','.90c ...'$1.60 Secondary School Dictionary' Two or three acadsmic dictionaries are bettsr for the puplls than a new fnternationa!. PHYSICAI, TR.A'ININCI. Benjamln H. Sanborn & Co', Chicago. 'Worth-'Whtle Stories Braclley Co.

Physical Trainiuel in Schools' Grades

MISCEIIiLANEOUS' lVlasterpieces ln Art, A. Fnlauagan Co.

- Ca,rpeilxter's Geoeraphlcal Readers, Grades 48, American Book Co., Chicago. An Introduction to Amerlcan I{istorT ,

for Elvery Day' Milton


Company, Chicago. ORTHOGRAPHY Orthography and. Word Analysis, Elmer E. Cavins, C. M. Parker Publishing Company. &sentials of Spelling, by Pearson and Suzzallo, American Book Company. Gratles 2-8.

qago. Grade Sir. SuPPlemenlly.A lllstory of the Unitetl States, Grades ?-g, Houghton Mtfrlin Co. Montgomery's X'acts of Amerlcan Ifistory, Grades 7-8, Ginn & Co., Chicago. crvrcs. IlUnois and the Nation by & RaDdle, A. X'lanagan Gompany, Chicago. My Countrir by Glrace A. Turkington, Ginn &

Woodburn & Moran, Irongmans, Green & - Co., Chicago. Grade Sir. Ifart's School Fllstory of United Sta,tes, Grades 7-8, American Book Co. Old World Background to Amerlcan Illstory, by Samuel Bannlster }lartling and Margart Snod,grass Harding, Scott, F oresmatr & Co., Chi-


Nidp Bunnie Series (three booke),

Studies of Trees, John 'ffileY &

Strange Lands Near Home, Clinn &

Ever so often agenti make the rounds of the Countles of the State to call upon teachers and ecliool ofr[ers to sell"'something." Agents who are iour-square should have the confldence and paitronago of those who are in the market for
questlonable business tentlencles should be illsmissa on the spot. Time is too valuable to waste on them. t'or the sake of safety, Justice anal economy,

-thingg of stanalard type. Agents ol

1. Investigate the character and businws methods of, the agent before you are caught. 2.

rto the following Jucllciously:

can Book Co., Chicago.

Human Body and Ilealth Intemediate. Human Botly ancl Health Elementary, AmeriSuPPlemelfqt.-

H,uman Body ancl Health Advanced.


ueed wbat the agent bas to sell. ' 3. .A.scertain whether the price lE right. 4. If the a'gent 6ayg. "The county superintendent of schools recom{nends tt," please phone to the ofrce and learn the truth' One huntlretl to one, the cbances are that all such statements

Con5ittsr whether you re.lly want and

ars false.

& &

Ilioughton Mitrlin Co. Davidsou's lluman Borly antl Health, Clrades 3-6, American Book Co. Jswitt's Health antl Safety, Grades 3-4, Gllnn

Wood's llutchinson l{ealth Series, Grades 3-8,

testimonlals. If what they have to sell cannot stantl the test of "real merit," no one has the moral, or buslness right to prop thlngs up wtth testimonlals. No testimonial or recommendation can read goodness, or superlor merit, lnto anything in which those qualltles, appear on the


Please remember that

do not glve agents




Beglnners, Grades 6-8, Glnn

surfacer, only. 6. Please bear in mintt tha.t there is nothlng so surpassingly gooal that you must have, lt Jmmediately. Let no one force, or stampeale, you into purchasing anythlng. Let no gllb, smooth.

and forceful talker make you feel tha,t you


if you will not make the




Stand on both feet'and assrt your rlghts and you! intelllgemce and manhood. and womanhood, Take time to think and lnveetlg:ate. Actlon
tloes not take long to phon6, or wrlte, for tnformatlon. What are thede privileges for tt we do not use them betors it iJtoo lale? Good people wlll respct thls measure of caution and buslness acumen,-about others you need nor care. 7. Do not allo.w any agents to encroach on school time.This time bqlones to the boys and Birls. It should be kept inyiolats fm this pur. pose. 8. Do not allow agents to iirpose upon you, in any way whatever. Stantl for your rlghts and be as flrm as they are lnsistent and eloquent. You are the most inportant of thelr Broposed transaction. 'W"hy not carry out a deflnite program which wlll terminate matters to your ltking? 9. If agents say that I said and so,', please ask them to put it in wrlting for you so you may send it to me. If they refuse, please ' take lt down yourseli ancl send lt to me together with ths of the agent. Falstfytng and mlsrspreseDtatlon will not be tolerated,. 10. R.efuse to be the prey of unscrupulous
shoulal never precede thought and invegdga,ilon.


(d) An emsrgency certiflcate shall be issued only to a person who has been enga;ed. to teacb' and shall not be issued a second tlme to the aame person iu the same year, except upon the written recommendation of the county superintendent, approved by the Xixamlning Board. Va,ltdiw of Cenfiflcates. (a) A first ancl second grade certidcate, a high sehool certificate, a superYlsory cettiflcate' a

be valld only

designated on

its face "Xlmsrgisncy," and ghall untll the next regular eramlnatlon.

after they. hays "done" you. is my sole purpose to help you, but you must also learn to help yourself for your own growth, protection anil security. 13 A.bove all "cut out cornnelal contracts aF

not get

men and wometr. 11. Bdware of the begulllng words and argumeDts of total strangers who llve where you catr-

t2. It

a,t them

certiflcate shall be valid iu the county of lssue, and in any county of the Sta,te when endorsed by the county superintendent of such county. ' (b) A prorrisional certifcate authorizes ttre holder to teach in the flrst eight cirades only. (c) A second rade certiflcate authorlzes the holder to teach in tho flrst eight gracles aDd in the ninth and ten grades when endorsed for the same by the county superintendent of the county in which the teaching is to be done. (d) A first grade certiflcate authorizes the holderl to teach and supervlse ln the flrst ten grades, and ln the htgh school, wheu endorsed for ths same by the county supflntendent. (e) A hish school certlflcate authorizes the holder to teach and supervlse in the high school and in the seventh antl eight It is valitl for the position of Brinctpal or superintendent of a school requirlng less than half

ldndergarten-primary certifloate,

or a


time for superYision.

shoulcl be held responslble. Please put all of these suggestions into opsration the very next time. T'his ofrce stands rea(y to do for all school interests what lt can. ln and

for the pardcular purpose so stated. Boards of Ed.ucatlon or Boards of Directors are llable if thoy do business in any other manner and

they are lllegial, business to be done legally, musr be done at a regular meetlng or at a call meeting

(h) A epecial certiflcate authorizes the holtler to teach or suBervise the teaching of the sub(i) Progisionatr and socond grade certiflca,tes are only'valid tor toarhingr qnd not for supenvising tJre work of other teachens.

holder to supervise a system or any part of a system of schools and to teacb in the game. (g) A kindertarten-primary authorlzes the holder to teach or supervlse in a kindergarten and in the flrst two grades.

(f) A

supervisory certincate authorizes the

ject or subjects nametl in the certifleates.

certlflcated teachers in his county to teach the school, he is authorized to issue proyislonal certiAcates to a sufrcierlt number of candldates from hls or other counties, who hav6 fallen below the required gratles, to meet the

the last regular examination the opening of school there ars not enough regular

out of seasoD. hovisiona,l and ElmorBncy Oer.liffcats. (a) When a county superlnten{lent flnds, after

(j) A supervisory pertiflcate is necessary when a teacher is emplo6red to use more than one-half of his time in suBervlslng an entlre system of sc.hools,
Schools as a, Oollocting AEencY..

