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Past simple or Present Perfect? Use the verbs in the box in the correct tense to fill the gaps.

make chat see sell ring stay

visit see drive go be go

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

We the zoo last Tuesday. The property company .six houses this week. ..Jack in the last hour or so? (you) Yes. I think I ..him before lunch. So far, the concert really good. Last week I ..some 3000 kilometers. In the last few years, the company ..from strength to strength. Your telephone a minute or so ago. I .three model airplanes this morning and it isn't even noon yet.

10. We ..the beach almost every day this summer so far. 11. They with us for Christmas. 12. I .to him in the pub a couple of times in the last year or so.

Complete these conversations with the verb given in brackets in Present Perfect or Past Simple. If no verb is given, enter a short answer or question tag. We often use Present Perfect to ask somebody generally about an experience, and then switch to Past Simple when we start talking about specifics. Conversation 1

A ..(you meet) my friend Candy? B Yes I . We (meet) at a party back in August.

B Oh, I think I (be) at that party, too.

Conversation 2

A Oh, no. I .(lose) my car keys. B Are you sure? When (you see) them last? A I just remember that I .(put) them down somewhere. B It's OK, I ..(find) them. Here you are. They ..(be) on that table over there.

Conversation 3

A You (just come) back from Mexico, .you? B Yes, we ...(get) back a couple of days ago. It (be) absolutely wonderful. A Where (you go)? B We most of the time in the South, near Oaxaca. A What (you like) most about Mexico? B It .(be) the natural history that .us most. We .(not be) anywhere with such diversity of flora and fauna before.

Conversation 4

A (you ever visit) the Czech Republic? B No, but we .(go) to Slovakia last year. That's just next door. A Oh I (never be) in Slovakia. What (be) your holiday like? B Great. We ..(stay) most of the time in the High Tatras, it's really beautiful, and the people(be) really friendly. In fact, we ....(decide) to go back again, next year.

Choose the right word:

I.I opened the door (slow, /slowly) 2.Why are you (angry. /angrily) ? I haven't done anything. 3.Bill is a (careful, carefully) driver. He drives (careful, /carefully). 4.Can you please repeat that (slow,/ slowly)? 5.Come on, George! Why are you always so (slow/slowly)? 6.The party was very (good/well). I enjoyed it very much. 7.Tom did not do very (good/well) in his examination. 8.Jane is studying (hard/hardly) for her examinations. 9."Where is Diane?" She was here, but she left (sudden/suddenly). 10.1 met them a long time ago, so I do not remember them very (good/well). 11.My brother is not very (good/well) at the moment. 12.Don't eat your dinner so (quick/quickly). It is not good for you. 13.Those oranges look (nice/nicely). Can I have one? 14.1 do not want to work for that company. They pay their workers very (bad/badly). 15.Please be (quiet/quietly). I am reading.

Ex.99.2, .199. Put in the right preposition (of, on, with, in ...):

1.Sarah is not interested .. sport. 2."Why don't you like him?" Because I am afraid .. him. 3.1 like her very much. She is always very kind ... me. 4.We did not go to the football match, but we watched it .. television. 5.He is very good .... languages. He speaks English, French, Italian and Arabic. 6."Did you see Tom yesterday?" No, but I spoke to him ... the phone. 7.1 am sorry .. your broken window. It was an accident. 8.She is usually late, but I think she will be ... time this evening.

9.A lot of people are afraid .. spiders. 10.Did you have a nice time when you were .. holiday? 11.It was very kind ... Judy to lend me the money. 12."Do you want to watch this programme?" No, I am not interested ... it. 13.Life today is very different .. life 50 years ago. 14.1 am sorry ..... not phoning you last night. I completely forgot.

Put the verb in present continuous, present perfect continuous or simple and past tense

1. I (make) ..cakes for the party all the morning. How many. you (make)? I (make) 200. 2. That boy (eat) seven ice-creams. 3. What you (do)? We pick apples. How many you ..(pick)? We ..(pick) ten baskets. 4. What a lovely smell! Mary.. (make) jam. 5. I (polish) the table all the morning and my mother isnt satisfied with it yet. 6. Why you .(be) so long in the garage? The tires were flat; I. (pump) them up. I (pump) up three tires. Would you like to do the fourth? 7. You.. (hear) the news? Tom and Ann are engaged! Thats not news. I (know) it for ages. 8. Peter, You. (whisper) to the student on your right for the last five minutes. 9. Why you .(make) such a horrible noise? I (lose) my key and I (try) to wake my wife by throwing stones at her window. You .. (throw) stones at the wrong window. You live next door. 10. Why you (not/ bring) me the letters for signature? You (not/ type) them yet? 11. I. (do) housework all morning and I (not/ finish) yet. I (do) mine already. I always start at 6 a.m. 12. She just.. (sell) two of her own paintings. Shes lucky. I ..(paint) for five years and I. (not/ sell) a single picture yet.

