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LOVE your Bible!

Psalm 119: 16
I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word.
L LOOK. Read the passage each day. Ask: What does it say about God? Look around the text, through the whole chapter, and read the headings. Ask: who is speaking? Who is hearing? When does it take place and where does it take place? All of this will give you the right context for the verses youre reading. One of the most dangerous things we can do is to take Scripture out of context and try to make it mean something that it doesnt mean. O- OBSERVE. Dig deeper. What is the main idea, the main point of the text? What is God saying about Himself? Anytime we read Scripture we have to remember it is there to teach us about God. When we apply what we learn about God, well understand what He wants us to know about ourselves. V- VISIT. Study other passages. The best interpretation of Scripture is Scripture itself. Youll find out where to look by using cross references in the center margin or at the bottom of the passage in your study Bible. Use a concordance to help you figure out the meaning of key words and phrases. Also, you can use study notes and commentary, found at the end of the passage in a good study Bible, to help you understand more about the meaning and how the passage fits into the whole Bible. E- EXPLORE. Take a look inside yourself as you study and use Scripture to make a close examination. Is there something you need to do in response to what youve learned? God promises His Word will never return void. Application of the Bible is meant to change our lives. When you finish studying a passage, go back and see if there is a command you need to follow, or a sin you need to confess or a prayer you need to pray, an action you need to change, or a step you need to take toward following Gods will. Then, dont hesitate, just do it! Youll never regret allowing the Truth to change your life.

Resources to have available A good study Bible (some good ones are: The Life Application Study Bible, John MacArthur Study Bible, The King James Study Bible, The Womans Study Bible, The Thompson Chain Reference Study Bible) An essentially literal or word for word translation of the Bible: King James Version, New King James Version, NASB, English Standard Version, Holman Christian Standard Bible, Revised Standard Version A good Bible Commentary: Matthew Henry or The Believers Bible Commentary, J. Vernon McGee commentaries on individual books of the Bible, Warren Wiersbe Be Series, John MacArthur Commentaries A Bible Dictionary: Holman Bible Dictionary A Concordance: Strongs Bible Concordance, Key Word Study Bible

A Bible Atlas: Rose Publishing charts, maps, atlas; Holman Bible Atlas Bible and Lifeway Resources online provide several Bible helps. eSword is another online tool with great Bible helps.

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