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The Book of Shuma Gora By Will Kraft, (A.K.A.

Shuma Gora) The Basic and Advanced teachings of Shuma Gora concerning the art of seduction and self-improvement.

This book may be used by anyone wishing to aspire to greatness and overcome his current fears and insecurities about dating and other complications that hold him back. These techniques of which I'm going to elaborate on are meant to be used in conjunction with the Don Juan Bible, located at This Book is for men, by men. Women are not meant to read this book, for they have no need to learn how to date women effectively. This book is for men who deserve to learn the truth, who desire to learn the truth, and are tired of having the truth kept from them by society as a whole. Concerning preservation aboard the KEO satellite

This book will be preserved for eons onboard the European satellite KEO, due to launch in 2003 and return 50,000 years later. I, Shuma Gora, have decided to preserve my legacy and seduction knowledge for future generations by adding it to the collective knowledge that will be preserved on this satellite. Because of the character limit, The KEO version of the book of Shuma Gora may be fragmented into several pieces. However, I ensure that it will all be archived onboard, so once all the pieces have been rejoined, future readers may once again learn the knowledge that I have passed down in this book.

Chapters and Teachings I. Introduction II. We will begin with how women think III. How men think IV. Realizing how to use confidence V. On using Challenge to your benefit VI. On having the right attitude VII. On having the proper sort of Ambition

VIII. The Power is Yours IX. Applying these teachings for other uses besides women X. Regaining your confidence and attitude after a dating slump XI. How to overcome rejection once and for all XII. On being the Alpha Male XIII. Kino explained in depth XIV. Neg.-hitting effectively XV. The principle behind controlling the conversation XVI. About self-control XVII. Dealing with others who resist you XVIII. How to do an effective phone number close XIX. How to deal with girls who follow "The Rules" XX. Dress for success XXI. Technique for calling her after getting her number : Things to remember XXII. Be a Man! (Written by Pook) XXIII. Kill that Desperation! (Written by Pook) XXIV. "As you think, so you shall become." -What it means. XXV. On improving yourself XXVI. On choosing which women to go after XXVII. Progression of a DJ XXVIII.

Chapter One- Introduction Greetings to you, my friend. If you are reading this, then you deserve commendation. Indeed, for you, as I have, have felt the inadequacy of what you knew about women, and you sought out looking for the answers that you didn't have. I have these answers for you, and more. However, I must tell you up front that these answers will change your life forever. They will empower your mind, and once you have learned this material, you can continue learning to become greater still. Even by possessing The Book of Shuma Gora, you have a definite advantage over your fellow man. Let me explain further. Once you have read this book, you will know the seduction techniques that I myself have learned and mastered, and told to you as I have mastered them, from my own perspectives. There are similar topics already well explained in the original DJ Bible; yet in this case, I am presenting a different way to analyze them, to view their meanings as I have interpreted them myself and to put them to use as I have. These techniques are similar to the ones used by the master seductionists of legend, such as Don Juan de Marco, Giovanni Casanova, Bohomme, and many others. These men actually knew what many men today can only dream about: that is, the power to get and keep the woman (or women, if you are as ambitious as I am) of their dreams. These days, in our ever disgustingly feminized culture, real men are becoming rarer and rarer. We live in an age of boy bands, watered down soft rock, Oprah, you name it, whatever it is, it brings down the good name of masculinity. Men are actually becoming broken down and submissive in some cases! This never ceases to disturb me, and as a guardian of masculinity, I am ever devoted to stopping the progress of the emasculation of America. One of the ways I do this is to pass on this knowledge to you. Many people (Nearly all women, even some men) would consider these techniques to be forbidden knowledge. The women will label you as deceitful, a player, and totally untrustworthy. The men will tell you something along the lines of that there is no way an intellectually mature woman would fall for this, etc. But I ask these people, these doubters and haters, "where, oh where, are your flocks of women? I have mine, but you seem to have misplaced yours. Oh, you say

you never they beat these men need them oblivious

had one? And you claim my techniques as dishonorable, even if the living hell out of yours? Whatever." In all actuality, that are skeptical of these set of rules are the ones that the most. They are caught in a lie, and are totally blind and to it.

And so, my friend, to begin your journey of enlightenment, I will discuss how women think in the next chapter.

Chapter 2- How Women Think Before we delve further into the realms of seduction, I must bring to light the fact that men and women think differently. Men are more inclined to use logic to solve problems, whereas women do whatever "feels" right to solve the problem. Therefore, women don't think, women feel. To take advantage of this, we must realize that to effectively seduce a woman, we must give her good feelings about ourselves. Unless she assosciates us with positive emotions, our work is for naught. Chapter 3- why I have decided to make this book I'm basing this information on what I have learned here, yet I am presenting it as I have come to understand it and I also go into how i made each technique work for me. I'm basically writing this with me serving as narrator throughout, and the book is essentially composed of my own insights and lectures about topics already mentioned in depth in the DJ Bible. (Such as my take on closing, how to remain confident, how to tell which women are good candidates for closing, etc.) On a side note, I thought of writing the book when I recently read a piece of Star wars fan fiction where a Jedi master would place his own teachings and insights into a device called a holocron, where it could be later retrieved by others. The holocron would then present the information as though the jedi himself was teaching it, even if the jedi that made the holocron was long dead. After I heard about this, I figured "If a master jedi could record his personal ideas and knowledge in the Star Wars equivalent of a book, then why can't I record what I have learned as a DJ in a similar fashion?" Obviously, I am technically unable to create a holocron (which is a cube-shaped holographic information repository device) but I can write a book on the subject of being a Don Juan. Therefore, I am writing my experiences and teachings down into the Book of Shuma Gora.

Other Don Juans can and should do the same thing I'm doing, b/c I'm willing to bet money that everyone else here knows something important that they themselves have learned. Obviously, these personal insights are not to be found in the generalized DJ Bible, so the only way others can learn everyone else's personal insights is if everyone publishes what they have learned for the common good.

Also, it is crucial that everyone preserve their ideas because if they fail to do so, then what purpose does this information serve to others? Being a Don Juan is not entirely about getting chicks for yourself, even though that is the main purpose for most people. Looking beyond that, a Don Juan can help out his fellow Don Juan brothers when he shares his experience and learning with them. When he does this, everyone benefits, because the accomplished Don Juan shared his knowledge with less-experienced DJs, who are able to put his information to use and thereby benefit from it.

Chapter 4-Recovering after a slump My friend, if you are reading this, you will learn one of the most important lessons of survival for a novice Don Juan. Many have lamented the fact that although they try to mold themselves into a Don Juan, something happens that ultimately sets them back in their progress or worse, causes them to revert to an AFC state entirely. Because this problem takes two different forms, I will provide two different solutions. Situation #1: You had an experience that made you falter in your progression to Don Juan mastery. After the situation has passed, you feel as if there is something fundamentally wrong with your game, yet you can't place it. You might also feel as if your confidence has been rattled. It's as if most of your confidence is intact (Think of it as a big solid brick wall) yet there's a "piece" missing, and the missing piece leaves a gaping hole that weakens the stability of the rest. And even though you know that something is missing, you don't know what it is, so you don't know what you have to work on. What brings on this condition: Personal emotional trauma, major failure at something very important to you, light to moderate overall depression How to regenerate yourself: To restore that "missing piece" you first must realize that you are exactly the same as you were before the changing event happened. In a sense, your problem is all in your mind, and yet it only holds you back because you allow it to. If this has happened to you, then I know your mind. I know that you feel inadequate, that you feel like retreating further into yourself and hiding from everyone else, because in your eyes, you have failed miserably and everyone knows about it. You are angry at yourself for

messing up, and you are unable to forgive yourself, and you keep on chastising yourself for your previous failure. The problem is, you are trying too hard to be perfect. Rome was not built in a day, and neither is a Master Don Juan. So you screwed up, big deal. No one is pointing the condemning finger at yourself, my friend, except for yourself. Since you feel awkward and inadequate on the inside, it shows on your body language. Since your body language betrays your inside feelings of inadequacy, women will see this and avoid you. In a sense, you are ensuring your own future failure if you continue to dwell on your previous failures. The past is unalterable my friend, so just let it teach you what not to do.

Until you can convince yourself that you are still the powerful Don Juan that you were before all this happened, you can never recover yourself. DJs are human, and humans make mistakes. There is no shame in failing as long as you pick yourself up and try again, for it is well known that failure is the precursor to future success. To give in at the first little thing is a definite AFC characteristic, so if you, an aspiring Don Juan, follow the AFC way of life, you will become that which you are trying to forsake.

Once you have grasped what I have just told you, then you must realize that since perceived failure got you into this situation, then a success will get you out. Rather than moping about feeling sorry about what happened in the past, wouldn't it be better to set out and overwrite the past with more pleasant recent events? If you go out with the positive attitude that the future is still yours to shape, then what is standing in your way to recovery? Nothing. Nada. Squat. So, what you must go is set your past down, turn aside from it, and go out with your mind set on the future. For what you do today decides what happens tomorrow, after all. If you forget about past failures and try to make today count for all it is worth, then I guarantee that you will have a rewarding future. I will next address how to deal with a far more serious slump, when your confidence has been reduced to practically nothing. A Notation on converting your fear into anger As you well know, humans are capable of feeling many emotions, two of which are fear and anger. When someone feels afraid, the emotion of fear robs them of their confidence, courage, and decisiveness. Anger, on the other hand, is a powerful emotion. It can inspire someone to do acts that they never would have done otherwise, and it can bring on incredible surges of boldness and confidence. And a Don Juan is never afraid, only decisive.

However, it is possible to convert your fear into anger so you will have the extra strength to get you out of a situation. Rather than to feel fear because of a situation, instead, be angry that the situation is causing you to feel fear. As the flame of anger ignites within, you will forget your fear and be better able to take care of your situation, whatever it may be. The more fear you have, the more you will be able to feed to the flame of your anger, and the angrier you will become. You will then be able to release that anger at the situation that would normally have you plagued with fear. However, a heavy price may come with this technique. Storing a permanent core of anger within you is not the true Don Juan way. This technique is meant to replace your fear with decisiveness, not to provoke you to lash out at others. You are to be angry at your situation, not at the people around you. The price that I speak of is that it is simply not healthy to carry a lot of pent-up anger around inside of you. Once you have gathered your anger together to combat your fear, you must release that anger, or it will affect your abilities as a Don Juan. Women are not attracted to anger; in fact it repels them. So I urge you, use this technique only in the greatest need, for if you use it for extended lengths of time, it is ultimately damaging to you, both mentally and physically. This technique of fear conversion can grant you great courage in the space of a moment, but it can also take a heavy toll as well, however. Be forewarned, my friend.

Chapter 5- For those who have hit AFC rock bottom This chapter is for any Don Juan who believes that he has hit the AFC rock bottom. If this is you, then read what is ahead to learn that you don't have to depend on your past string of failures for future success. Put the past away, and shape the future. You ask why you are having such a difficult time with women. You wonder why you try, and yet you freeze up, or you are too afraid to make your approach. The answer is simple: You are only afraid because for some reason, you believe that you are unable to do it. Every time you see a woman you want, you are afraid to make an approach because your philosophy is "Hell, I'll just get shot down again, why bother to even try?" With an attitude like that, no wonder you're failing!

Now it is time to get interactive. I ask you, what are you so afraid of? Why are you afraid to make your approach? WHY are you afraid to claim what's yours? Simply put, you are afraid of your past failures. Your track record may be less than perfect, but whose isn't? A couple of years ago, I was in a similar position, yet I was not afraid enough to continue repeating the past.

