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Interview Questions: For learning about our Interests

OUT-OF-SCHOOL (VOLUNTARY) LITERACY PRACTICES Current Literacy Practices 1. What kinds of things (texts) do you read in your life (that are NOT part of any school work you might be doing at this time)? (With each of the questions below, you can give example texts): Example texts: Manuals Recipes Catalogs Sewing patterns Internet web pages Instructions References (dictionary, atlas, encyclopedia) Phone book Bus schedules Family mail Newsletters Newspaper ANY OTHER TEXT(S) THAT YOU READ????? What kinds of things do you read for daily tasks?

Why (purpose of reading)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these reading activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen? What kinds of things do you read for personal care/health? Why (purpose of reading)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these reading activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen? What kinds of things do you read for political/civic participation? Why (purpose of reading)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these reading activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen? What kinds of things do you read with your friends? Why (purpose of reading)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these reading activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is?

In which language these activities happen? What kinds of things do you read for entertainment? Why (purpose of reading)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these reading activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen? What kinds of things do you read for relaxation? Why (purpose of reading)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these reading activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen? What kinds of things do you read for information? Why (purpose of reading)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these reading activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen? What kinds of things do you read for shopping? Why (purpose of reading) Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)

Other people involved in these reading activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.) How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is In which language these activities happen?

What kinds of things do you read for worship (or religious purposes)? Why (purpose of reading)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these reading activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen?

What kinds of things do you read on the internet? Why (purpose of reading)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these reading activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen?

What kinds of things do you read for group/community activities (e.g., Boy Scouts, book clubs etc.) Why (purpose of reading)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these reading activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen?

2. What kinds of things (texts) do you write in your life (that are NOT part of any school work you might be doing at the present time)? (With each of the questions below, you can give example texts): Example texts: (the kinds of things you write just for fun!!) Comic books Teen zines Newspaper (school, local, or other) contributions Chapter books (not for school work) Information books (biographies, how-to books, science, books about different subjects) Picture books Internet web pages Email Bible, Catechism, Torah, Koran, or other religious writings Poetry Music lyrics Letters or notes Catalog order forms ANY OTHER THINGS (TEXTS) THAT YOU WRITE????????

What kinds of things (texts) do you write for daily tasks? Why (purpose of writing)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these writing activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen?

What kinds of things (texts) do you write for personal care/health? Why (purpose of writing)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these writing activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen?

What kinds of things (texts) do you write for political/civic participation? Why (purpose of writing)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these writing activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen?

What kinds of things (texts) do you write with your friends? Why (purpose of writing)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these writing activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)?

How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen? What kinds of things (texts) do you write for entertainment? Why (purpose of writing)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these writing activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen? What kinds of things (texts) do you write for relaxation? Why (purpose of writing)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these writing activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen? What kinds of things (texts) do you write for information? Why (purpose of writing)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these writing activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen? What kinds of things (texts) do you write for shopping? Why (purpose of writing)?

Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these writing activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen? What kinds of things (texts) do you write for worship (or religious purposes)? Why (purpose of writing)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these writing activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen? What kinds of things (texts) do you write on the Internet? Why (purpose of writing)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these writing activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)? How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen? What kinds of things (texts) do you write for group/community activities (e.g., Boy Scouts, book clubs etc.) Why (purpose of writing)? Social context (as part of what type of activity, like work, church, committees, shopping for family, etc.)? Other people involved in these writing activities (like reading to a child, writing to a relative, etc.)?

How important, enjoyable or fulfilling it is? In which language these activities happen?

SCHOOL LITERACY PRACTICES: Current School Literacy Practices 1. What kinds of texts do you read in your school as part of the school instruction/assignments (e.g., textbooks, novels, encyclopedias, Internet, short stories, poetry, worksheets, picture books, information books, science books, math books, etc.)? For each text or practice mentioned, elicit information about: a) Why (purpose of reading)? b) Social context (as part of what type of school activity)? c) Read to or with whom and write to or with whom? d) How important and/or enjoyable/ fulfilling it was ? 2. Which of these literacy practices / texts did you particularly enjoy? Dislike? Find difficult? Boring? Why? Examples? 3. What kinds of texts do you write in your school as part of the school instruction/assignments (e.g., stories, poetry, spelling practice, reports, worksheets, essays/compositions, journals, class books, etc.)? For each text or practice mentioned, elicit information about: a) Why (purpose of writing)?

b) Social context (as part of what type of school activity)? c) Read to or with whom and write to or with whom? d) How important and/or enjoyable/ fulfilling it was? 4. Which of these literacy practices / texts did you particularly enjoy? Dislike? Find difficult? Boring? Why? Examples? 5. Do you think that the reading and writing you do at school prepares you for the kinds of things that you read and write outside of school? Why or why not, or in what ways? 6. How do you think that the reading/writing you do at school similar to or different than the reading/writing you do outside of school?

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