(b) A provlsional certlflcate cannot be is(c) The county superintenalent ls authorlzeil to iBsue ln an omergency, any lclncl of a county certlflcate to an appllcant furnlshlng evidonce of the possesslon of the prerequiremnts atrd qualiflcations for such certiflcate. It shall be
sued a second time to the same person.


public school ofncials throughout the country had sought to banish from the public schools the collecting of money. The poslfion taken by most school ofrclals was that however merltorius the cause lt could not Justify the harm tlone by collecting money from the chilalren. There are many souncl reasong which may be

X'or many years prior

to the openlng of


assigned in support of this Boint of view. Parents very generally obJect to allowing their children to carry money to school for any purpose. The temptations lnvolved are great qnd are well understood by everyone who under-



chlltlrsn' Agaln, any attempt to collect money from school chiltlren leads to uncomtoriaife and clisquieting classiflcation and discrimin.ttions. Sometimes th chiltlrn wbose narents are least able to Sive the money are they ift. *"* most active in order thatis alsomay not noticed be looked upon as utrgenerous. It of tlose who are most capable irruiiu" "nitdren are often oi making contrlbutions modest, antl the ones it iB not whose offeringis are very inirequent th;t they are the ones who ma-ke no 'oferiis at all. Tte war brought unusual-conaltio-ns'anO macle unusual demands upon all our schools itiriiiiiti*t. The publlc counter met these det-o established i""iii.-*["lner thdv ran war beine ;;;;i poirci". or not. However, theour schools of i""i. it-i" *ttl for those in chargethe wlse pollcy' io i"l""o to ths plan shown to be -ailow anv collections to b.e ma'le ;;A-;;il.; to public schools, however mer-itgrious ih;il;h ine be.-F. G. Blair, supt' of Pubrlc ;ii;;;GJ;iv
stands Instructlon.

m""ii,alfe Aisease, health authorltles sbould disiutect tne room, or house, thoroughlY'- . ^6iJi"iu"iio" it the treating of anvthtng -wlth cne-micars ior destroying disiase germs' - It. ts ifrJ]i""ittt-ot puiincation fron anv lnfectins
matter. *lioligation

After an lndiviilual has reaovered from a-com-

is the using of cortaln tumes for the purpose of dislnfecting' iT""Cl"-JrL of scuoots "na trre Teachore'-Pay' - lt h;-b";tiuled that whetr schools are closed oo-al"ooot of the prevalence of cornrlunicable iirr"t"t in" teacheri are legally entttled to thelr

in reacliness at all ;;;;-ih"; nbtd tn"ms"lves the-school ls closed i#;i;1il.h---nove"u", lf ot the exposure of -taiin ou account il-ill teachers to communrcJbl" dlse"se" to which. tbe ;;;;;'it;J-sxposee, ihe teache-r must stand or else make up tho same'
lne fosg of timo,

1. 2. 3. i: i. 6.

Communlcable Diseaaos' 7. Scarlet fever' Chicken Pox,

8. Septic sore throat' Dtphtheria, German mehsles' 9. Sma'llPox' Infantile paralysls, 10. ,Spanish lnfl-uonza. 11.'Iuberculosis' Measles, 72- TrPhoitl fever' Mumps, 13. Wihooplng cough.

;;;";a;'ti"eie suustantlal roaso,n f or whlgBeri#;;id;;-h;of noo"s. what 'loes whtsBerlns


Wtrisportng. Teachers should eltminate whispering' X'rom tne"Jr"JJtiin-oi s"noois, rro one-has ev-er a'ldisclose anyhow?

1. Coughlng, 2. Sneszing, 3. Runnlng nose, 7. Weak, tired feellng. 8. Watery eyes, 9. ITeadache, 10. Vomlting, 11. Dlarrhea,

of Atta,ck of

CommunJcable lXseasqs'
4. n. 6.

Sore throat,


12. '

or sPots of any hintl. SweltinF or Patn ln baek or rrndler

ears, back

i3. Paln ln the or cheat

The tlme whleh elapses betwmn the dav an lnrttvtdual gets the tllsease serm into hls bodlv anil the dlay when the real svmotoms of the tllsease aDDear ls calleal the Perioil of Tneubatlon. fnerhatlon Per"lod: IXsea-s: .....11 1o 22 davs 1. Chlcken pox... .. '.11 to 22 davs 2. Clerman measles.

...'. 8 to 16 davs Measles .. '..16 to 22 daYs Mumps 7 dlaYs Searlet fever.. l4-.tlays Whooplng eough. Ttre tlme of the iluratlon o! a communleable disease shouldl tre a perlodt lslolation for the lntllvldual havlng lt. fsola'tlon Perlod: fDsoase: .....12 flavs 1. Chtcken nox.,, ... 2. Cle"ma.n measles. {avs .....J0Q clays g. Mea,s]eF ......14 tlays 4. Mhmns . .. . ' .-89 qays 6. Scarlet fever. . ' ' ' 56 daYs 6: ffiqoitns coush. 3. 4. 6. 6.





l....STAR ?....BltLIJ 3....FRAIRIII DALE. 4.....IIIRDBN....



Jones. ...yirden ......Margaret Cook. ....Girard ...vedi Corey. .Girard ......Clyde Slon-e.. ......virden Elssle Le Sure.. ... .Yirden Elleanor Jones. .....Virdeu Marcia Zlems. .....Vifden Russell Packard . ...Yirden Manona Kennedy. . .Yirden Glrades......Eldna Alderson. ....Vlrden Tony C. Hostettler - Ronald Lowdermilk ..Virden . Yirden ' Eff.e Munson. ......Ylrden Mrs. Irwin llaynes. .Virden ' Marie Park.. ......Virden . Ethel Huffmaster. ..Virden Anna 'Wyatt . Virden Musa Levls. .Virden Sophy Meyet..... ..Virden Matiltla Leatch,....Yirden

Salary Term 86.00......8 mo. ?6.00......8 mo. 80.00......8 mo. L800.00 I mo.
10 0.00 10 0.0 0

100.00...... 'Jb.bu...... 65.00...... 70.00...... 70.00...... 70.00...... ?0.00...... 70.00...... ?0.00...... 70.00......

10 0.0 0







?0.00...... 70.00...... ?0.00...... 70.00...... ?0.00...... 70.00...... ?0.00...... ?0.00...... 70.00...... ?6.00...... ?0.00...... 60.00......t 100.00......7 80.00......E 120.00......E ?0.00...... ?0.00...... ?0.00...... ?0.00...... 60.00...... ?0.00.;.... ?0.00......







Bchool. Slde.
.: . .. !


9. . . .I,YNCHBURG

Mr._ra &uErs .

1?....BUCIr|ANAN. 18....wAsIrINeToN 19. . . .ClraPMAN,S pOIIfI. 20. . . .OAKLAND GROYXI.

12....UPPUR GROVE!. j..... 13....SUeAR CRETEK.. 14....GREIE}NLAND 16....AMEIRICAN . 16....X'RANKLIN ...


90.00...... 60.00...... ?0.00...... 60.00...... 62.60...... ....::o. w.GJiira. ......Brtehron .. 160.60...... Clara Marttn .Brlghton 86.00...... Y. M. Jacoby.. ... ..Brtghton 110.00 Mrs. A. 'W. Amass. ..Brlghton 66.00...... RuFy Goad. .Brlghton 66.00...... Pearl Sarlu6..... ..Brlghton 66.00...... Almeda F.. Boulter. .Brlghton ........\...setie neri-ann. -- 66.00...... mo...G$trard---.::.:::r,: 86.00......? .,.Zans, I(rElantt. ....virtten 82.60......?'mo. ...g;bu Wni"-so".::::::::dilft ?6.00......7 12mo.....X!. IJ. Wilson. ......ctraral ?6.00......8 mo. ......Jessie R. peebles.:.:::..:Grft 65.00......? mo' ....Bernard Walcten. ...Glratal 76.00......? mo.. ......Monnte Cox. .Modesto 76.00......1 mo. ....Maitrq e"bo". .....Modesto......... 80.00......? mo. . . . . .qdrth-Wttsol1. Moalesto ?5.00......7 Elo;Sopnronia-Oo.tat. . . . . . : . : .Oil;"d 80.00'......? mo-

Teachor. Address ...Cecll Eorton... .....Glrard F'lossle Walden. ....Glrard Irene Whalen Flklnner.....Gtrari :::::::::: .....Irma Hedrlck. .....Auburn




School. Dlst. s2....p,nNTIIg111CREEIK-,..... s8....CXF{ITIR\IIEIW 21. . . .RI1'fHITAND 22....INDEPEXNDENCE 28....llA.sTUNION.. 24. ...GRIMMEHIT


Address Teacher' .-...Palmvfa """"' .FtmmaArnoltl. ::::"""ivaM'Kellev' '''''Carllnvllle"""' Roesch' """Motlesto """"' "":"::""'Pearl .::'::"".'CharlesT'-B'Ross"""''Palmvr& """r' ...,. ... ......ivan C. Shearburn.... ' ' "Modesto

f,auia Wtsema,n. ...Falmyra .Palmvra R.uth Poorman. . .. ....'Pblmvre "" " "' Gtrades......Martna Stults.

Term Salary 66'00"""'7 mo ?0'00"'"'? mo' 60'00"""7 mo' 86'00"""7 mo' '66'00' " " '7 mo' tl33:33::::::'v''o'



.Palhvra M' w' Pe&' 'Eqlm:ra " ..Etililym nff"oWit'",irr.!... 'Johriw'chaiimen" 'PalFvre
Iva Malone 'Mrs'

lq'90" " "


" "" " " " q9'q0""" E0'00"""7


... 2e....r,aNDR^nnH....