The past is set in stone; get over it. I knew that simple truth, so because I didn't like my past and had no desire to repeat it, I chose to have success in my future. I remind you that your future begins right now, with your present. Don't be afraid to shape the future. Go ahead. Only the present is yours to shape right now, and the future depends on what you do right now in the present. You will continue failing until you decide to break the cycle of failure. How do we break this cycle of failure? Well, since the opposite of failure is success, you must learn to think successfully. Success is where you KNOW that you have what is required of you for success. Why should the past affect your future? Namely, it can't unless you allow it to. For an explanation, refer to the proverb that I have just devised:

The past is blind to the present, but the present must CHOOSE to be blind to the past. That means that what you are doing right now cannot affect what you did before, but what you did before can affect what you are doing right now, but only if you let it. If you have a string of successful actions in your past, then by all means look back on it to remind yourself that if you could do it once, you could do it again. However, if your past is replete with failure, then it is best not to dwell on it, but keep it as a reminder of what not to do.

The most effective closing attitude Recently, CanadianIdol brought up a situation where he just got a phone number just to see if he could. Whether he knew it or not, he has discovered the most effective closing attitude that I currently know of. Here is what he posted: Hey fellow DJ's, I was just wondering if any of you get a girls number just to see if you still can get a girls number? Like take for instance, last night I went clubbing and I just went out to have a fun time with the boys and come the end of the night I was pretty drunk so I decided to go get a girls number just to prove I still had it. So I went over to this girl that was giving me eye contact all night and all I said was... Me: Hey, my buddies and me are heading out and I wanted to come over to get your number. She actually gave me her number, I didn't even need to say [any extra] shit [at] all. I've never got a number that easily, and from what I remember she was pretty hot and my friends thought so to. They were totally dumbfounded that I didn't even need to talk with her for more then a minute to get her number. Here is what I wrote on the same thread as a reply: You got her number because you had zero desperation. You approached her like it was no big deal (because to you it wasn't) and you smoothly asked for the number. You have discovered the secret to closing, my friend: Be casual about it, and you will succeed. The secret is that you should have the demeanor that you close a million chicks every day, and that it's no big deal to you. What you say is not really that important, it's HOW you say it.

The moral of the story is that Pook was right when he told us to kill that desperation. Desperation is the worst enemy of all, because it is the total opposite of what a Don Juan stands for. A Don Juan will be able to get exactly what he wants easily and quickly when he wants it. There is no hurry, therefore no need to be desperate. Fear and desperation go hand in hand. In his example, CanadianIdol did not have any fear or desperation, b/c he probably wasn't thinking about the girl in romantic terms. He simply made his approach just to see if he could do it. He treated the situation as if it were no different than walking up and asking someone the time of day. Always remember, my friend, the most effective approach is the one where you don't treat it like an approach, but rather, you just go up and nonchalantly ask for her phone number. You don't get all freaked out and nervous when you ask someone for the time, why should closing a woman be any different? It shouldn't.

The Power of Confidence

Truly described as one of the pillars of the Don Juan philosophy, Confidence is what gives a Don Juan his power. For if you lack confidence, then what else can compel you to make your approach? Quite simply, nothing. I am sure that now you want to know the marks of true Don Juan -level confidence. They are: 1. You must know that you have what it takes to be a Don Juan. Regardless of the outcome of a situation, your power will be undiminished. Confidence rests in the outlook of your game, so if you begin to doubt your abilities, then all of your confidence is thus broken. My friend, remember to keep a positive outlook on your dating performance. 2. Second, Confidence is what compels you to risk personal rejection just to get a woman's phone number. Realizing that you have absolutely nothing to lose, and yet much to gain, a true Don Juan will throw caution and insecurity to the wind, and therefore have the courage to make his approach.

Once you have mastered the key concept of confidence, it is time to learn the secrets of the next Pillar of Don Juan, Challenge.

Challenge While confidence will get you the women of your dreams, it will not enable you to keep them. This is where the principle of being a challenge comes into play. Being a challenge involves several prime strategies: 1. Your primary aim is to keep the woman guessing about you. Once we know everything about an individual, they cease to intrigue us. What does not intrigue us begins to bore us. In this way, a man who is not a challenge becomes boring and predictable to the women that he is with. Since women live for drama and excitement, a boring man is of no interest to them. Therefore, what you must do is do everything within your power to be unpredictable to the woman. 2. You should attempt to be unpredictable. For example, most AFCS will call the next day after receiving a woman's phone number, thus killing the mystery factor in their game. Men like this easily become boring and predictable to the woman, and are promptly sorted into the friends zone. A master Don Juan, on the other hand, knows that unpredictaility and the aura of mystery that he is able to create is by far his best tool in the Don Juan toolkit of seduction. By effectively controlling how much he sees or talks to the woman, the ball is always in the DJ's court. In other words, the DJ has the power to make the woman miss him and think about him. Women act like this because of basic psychology. This involves the fact that women want to tame what is not completely within their power. women are manipulative, and because of this, they will go wild over a man that they are not able to fully predict or control. Women also want a soap-opera relationship, with all its ups and downs and twists and turns. By being unpredictable and putting your own schedule first, you exasperate and fustrate the woman in a positive way. This is because of the fact that since you are so different from the other men (in how the woman is unable to manipulate you) you become more interesting to the woman because she will use her girly manipulation skills to the utmost to try and bring your schedule under her control. However, this ability is a blessing in the fact that you are able to keep the woman where you want her. It is also a curse in the fact that once you start being a challenge, you must maintain your element of challenge. If you fail to do so, you wil lslowly but surely become like al lthe other clueless AFCS. This is when your relationship with the woman starts to erode and rot from within. This is dangerous because once the decline has begun, it must be fixed quickly or the situation will quickly get out of hand. I will explain how to remain a challenge in THE PRINCIPLE OF CHALLENGE: PART TWO.

The Book of Shuma Gora

It is imperative, my Friend, that the Don Juan System remains a secret. What I mean by this is that, in order for our methodology to be effective, no one around us must know about it. While I do not discourage the letting in of new members to the growing DJ ranks, I definitely discourage the leaking of these techniques to the general public. This is because although you are reading this of your own free will and CHOSE to learn, you are OPENMINDED and NONJUDGEMENTAL. If you were to criticize us, you would not bother to learn this knowledge of power. If you were to reveal what you have learned to the general public, people would not hesitate to judge you and label you a player. A Don Juan is not a mere player. While a player is a blatant husler, a Don Juan is an enlightened man that goes discreetly about his business with no one being the wiser. The fact that we operate in secret is what ensures our success rate, for many of these techniques that I pass on to you depend on secrecy for their effectiveness. If the average woman KNEW that we were on to her, she would not hesitate to label us as sneaky and deceptive for following a definite game plan. (although the same hypocrite bitch is doing the exact same thing by learning from all those girl magazines that she undoubtedly owns! ) You can see then, my friend, that we are caught in a war of double standards. In this case, we received the short end of the deal. Until this changes, we must be discreet about our abilities, and the Don Juan system must remain a secret doctrine. By maintaining secrecy, I do not mean that you should discontinue your game. On the contrary, I advise you to do all the Don Juan techniques as you see fit, only the key thing to remember is that you should not use them as techniques. What i mean is that you should read the knowledge in this book, assimilate it into your personality, and then make what you have learned appear to be part of your usual persona, not just a technique that you have learned. Remember, my friend, your goal is not to use these techniques, but to BECOME these techniques.

-----It has long since been debated about whether or not an action is AFC, and if it is, whether or not it will interfere with your path to Don Juan nirvana. Now, some actions are obviously AFC and should be avoided:

-calling several times a day -bringing flowers to the first date -being clingy and desperate -having "one-itis" -etc. Now, what I'm trying to get across is the fact that although certain actions are AFC, you should not be too concerned if an action is AFC or not. The problem that many newbies have is that they see the AFC dillemma in only black or white. They place each action into each category, and make much dileberation of the whole affair. Given how many actions one can do, it gets ridiculous to categorize everything. Rather, what I've figured out is DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT! As long as you are doing the right things, you cannot come across as AFC. These Right things are known as 1. Confidence 2. Challenge 3. Attitude I call these three attributes the three pillars of Don Juan, for it is this three that holds up the rest. Without these three pillars, the rest of the system would come crashing down on you because these thre attributes are what makes it all happen. As long as you remain confident, be a challenge, and have ther right attitude, nothing will be able to stop you. A True Don Juan does not worry if a smal linsignifigant action is AFC, he instead considers the big things. The little "AFC-or-not?" things do not hold up the Don Juan philosophy, it is the three pillars that do. So I must ask you to consider, my friend, what is it that suports your game? Are you one of those who worry about whethewr or not everything is AFC? If so, you must add some pillars quickly, or your whole game will collapse out from under you. Or are you like me, your game being solidly supported by three gleaming tall pillars of Confidence, Challenge, and Attitude? -------------------The Core of Don Juan Knowledge The goal of the Don Juan is not to center his life around women. Whereas this is the goal of the average player, the Master don Juan knows that there is much more to life than women. As I have addressed before, the core of Don Juan knowledge is the concept of the following as I have come to realize it: "The Don Juan has many goals in life. These may or may not be selforiented, but the overall criteria of the morality of the Don Juan is the fact of whether or not he cares about other people. Granted, The Don Juan is not to be a therapist, as his time is too important for such a task, but even so, a Don Juan devotee who seeks only his own selfish pleasure and gain is no true Don Juan, but is instead a mere traitor of our order. In reality, the Don Juan should have interest in women to

some degree, but his prime interests and attention lie elsewhere in his life, but even more so in others. For these days, as the world becomes more and more impersonal, people become ever more wrapped up in their own concerns and there is no interest in the common good. The Master Don Juan comes to realize at some point that women are not the primary goal in life. This is the one belief that separates us from the players. Whereas a player is only interested in quantity, the Don Juan is only interested in QUALITY. While it might be true that a player may have the MOST women, this is of less importance than the fact that the Don Juan has the BEST women, and the player does not. Therefore, this simple truth means that the Don Juan has actually surpassed the players, for we know knowledge that they will never be able to use. This is because the player is bound by the limitations of his own knowledge. He knows only the stereotypical pickup lines so his approaches are limited, but even more importantly, the player is completely unfamiliar with the technique of self-improvement. Because of this sort of limitation, the player is unable to grow because he does not have access to information such as this. The player is only able to learn what is immediately available to him, such as the knowledge of his friends. Also worth mentioning is the fact that the players are bound by conformity. One player is the same as any other because they have decided to follow a certain style in their method of operation. One normally thinks of a player as someone that goes around and blatantly hustles women, thus revealing his true intentions to everyone. A reason why players are looked down upon is because they are so straightforward in their approach by means of pickup lines. A player acts this way because he believes that women will fall for those lines. The women smile and politely reject him, but as soon as the player moves on they all laugh at him because of his tired and overly predictable approach. While the player believes that women like to be hit on and hustled, he is only half right. Women DO enjoy the attention they get by being hit on, but since giving them attention does nothing to help your aproach, it is counter-productive to hit on women. Also, women like to be seduced by a confident, experienced man, not be hustled by a cheesy, obnoxious player. As you can see, my friend, finesse makes all the difference in the approach. *Why the Don Juan System is so Effective* The Don Juan system suceeds where the player fails because the Don Juan knows the low-key approach. The Don Juan is subtle. The Don Juan is able to conceal his secret knowledget tohe point where people that he has known for years will never know that he is a Don Juan based on outward appearence. Although he is adept at concealing his true nature from casual observers, the master Don Juan is never afraid to use what he has learned in a way that comes off as mysterious. When his skills are all but perfected, the Master Don Juan will be able to mask his techniques so they will appear to be NATURAL PERSONALITY TRAITS.

Let me explain further. A woman whom the Don Juan is talking to should know that there is something definitely different about the don Juan from the average man. "The Don Juan has hidden qualities that other men lack," she reasons, "but I don't know HOW he is different. He just seems more interesting and polished than the others. Also, I can see that he is not putting on a game, that this is his true nature." Women will definitely notice something different about you, my friend, but they will not know what it is. The challenge of finding out will boost her interest level in you to the point where it wil lbe absolutely uncontrolable. This is but one way that The Don Juan system knows how to utilize human nature.