13. What you ..(do) with my typewriter? I cant find it anywhere. Tom just .(go) off with it. 14. George ..(collect) matchboxes ever since he left school. Now he (collect) so many that he doesnt know where to put them. 15. That man ..(stand) at the bus stop for the last half-hour. Shall I tell him that the last bus already .(go)?

Use past continuous, or past perfect

1. It was very noisy next door. Our neighbours (have) a party. 2. We were good friends. We (know) each other for a long time. 3. John and I went for a walk. I had difficulty keeping up with him because he (walk) so fast. 4. Mary was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath. She (run). 5. When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They.. (eat). 6. When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table and talking. Their mouths were empty but their stomachs were full. They. (eat). 7. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He (look) for his contact lens. 8. When I arrived, Kate. (wait) for me. She was rather annoyed with me because I was late and she ..(wait) for a very long time. 9. I was sad when I sold my car. I (have) it for a very long time. 10. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We. (travel) for more than 24 hours.

Read the story. Refer to the list below and fill in the blanks with the best word or words.

A Flying Start! Gillian Forbes is only 17 and she has just got her pilots (1). She is the countrys youngest girl pilot. How do you (2), Gillian? I asked her after her test. Wonderful! Gillian cried. I (3) flying more than anything in the world. I cant imagine letting a week pass (4) spending some of my time in the air. When did you start flying? I asked. I started learning to fly when I was very young. Would you consider flying as a (5)? I might, but Ive got to (6) my school exams now. There are some things you cant (7)

doing! Excuse my asking, I said, but does everyone in your family approve (8) your flying? Of course!, Gillian exclaimed. I cant imagine anyone (9). Can you? Of course not! I said. Whats your greatest (10) now? I want to learn to drive a car! Gillian said with a big smile. 1. A. passport B. license C. paper D. document 2. A. do B. get C. feci D. fill 3. A. insist B. ignore C. manage D. enjoy 4. A. by B. with C. after D. without 5. A. carrier B. career C. dreamer D. observer 6. A. have B. get C. pass D. miss 7. A. avoid B. remember C. spend D. wonder 8. A. at B. with C. of D. of 9. A. disapproving B. disappointing C. disappearing D. distributing 10.A. conclusion B. ambition C. decision D. admission
. Read the story. Refer to the list below and fill in the blanks with the best words. Then translate it

Keep Smiling!
Psychiatrists have proved that happiness is the secret of good health. Mood really can (1) the body itself. This means we all have to (2) after ourselves. We have to (3) ourselves and (4) pride in ourselves and well rarely (5) to visit the doctor. Praise helps us to learn and is good for us too. We all know how pleased young children (6) when they learn to dress themselves or do things by themselves. We should (7) them for their achievements. Bosses rarely have a good word for their employees. Yet if we want to be happy and healthy, we (8) people around us who (9) telling us how marvelous we are. Then we ourselves will (10) that we are marvelous, too! a) have b) feel c) take d) look e) enjoy f) believe g) affect h) keep i) praise j) need

Choose the variant which you think fits best.

1. all traces of his crime, he left. a) Removing b) Removed c) Having removed d) To remove 2. She refuses to have to do with her family now. a) nothing b) something c) anything d) everything

3. Mr. West never finds fault his wifes cooking. a) in b) at c) on d) with 4. If I to prison would you visit me? a) had sent b) sent c) were sent d) had been sent 5. Take your feet off the table: legs arent very strong. a) your b) his c) its d) its 6. The more ice-cream he eats, he gets. a) the more fat b) the more fatter c) the fattest d) the fatter 7. Unfortunately, he had friends. a) little b) less c) few d) a few 8Hed like travel abroad more. a) to have to b) to be able to c) have to a) at b) for c) to d) on 10 Everybodys here, ? a) arent they b) isnt he c) hasnt he d) would they 11 A good builder is one houses dont fall down. a) which b) whose c) that d) what d) be able to 9 Children usually get presents their birthdays.

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