.PC.lhvre Ilazer Rosd. i"arenpgrison.. Cfa.ra.Wltlon..... ..trfddeto . " " "rieut inil :: ....::::::::::.:vt"i;suEnes' """0vavorlv "" -16-

"" i9'90""" ?0'00""" 66'00"""7




galary Terrh 8?.60...,..7 no.' 66.00......? tno. 76.00......7 bo. 80.00......7 mo.'
180.00......8%mo.' 126.00......

75.00...... 60.00...... 60.00...... 100.00......? mo.. ?0.00.,....7 mo. ?6.00.,....7 do. 80.00. . .. ..7 mo. 80.00......7 mo. 60.0-0......7 mo. 90.00......7 mo, 100.00......7 mo. 110.00......8 BO. ?6.00...... ?0.00 ?6.00......






mo. mo.

?6.00......4 60.00.......7 90.00......7 90.00......7 ?0.00......7 60.00......7 66.00......7



mo. mo.


mo. mo.
mo. mo.

90.00......? 86.00......7 ?6.00......7 60.00..,...7 80.00......'I ?6.00. .. .. .? 126.00......8 ?0.00...... 60.00...... 76.00......

mo. mo.






E=T _a::--r- - t::-

:_:5j:r:t_*:-: !


: Jea=tr:1:=

-j:-::--=-::::-:: -a:==_r:-_:::::==+:=





mo. mo.

I. Jones. Maxfleld.

Iprges. .. .. .Greenflelal Barbee. ....Greenfleld


100.00......? 55.00......? 70.00......8 80.00......? 60.00......8 ?0.00......8 ' ?6.00......? 60.00......8 60.00......? 60.00.......? 60.00......? 60.00......8 2100.00......9 ?7.60...... 7?.60...... ?6.00...... 76.00...... 70.00......


mo. mo. mo. mo. mo. mo. mo. mo.










.Nell B. Ilead.. ... ...Cailthvtlle .flazel Baugh. ......parllnvllle . . .Harrlet M. Beasley. .Carllnvllle .....Rubv r. Bates. ...'..Carllnvllle . . .Sarllnvllle ....Clara Shearburn. ,.Carllnvllie 'Ruth Stottler....

mo mo.

mo. mo. mo.


8?....WEST W:OODITAWN 88....BEIAR RouGH. 89....EINOS 90....OAK GROVEI. 91....RAX'F'URTY 92....EIUREKA .. 93....SULPHUR SPRING..... 94....MT. VXIRNON. 96....PINEIY 96.....WEISTEIRN MOttND..... 97......KEIi,E!R 98......ATWATEXR 99......BURTON 100. ...BROWN ....:. 101....WEIST POINT. 102....HICKORY GROVD. 103....IIONEY POI}VI. 104....NEW ERA. 106....BURKE 106....XILMWIOOD 107....XiNfIERPRISII ...




Teacher. Address Salary Term ...-..Lols Miner. ..Oar[nvtlle . ?6.00 ? mo. ....susan welse. .......carllnvtlle....... 60.00......? mo. ......Loretta Bauer. .....CarlinvtUe....... ?6.00......? rno. ......Elllen Belle Drum. ..Hetttck 66.00......? mo. .Eltza Bullapd..... .Chesterfleltl 66.00......8 mo. .Dena Glrlzzle.... ....Chesterfleld...... 66.00......8 mo. ..Wn.Ei.Lee. .Reader.........-. 66.00......? mo. .....Wllhelmina Hebner .-Greenfleld . 76.00 ? mo. .... .Rosalie Tuilor. .... .Greenfleltl ....... 60.00......? mo. ..Agneg Brueggeman .Clreenfleld .Yictor L. Bates. ....Chesterflel<l ...... 90.00......E mo. .....J. E. Rhoarls. .....Atweter......... 100.00 8 mo. Mrs.xillaAllen. ....Atwater 66.00...... .Ltllie Schwab.... ..Carllnvllle . 40.00 8 mo. ...Dorothy qDonnell. .Litchffelil 66.00. .. .. .? mo. ....Gw'enlth Barrow. ...Hornsby 66.00......? mo. ......Elorence M. Kepllnger.....Hornsby 60.00......8 mo. ...Veqa Jones. .Carlinvllle 66.00......? mo. .Leo. E. Bloome. ..r0arllnvillo ........ ?0.00......? mo. ...Flo,rence Churchlll. .Horneby 60.00......7 mo. ......Elmma Hesseldenz.. .Cltllespie 56.00......? mo. .GeDevelye McPherson......Ilornsby ......... ?0.00......? mo.


School. Dist. 10g....HORNSBy yi09.:..WUsnrNerON... 110...:BRUSHyMOUND. 11rll iii:::.OLx |it....SpANISH NEEDI"XI.. ..r......r.. ii3.:..gaStLIBE1RTY. ii4:::.OAK RID6-gi. i16: .:.Wfftp-pOOR-WilLIJ i16....tfe11ON lli..::16AZp1,WOOO ii8::..ffOpnWpf,l ...:.. 1i9:.:.pOnVf.1N ....d:..... itg..:.UNION |Zi....e1s4Ny ,fi2','...CgeSCnnEIEFLD

Lri....BUtUUnnVlLLE . it6:...UpOOn^E,
716. . ..vicronv

1ZB. . . .I{ARMONy

90.00......8 mo. .....Hornsby......... 60.00......7 mo. .....parllnville....... 60.00......? mo. .......tulda Boasley. ....barlinville....... 76.00......8 mo. .Mautl Walton. .....Carlinvlu....... . . . . .Anna B. Klllam. 60.00......-8 mo. .. .Macoupin ..AnnaAnderson. ?0.00......7 mo. ..'.Macoupin........ ?0.00......? mo. .....Grace Behme. ......,Carlinville ....... 80,00......7 tno. . .. . .Ralph Delong. .... .Waverly ....... .. ..C. M. Cackett. 96.00......? mo. .....Murravville ...... ....Susle M. Pressler. 60.00......8 mo. ..Carlinville .....Harold. Morrlson. ?0.00......? mo. ...Plainview ..Lavena Brown. ?0.00......7 mo. ....Macoupin........ '70.00......7 mo. ....Ioue Plnokard.-. ....phesterfleltl ...... 10.00......8 mo. ..C. A. Aulabaugh. ...,Chesterflelal ....... .Xl. K. Rutherford. 1600.00 9 mo. ..Chesterflelat ...... 70.00...... Mrs. S. A. Malone. ..Chesterfleld ...... ?6.00...... Elva Wlson .')hesterfleld ?7.60...... Mrs.Ollve'Wheeler. .Chesterfleltl 65.00......8 mo. . . . . . .Letha Rhoads. . . . . .lletlora .I{elen Baker. 66.00......8 mo. . .....Medora .... 70.00......? mo. 'Glladvs Y. stevenson 'Medora '..G. 150.00 9 mo. W. Bfown. ......Metlora ....

.IJ. E. 'lilllhite. .Felma Mieher.







.:-21 ....SUNNYSIDE!

... .:: :. : :. :. LZS....SFRfNe CREIiIK.. 130..'.YOCK isi: : . .wrr,r, L82. . .. GILIrESPIII



...Medora I$alott. Marle Patton 'Medora .. ..Medora . Mrs. Lltlie Cain. ..Flora Whltworth' "Hornsbv -.Gillesple .Julla Rolantlo.... Meyer',' "''Hornsby ""'Alvena Bohrman' 'svlvia " 'Glllespie 'Glllespie " " ' 'F.' IJ' Hoehn ' .....Gillespie ......... Ftrth. Eveline ... .Gillesple Annice Pearson. MarY Monaghan..' 'Cllllespie ....,Gllllespie ........ Marlon Cowle. ..Gillespte Laura Murray.... ..-.GlllesPle Rosa M. Burke. ...Gillespie Georgla lloggatt. .ClillesPle Vlola X'irth. . .Clillespie Viola McPher6on.. ...'Gillesple Mary F. Burke. .Glllesple Agnes Hoggatt.... Clrace Orcutt. . . .. ... :....Gillesple ..Gillesple Maude Shanahau. Florence





56.00......? mo. 62.60......7 mo. 66.00......7 mo. 66.00......7,mo. 66.00......? mo. 2?00.00 8l2mo
?6.00...... 76.00...... 86.00...... ?0.00...... ?5.00...... 70.00...... ?0.00...... 65.00...... 70.00...... 66.00...... 60.00...... 6F.00...... 65.00.....,

66.00...... 60.00...... 60.00......





18S. . . .BENI,D

?0.00...... 66.00...... 7600...... ?6.00...... .80.00 80.00...... 80.00...... 2000.00 I ?9.06...... ?6.60...... ?6.60... .. . '?0.60...... ?3.00...... ?3.50...... -66.60...... 70.60...... 66.60...... ?0.60...... ?0.60...... ?0.60......