---------------------REJECTION-- HOW TO OVERCOME IT AND GAIN INVULNERABILITY My friend, if you are reading this, you are about to learn one of the most powerful secrets of the Don Juan System. The problem of rejection is a severe setback indeed, but only if a Don Juan is unprepared for it. To begin with, the natural response to rejection is one of humiliation and shame. This is because in the untrained state, a man is constantly unsure of his abilities, and thus insecure. In this fashion, he takes rejection too personally. Since rejection is by nature a negative feeling, an untrained man that feels rejection feels shame because he is convinced that his abilities are insufficient for success. Because of this false conviction, his ego takes a blow, and his self-esteem is thus diminished. A Don Juan will learn early in his training that rejection is not necessarily a product of his own insufficiency, for HE IS THE PRIZE TO BE SOUGHT AFTER. Since HE is the prize, any woman that rejects him is not worthy of a man of his caliber and abilities. In this way, the Don Juan learns that rejection is a means of determining whether a woman is worthy in the fact that only unworthy women will reject him. Now, some may disagree with my way of inflating the man's ego, but my question to them is simply, Why not? Which is better, for the man to buy into the lie propagated by society which states that the woman is the prize to be sought after? Is it better for the man to wrongly blame himself for rejection? Is it wrong for a man to rightfully avoid placing women on a pedestal and instead rightfully bringing them to his own level? Simply, it is not wrong. Those who might argue with me are simply another victim of the deception of society. Once a Don Juan begins to think of himself as the prize to be sought after, no longer will the slings and arrows of rejection sting his ego. The Don Juan has mastered the skill of rejection immortality. The best part about this Don Juan Technique is that once learned, it is more or less permanent. This is because once you begin thinking of yourself as the prize, you are less likely to revert back to the AFC

mentality of rejection because it is the exact opposite of your new outlook. As a side note, i must add that although you are indeed the prize, it is critical that you must not let your ego get out of hand. Although a little bit of ego is good for you, a little bit is all you wil lever need. Too much wil ldestroy you outright or destroy you through a gradual loss of common sense. a Don Juan with an overly inflated ego is a catastrophe waiting to happen, because someone in such a state has carried the I-am-the-prize mentality too far. Someone with this mentality is often cruel to other people, as his ego blinds him to how he appears to others (e.g. as a crude, obnoxious jerk). When a Don Juan is thus blinded, he slowly begins to damage his reputation, and ultimately his success rate. Take extreme care that this does not happen to you, my friend. Remember, you must think of yourself as the prize, but never forget that although you are indeed the prize to be sought after, this does not place you above other people, so you must not be excessively careless or boastful in how you act towards other people. If you remember these key truths, you shall do quite well, my friend. -----------------THE INDEPENDENT MINDSET OF THE DON JUAN Students of psychology learn about a theory called Abraham Maslow's Hierchy of Human Needs. The purpose of this theory is an attempt to define the psychological needs of the average human. Arranged in a pyramidal pattern, the structure is arranged as having 5 levels: the first being the physical needs such as food and drink, the second being a need for safety, the third being a need for love and belonging, the fifth being a need for the esteem of others (popularity) and the last need, located on top of the pyramid, is the need for self actualization. Now, during my professor's lecture, i was thinking about what selfactualization really means to the Don Juan. The psychology book explains self-actualization as, "the realization of one's own potential." The realization of one's own potential.... That is the ultimate goal of the Don Juan! The psychology book also went on to explain that people feel self actualized when they are doing something that they can lose track of time in, such as a personal hobby, reading a good book, etc. The book also added that people rarely get to the self actualization level (according to Maslow's theory, you must achieve all of the lower levels simultaneously before you can experience self-actualization) Also, the professor mentioned that in modern society, people are focused so much on materialism and their activities that they are slowly losing the ability to feel self-actualized! Children are learning from their parents' busy lifestyle, and combined with the media, an entire generation is becoming conditioned never to feel self-actualization! Also, as the professor began to explain each level of human need (such as need for safety, need for love/belonging, and need for the esteem of others), I began to see why the AFC problem is so prevalent: Humans are

conditioned from birth to be emotionally dependent on other people or things. In essense, most people depend on others for their happiness! As soon as I had realized that, I made a drastic leap of insight. Could it be that the reason why AFCS act the way they do is only because they were conditioned to "need" love and a sense of belonging? If so, then it explains why AFCs are so clingy and desperate. It is not because of their own iscecurities, it's because they have been conditioned to act that way! It would explain why people are so materialistic. If they see people that have a larger house, nicer car, more expensive watch, or anything of that nature, people automatically assume that that person must be happier because they have more! Thesse envious people then begin to covet what these other "more fortunate" people have, and more often than not, the jealous person begins to live considerably beyond their means so they can afford more expensive things. They feel happiness for a short while, but it quickly passes, and the person is worse off than they were before because they are no happier than they were to begin with, and they have extra expenses to meet. People that are materialistic are also never satisfied. Regardless of how well they have it, they always want more. Their mind is always on what OTHER people have, instead on what THEY already have. If these people would learn to be satisfied, then they would be on the road to happiness. But unfortunately, their mindset holds them back; They always want more, because they think that more will make them happy. In my psychology class, I heard about one personwho must always have new clothes, a nice car, and many other material things that she does not really need just to feel good about herself. The problem with thse people is that they are dependent on material things for their happiness, and even then, they seldom find it. People like this are among the most miserable people on earth because they realize how empty their life really is. People like this must learn that their happiness should not be dependent on short-lived material possessions. For even if you could acquire the whole world, what good would it do you? What would you have accomplished that is of any signifigance? Quite simply, nothing at all. For after all, it has been said, "What good is it if a man inherits all the world, yet loses his own soul?" People are also dependent on other people for their own happiness. These are the conformists. They value popularity above all else, for if other people respect them, that brings them a short rush of pleasure. People like this tend to entertain excessively and organize massive parties just so people will know who they are, and hopefully respect them. Narcissists are also one of these types of people. People who care excessively about their self image feel as if they must look good in order for people to like them, for their sole sense of pleasure comes from having other people admire them. Such a life is empty, as many of these overly vain people take so much time to make other people admire them, that they never realize that none of these onlookers ever gets to know them. These people are so lonely because they spend all their time impressing people, but they have no time left for actually making friends. Ironically, these emotional dependencies that plague so many people are encouraged by the media. You see, there is a flaw in human nature that makes us prone to derive our happiness from other people or mere

material possessions. Few people realize that happiness can be derived from EMOTIONAL INDEPENDENCE. Now, The Master Don Juan should know that human nature is extremely flexible. It is even possible to rebuild your own personality into something greater by simply combining the Don Juan system with the power of self-improvement. Although as humans our natural inclination is to become dependent on external sources, what few people know is that this dependency can be bent, and in some cases, even broken. Let me explain further, my friend. The Don Juan Master knows that he doesn't need people's approval to be happy, it is HIS EMOTIONAL INDEPENDENCE THAT DRAWS PEOPLE TO HIM. THE MASTER KNOWS HOW TO BE HAPPY WHILE BEING ENTIRELY ALOOF OF WHAT ANY GIVEN PERSON THINKS OF HIM. FOR THE STRENGTH OF THE DON JUAN FLOWS FROM WITHIN, NOT FROM WITHOUT. THE DON JUAN KNOWS THAT HE IS THE POSSESSOR OF INCREDIBLE KNOWLEDGE THAT CAN NEVER BE TAKEN FROM HIM, SO HE IS SECURE IN HIMSELF, FOR HE KNOWS THAT WHEREVER HE GOES, HE TAKES HIS SOURCE OF HAPPINESS WITH HIM, FOR HIS SOURCE IS A PART OF HIMSELF AND IS INDEPENDENT OF EXTERNAL SOURCES. SINCE SO MANY PEOPLE LACK HAPPINESS, THEY FLOCK TO THE MASTER IN HOPE TO LEARN HIS SECRETS. THEREFORE, THE MASTER GAINS RESPECT AND INFLUENCE WITH NO EFFORT AT ALL. ALSO, THE MASTER DON JUAN KNOWS THAT HIS KNOWLEDGE TAKES NO STEADY SUPPLY OF RESOURCES SUCH AS MONEY TO MAINTAIN, SO HE HAS AN ENDLESS SUPPLY OF EMOTIONAL INDEPENDENCY. FOR AS LONG AS HE IS ALIVE, THE MASTER KNOWS THAT HE IS ABLE TO MODERATE HIS HAPPINESS BECAUSE NOTHING CAN TRULY REMOVE HIS PSYCHOLOGICAL SECURITY IN HIMSELF AS LONG AS HE WISHES TO MAINTAIN IT. This teaching also holds true in relationships, as well. For example, remember the desperation that the AFC experiences. This feeling arises not from isecurity, but because the AFC is dependent on having a girlfriend in order to feel love and a sense of belonging. Ironically, It is this feeling which drives women from him. The Don Juan, on the other hand, is not dependent on a girlfriend for happiness. With his superior knowledge and skills, the Don Juan knows that he can have a girlfriend any time he chooses, so therefore one cannot be dependent on what one does not steadily require. This is because the Don Juan is his own source of happiness. He does not necessarily NEED companionship; he only seeks it when he wants it. In this manner, the Don Juan only seeks a relationship when he wants one; when he does not want companionship, it is because he is too busy pursuing his own goals and dreams. This is where the power of selfactualization comes into play. Perpetual Self actualization is the nirvana of the Master Don Juan. By the time he becomes a true master, the Don Juan knows that since he is emotionally independent of other people or things, he is then able to pursue his own dreams and goals and in so doing derive a form of happiness. This is because a self-actualized Don Juan is so secure in himself that he knows that he does not need to pursue happiness because he already has it, and in endles supply. Self-improvement provides an endless series of possible challenges for the Don Juan, so he has no worry of running out of ways to improve his abilities. -------------TRAINING SESSION 1

Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. An Explanation of the Don Juan System 3. Beginning the Transition 4. Questions and Answers 5. Recommended Reading

WHO CAN BECOME A DON JUAN? Greetings to the Don Juan initiate who is using this book to begin their training. I have much to share with you concerning your future advancements. It is always good to add a new Don Juan to our order, and hopefully, you will be able to reap perpetual success from what I, Shuma Gora, am about to teach you. To begin with, training to be a Don Juan requires a massive amount of commitment from both the teacher and the trainee. You will be expected to forsake all that you think you know about women, and once you have done that, you must be willing to accept what i am about to teach you without question. I require such commitment from you, my friend, because it is for your own good. Much of what I am about to teach you directly and blatantly conflicts with what you may have learned from society. In order for you to progress very far with my teachings, you must be willing to unlearn what you currently know, and accept my teachings because if you fail to do so, you will be continuously comparing my teachings against what society teaches. This may confuse you and slow the progress of your training. Few have come to realize, as I have, that the Don Juan system is not merely a way to meet and be successful with women. It is not even a true system. It is in a basic sense an IDEA. The idea about which I speak is an entirely new way of thinking about women and life in general. The reason why our order is so successful is because the idea of the Don Juan system is not something many people ever learn about, or are ready to accept, so this gives us the advantage of being able to look like everyone else, but at the same time have more knowledge than everyone else. However, the opportunity for someone to turn to the Don Juan path is limited, and it is ever diminishing. This is because unless someone remains open-minded to new ideas over the full course of their life, then there comes a time when they become set in their natural ways and tendencies. This can well be considered a point of no return, because once an AFC has reached this point, they are forever doomed to be an AFC; it is simply too late to begin the training because these people are unwilling to learn or believe anything contrary to what they now hold to be truth. These people are doomed to be AFCs for life with no real means of escaping their destiny, simply because they do not know the dangerous path that they are on. Fortunately for you, my friend, since you are reading this book at this very moment, you have escaped the doom of being an AFC for life, because now, you have a choice in the matter.