Anna Jacobasky..
Elizabeth Mount. Fmma Sokatch




. . ... Benld Potts.. .....Ben'd Anna Held .. Carllnville Mt. Clare. Hugo Roman .Benltl Jean Haddow ..,... Benld Margaret McCauley. .Benlcl . ....Mable Jackson. ....Clltlesple Stella West . .Carlinvllle Cora Rutherford.. .Gtlllespie Mamie O. Wlese. ...Ii. IJ. Cameron. ....Dorchester....... Lois Dilliaral..... ..I)orchester ....cillespis .Marcella Smith. ..,Marle.d'eyen. ......Glllespie.. ...R. L. Jaynes. ..... .Gillesple ... .....Gillesple ... ..,..Freida Boente. ....Lottle Boree. ......Plainvlew .. .....Viola Morrlson. ... Plalaview ........ ......Bunker Hill. ..Hugh F. Dey.

..Benld .. .Gillespie . .. .. .. ..

Salary Term 65.60...... ?0.60...... 65.60...... 70.50...... 73.60...... ?8.50...... 76.60....... ?6.50...... 90.00......9 mo. ?0.00...... 80.00...... 100.00 '56.00...... 8 mo. 65.00......7 mo. 56.00......7 mo. 90.00......? mo. 65.00......?'mo. 76.00......? mo. 66.00......? mo. 65.00......'? mo.





115.0 0
10 0.0 0

.....? mo. 60.00.....,? mo. 85.00......8 mo. 60.00...... 66.00......? mo. 56.00......7 mo. 126.00......3%mo. ?6.00...... ?5.00...... 66.00...... 66.00...... 70.00......8 mo. 66.00. .. .. .? mo. 90.00......9 mo. 60.00...... 60.00......? mo,
mo. 100.00

86.00...... ?6.00......







226 0.00

76.00...... 70.00...... ?0.00...... 60.00...... 60.00...... 60.00...... 65.00...... 66.00...... 60.00...... 62.40...... 62.60...... 66.00...... 76.00...... 60.00...... 6?.60...... 66.00......

13 6.0 0


110.00...... 110.00......

-28-+4F:-,+--:-* :t'







70.00...... 70.00...... 62.60...... ?0.00...... 60.00...... 86.00...... ?6.00...... 86.00...... 86.00...... 86.00...... ?0.00...... ?0.00...... ?0.0.0...... ?6.00...,.. ?6.00...... ?5.00...... 76.00...... 80.00......
10 0.0 0

-27,= i' or:d l::::r 'tcrlai ruq=g==.s =!. @*l{t*i



?0.00...... ?0.00...... 6?.50...... 6?.60...... 96.00...... 66.00...... 65.00...... 65.00...... ?6.00......
10 0.0 0




Ethel Zoella

Central 166. . . .SAWYERVIIfiEI



White CitY.

66.00...... 65.00...... 66.00...... ?6.00...... ?0.00......? ?5.00..,...7 66.00......? 66.00......? 60.00......? 60.00......7 ?6.00......?

mo. mo. mo. mo. mo. mo. mo


School. 164....BUNK,EIR HIIir.. Dtst.

Term Salary A'ldress ' Teacher' Iltll" " " 160'00" " "8%mo' 'S' M' Schueneman "Bun4er 9111...... 90'00""" .....Bunker Emma F. Jones. ?6'00" " " Pearl S. Deffenbaugh......Bunker Hlll" " " 66'00""" Gradgs......Ul-e"nor Alerander' 'Bunler Htll""" --";-'--'- tuciOttver... 66.00..."' .....BunFer HiII...... 66.00""" Lucille I(ulenkamp. .Bunker Htll....'. Amanda rfouc[. 66'00""" ...Blrnker lltll""" lntilo"te Colburn. '.... 66.00" " " Bunker Htll ....... Beairtce Batrit. Cioves' r66....PLEIASANTIIIITL. 'Eltzabeth 60.00......? mo. ....::......An;nila rrrlemrnelbeln....Bunker Irtll ...... 166....rjBERT"r. 82'60"""8 mo' ..Y....:::::.""Cert'ruae roie-""""""Qun$er lltll"""' 16?....WOoDBURN ..Buhker FSn...... 60.00"""8 mo' OOttn prUot:.... 66'00" " "7 mo' lngham' "!$f3an 168....ING3!RS9LL .... " 60'00" ' " ''? mo' smatlii.' ...:::-::. " " 'lda"Larqt 'pllshton '..netJn " 16e. ...sTERr,INGl i"""" 66'00"""'? mo' ...:::..';"fi"at,noetteLet" "Bilshtdn 1?0....BRUE|G{1E[MAN... 1?1....JoNEisBoRo..r.....:.:::::..i'nn-n.G'... 66'00"""7 mo' ::::-.....netenHddd;i:::::'.""grGnton""'::' Llz....Mrr,Es 66'00' " " '? rao' AbiscGi::::: .:'. " 'pgEuton .....:::::::.::3taG rri"i'::""""'Bi{gh-ton Lrs..,.DqrrNEr 50'00"""4 60' ..::::.-."'..laeri". """" Llt....McKINr,ErY 90'00"""1-mQ' ....'.........Rose ceraer...-.--.'........Mt.-dltve ' - " -'ilqtirr*d--triotan;r. li;....ffiiii'ffiirWOoo



100.00 100.00


1800.00,.....9 126.00 110.00...... J.0o.0f...... 160.00......

100.00 100.00


1080.00 10 80.00 2400.00

1000.00 86 6.00



810.00 1600.00

990.00....r. 866.00....... 866.00....:. 866.00 866.00...... 866.00......

100.00.'..... 86.00......


Under the aumber and name of each -!ownhi"" E" School Trustees -the.Town"nr-p"-ti'" ;ti; i;;d;;er, ana the Board of Eiduca-tlon. or as the case'.the if"T".i';i";iAtors' nometl lrst and the clerk it? i"u"raJ"t betng

Dlstllct 180-Yoch. J. T. HensleY; }IornsbY. Wtlltam Meyer, HornsbY.

R.. WieYen, IIornBbY.

Dtstrlct 131-'WiUtams.

lownshlp 7i Bsngie 6; Mt' Oltve

and Stounton'


each lnstance'

El. El. Norvel, GlUesPie. Wtllian Pohlman, Gillospie. d. H. Etlers, GlllesBie'

C' Trustees-4ollle Calvln, Mt' O-llve; {ilwardMt' fruter, Stauriton; Henry -Poos'

Treaaurer--C. R. Wall' Sta[nton'



District 133-Benld. Thomas Turlgliatto, Benlal. Dr. A. TrtBotli, Benld. A. E. Iri.ttle, Benltl.
Ossar Wresley, Glllespie'

IXstrict 163-Mt. Olive. A. E. Ftsher, Mt. Ollve' C. H. Davls, Mt. Oltve. t;re;h abeile, Mt'. oliYe,

Charles Gouch, Beulcl. Ilenry llans, Benld. Distrlct 1? 6-West Elmwood.


Peter Gaudlno, Benld.

in"o-. s"hmttn&usen' Mt. Olive' Mt. Ollve' W. S. Phll[ls, L. M. Harlan, Mt. Olive' Lonls Elfnest, Mt. Olive' Dlstrlct 164-stlver Creet. --Mt' Olive'
Louls Brackenbush,

A. H.


I{enrY Johnson, New DouglBs'

Chas. McGlaughey.

Devrles, Staunton,

D' E' F' -

Distrlct 1g4-Benltl TlownshlB High school. Harry llill, Benltl. B. M. f'laherty, Sa,wyerYille. Wtlltam Battruzis, Benltl.
Domlnic Bertettt, Beuld. John McPherson, Benld. John Fannlng, Sewyerville.

Clerdes, Mt' Olive. Joseph F"rew, Mt. Oltve, RflD 13, Bor 13' Elrnst Busse, Mt. t llve.

Dlstrlct 166-Staunton.


R. H. Tate' Stauuton. H. O. Pauhorst, Stauuton. C.'W. Soapes, Staunton' Henry J. Burns, Staunton' Charlss Franz, Staunton'

Distrlct 166-Sawyervllle. Charles Elaffter, Mt. Oltve. B. M. Flaherty. Sgwyerv'ille' T. F. Wllson, Sawyervllle' Welley Voyles; $awYerville--Charles Radamacher' Mt' Oltve'

. Angelo Tolgo, Benltl. Untons:- 63 tn Montgomery, 107' 132' Tomshtp Ir Be.ngie 6; HoneY Polnt. Trustees-J. Ff. Leggett, Hornsby; J. B' Parrott' - Carlinvllle; A. C. Mitchell, IJitchflelil' fi'ssgut'61-Q. M. Barnes, Carllnvllle' Dlrectors:
Distrtct 10O-Brown.
John Bltters, Litchfleltl. Dtstrtct 101-'West Polnt' August Buske, Ilornsby. T. J. Luken, Ilornsby. C. W. Nimmons, Ilornsby. Auguet Peters, Lttchfleld. J. D. O'Donnell, Lltchfelal.


Trustees:L. b'.coiaonJ cttiespie; F' w' Edwards, Eenld; Eilwartl Meyer' IIornBby.

TonY G$rua, Mt. Olive. Thomas Wallace, Mt. Oltve' TownthlP 6, Rongo 6; CahoHa'

Treasurer-M. J. Glatrey, Glllespte. Directors: Dlstrlct 108-Hornsby.

L. Duncan, HornsbY. J. A. ClaYton, Hornsby' Dlstrict 1 2?-lluunysltle. W. H. Hertke, HornsbY'

Dlstrlct 102-IlickorY Grove. II. El. Drennen, Ilornsby. H. R. 'Wilson, Ilornsby. W'.' C. DdY, Elorngby. Distrist l03-Iloney Point. J. T. Ilart, Carltnville'

C. Drennen, Horusby.

Dlstrtot 104-Nev Era. Dlstrlct 106-Burke.

I'. Jennings, Carlinvtlle. W. J. Jackson, CarlinYllle.

Ehoch Dooley, Gillespie.

J. W. Keplinger, HornsbY.
Truman Black, Gillespie.
Joseph Reiher, Carlinvllle. Joseph Watermeier, Carlinville' Charles Watts, HornsbY.

Ilenry L' Ifartke, Hornsby' ' Albeit Johnson, Horneby. Dtstrlct 1 28-Xlickmeyer. Wtlliam H. Meyer, Mt' Ollve' Drewell, Mt. Ollve' ' IIenrY Ernst, Lltchfleld' Wtlltam Distrlct l29-SPrtng Creek'
Walter C. Stone, Hornsby' John II. IIeYen, Mt. Ollve' C$,eorge Mansholt, GlUespie'

\Filliam Alhelm, IilornsbY. Dlstrict l0?-Elnterprise.

E. P. York, HornsbY.

'Wm. Boehm, Ilornsby. Untonsl6S iu M6ntgomery, ?3, 74, 106' 108'




TomshiP 10, Bs,ngo O; $ha'v's Potnt Tru6tees-R] N. Eosttru, Barntt; Jaqes Sniaib,-Carun*lls; Wun' Rins' Atwater' freasurer-S. D. McMahan, Atwater' Dirsctors:

Dtstrlct 178-McVey. R. B. SEith, McYey. Union: 9", 182. . torraehip 12' Bongo 6; Vtrden and Giraril. Trustees-.Owen Smlth, Gtrard; George tsrlalFrecl Baines, McYey. C. A. Boston, Nilwood.

Distdct 33-Centerview' J, H. Johnsou, Atwater' J. W. Plain' Atwater' Walter Arter, Atwatol' Distrlct's Point' ---

well, Vlrtten; William-Joneg, Virden.

Treasurer-O. B. Rohrer, Yirden.


F. rI. Arter, BErnett' District 71-RobleY. - F. C. Chapin, Carlinvllle' F. C. Leefers, Carllnvllle' John Leritz, Atwa'ter' Distrlct ?2-Rural. :-'
C. P. Konneker, Atwater'

Carson Besanceney, Barnett' W,. H. X'lte, Barnett'


0. Way, Yirclen. C. Xi. Babbitt, Vtralen. District 2-tsa11. O. C. McNew, Girard. J. 'W. Cash, Glrard. Allen Ball, Glrard.


W. DaY, Vlrtlen.


L. R. Hoecker, Atwater' DlEtrtct ?3-PleaBant Point' --.e't-l"rt -^H. Loehr, Carlinvllle' Wt"ft". C. Glroves, CarlinYlUe'

wifriu- II.

Mleher, Carltnvtlle'

ljistrict 3-Prairie Dale. C. 'Iate, Girard. Jesso CarltoD, Girard. W! A. Knox, Girard. Dlstrict 4-Yirdeu.

District 98-Atwater. OUie BaUinger, Atwatet' A. C. GroYes, Atwatsr' J. S. Da'vis, Atvater. unions: 6g tn Montgbmery, ?4. TownshlP 11' Bang' 6; Nilwood' MilTrusteees-E. C-. CooBer, Nilwootl; Josep-q rer', ofrarai Ii M' Harrison' Girard' Treasurer-tr'. B. Huber, Nilwood'

'W. C. Talklngton, Virden.

Dr. W'. A. Brittin, Vlrden.

Ray Krebaum, Virdon. DaYid Jones, Yirden. W. II. Stevens, Virden. Steve Strebel, Vlrden. Ilarry E. Hill, Vlrden.

Dtstrict b-Pleasant


District 38-Bostor Chapel'

Fred Boston, Gllrard.
Ed.ward Nunes' Gllrartl'

J. I!. Bowma,u, Birard. II. H. Masterson, Glrartl. Distrtct'6-MiUer.

Wm. Iraalege, Ylrden J. Wt Kllne, Vlrden. Charles F. Clark, Vlralen.

L. Foster, Girartl.

Eldward Leach,'Waggoner'

Dtetrtct B9-New llope. 'W. J. Boston,'Waggonet' C. R. I{amllton, Ntlwood' . ' C: 'W. Hagtson, Nilwootl'

Distrlct ?-U.nion. John TlFeloh, Yirden. Ileniy' Iluegel, Vlrden. Dlstrlot Hlraral. A. J. Mlller, Glrard.

Dlstrtct 40--9hiloh. Walter Klaus, Atwater'

RaY Ba,ker' Waggoner'

C. L. Thactser, Vlrden.

Distrlct 4l-I/ake lPork. P. D. Iluclnoll, Atwater' .IIenrY Schmitlt, Atwater' C. L. Banulng, Atwater' Dlstrict 4z-CheffY Glrove' -'---iosepn O.'Wroughton, Girartl' Etl. ShroYer, Cllrartl' Dtstrict 43-Ltnd Grove' -----Luther Alderson, Nilwootl' fi. W. Cogswell, Nllwoocl'
G.'W. Brubaker, Nilwood'

Frank Leach, Whggoner'


R. C. Hamiltoa, GlrartlE. Ii. Iritttepage, Gitaral.

Sam IIeggY, Glirartl.

I.. G. Wooil, Giraltl. 'W. A. Scott, Glirartl.

J."H. Ttetsort, Girartl. Distdct g_Ll'nchburg.

Clyde Trtmble, Glrard. Plstrlct 12-Upper Grove. 8. S. Brubaker, firden' Earle x}. Shrlvir, Lowder. . Walter AlclersonJirtlen.
George E!. Reese, Girard. Jesse W. Newall, Clirard.

Distrlct 44-Nilwood'

Davie Davis, Nllwootl' .o'itert De Polster, Nllwood'

Fretl Adcock, Nllwoocl:


District 182-Gtrartl TownshlB Htgh School' G. E. Iltll' Clirard. El, A. Glbson, Glrard' A. HoPson, C$lrard' A. B. Gtbble' Glrard. D. A. WooleY, Girard'

Dtstrtct 136-BaYlesstown.

'William lfeYen, GillesPie. District 13?-Grimes.

Charles Heyen, Gtllespie' W. Harms, GlllesPi.


Alva Englanit, Glrard' F. A. Warrick, Glrard'

TownshiP 7, Range 7; Ilorchoster' -rrustelJl-deoiee' w. -fricnards, B-unker . Hlll ; fr-.-b"a'mpbefl GiUespie ; John clower' Bunker Hlll' Troasurer-:Wl F. Sa*ye", Bunker Hill.

Dtttley'WorleY, GillesPie. District 138-Atklns. 'Walter Ruyle, ClillesPie. E. L. Perrottet, CarlinYllle. John H. Abbott' C$illespie. District 139-Red. Mike Broers, GiliesPie' T. X!. Elltman, Gillespie. Distrlct 140-Atlams.

Almontl'Waggoner, GlllesBie. Otto Drury, GillesPie.

arleY, GllllesBie.

District 50-Nesbtt. -----i.-ffeotY

Wm. B. Mize, Bunker

Mlze, Bunker

Dlstrict 134-Union. ----Uitert Cloesman, GlllesPte'


n"itu Mtre, Bunker Ellll'

Henry Mathis, GlllesPie' J.