Your point of no return has arrived for you, my friend, but since you know that the Don Juan system exists, you now have a choice in your destiny. This is because now that you know both possible fates, you must choose a path to become fully committed to. Once you choose, it is difficult to change your direction or forsake your current path for the other one. This is because once you choose to be either a Don Juan or an AFC, you must be committed fully to that path. No one can be both an AFC and a Don Juan: the systems are the exact opposites of each other. No one can serve two masters, he will always in the end forsake one for the other. As time passes and someone progresses down the Don Juan path and gains knowledge, they are simultaneously losing their connection to the AFC path. The opposite is also true; the longer someone remains an AFC, they are ever less likely to become a Don Juan. Soon, both situations lead to a point of no return where a devotee of one side is completely unable to access the traits of the other side. When this happens, they are all but impossible to convert because they have become set in their ways. I believe that even these people are able to become converted to the other path even after the point of no return, but it will become increasingly difficult the longer someone remains in their final state after the point of no return. Even if these people are able to be convinced to accept the new Don Juan system, I fear that they would have already been too long exposed to the blinding effects of the AFC side to be able to fully comprehend the training and to replace their longreinforced AFC habits with it. I certaintly do not give much hope for their chances of progressing all the way to Master Don Juan-- the habits and core knowledge that must be unlearned at that stage are more than likely too deeply embedded to be overwritten, for there are some AFC tendencies that the older trainee will never fully relinquish. For this reason, Don Juan training is best done even as soon as early adolescense, so the learner may reach the final stages of advanced Don Juan wisdom long before the advent of the point of no return. At this early age, it is also easier to make the younger trainee take my wisdom to heart, for at such a young age, the trainee will not have been as long exposed to our AFC society as for the AFC mindset to have become relatively permanent as it will have in later years. Even if you are past the ideal age of training my friend, it still may not be too late for you. For at any age, the process is never truly impossible, it is simply harder to accept the older one gets. In your case, if you are past the ideal age, you MUST open your mind fully and be prepared to unlearn all that you have always believed concerning women. Release everything right down to your core consciousness, but do not attempt to modify your core consciousness quite yet. Your core consciousness, also known as your "personality" by most people, is basically who your are as an individual person. It is what makes you human. Some cultures refer to it as your soul, the part of you that they believe will live on forever and is spiritual in nature. Whatever it is, I know that it is who you actually are. It has your unique feelings and style imprinted on it. It is a part of your mind, but yet somehow it is present but separate from your mind. It is my theory that your core conscious determines who you are as your person, but it is not directly a part of your main mind. Your main mind is where your memories are stored, but your core consciousness is

somewhat separated from the rest of your mind, but is yet fully connected and intimate with it. Many people think that your personality cannot be changed, but it can be. It is an incredibly advanced technique that I will not explain here, but I will cover it completely elsewhere in the book. Once you have isolated al your previous knowledge and have set it aside, Proceed on to Part 2. PART TWO: THE BASIC TENENTS OF DON JUAN Like I said in the previous part of this lesson, the Don Juan system is actually a whole new mindset and outlook on life. Our order is so successful because, unlike the AFC culture, the Don Juan System, is structured and has a definite procedure to follow. Our system has been tested and perfected over the years, and we have kept only the most useful and effective elements as part of our doctrine. Now that you have isolated your previous knowledge and set it aside forever, it is time to replace that which was removed with something far superior. There are three main pillars of Don Juan: Confidence, Challenge, and Attitude. These three are all equally powerful and equally vital to your success, for in order to have a solid grasp of the Don Juan system, a trainee must know and understand all three pillars of Don Juan. CONFIDENCE The first pillar is that of confidence. A Don Juan must master the skill of confidence if any of the other skills are to be put to any use at all. Confidence is the catalyst that drives the Don Juan to action. Without the power of confidence, the Don Juan will never be able to progress because he lacks the boldness to put what he has learned to use. A Don Juan that is newly initiated into our order may not know the source of confidence or how to use it effectively. To answer their questions, I will now explain the true nature of confidence. To the Don Juan, confidence is his power source. It gives him the drive and motivation needed to achieve his goals as well as overcome obstacles in life. The prime benefit of this power, though, is it's availability and ease of acquisition. Quite simply, confidence is produced by the Don Juan himself. If flows from within him at a mere thought, and it sustains him and empowers him. The key aspect of the power of confidence is that it need not be replenished. Once a Don Juan is initiated into the order, he is only able to summon confidence in brief spurts, but he is unable to use it to it's full potential and it quickly leaves him after the task at hand has passed. This is because the initiate Don Juan has not yet learned that confidence need not be a temporary aspect of his personality. As the Don Juan puts his learned knowledge to use, his ability to summon confidence becomes stronger, more reliable, and has a longer duration in it's benefits. This is because as the Don Juan grows in power, he begins to learn the technique for storing confidence within himself.

This technique is not learned, but is rather one that is grown into. Even if it is presented as a learned technique to a new Don Juan, the new initiate is still unable to use it because at his current level of knowledge, he would only know of how the technique works in theory. It takes experience for the usage of the technique to begin. This technique involves the ability to summon confidence, and, rather than letting it dissipate when the task that you summoned it for is complete, you would instead store the confidence within you for later use. You see, my friend, when you have a spark of confidence burning within you and have learned how to maintain it, your capacity for storing confidence will grow, and you will need to summon less new confidence to supplement that which has already been stored. The reason why we are able to store confidence is that once we have gained understanding of it, we are then able to see it in it's true nature. Confidence takes no resources on your part to acquire, so you have a free and infinite supply at your disposal. The drawback to confidence for the new Don Juan is that it is initially difficult to summon enough of it at once to be useful for the problem at hand. You see, your ability to be confident is limited only by how strong your belief in it's power truly is. New Don Juans tend to underestimate their abilities, so they limit themselves to small ammounts of confidence at first. This is because after prior living life with little to no confidence, they are over-awed by the power that comes with a relatively small ammount. They then believe that they have enough confidence to handle anything indefinitely, but they have taken only a small ammount and they have not yet learned to maintain it for long periods of time. When their confidence supply begins to diminish, they are confused about what may be happening to them, and they begin to blame themselves for their sudden lack of confidence, not fully realizing that because of their low level of experience, their supply of confidence must be replenished until they learn how to store it. So if you are a new Don juan initiate, my friend, do not make the mistake of assuming that the confidence that you feel right now will be permanent, because it will not be. Rather than to allow you to learn the hard way as I did, I will now attempt to point you in the right direction. I have learned that confidence is easily summoned when you look to past success for inspiration. Once you remember how confident you were in the past, you will come to realize that there is nothing stopping you from feeling that way again. You will realize that confidence is not determined by actions or setbacks in life, but is instead determined about how yo ufeel about yourself. Confidence has no limits, and it quickly is able to sustain those who know that they are able to access it any time that they wish. Since it is always available around you in infinite supply, you are quickly able to summon enough to serve your needs. However, there is a more efficient way to understand confidence. Rather than simply allow yurself to gain vast ammounts of it and just as easily lose it, you must ask yourself, why must it even leave at all? Why must I be forced to fully replenish my supply of confidence every time I need it? Why can't I simply store a considerable ammount within myself, and then draw from my own reserves as needed?

Since Confidence is by nature infinite and has no limits, you therefore cannot deplete your stored reserves by drawing from them because using confidence does not require that you subtract any from your supply. This is because confidence is not a tangible thing like money, which has a finite supply that you are steadily adding to and decreasing from. Confidence is not something that you can actually posess, only use. Because you do not actually possess it, you cannot actually lose it. REALIZING THIS, I HAVE LEARNED THAT CONFIDENCE IS NOT AT ALL WHAT MOST DON JUANS THINK IT IS. CONFIDENCE IS JUST THE WORD THAT WE APPLY TO THE COURAGE-SUMMONING MINDSET WHICH DRIVES US FORWARD. You are able to store confidence because you are not storing the actual confidence per se, merely the couragous mindset that it gives you. The actual confidence cannot be stored or used. We only use the term 'confidence' to describe the particular kind of mindset that gives you the drive to go out and achieve great deeds instead of hanging back in hesitation. Rather than thinking of confidence as a separate entity from yourself, you must capture and assimilate the feelings that confidence gives you. These feelings are what we Don Juans draw our power from; we only call it confidence for lack of a better word. Once you have captured and assimilated this mindset that we like to call confidence, you have made it a part of oyu, and therefore, you will never have to summon additional confidence BECAUSE YOU HAVE ASSIMILATED THE MINDSET THAT MAKES CONFIDENCE EFFECTIVE. SINCE YOU HAVE ASSIMILATED IT, YOU HAVE NO NEED TO GAIN ADDITIONAL CONFIDENCE, FOR NOW YOU *ARE* CONFIDENCE. THIS IS BECAUSE YOU HAVE SEEN CONFIDENCE FOR WHAT IT REALLY IS, AND SINCE YOU HAVE LEARNED HOW TO USE IT IN ITS PURIST FORM, NONE OF THE OTHER WAYS OF USING CONFIDENCE EVEN COME CLOSE. So remember, my friend, confidence need not be an asset that is separate from you. instead, it is best put to use when you have learned how to make the mindset that confidence produces a permanent part of you. --------------HOW TO INSIDUOUSLY MANIPULATE HUMAN NATURE My Friend, the completion of your training requires you to know and understand how the minds of the average individual works, and how to use that for your own advantage. Whether or not you choose to use this teaching is up to you, for the goals of every Don Juan is different, but our methodology is stil the same. This is because the Don Juan system requires us to be covert whenever we possibly can. This is because the success of our system and tactics revolves around our innate ability to exercise them while masquerading as the average person. A Don Juan looks like an average person, yet his mindset should be considered anything but average. My Friend, the Master Don Juan knows how to effectively manipulate any number of people should the need arise. When done properly, he is able to use their own internal conflicts to his advantage. He knows how to learn their innermost thoughts, their very soul, just by observing their actions as well as saying the right thing at the right time. This skill, although it may be considered by most as a technique of questionable morality, is still something every Don Juan should learn and master. The prime thing that you should remember is that in order for this knowledge to be effective, it should be done entirely in

-------------HOW TO CHANGE YOUR PERSONALITY *This teaching is an incredibly advanced technique, and as such, it may be disasterous if not performed properly. It requires an incredible ammount of self-discipline, knowledge of one's own personality, and a willingness to change it. I must also caution that it is nearly impossible to reverse once performed. Once you overwrite your personality, YOU ARE RE-CREATING A WHOLE NEW CORE CONSCIOUSNESS FOR YOURSELF. YOU ARE SACRIFICING WHO YOU USED TO BE, AND ARE BASICALLY ASSEMBLING A NEW SET OF PREFERENCES FOR YOURSELF. THEREFORE, THIS TECHNIQUE REQUIRES A CONSIDERABLE AMMOUNT OF KNOWLEDGE TO PERFORM PROPERLY. IT'S ADVANTAGE IS THAT IT ALLOWS YOU TO COMPLETELY AND PERMANENTLY REMOVE YOUR INNER AFC TENDENCIES, BUT THE COST IS THAT YOU ARE UNABLE TO RETRIEVE WHAT YOU HAVE REMOVED. THEREFORE, USE THIS TECHNIQUE AT YOUR OWN RISK. * This incredibly advanced teaching can be summed up as creating a new personality for yourself, my friend. As you may well know, human consciousness takes place on two levels: conscious and unconscious. Although your core consciousness (the most basic sense of who you are) is part of the sub-conscious area, there is some degree of overlap. Because of this, yo ucannot change who you are, but you can change HOW YOU THINK as well as YOUR MINDSETS AND PREFERENCES. -----------HOW TO USE THE INSECURITY OF OTHERS FOR YOUR OWN ADVANTAGE My Friend, one of the greatest assets to our system is the fact that we live surrounded by AFCS who are ignorant of the true nature of things. As you well know, AFCs are desperate and insecure by nature, whereas we are the exact opposite. What many Don Juans don't know is that we can use the insecurity of others to our advantage. For example, there are situations in which it may be difficult to summon (much less maintain) the mindset of confidence that gives us our power. Without this mindset firmly in place within our conscious minds, we are not at peak performance. Many Don Juans, new and experienced alike, find it hard to maintain confidence in various types of situations. One situation that I have felt this myself is when it is the first day in a new place where I don't know anyone. Everyone feels this feeling, it is normal not to be completely at ease in situations like this. However, some of us may wish to surpass the current extent of what is considered to be normal. I have recently realized several things about insecurity in general. First off, A Don Juan may feel insecure at times, but he does not need to. He only feels this way because he is able to pick up on the insecurity of others. Insecurity is contagious; it can quickly spread and corrup the confidence oif all it infects. However, rather than let