Dlstrict 1 5 ?--SlPrinstlale' William A.'Wililer', Staunton'

n. CoatneY, Bunker Etll' iL"rv l'. SawYer, Bunker ERll' Dlstrfci 158-Lower West Pralrie' - - -C. L. Brruhn, Bunker Elll' C. A. Ilofrstetter, Staunton' HenrY MeYer, Bunker lllll" Distrtct 15g-Pleasant Rtdge' llill' "'--ddo"i"'W. clrove, Bunker i,iiiit-" r. Schreiei, Bunker Hill' nAwara Rust, Bunker Htll' District 160'-LuAeL -W-. Eggers, Bunker Hlll' John Walters, Bunker llill' W. C. Wontert, Bunker IIIII' Distrlct 161-Ness. -'---Wu"oet Ruhl, Bunker Etll' j. F. Stoat"-an, Bunker HtL! -bnas. 'fonenberg, Bunker Elll'
Unlons: 61,136, 166' 166'

J. Xi. Boree, Plalnview. C. I'. Dilliard, GillesPie. J. Atbert lilaggoner, Plainvlew' nrstriitls O-Giuespte Cbmmunitv High School' Frank Roberts, Gillespie. A.'W. CarroU' GiilesBie. T. E. Elliman, Gtlleslie. T. W. Stehlin, Gillespie. W. A. Hamilton, Gltllespte. Unlon: 131, 133, 134. TownshlP 9, Ra,nge 7; Brushy Mound' Ttustees-,gy'. J. Young, Carllnville; Chas. Ltp-

l".qrgulslillobert Taylor, Carllnvllle.


Pold, Carllnvllle.


' Luther Perrlne, GillesPie.



,*,,"""9."*:,f1ff *l#flilT,nr.ore", GlllesBle'

Treasurer-J. M. Rodtner,
Dlrectors: Dlsdct 106-Eilmwoocl' - - - x'retl Grtfiel, GtllesPte' N. E. Drake, Gillesple'

F. P. U"neYnolds, GllllesPle' Dtstrtct 'W.2-4illesPte' - -C. 1 3 A.

Charles Ta.te, Gtllsspte' T. H' Mtller, GillesPle' Walter Peek, Glllesple'. George Carlson, GtllesBte'
.W'. Behrens, Glllseple'



Distrlct 110-Btushy Mound. Charles Grlffel' Carlinvlllee. C. T. Best, Carllnvllle. Albert DalbY, Carltnvllle. Dtstrtct 111--Sak Elll. 1'. P. Qaqdle- Carltnvtlle' Phtlanded ffiUs, CarltnvtUe. A.'W, Preston, Carllnvllle. Dtstriet 112-$panlsh Neeille. J. E. Itlllam, Macoupin' If.'W. Reiher, CarllnviHe. G. W. Huches, Carllnville' Union: 74,99,104' 106' 106. -- --non'irshtp tO, Ranee 7;, Oarllnvllle'frusteesjw.'f,. Iieiehbors, Carlinvlllq; l. W. Kessinger, Carlinvilte; W' F' Loehr' Carllnvllle' flsssut's1-Q. TI. Loehr, Carlinvllle'

Leonard Dooley, GiUespie. C. O. Loveless, eCarlinvllle.

Dtstrtet ?4-Oaklantl. Wb. Klaus, Carllnville. Joseph Kaburick, Carlinvllle' Dtstriet ?5-Brlck. George Staitler, Carltnville. .T. F. Leefers, Carlinvllle 'Wtlltam'Wolters, Carlinville.
G. B. 'WhitbY.. Carllnvllle.

w. P. ScU-tdt, GillesPie' District 1 3 brD'orchester. -'"--b""it

O. U. fftomPson, Dorclester'

C. Gobble, Dorchester'

Fred Stamme, Dorchester'



Itistrict 7 G-Audersotr. Ii. F. Bloonre, Carlinville. Louis Perrottet, Carlinville. Waltor E ullington, Carlinvillo. District 7 ?--heriilan.

District A8-H'azel Green.

J. E. Dufner, Nilwood. H. Bechtel, Nilwootl. District i 9-East Fairview.

Oscar Stewart, Nilwood.


Herman lrehman, Carlinville. J. D. Perrottet, Carlinville. Mrs. O. W. Meiher, Carlinvilie.

Dlstrlct 78-Apple Grove. A. W. Marko, Carlinville. Wiiliam Bown, Carlinville.

tr'rank Schultz, Carlinville.

W. F. Johnson, Carlinville. John Edwards, Carlinville. Distrlct bg_Douglas. T. R. Quarton, Palmyra. N. G. Wisgins, Palmyra. Joseph IJevora, Palmyra.

Frank Denby, Garlinville.

Distrlct ?9-Carlinville. 'W. L. Mounts, Carlinville' C. J. LumPkin, Carlinville. Dr. M. D. Cameron, CarlinYills. John Devitt, Carlinvllie. Albert Haasis, CarlinYille'
Leslie Williahs, Carlinville. District 81-East Woodlawn. George Dorks, Carli[ville. Chester Miller, Carlinville.
Gleo. Nlxon, Carlinvllle.

District 54-Blooming Grove.

Dtstrict I ? ?-Victory

W,alter Scott Maban, Palmyra. X'rank Vogel, Palmyra. James Cox, Palmyra. Jacob Molen, Nilwoorl. A. tr'. Best, Nllwood, Alex Surber, Nilwood.

Gso. C. Solomon, Carlinville.

Union: 16, 44,182.

District 82--{hisholm' Frank Klaus, Carlinvllle. August Crehl, CarlinYille. Julius l"uess, Carlinville. Dlstrict 99-Burton. Mrs. Robert Bellm, Carlinville.

Township 12, Rangs 7; North Otter. Truetees-E. U. Riffey, Glrard: 1(.'S. Llukeuhoker, Vlrden; J. W. Gooil, Palmyta. Treasurer-Ifenry Starrper. Glrard. Directors:

W. S. Quigley, Carlinville' Carlinville Community High School. 'W.

C. J. LumBkln, Carlinville. W. I{. Behrens, Carlinville'
Township 11, Range 7; Sourt'h Ottar" T'rustees-T. F. ffbunstev, Nilwootl; E. E. Walden, Nilwood; C. D. Weller, Carlin-

A. A. Ilacke, CarlinYillee.

L. Mounts, Carlinville. C. R. Brorough, Carlinville.


Distrlct 11--Ilberty. S. D. Miller, Girard. R. O. Hays. Glirard. 'W. L. Harlan, Girartl. Dlstrict 13-Sugar Creek, E. F. Buckingham, Ylrden. R P .Womac, Jr., Virden. Yernie Wriihtsmatr, Yirden. Dlstrlct 14-Greenland. Herbert Malsbury, Virtlen.
John Riffey, Yirtlen. If. B-. Mitchell, Ylrcleu.


Peter Mack, Carlinville.

Dlstrlct 16-Amerlcan.

vllle. Treasurer-C. C. Alford, Nilwood.


Marion Cooper, Yirden. C. B. Sqpders, Ylrden. John Monts, Vlrden.

Charles Brown, Vlrden. W. T. Walden, Nilwoqd. Chas.'Williamson, Girarct.

Dlstrict 1 6_Iitranklln.

District 20-Oakland Grave. A. Bert Crawford, Nilwootl. Elmer Crawfold, Nilwood. District 45-Prairie Chapel.
John Oller, Nilwoocl,
George Ctwillim, Carlinville, O. B. Conlee, Carlinville. 'W. T. ShiPB, Carlinville.

District tf-Bssfuansn. G. T. Lomeltno, ilIodesto.

A.rthur Hammond. Girard. C. R. Molen, Nilwootl. Djstrict 18-W-ashlngton. John Lomellno, Modesto.

District 46-Kasten. William Kasten, Carlinville. A. Ei. Conlee, Carlinville.

Chas. Welse, Carlinville.

Distrlct 4?-HIckorY Point. W. B. Defevers, Nilwood. E. E. LivelY, Nilwooal. A. L. Hulcher, Nilwood.

lllll. Tlustees-Amos Elliot, Bunker Hill; S. R.-RlalCley, Bunker Hill; Wllliam Heal,
Township 7, Ra.nge 8; Bunlrer

J. H. Willtamson, Girard. Unions: 9, 19, 20, 176 in Sagnamon,

Vv'alter Good, Modesto,


Treasurer--H. J. Ileal, Bunker lilill.


Bunker Elill.




District 6l-Burton. ---:H. 3'. Wolff, Bunker Ilill. P. J. Carroll, Bunker E[ill' J. E. Carroll, Bunker Hill'

Dtstrict 146-Irocust Glrove. T. H. Schuetz, Shlpnan.


Dlstrict-l63 Millville.

1 6 Z-Smalleytown. Oliver Heal, Bunker Hilt. C. R. Jacobi, Bunker Hill' M. A. Olmstead, Bunker Hill'

E. C. Davles, Shlpman. Dlstrict 147-Ilootl.

II. A.

Brueggsman, ShiPman.

District 164-Bunker Hill' --- A. S. Cuthbertsou, Bunker Hill' George H. Baker, Bunker Hill' ]\{rs. anna Baker, n3ntler uiJ}, Mrs. Eniel Buman' lJunKer rrrr-r'-bi.- lf. D' YanHorne, Bunker Hiu' I. E. Sanforil, Bunker Hill' O. A. DeY, Bunker Hill' District 165-Pleaaant FtiU' -'W'ittitm Bunte, Bunker Hill' Richard Gtoves, Bunker Hill' Anlon Bructert, Bunker Hill' District 16ti-Liberty. Charlee Huette, Bunker Hill' 'William T' Jones, Rrighton' Jobn Dingerson, Bunker Hill' DiBtrict 16 ?-Woodburn' .--- Len W. Miler, Bunker HilI' iriittium Elliot, Bunker Hill' Wm. Crowtler, Bunker Hill' Unions: 141, 168, 52 in Maclison' n"*o"niP 8, Range 8; -HilYard' L' TrusteeslC.- w.- cltto*dy, Plainview.i w; Ambrose, Plaintiew; Timothy MeeDirectols:
han, PlainYiew' Treasurer-Dr. W' J. Donahue, Plainview'

.HenrY Deitzel, Bmnker

Dick Rull, Bunker Hill' I{enry Gosch, Bunker Hill'


T?ustees-Ira Ketchen, Carllnvllle, Xlalaost Young, Ca.rllnvllle; E. W. A.udelso!,

Treasurer--d. XL Pbllps, Chesterflelal.

J. El. Wbtdner, Bunker Ellll. W. J. H. F ahrenkrog, Bunker lllll. James Xnahrenkrogi, Bunker Elll. Unlone: 119, 148. lfownsblp I' Rango 8; PoIk.

Dtstrict 84-Long Point.

.II, C. Pressler, Carlinvllle. W. A. Towse, Carllnvllle. Distrtct 91-Rafrerty. Ila,roltl A. Keele, Chesterdelal. W' J. Barnstable, Carlinvllle. Dlstrlct 113-East l4lberty.
Elarnest Costlen Carlinvllle.

Leroy Bates, Catllnvllle.


Bert Ruyle, Carllnvllle. Dlstrlct 114---Oak Rtilg.


trll- Crouch, CarUnriUe.

Willtam Yowell, Jr., CarlluYllle. Mrs. Ly(Ua'Sklnner, MacouPln. Distrlct 1 1 ?-I{azelryood.

F. Antlerson, Carliuvllle. Ira C. Rhotles, Slacoupin.

Alvin Glahr, Carllnvllle. 'Wtlliam

Dtstrlct f!$-!6paa1. W,.' A. Rhodes, Macoulfn. M. V. Dorman, trll,acoupln..

Unlons: 118,120.
Gleorge Dug:gan, Plainvlew.

Xlbel, Carlinvllle. John P. Pressler, CafllnvlU.



District 141-Pleasant Grove. G. w., Young, Plainview' R. W. Morrlson, Plainview'

LYle Caneron, Plainview' O. P' Orew, Chesterfleld'

F". Rhodes,



DistrG g. -----i. 11z-Corrincton

Chas. Adkins, Plainview' Chqpel'

Townsh$ 1O' Bango a; B|riL Trustees-Cha,ples W. Arnett, Oarlinvlllo' W{lItam. E. Wootls, 'Mords, Carllnville.Carlinvllle; Gl'eorge Treaurer-Ceorge W. Rhoiles, Carllnvllle. Dlrectors:

ff. f. Putttedee,

District ----_f.

Plainview' W. W. Dilliartt' Plainvlew' W.

Hackney, Bunker Hill'

District S3-Maple Grove. Wrtlliam A. Glriffel, Carllnvllle. 'W. A. Cunitall, Carlinvllle. Dlstrict 86-Lq,urel Hill. John S. . 'Walter Yartl, Carllnvllle. Dtstrlct 8 6-X'airvtew.
C. -O'.

Byron Bates, Carllnvtlle.

H. Edsall, Biuuker Hill' J. E. Coffee, Bunker Hlll'


District --

i'. H""t'etbritlge, Bunker Hill'


Bates, CarllnYille. Denby, Carllnvllle.

t. H. tlallidaY,

4-Snedeker Grove'


F. J. Slivka, ShiPman' Dlstrlct 14 6-Plainview' T. H. DeY' Plainview' I. R. Combes' Plainview' rohn Roach,

James Beeby, ShiPman.


Dlstrict 8?-Woodlawn. J. X'. Aagel, Carllnvllle. I'. E. Loveless, Car.Iinville. r. a- cundarr

John Reznicek, Carllnvllle. George Standefer, Carltnvllle. Xtbett Cannaily, Carllnville.


Dlstrict 88-Bear Rough,

H. C. Craggs, Carllnville. A. C. Chlsm, Carlinvllle. 89-Enos. Ilistrict'W. Wbeler, Caillnville. J.

Gleorge tr'. Wheoler, Carlinvllle.

Dtstdct zz-rnaepenrtencb. Bliss Parrott, Modesto. Carl Palmer, Modosto. Distrlct Z3-Xlast Union.

Lewls Solomon, Mddesto.

I'red Reineke, Carlinville. Clayton Wills, Carlinvllle. District 90-oak Grove. M. M, 'Wheeler, Hettlck. T. E. Joiner, Hettick. Edward Stultz, Hettick. Unions: 66,62, 84,91, 92.
Trustess-C. M. Patterson, Ilettick; J. A.
Townehlp 11, Ronge

C. C. Coots, Palmyra. James Glbbs, Palmyra. Arthur Neece, Palmyra.


District, 24---4rimmett. J. TII. Breeding, Modesto. II. H. Humphrey, Modesto,

Distrlct 26-Bethel.

J. C. Crawford., Modesto.


South Pnlmyra.


O. Grow,, Palmyra. M. Pinkerton, Palnyra. C. A. Range, Palmyra. ,


Hettick; K. L. Vance, Palmyra. Treasureer-John L. Angelo, Palmyra.


Dlstrlct Z?-Moilesto.

District 26-Palmyra. l-red L. Chiles, Palmyra. H. A. Coleman, Palmyra.

District 56-Denby

Elclwln Maxwell, Palmyra,

Dr, 'Wt A. Solomon, Modlesto.- ' District !$-Bs1saa. Loren Slms, Modestoi IIenry Sims, ModestoJoe Seymour, Modeeto. Frecl Wylder, Modesto.

Etlgdr,r Turnor, Modesto. Arthur Nevlns, Moclesto.

Harry Cameron, Carlinville. E. A. Clark, Carllnville, Ray Smith, Carllnville. Dlstrict [$-Duassn. D. V. Maupin, Palmyra. Allen W-eller, Palmyra. T,'A.'Wleller, Palmyra. Green. Dlstrict 67 -Hazel J. L, Duun, Palmyra, Chris. Powers, Pahnyta. John Imel, Palmyra, Distilct 68-Simpson Hill. 'W?alter'Wiser,
Fr. O. Mefrord, Palmyra.

District 29-Landreth.

H. F. Nlfong, Palmyra. Distriet 11 6-W,htp-Poor-Wll.

J. L. Hart, Palmyra.


Wm. Smith,'Palmyra.

berg, Brighton. f3gagu1s1-Wlaltor G. I{unt, BrightoD.


T. E. Ilarbaugh, Mod.esto. Daniel Cadell, Modesto. Unions: L8, 26,30, 91, 67. Torvnshlp 7, Rango 9; Brtghton. 1t1og1ssg-F'. W, Froelich, Brighton; IIeDry Schmldt, Brlghton; Adolph Sehnee-

Elzra Roulantt, Motlesto.

District $$-Drssssl's MiU, W'llliam Best, Palmyra. Gleorge Braley, Palmyra.

District 60-Mt OliYe Rural. I{. A. Imel, Hettick. J. P. Robinson, Ilettick. Walter H. Pratt, Ilettick. Unlons: 24,64,63, 62, 61. Township 12, Bange 8; North Palmyra. 'Itudrtees-W. F. Zelmer, Pa"lmyra; Aler Nevins, Modesto; E. J. ForsYthe, Mof1s4gu1s1-1. G. Erown, Modesto.

Charles \lhzzar d., Palmyra.