inscecurity rob you of confidence, why not devise a way to use the confidence that it has robbed from other people? People (especially AFCs) feel insecure often because they have bought into the lie that they don't have what ti takes to be successful with women. That, combined with desperation, is often enough to deplete them of confidence entirely. With their confidence thus diminished, the AFc emits an aura of desperation and helplessness. Since women are repelled by this, the AFC begins to blame himself for his continued lack of success. Over time, given enough failures, the AFC begins to be afraid to approach women because he believes that no woman wants to be with him, or that something is fundamentally wrong with his game. This is the origin of insecurity. After reading this technique, you will know that a Don Juan knows no insecurity. The Don Juan holds more power within him than the average AFC can ever hope for. The power is always available for use; it needs only a little bit of confidence to work. So, how can confidence be gained if you cannot generate it yourself? The way that you can feed off of the insecurity of others is to look around next time you are feeling a shortage of confidence. You will see the shyness, the confusion, and the silence of the people around you. You wil lbegin to notice that they are sitting or standing quietly, saying nothing, arms crossed. Their body language is not inviting, and you can see no women glancing their way. Just by looking at them, and observing their insecurity, you will begin to feel more confident. This is because you will begin to realize that you know considerably more than they do, and because of this, there is no reason for you to feel insecure. The confidence surge that this will give you is enough to give you the extra courage to begin talking to different people. In this way, you will always be able to summon as much confidence as you wish by using the very same insecurity that holds other people back to your own advantage. -------THE LAW OF UNDULATION My friend, I am sure that you may have wondered what exactly causes you to experience a slump in your Don Juan Progression. Since we as humans live in and are affected by time, our patterns of success and failure come in sets. This is because the universe demands balance. Newton also hit upon this law when he stated in his Third law of Motion that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. However, the phenomena that cause this balance are not bound to interactions between physical objects. They also affect our mindsets After we have a period of success, we are due for a period of failure. In other words, for every high that we experience, there is a corresponding low. Have you ever noticed how everything is constantly fluctuating between a good state and a bad state? The economy is one example, especially these days. Another example is people that have depression. In this case, people are happy for a span of time, and then they are depressed for a span of time. In short, anything and everything

that can experience change from one state to another is affected by some sort of influencial phenomenon that is present in our world. I have called this strange phenomenon the LAW OF UNDULATION. ( Undulation is normally used to describe anything that moves in a wavelike pattern. In this case, Success is the high point and failure is the low point of each wave. ) Like everything else, the Law of Undulation affects your ability to use the Don Juan System because you physically exist in time in the form of matter. However, since the Don Juan System itself does not physically exist in time, but is rather an idea that is not made of matter, it is not affected by the Law of Undulation. Because of this, the System itself is not prone to failure at any given time; it always works if executed properly. There is no way for you to escape the Law of Undulation, but there are ways to shorten or reduce it's effects on your mindset. First of all, the best way to break a cycle of failure is to begin a cycle of success. Rather than just wait for a cycle of success to come to you naturally, you can take matters into your own hands and create success for yourself. Also, you can remind yourself that your mindset does not have to change. After all, my friend, what you have within your mind is an idea, therefore, it cannot be altered by the Law of Undulation. Therefore, what you have learned will stay with you and remain consistent whether or not you are curently experiencing a high point or a low point. The way you can use this to oyur advantage is to skip over the emotional low that the law of undulation has locked you into, and you must realize that you are still the same man that you were when you experienced your most recent time of success. Because of this, it is easy to use what you have learned to get back on your feet even when you are in the midst of a low period. So remember, my friend, just because the Law of Undulation exists, it does not mean that you have to let it stop you from acquiring the success that is yours. ----THE IMPORTANCE OF THE EYES It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. This is true in many ways. Over the years, I have learned that a Master Don Juan can accomplish much just by effective use of the eyes. First off, my friend, you should learn that the eyes play a massive role in body language. Just by looking at the position of the eyes and eyebrows, anyone can interpret someone else's mood. However, what I am about to teach you goes beyond common knowledge. To begin with, the pupils in a woman's eyes will tell you much about her mood and interest. The pupils contract when she is seeing something that she has low interest in, and likewise, her pupils will dililate when she sees something that she is attracted to. This response is a reflex and cannot be controlled.

Once you understand the mechanics behind this response, I will tell you how to use it to your advantage. These techniques are useful in getting a general idea about her interest in general. Both of these techniques are meant to be used in order to guage her interest level prior to making your approach. What you must do is make eye contact and look into her eyes in order to check for pupil dililation. You must master the timing and duration for which to do this, because doing it for an insufficient ammount of time wil lcome across as timid and insecure, and doing it for too long will make her uncomfortable. If she begins to look uncomfortable, always be preparedto give her a big smile. The smile is a powerful reassuring agent, so it will be useful to prevent her from freaking out. Another way that the eyes can be used if you are not close enough to check her pupils is to make direct eye contact and hold it. Once she notices you, smile. If she smiles back, it is a good indicator, but do not mistake this for proof of definite attraction. In the event that she does smile, it would be an ideal time to make your approach. If she doesn't smile, or looks away, you had best forget her and keep on looking. The initial approach will make or break any potential relationships that you may later have with her, so it always pays to learn how to keep the odds in your favour. Remember, my friend, before you make your approach, look into her eyes. -----------------------HOW TO EFFECTIVELY USE KINO Kino (Short for kinesics: "the study of body movements, gestures, facial movements, etc. , as a means of communication" - [Websters College Dictionary] ) is one of the most powerful components of the Don Juan Philosophy. It is a prime catalyst that is is crucial in effective seduction, and it is used to help convey your sexual intentions in a subtle manner by using touch at the appropriate intervals and times . Kino is very powerful, and as such, it is best used sparingly in precisely the right moments or it is likely to do more harm than good. What you must remember above all else, my friend, is that the effectiveness of Kino depends on it's subtleness. If she knows that you are actively using kino with sexual intentions, then your kino was poorly executed. The reason why kino is so powerful is because many people are starved for human contact in our increasingly impersonal world. Because of this, KINO IS INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL TO THE AMMOUNT OF HUMAN TOUCH SHE RECEIVES ON A DAILY BASIS. In some countries, people are more accustomed to being closer together than in others, so in cases such as this, kino's effectiveness is diminished, but you will find that it is still quite potent nonetheless. On the opposite end of the spectrum, women in large American cities are literally starved in most instances for human contact, so in these situations, Kino is extremely powerful, so thus less is needed to initiate the response that you are attempting to evoke through the usage of kino. The way to properly execute kino is to do it so casually and naturally that she does not suspect anything, yet plainly enough so that she subconsciously acts on the sexual impulse conveyed by the touch.

Kino is best started as soon as you have an opportunity to execute it in such a way that it will appear to be stimulating, yet non-threatening. Kino must be performed with utmost confidence, or it will be wasted effort on your part. Kino must be applied directly; you cannot "accidentally" do kino, because kino that is interpreted as accidental is apt to be dismissed and it will not serve your interests. Kino is to be applied in non-sexual areas of the body, such as the hands, arms, shoulders, etc. This is because it must appear to be nonthreatening, so you must not apply kino to obviously sexual areas. In order to learn how to use kino, you need to know how to judge timing. Any time where you are close to her would be a good time to begin looking for an opportunity. Kino takes a variety of forms, some of which I will now explain to you. Keep in mind, my friend, that the form of kino to use is larely dependent on the current situation, so the appropriate form(s) must be chosen to best deal with the immediate situation at hand. -A good way to apply kino to the hands is to mention a particular ring that she is wearing. While you lift her hand towards you (appearing to be taking a closer look at the ring from the viewpoint of the casual observer) you should be running your fingers lightly across her palm. To maintain the subtleness, only one stroke of her palm is required. -A variation of the previous technique is to brush her hair aside with your hand to presumably check one of her earings. This is best used if she has no rings on her fingers, or in place of the first technique. You should not use these two together, because then it becomes suspicious. -When you are sitting down, make a reason to get up, and while you are doing so, nonchalantly run your hand across the top of her shoulders and back. Do it lightly, exerting no pressure, but heavy enough for her to feel. -To get her attention, touch her on the shoulder, and then run your fingers down her forearm to the elbow (but no lower than her elbow). These forms of kino are ones that I frequently use, so their effectiveness has been proven. These should be enough to get you started. As you start learning the basics of kino, you wil easily be able to come up with your own variations, but these should be enough to get you started. -------------------------TYPES OF WOMEN TO AVOID The prime reason why the Don Juan System is necessary is because in our modern era, women have become more manipulative and devious than they ever have before. I place the blame for this squarely on the shoulders of the feminists, who have encouraged women to act like this. The products of feminism are the goldiggers, Sunshine Girls, and attention whores. Both of these types of women have learned that they can scam the average man into doing things for them (for free) if they act a certain way. These women only serve their own interests and because of this, I

urge Don Juans to stay away from them, or else your life will quickly become a living hell. Since these women are so prevalent in modern society, a very prominent problem is how to sort them out from the decent women. The only to learn the true nature of a woman is to observe what she does, not what she says. GOLDDIGGERS This type of woman is very materialistic and is the typical highmaintenance girlfriend. the golddigger is very adept at convincing weakminded men to do things for her without ever doing anything for them in return. She uses sex as the proverbial "carrot on the stick"; it is her primary motivator. Golddiggers are attracted to men with money and power. These girls are essentially human parasites; they find one victim, drain his resources, and then move on to the next. women like this have no intention of committing to a relationship, that is, unless you still have a dollar to your name. They maintain control by using the classic "If you really love me, you will buy/do [something] for me." line. The way to detect a golddigger is to ask yourself if she when you buy or do something for her. Also, another red for is to ask yourself if she ever does anything for you something for her first. If you regularly end up buying it is probable that you have a golddigger on your hands. is happy only flag to look unless you do gifts for her,

The way to avoid goldiggers is to realize that they show their true nature right away. These are the kinds of women that want you to buy them drinks. (the fact that you don't even know them is irrelevant to the fact that they just want a free drink, and she has chosen you to be her next victim). When this happens, refuse to buy her a drink. Prevention is the cure in this case, for a goldigger will not get her hooks into you if you do not provide her an opportunity, my friend. SUNSHINE GIRLS Sunshine Girls are harder to spot because in order to detect them, you must have a firm understanding of how she socializes and interacts on a regular basis. This is because a Sunshine Girl is nothing more than a tease. This is the type of girl who is likely to flirt with anything of the male gender. The sunshine girl never flirts because of interest, she flirts just for the sake of flirting. It is for this reason, you should never take a girl's advances seriously until you have her phone number in your hands. The sunshine girl gets her pleasure by misleading men into infatuating over her, and in so doing boosting her insecure little ego. Sunshine girls are only happy when they have guys after them. This is the kind of woman that likes to have guys fight over her, and ends up going out with none of them. Even when a sunshine girl is in a relationship, she can never fully be trusted because she is most likely to cheat on the side while she is seeing you. The sunshine girl craves male attention above all else, so

there is a degree of overlap with the next category, the Attention Whore. ATTENTION WHORES The Attention Whore is the typical drama queen. These actively try to enter into relationships because they crave male attention above all else. Attention Whores are by far the most insecure and manipulative of all women. Attention Whores will throw tantrums and cry when you defy them. Attention Whores are most likely to be gameplayers, and to test every man that she sees for any hint of infidelity. This stems from her insecurity. The attention whore must always have the upper hand in the relationship in order to feel happy. This kind of girl will go to ridiculous lengths to get her own way, not caring how she humiliates others, herself, or you in the process. Attention whores are extremely vindictive and paranoid, and some even will attempt to stalk you because in their insecure little minds, they constantly suspect you of cheating on them. Attention Whores and Goldiggers tend to run together because they manipulate men is similar ways: the goldigger will continue to see a man as long as he has money, and the attention whore will continue to see a man as long as he gives her a steady supply of attention and fills her every whim. Goldiggers use their looks and body to get what they want, Attention Whores use their looks and tirades to get what they want. The best way to avoid Attention whores is to remain a challenge, and to keep her guessing about where she stands with you. When you do this, Attention whores will crack under the pressure and leave you for a true sucker. The Don Juan System equips us to avoid these types of women because they are unable to handle our superior power and knowledge. As we learn how to spot and thus avoid wasting our time with these women, we are left with the women that are worthy of our time. ---------------UNDERSTANDING BODY LANGUAGE Body language is an extremely useful thing to be aware of when you are about to make your approach. This is because in order for you to make an effective approach, you must know if she is receptive to you or not. Body language plays a key role in this because it lets you estimate her general interest level towards you when she notices you. I remind you, my friend, that body language is not meant to gauge her precise interest level; it only lets you know that there is an interest level to speak of. With this in mind, there are certain signals to watch for. These signals do not mean anything individually, but when you begin to receive several of them, it does indicate interest. I remind you again, these signals are not meant to convey to you her precise level of interest. It is only meant to give indication of any interest at all. With all that said, here are some very general signs to look for: -She looks at you with quick, darting glances