F. 'W. Scbroeder, Brighton. W. II. Robings, Brlghton. J. R. Ash, Brighton. Distrlct 16 8-Ingersoll. Hugh Maxey, Shlpmari.D Harry Sanaer, Shipman. Luther Halliday, Shipman. District 169-Sterling. 'Wllliam Mpher, Brlghtoa. William Strohbeck, Btstghton. Giles A. Raymontl, Bunker Hill. District 1? 0-Brueggeman.
Earnest Spickernan, Brighton. Distrlct 1?l-Jonesboro. Allen Tucker, Brlghton. George'W. Well, Brighton.
J"ouis Lueking, Brighton,

District 10-Brishton.

Dlstrlct 19---{hapman's Polnt. Walter Burns, Modesto. Dtstrict 21-Ruthland..

M. M. Altlerson, Modesto. S. P. Campbell, \' averly.

Frecl Mansflelcl, Motlesto.

J. 'W. Followell, Modesto.

W. D. Cox, Modesto.

Dtstrlct 172_-Mtles. J. II. Kelsey, ShiBman. E. M. Stubbleflelil, Brtghton. N. B. Glillett"



Jones, Brighton.



Dlstrlct 1.73-Dehne.

Distrlat 121-$.lbanv.

Beruard Detton, Brlghton. Atlolph Abischer, Brighton. Cleorge Schwab, Brlghtotr.

Dlstrlct 174-McKinly. X'. G. Reader, Bilghtou. Pearlle A. Haycraft, Brighton.

James Barber, Brighton.

Dlstrict 122---$hesterf elal. J. T. Rigsby, Chesterfleld.


A- S. Rtgsby, Chesterfleltl. Charles H. Jones, Chesterflslal. JlS. Eounsley, Chegterfeld.

,A. Tentlick, Chesterfleld.. Chester Towse, Chesterflelcl.

Dlstrlct 179-Laux. John Baker, Brighton. R. H. McAfee, Brighton.

Townsblp 8, B,ango

Dlstrict 123-Harmony.
Charles Rhine, Medora.

N. O. Xkttlington, Brigbton. Unlon: 162.

J. K. Chism, Medora. Aler Neal, Metlora.

H. E.'Wa.rner, Medora.



T:'ustees-1F. S. $chulta, Shlpman; George F. Lyall, Shlpman; T, M. Wlson, Piasa;

Dtgtrict 1Z4-Summervtlle. A. W. Hampton, Medora.

I{.ugo Eleyen, Medora.

Treasurer-Eld. II. Forwood, Piasa.

Distrlct 1 2 b_V.lctory. 'Louls llfaska,'Medbra.

Dlstrict 126-Mealora. John Lowis, Medora.

Amos Johnson, Medora. John Shlekls, Medora.

Oiitrfct J.8?-Ohesterfleltl'Community
B. Ira0h, Chesterffeld. W. E. X'ollowell,'Chesterflelcl. .J. S. I{ounsley, Chesterfleltl.

leo. GrJfrth, MeEora. Ilenry Blerman, Medora. School.


Distrlct 148-ShlBman. H. J. Schultz, Shlpman. E. C. Wieganal, Shtpman. S. D. Smlth, Shlpman. Dtstrict 149-Hill Clrove. J. W. Reno, Plasa.

Mike -Powers, Medora. Charles l\teker, Medora. Dlstrlct 160-Pralrie Dell. W. T. Clower, Shlpman, Robert Reader, Shlpnan.

J. P. Pressler, GaritnviUe. Charles Jones, Carllnvllle. Unlons: gt, 97, 126, 181. Tomship 1O, "Rmgo 9; Webtern Mound. Ttustees-J. P. Davi6, Rockbhdge; Philip Ja-. oobil," Chesterflelal; Iililbur Nevins,

John Bloba, Shipnan. C. A. Oertel, Plasa. W. R. Hunt, Plasa. Roy II. Orlell, Piasa.

Dlstrtct 161-Piasa.

Directors: -

Tteasurer-Oscar Dams, Chesterfelil.


Dtstriot 92:Ihrkb,. 8ates;,Readen" : -Robt. Bhuttloworth, Chesterflelal. Distrlct 9'B---ulphur Sprtng.


Cl X- Nevlns, Reader.,'

Dlstrlct 162-Mbple Grove.

trfiurry Ferguson, Piasa.

Cyrus Young, Plasa. Dlstrlct 181-Meclora Townshlp Htgh Schuol. R. El. Carter, Medora.

T. A. Schmttlt,


II. M. IIayward,

Gleorgb McCuIIey, Hagaian, S. B. Park-er,.Ila-gp,ma,n. Lwrence Kenham; Ctiesterf eld. Distrtct 94-Mt. Vernon.

J. K. Chtsm, Medora. Unions: 120, I24,126.

&1. Gllworth, Metlora..

Joseph Tober, Medora.


A. C. Shatle, Eettick.

S. G. Wllton, Medora. J. W. Robinson, Medora. Townshlp I, Bango 9; Ohestertrolal. r TrusteeF-Ray Warngr, Medora; Joe Haynes, Chesterfleltl; Irring L. Christopher,

Distdct gD-Piney.

trbetl A. Meng, Ilttich.., Illmer Sanson, Ilettlck.

E. C. Eh,hal, Eetilck. L. C. Overby, Hettick. Distrlct 96-Western Mound. - Xn. Gtizzle, RockbrialCe.

J. S. Overby, Greenfleld.

f!'s6gu1s1-J. J, Leaoh, Chesterflelal.



Dlstrlct 1z0-Union.

S. Pitchford, Rockbrldge. .Disttlct .9?-Keller, W. Xl. Duckles, Chesterfleld. Clrant Duckles, Chesterfleld.

Willia,m Bowman, Rockbrittge.

WIUts Rhoaals, Chesterfleld. B. L. Combes, Chesterfleld. George Brown, Chesterflelal.

A. O. iloper, Ohesterfleld. Unlons: 62; 70 in G$reene, 97,722.



Township 11, Rango 9; Bar:r. Trustees--{. O. Reynolds, Hettick; C. E. Hay.W. nes, Greenflold; S. myra.

Nlghbert, Pal-

Treasurer-J. H. Arras, Ilettlck, District 6l-Goshen.

Fred Sonneborn, Palmyra,.

Dletrtct B 6-Scottvtlle. Bert Followell, Scottvllle. 'W, H. Neece, Scottvllle. ' C. Xl. Nlghbert. Jalmyra.

Dtstrict 3?-unnY Point. Gl. S. Owens, Palnyra.

H. E. Redferu, PElmYra' P. Gl. Mutch, Athsnsvllle.

A. C, Bovn,

Fred Cooper, Palmyra.


District 62-Hettick. J. N. Bacon, Hettlck. S. B. Miller, Hetttok. J. A, lMheeler, Hettlck. Dlstrlct 64-Mt. Ragian.
C. R. Starkweather, Hettlok. C. D.. McOollom, Elettick. G. C. Mullens, Ilettlck.

Distrlct 116-Natton. A. I!. Mbnsfleld, ,Athensvllle. R. E. Dugger, AtheDsville. J. N. McNeeley, MurraYvllle.

Dlstrict 65-Ylctory. A. Blalney, Ilettlck. J. A. 'Wootl, Inefttck. F. O. Klstler, Palmyra. I)istri ct 6 6-W'ashtn gton. J. A. Cress, I{ettlck. F. W. Converse, Ilettlck. Fretl C. Jouett, Ilettick. Distrlct 6?-Maxfeltl R. R. Ifarr, Greenf.eld. A. N. Struble, Clreeufleld.
Unions: 11 in Green,84.

Thomas McGarvey, Greenfl eltl.

Townehtp la Rsnge 9; SootMlle. Trustees-M. B, Wheeler, Scottvllle; Elenry Yan Bebber, C$reenfleldl Joe f,'. Xllliot, Murrayvllle.


L. Catlett,


Dlstrict 3O-Mt. Morlah.

S. D. Ralston, Palmyra. V. N. Dawson, Palmyra. G. H. Releford, Palmyra. Dtstrtct 31-Wlorkman.

C. R. Dcrwland, Modesto.

E. A. Green, Modesto.

John Powars, Modesto.

District 32-Panther Creek. Willis Turner, lllodesto.

Charles Lvnch, Modesto. Chas. f,'oster, Modesto. Distrlct 34-I{ettick Polnt. J. H. Tipps, Palmyra. C. O. Hetttck, Palmyra. B. II. Ruyle, Palmyra.

Distrlct 36--Oak


Charles Van Bebber, Greenfleltl. Z. A. Turner, Greenfleltl. Elarl Arnolcl, Greenfleld.


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