-She looks at you, then looks down, and then looks away -She looks at you, and then brushes her hair with her hand. This signal is likely to be the most common one that you receive. -She points her torso in your general direction. This indicates openness and receptiveness towards you. -She presents her wrists to you when she is talking to you. If the undersides of her wrists are turned outwards while her hands are at her sides, then this symbol is being demonstated. This symbol has ancient roots, and was often used as a symbol of trust in ancient times. It has been integrated into our culture down through the centuries and has been more or less assimilated into our culture today.

THE TECHNIQUE FOR SUMMONING A SURGE OF CONFIDENCE My friend, what you are about to learn is one of the newer techniques that I have learned how to use. I discovered its usage rather accidentally. Despite its recent discovery, this technique as I have come to realize it is by far the most powerful technique of its kind that I have ever seen to this day. By now, my friend, you should know that the true source of confidence comes from within. We generate it from within ourselves, and it sustains us for the challenges that we face every day. However, in order to make use of the confidence available to us, we must first pull it into our mindset and make it a part of us. Years ago, I tried to accomplish this through many ways. I tried to concentrate it and force it into my mindset through sheer willpower. While this is effective to some extent, it did not deliver exactly what I wanted. Whenever I did this, the confidence flowed into my mind slowly like a sluggish river. It was enough to sustain me, but not enough for what I truly wished to generate and use. I knew that confidence existed all around me in infinite quantity to be drawn upon; it needed only to be called into existence to be used. I have already stated earlier that confidence is by nature a mindset that comes and goes until you learn the ability to contain it permanently within you. It comes and goes with our various mood shifts, sort of like how the ocean tide flows in and out daily. However, the mindset is easier to acquire when we picture it as an intangible essence that is floating around us, just like the air that we breathe. The air around us is drifting, waiting to be consumed. It is easier to use confidence if you envision yourself to be immersed in it like you are in air. Just like air must be inhaled in order to be breathed, confidence must be drawn into us in order to be used. Since confidence is by nature an intangible mindset, it therefore exists in infinite quantity, and its potency is unable to be diminished. Therefore, there is no theoretical limit to how much confidence you can contain within your mind at one time. Coming to this realization on the spur of the moment, I have devised a way to gain an incredible flood of confidence. The secret to gaining more is how you draw upon it.

Before I discovered this technique, I was trying to forcefully pull the confidence into my mind so I could use it. However, since confidence is by nature infinite, it is without number or limit. Because of this, I was unable to forcefully measure a set quantity of confidence because I would be trying to grasp infinity. The human mind is unable to fully comprehend infinity for the sheer immensity of it. Because I was trying to forcefully pull the confidence into my mindset, I was only subtracting minuscule buckets from an endless ocean. In short, I was only able to grasp a fraction of what I could truly use. Upon this realization, I realized that since confidence can quickly leave your mindset, it could just as easily flow into it. THIS IS THE FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH: Rather than removing small quantities from the whole infinite quantity as I did before, I did the exact opposite: I LET THE WHOLE INFINITE QUANTITY FLOW INTO ME UNTIL I COULD CONTAIN NO MORE. When I had tried to actively summon confidence in the past, it always flowed in like a small river. When I opened myself fully to it, the confidence surged into me like a massive, huge waterfall. I was quickly filled to my limits within instants. I was permeated with confidence; I could feel it filling my whole consciousness with an incredible surge of energy, happiness, and boldness. I FELT LIKE I COULD DO **ABSOLUTELY** ANYTHING. This technique is so effective because you are opening yourself fully to the intangible supply of confidence around you. Rather than trying to physically draw it out in small quantities, it is by far easier and more effective to visualize the confidence of infinity flowing into you until you can contain no more without being overwhelmed. You can literally feel the rush and surge fill your body like a tidal wave. HOW TO USE THIS TECHNIQUE

Pook said, As you think, so you shall become. When I think of a massive waterfall of confidence pouring into me, I literally take on the confidence that I mentally envision. As long as I am mentally visualizing the waterfall of confidence pouring into me, I can LITERALLY feel the confidence continue to pour into my mind. Once I have reached my limit, I attempt to bring the confidence that I have generated into my current thoughts. In this way, you are able to utilize confidence and bring it into your mindset simply by concentrating.

HOW DO YOU DEVELOP THIS ABILITY? Through my experience, It had to be awakened within me by doing multiple, sequential acts where confidence is required. As I did more and more of these acts (such as approaches, or even something simple such as smiling and greeting people) it became easier and easier, and I started to feel more and more confident. Now prior to this, I already

had a high supply of confidence, but doing multiple actions that required confidence, I could feel my confidence supply start growing. I was able to be more confident than I had ever been before. Emboldened, I was determined to continue the process until I had become so confident through sequential experience that I could no longer contain the confidence flowing into me. It was at this point where I discovered how to do this technique. The best news of all is that once achieved initially, this technique is easier to do every time. The most difficult part is learning how to do it the first time. Once you have mastered it, then the confidence will always be ready to flow at your command. Like lesser levels of confidence, it can be stored within your mindset for permanent use. Confidence is stored only when you permanently develop a confident mindset that is absolutely unbreakable, for you will contain this confidence at all times. However, you cannot store this type of confidence permanently, although you can maintain it through considerable amounts of time. This is because in this case, we are dealing with confidence in its purist form. Because of this, you simply cannot contain it for extended lengths of time because it simply leaves you once the task that you created it for has been resolved. I assume that it is possible, given significant time and training, to be able to contain increasingly larger percentages of it alongside your conventional confidence. However, this more powerful surge of confidence also leaves your normal stored confidence feeling revitalized and empowered in some way that I have yet to understand. Perhaps once you realize how emotionally charged you can become with a surge of pure confidence, you may learn how to make more effective use of the confident mindset that you carry with you daily.

BEING PASSIONATE FOR LIFE One of the most important aspects personal fulfillment. This means, our goals (whatever those may be) about a shortage of women because of the entire Don Juan philosophy is my friend, that we are free to pursue and we have no reason to be concerned they come to us.

Since the Master Don Juan is therefore free to pursue his own interests, he should be passionate about life as a whole because there is truly nothing standing in his way. The Master does not need to worry about fears, insecurities, or any other character flaws. This is because he is consistently and steadily improving himself, so flaws are eliminated shortly after they become manifest. The Master Don Juan knows that life is fleeting. There is no guarantee that he will live to see tomorrow, so the Master Don Juan must always be prepared to live life to its fullest. Therefore, the Master knows that it is essential to become passionate about life, for what good is a life that is lived without passion? A passionless life is like the morning mist; it lingers for a short while, and is gone as if it had never existed. YOU CANNOT TRULY ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING IN LIFE UNLESS YOU ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT WHAT IT IS THAT YOU ARE TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH.

There are several keys to being passionate about life. I must credit my manager, David Madrid, for providing a motivational talk about passion because ultimately that talk helped me trigger insights about how passion can be applied to a Don Juan. I have used what he taught as a base, but I have adapted the teachings to be more relevant to our cause. KEY 1: BEING PASSIONATE ABOUT YOUR GOALS ATTRACTS WOMEN My friend, the essence of passion is doing what you enjoy doing merely for the pleasure it provides. Think of musicians that havent sold out. Musicians that enjoy playing for the love of the music are loved and respected by many because they are willing to sacrifice income they could have acquired by commercializing their work. Musicians are often willing to sacrifice fame and money in order to stay true to who they really are and what message their music delivers. Another situation where passion plays a major role is in the case of a painter or sculptor. Usually, artists are never paid to do their work, they are in it because it appeals to them and gives them a way to express themselves. Because their work is more or less a direct extension of their personality, the artist will not stop until their work is exactly the way they want it. This is why they are willing to spend their entire lives working on one project- it is an attempt at creating a legacy for themselves, and it is fueled by passion. So, how does this relate to a Don Juan? The answer to that question lies in the fact that the Master Don Juan knows that he has the potential to make a difference in the world. Rather than chase after the women with no specific goal in mind like many others have done, the Master decides to fulfill his dreams and let the women come to him. In the end, the women come to him in swarms. How is this so? Women are attracted to the Master when he is caught up in his work because they interpret that as a challenge. Women actively look for a challenge in a relationship because they unconsciously want to be kept guessing. Women want to have action and excitement, and in the case of a woman who has her sights set on the Master, her prime objective is to shift his attention from his work onto her. This is because, in a way, she is jealous of the attention and energy that he in investing into his project. She wants to partake of that attention, yet she would never be content with a part of the whole. She sees how much time and energy the master pours into his work, how it is detailed with perfection. She wants him to give that much attention to her. Before I go further, I must make you understand, my friend, that womens thoughts cannot be arranged and interpreted logically. The thoughts of a woman are a conflicting sea of emotions that actively clash with each other. The thought that takes precedence over the others happens to be the one that most closely matches the emotion that she is feeling at any given time. I bring this up because in a sense, the woman is trying to diminish the very same attribute that attracts her to a man: The principle of Challenge!

There is the conflicting paradox: Women want men to be a challenge to them, yet they also crave attention. If a man provided her with the attention that she craves, he would no longer be a challenge, and thus she would no longer be attracted to him. The way to remain a challenge is to always be passionate about what you are doing. As long as you constantly remain a challenge to a woman, she will have a high interest level in you. This is because you are stopping her from completing her primary objective: to get your undivided attention and affection. Always remember the deadly irony of this situation: You cannot truly give a woman what she wants because the two things that she wants are the exact opposite of each other. She craves attention, and she also craves the guy that limits the attention that he gives her. KEY 2: PASSION ENRICHES LIFE My Friend, Passion also provides you joy. While it attracts women to you through the form of challenge, it also gives you happiness. If you are actively doing something that you enjoy, you become self-actualized. You forget the concerns of your daily life and enter a mindset that brings you happiness. This reduces your level of stress and gives you a way to express your creative outlet. For me, writing this book is something that I do with passion. I feel that it is important for me to leave my legacy and to pass on my knowledge to others. Writing this book also allows me to learn more, as I must write to you everything that I know. In so doing, I often remember things that I had forgotten. Remember, My Friend, passion enriches your life. If you always are passionate about what you do, your benefits are twofold: It brings women to you, and it gives you yet another source of happiness. KEY 3: PASSION AS A MOTIVATOR Passion is also a prime motivator in life. For example, passion is what allows you as a Don Juan to remain diligent in the goals that you set for yourself. This is because without passion, it is extremely easy to lower your standards to mediocrity, and in so doing fail to accomplish your goal. YOU CAN ONLY ADVANCE IN LIFE WHEN YOU ARE SUFFICIENTLY MOTIVATED TO SEE YOUR GOALS THROUGH TO COMPLETION. PASSION IS THE CATALYST THAT CREATES AND MAINTAINS MOTIVATION. WITHOUT PASSION, YOU QUICKLY LOSE YOUR FOCUS AND THUS BECOME VULNERABLE TO LIFES DISTRACTIONS. WHEN YOU ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT YOUR GOALS, MY FRIEND, NOTHING WILL BE ABLE TO DISTRACT YOU BECAUSE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SEE BEYOND THE HERE AND THE NOW. WHILE OTHERS MAY BECOME OVERWHELMED BY DAY-TO-DAY LIFE, THE MASTER DON JUAN KNOWS THAT A REWARD OF SUCCESS AWAITS HIM ONLY IF HE IS ABLE TO STAY MOTIVATED LONG ENOUGH TO REACH IT. HE KNOWS THAT SOMETIMES LIFE GIVES YOU ONLY ONE SHOT TO SEIZE EVERYTHING THAT HE EVER WANTED, SO BECAUSE OF THIS, HE MUST ALWAYS BE READY TO CAPTURE IT.

A DON JUAN DESERVES RESPECT My Friend, one of the benefits that a Don Juan experiences is that people respect him everywhere he goes. This stems from the reason that he has respect for himself. He has this degree of self-respect because he knows that you must FIRST RESPECT YOURSELF IN ORDER FOR OTHERS TO RESPECT YOU. Self-respect is a major factor that ties in with being the Alpha male. There is a correlation because the alpha male of any group knows that in order to maintain his position, it is vital that other people respect him. He maintains his leadership status by reminding himself that he is destined to lead the group; it is simply how things are meant to be. Your level of Self-respect must be unshakable, for in order for it to be effective, you must believe it completely. You must believe in yourself no matter what. You must realize that you deserve the respect that others give you on a daily basis. You are a Don Juan, and as such, you are entitled to respect because in a way, you were destined to have it If this were not so, you would have gone through life as an AFC without ever learning how to use the power that is at your disposal. Selfrespect is your birthright, in a sense. I remind you again, my friend, that not all people have self-respect despite the fact that they deserve it as much as you do. People without self-respect are easy to spot, because they allow people to walk all over them. They are afraid to take the power that is theirs because they have convinced themselves that they are not worthy of it. These people have yet to realize that they must empower themselves or others will dominate them throughout their life. This is because people can generally placed into two categories: winners and losers. The prime difference between winners and losers is that winners have self-respect whereas losers do not. Winners will always be ready to make a stand in life and are always ready to tackle any obstacle. Losers, on the other hand, have no motivation or goals ahead of them because they see no value in themselves. Since they do not value themselves, others do not value them. Remember, my friend, if you have self-respect, you stand to gain everything in life. However, if you do not have self-respect, other people will steal your hopes and dreams from you throughout your life.

-HOW TO INFLUENCE PEOPLE One of the more advanced skills that a Master Don Juan gains is that of persuasion. This skill is insidious in its very nature because it is indeed possible to plant suggestions in someones mind and persuade them

to see your point of view. There are several parts to learning and mastering THE POWER OF PERSUASION. The Master successful something, confidence Don Juan knows that confidence plays a major role in persuasion. This is because in order to convince someone of you must be confident in it. People can sense your level of or doubt, and this impacts their decision accordingly.

This is because people are essentially conformists. It is a psychological fact that people will conform to something even if it contradicts their own judgment. Students of psychology learn about the Asch Study of Conformity. This experiment, first conducted in 1952, involved asking several people to compare a sample line and three other lines. The participants were then asked to decide which line was closest in size to the sample line. However, some of the participants were instructed beforehand to give the wrong answer when it was their turn to guess. These people were then instructed to give their answers before the rest of the participants did, thus starting a trend. Amazingly, all of the other participants that were not given special instructions also gave incorrect answers because the peer pressure was sufficient to override their own judgment. The participants began to wonder if they had misheard the directions. (They assumed that they had misunderstood what they were supposed to do with the lines because it seemed that everyone else had come to a different conclusion.) Because of this, the participants each began to question their own judgment and ended up giving the wrong answer to the question. The reason why I brought up the experiment was to demonstrate that people are not truly free thinkers. Many people allow others to plant suggestions in their mind. Since these people consider the possibility that the other person may know something that they do not, they often allow their opinions to be swayed because of conformity. There are many ways that we can use this to our advantage. Since people may conform to what we tell them, it is crucial that we use our skills of confidence to the other person so that they can see that we truly believe whatever it is that we are telling them. If we appear to doubt our own advice, people will not be as likely to be convinced. This is because people often assume that saying a statement with confidence must mean that it is true. If I say an obviously true statement such as the sky is blue, people will unanimously believe it because we all know it is true. However, if I say the sky is black to someone who is indoors, people will often go take a look to see if it is really night. In situations such as this, people are willing to buy into something if it might be true. This is because I was able to confidently make a false statement and make it appear as though I believed it. Even in this small example, I was able to persuade someone to buy into my logic to some extent because they felt compelled to go and check to see if what I said was true. IN THIS WAY, IT IS POSSIBLE TO PERSUADE SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING IF YOU ARE ABLE TO MAKE THEM CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITY THAT IT MIGHT BE TRUE. Another way that we are able to persuade someone to do something is through reassurance. In other words, make them feel as though you know what they are talking about. Empathy is a powerful tool because people

are more willing to do something if you see eye to eye with them. This is why people place more value on what their friends say than they do on what a stranger says. Empathy can be used in many diverse ways. Once you have people believing that you understand their logic, they will be more willing to trust you. (Their logic is that if someone thinks the same way that they do, then they must be trustworthy.) This is another way that conformity manifests itself. If you wish to nudge someones train of thought to where you want it to go, THEN YOU MUST GIVE THEM SUGGESTIONS, BUT AT THE SAME TIME ALWAYS MAKE IT LOOK AS THOUGH YOU UNDERSTAND WHY THEY FEEL THE WAY THEY DO. Remember my persuasion, maintaining we feel can friend, trust is the most important ingredient for building and confidence is the most important ingredient for it. This is because we seldom hesitate to trust those that relate to us.

HOW TO TELL WHEN THE RELATIONSHIP IS OVER The health and vitality of a relationship is summed up in a womans interest level. I must explain that interest level is essentially the fuse of the relationship: It is highest when the woman first meets you, and it is lowest when the relationship is about ready to end. The principle of being a challenge goes a long way in preserving a womans interest level. Being fun and unpredictable keeps a woman guessing about where she stands with her, and this serves to keep the relationship spontaneous and refreshing. The only flaw with being a challenge is that it cannot replace interest that has been lost. Every relationship ends when a womans interest level dips to a fraction of what it was to begin with. The relationship cannot be salvaged at this point, but it will be much easier on you, my friend, if you take control and kill the relationship before it pulls your confident mindset down with it. There are several things to look for that indicate low interest level in a woman. I must let you know that these are not definite proof of low interest level, but it is not good to see them in any situation. She does not appear happy to see you. She seems to withdraw herself from you. In other words, she is not eager to spend time with you. In a case of good interest level, she would drop what she was doing to spend time with you, because you have made yourself a rare commodity. The relationship gets tiresome and tedious, and she gets irritable with you easily. Remember a relationship should not be a chore to maintain; it should be pleasurable for both people involved.

She no longer takes time to look her best when you are around. If her interest level is high, she will go out of her way to look good for you.

In situations where the relationship cannot be salvaged, it is important that you break it off with class and dignity. It is important for you to speak your mind and let her know that this is the end of the line, but there is no need to be unnecessarily cruel and harsh about it. It just makes things worse and does not serve your interests. Be sure to let her know that you are able to see how the relationship is becoming mundane for both of you. In order to save a lot of inconvenience for both of you, you are going to have to break off the relationship now while you are still on relatively good terms. Emphasize the fact that you have seen that the relationship cannot be saved, so prolonging it would only mean postponing the inevitable. Release her from her commitment to you (if she still feels any), and be sure to let her know that there will be no getting back together. Make sure to emphasize the fact that the relationship is over and done with, and you expect her to start seeing other people now, and she should expect the same from you. This eliminates any traces of bad feeling and attachment that might carry over from the relationship. Once the relationship has been terminated, my friend, be sure to remove any vestiges of regret from your mindset. It is all over and done with, so it is best not to dwell on it. Many AFCs still feel attachment after the relationship is abruptly terminated (usually by the woman). This is because they are oblivious to the signs of the eminent doom of the relationship, so they continue on while blindly assuming that all is well. This is dangerous for them because when the end does come, it comes as a shock, and it often leaves its mark on them for years to come. In this way, AFCs never get to actively dissolve their feelings, so they always want to pick up where they left off with the same woman. Even if they do manage to get back together with the same woman, they are only setting themselves up for another sudden end. This is why it is best to simply move on once a relationship is broken. Remember, my friend, you still have your knowledge and your skills, so it will be no problem for you to find another woman if you so choose. Because of this, you should be able to end and permanently resolve a relationship without ever feeling and regret or remorse.

THE PURPOSE OF THE DON JUAN SYSTEM The Don Juan System is designed to give men a strategy in the dating situation. Quite often, men are uninformed of the true nature of things, and are thus at a disadvantage. By equipping my fellow men with Knowledge, the most powerful advantage of all, I hope to help resolve the problem.

Increasingly in our society, women are becoming more and more manipulative and deceitful. They frequently use men for their own gains, and I do not think it should remain like that. While I cannot change the actions of such women, I can do something even better: I can provide men with a means to find and keep quality women in todays society. This is accomplished through self-improvement. When men isolate and eradicate their flaws, they feel better about themselves. What this does in the long run is make them more powerful, outgoing, and confident. When they achieve this level, they cannot help but attract more women. YOU ARE THE PRIZE One of the main things that separates us from other men is that we consider ourselves to be the prizes to be sought after. Now, this is radically different from how many other men think of the women as the prize that they have to appeal to. In this way, the men make the error of placing a woman on a pedestal. Now, once a man has a woman on a pedestal, she is basically his idol. She is all he ever thinks about, he overlooks her flaws, and he places her needs above his. The philosophy of placing a woman on a pedestal is fundamentally wrong because you are robbing yourself of confidence, and you are unable to be a challenge if you are infatuated. A man that has a woman on a pedestal will do anything for her. Because of this, the woman gets tired of him quickly because he is boring and predictable. She wants a man, not a slave. Because of this, it is important to maintain the idea that YOU are the prize. She has to get YOUR attention and EARN YOUR favour. She must appeal to YOU and YOUR standards, not the other way around. Having this mentality helps ensure several things. First of all, it helps you to remain a challenge by making you a rare commodity. This is because she must work to earn your attention, so this helps make you mysterious and challenging. Since you are the prize, my friend, you must also learn that you must make it appear that your time is limited, and is thus a rare commodity. Because of this, you should by all means invest time into whatever hobby makes you happy. She must compete for your time. The point of this philosophy is simple, my friend. It serves to help keep her off of a pedestal in the fact that you place your interests above hers. You are your own man, and you are under no obligations, so you should foremost attend to your own interests using your free time because the challenge it creates will continue to work to your advantage. THE POWER OF MASCULINITY Masculinity is a critical attribute that a Don Juan needs to understand and embrace. This is because as men, we have many primal attributes that are of considerable benefit to us.

As Pook explains in his Be a man! article, masculinity is a trait that men must learn to embrace, not avoid. In todays society, it would appear that true masculinity has been diminished due to social pressures (I speak of influences by the feminists, the political correctness movement, etc.). However, what many men might not realize is that masculinity cannot be diminished or stopped because it is beyond the reach of those who wish to destroy it. By this, my friend, I mean that the impulses and mindset that define masculinity are embedded in the human genetic code. There are many instances that help support my theory, such as how men are naturally aggressive, competitive, and constantly strive to conquer. A man never has to learn these attributes, they are always present in the masculine mindset.

-------WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE FRIENDS ZONE As a Don Juan, you should know that our strategy is to be mysterious and unpredictable by being a challenge. Our system also requires that we approach in a direct and confident manner, with no hesitation or regret. It is this way for a reason. Our system allows you to stay one step ahead of the women that you are interested in. It gives you the advantage in every situation possible, and when followed, our system may well end up saving you on more than one occasion. In short, the Don Juan System is designed to keep you out of the friends-zone. The friends-zone is where the Don Juan finds himself when the woman does not have any interest in him, yet keeps him around as a friend. However, a Don Juan who has fallen into the friends zone is not even truly a friend to the woman who put him there. Rather, a Don Juan in the friends zone is a tool for the woman to use. She will drain his resources, use him to boost her ego, and use him in all other ways completely for her own benefit. Even to the untrained observer, it is obvious that such actions more resemble those of a parasite than that of a true friend. Also, many Don Juans make the assumption that once a woman has placed you in the friends zone, you can use her as social proof. This is also false. I remind you again, a woman who considers you to be her friend is only interested in what you could do for her. With that said, it is nearly impossible for a Don Juan to be successful when she is around, for she will go to any lengths to keep him from being successful with any other woman. Again, her goals are entirely self-serving. First off, she realizes that if you find a new woman, then you will no longer have any interest in the one that you are just friends with. (For this is how she will try to manipulate you she will tell you that if you do things for her, there may be a change that you can get with her later.)

If you are busy with a new woman, my friend, then the other one will have no one to do things for her. Because of that, she will try to get in the way of your success. Many Don Juans wonder if it is possible to get out of the friends zone once they are in it. This is also another lie. Once a woman has placed you in the friends zone, then as far as she is concerned, you are there for eternity. Nothing you can do will get you out, so it is pointless to try and get out, for her goal is for you to try and get out by doing things for her in an attempt to win back her favour. The weapon of choice in situations like this is indifference. Once you are in the friends zone, it is better to think of it as being free from all commitment to your previous woman. You are free to see other women, and there is nothing that your Ex can do about it, as long as you completely leave her out of the picture. In this way, my friend, you can completely turn the tables on the women that you are just friends with by simply ignoring them and breaking off all contact with them.

THE POWER OF YOUR MINDSET From my own experiences, I have come to realize that nearly every aspect of life can be more or less dependent on the mindset that we create for ourselves. Our confidence, our attitudes, and virtually all of the psychological attributes that make us human can be changed or altered if we learn how to control and master our mindset. My view on the Don Juan system is that it is made up of a series of mindset that learning Don Juan must understand and master through the skill of self-improvement. Once this has been accomplished, emotions can be controlled, and your mindset will be one of unshakable confidence. Many people are not fully able to control their thoughts and mindset, mainly because they believe that they lack the control. This is false. I have found that everything within the human mindset can be changed and shaped into whatever you wish it to be. The mindset can be shaped by simply forcing yourself to follow a path or set goal, regardless of what it may be. If you refuse to deviate from the plans that you have set for yourself, then you will be able to take complete control and become master over your mind instead of allowing yourself to become its servant. This may be difficult at first, but just like any habit, gaining control over your mind becomes easier over time. With control over your mind comes control over actions, for it is your mind that determines your actions. This can be applied to life in many ways, my friend. The Master Don Juan can easily set goals for himself and just as easily keep them, even in the face of distraction. This is because he has mastered complete mental control. Distractions mean nothing to the Master Don Juan; he knows that he can regard them later after the business at hand is complete. The

master has perfected the art of discipline, and with time and training, so can anyone else. With time and training, my friend, complete control over your mindset can be yours.

PATIENCE IS CONTROLLING YOUR EAGERNESS, AND MORE Pook has for a long while said that patience is controlling your eagerness. He is right for the most part, but what Pook failed to mention is that patience goes beyond that. As an accomplished Don Juan, I have long since known that I deserve the best women available, so I am not interested in dating any woman unless she is up to my high standards and expectations. If there are no women around that I have interest in, I simply pass them by and wait until I find one that meets my expectations. Many Don Juans may disagree with me here, insisting that the plan should be to get as many women as possible, yet I do not consider that to be my objective. I instead only focus my attention on the best women available, because I simply know that I have what it takes to get the most beautiful women available, so in that case, why sell myself short by taking what I could get at any given time? Let other men take the rest, I am only interested in the best. In this way, the Don Juan should know that the best way to discover the best is to separate them from the rest. The way that I prefer to do this is to date several women at once initially, but as time goes on, I stop seeing the women that are not exactly what I want. I continue doing this until only the best one from the original group is left. Many people would consider me to be devious and amoral for using this plan, but I beg to differ. First of all, how could you expect the man to find the best woman available if he limits himself to dating one at a time? In that example, if the woman that the man is seeing does not work out, then the man is right back where he started with nothing to show for his efforts. I have found that PATIENCE IS ACTUALLY THE WISDOM OF CONTROLLING YOUR EAGERNESS TO SETTLE FOR THE FIRST WOMAN THAT YOU SEE. This is why the master Don Juan never becomes exclusive right away. To do so would blind him to the other women that he readily has at his disposal. The Master Don Juan always has quality women available, so remember, there is no good reason to settle for the first one that you see.


Many newer Don Juans lament the fact that their level of confidence rises and falls seemingly at random. This is because they allow their mindset to be swayed and affected by the events in their lives. What many people never realize is that it is possible to store confidence within yourself so you will have a perpetual supply at your disposal. The secret behind this knowledge is that you must condition yourself to have a confident mindset. This can be done through a gradual process. When you summon a surge of confidence, you must attempt to focus it in your mind and try to hold onto it for as long as possible. It does require a considerable amount of concentration, but theoretically, there is no limit as to how long you could contain confidence in this way. As you become more experienced in the technique, you are able to hold the mindset of confidence longer and with less concentration. When your control is all but perfected, you will be able to maintain the mindset subconsciously, yet the benefits will be entirely at your disposal. In this way, you have in a sense conditioned yourself to have a confident attitude at all times. However, your will must be unbreakable in order for this method to work. You must be able to maintain the mindset for long periods of time during the conditioning process, and you must be able to compensate for distractions. This technique takes more time and energy to learn and master, but I do believe that it provides a more thorough understanding of confidence in the long run. This is because it becomes natural. In other words, you are adding the very essence of confidence to your personality itself. Since confidence has thus become a part of you, it will appear to be a natural attribute that you possess. You will know that you have mastered the concept when you are consistently finding that you have a confident attitude in all things. You will know that you will do well in everything, for that is simply how it is meant to be. Nothing will be able to shake you from your state of confidence; your mindset will be practically invincible. My friend, I urge you to learn this concept to its fullest extent because then, all of the obstacles of life will be made less challenging once you have the confidence to rise and challenge them. Confidence is the chief attribute of the Don Juan system. Once you have learned it and mastered it, you have thus mastered much of what it means to be a Don Juan.

THE PRINCIPLE OF PROJECTION This technique is useful to the Don Juan that is caught in a situation of adversity. The technique, which also has been described as personal magnetism involves the usage of thoughts to help convince the other party to do something or feel a certain way. This technique was first revealed to me by William Walker Atkinson, in his description of practical mental influence. In the original texts by the same individual, the technique has been associated with mysticism and the like, but I have come to understand it without having to become involved with such things. Since my understanding of the technique differs widely from how the technique is originally presented by Atkinson, I have thus taken the liberty of renaming my version of the technique to THE PRINCIPLE OF PROJECTION.

After contemplating the technique, I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing psychic or mystical about it. Rather, confidence and body language rather than mysticism fuel the technique. In other words, while the original technique teaches the theory of so-called thought waves, I have arrived at the conclusion that these thought waves are nothing more than confidence and a strong will conveyed through body language. Let me explain further, my friend. The article explains that Napoleon and Julius Caesar were both able to change the minds and loyalties of others through the use of the technique. History teaches that both of these individuals were very charismatic figures. Both were in positions of power. This emphasizes my claim that in order to influence the minds of others, you must first master the control of your own mind. So, how does all of this relate to the Don Juan? The modern victorious than force can defeat a conflict Don Juan is able to use the principle of projection to emerge in the face of adversity. Rule through fear of force rather itself. If you are able to convince your adversaries that you them through your attitude alone, then it is possible to win without ever coming to blows.

This power works by combining the alpha-male principle with the principle of confidence. With this in mind, you must know that in order to influence others, you must have utter conviction of your own leadership abilities. You must FEEL like you are in control, because if you fail to convince yourself, then how could you possibly expect to convince others? The way that A Don Juan deals with adversity is to stand firm and hold his ground. If you can stand firm in the face of overwhelming odds, then your opposition may wonder why you are so confidentperhaps he may reason that there is more to you than what meets the eye. The Master Don Juan is able to sway the opinions and feelings of people through a variety of subtle ways. Shakespeare provides and excellent demonstration of this in Mark Antonys speech from the play Julius Caesar. In the play, the crowd was in favor of Brutus for killing Caesar. Antony was able to convince the crowd that Brutus was in the wrong without turning the crowd against him [Antony]. Antony agreed that Brutus was honorable for killing Caesar for supposedly being too ambitious. However, while Antony revealed all of the good things that Caesar did for Rome, he claimed that Brutus said that Caesar was too ambitious, and that Brutus was an honorable man. In this way, Antony was able to bring the pro-Brutus crowd under his control. This can be applied to the Don Juan in a variety of ways. In order to solve a dispute, it is important to make the other party know that you are on their level, and that you are not judging and condemning them, but you must be allowed to present your views. Also Demonstrated in Mark Antonys speech is the fact that Antony assured the crowd that he was not manipulating them or was a great orator; he was just telling them what he knew about Caesars virtues. This tactic helps to lower the defenses that a closed-minded adversary may fashion against you. This argument helps to create the false impression that you are taking a neutral stance, while all the while you are planting suggestions behind the scenes. In this way, you can

possibly convince an adversary to see your point of view without him ever realizing what you are doing. The Master Don Juan possesses a very complete understanding of human nature, for he realizes that it is by far easier and more effective to prevent a conflict than to actively engage in one. He is able to use words as well as force to present his views effectively. In this way, you should learn to never back down, but keep in mind that there are always alternatives to fighting.

CREATING THE AURA OF CONFIDENCE The Master Don Juan is surrounded by an intangible field of confidence and authority that is easily apparent to others wherever he goes. This is because the master knows that he has the upper hand, and because of that, he feels confident and good about himself. Like the master, you can create this aura (for lack of a better word) by enjoying all of the little things that life has to offer. This is because it is the small things that truly matter. I have found that it is best to think of all the small things in life as if they are there solely for your benefit. When you feel this way, you will be charged and energized, and you will have an unstoppable quality about you that will seem to radiate outward from you. As long as you feel good about yourself and about your high level of confidence, then you will be less vulnerable to the trivial attacks in life that hinder other people. In this way, your aura of confidence is like a personal shield on which the setbacks in life splash and are deflected to one side. In this way, you can withstand many obstacles without ill effect. To an unprepared individual, these obstacles are like arrows shot at point-blank rangethey are very damaging unless you can deflect them. They damage the unprepared individual by distracting him from his goal of becoming a master Don Juan. At other times, they take the form of rejections that rob the unprepared Don Juan of his confidence. As long as you feel good about yourself and believe it completely, no attacks and setbacks will have any effect on you. It is a shield that both attracts and deflects; in addition to deflecting attacks, it attracts women to you, for they like men who are confident even in the face of great adversity. Because of this, my friend, it is vital that you have an invincible aura of confidence around you so you can be prepared for whatever life has to throw at you.

THE EMOTION OF LOVE Many Don Juans wonder whether or not the emotion of love is against what it means to be a Don Juan. They feel as if they should not allow

themselves to ever fall in love, because they feel that with love comes blind infatuation. While I do agree that it is bad to feel infatuation, I beg to differ on the point that love is in itself a bad thing. The Greeks have said, Everything in moderation.. In other words, everything is permissible as long as it is not done in excess, including the ability to feel the emotion of love. What is important is not to overdo it. My philosophy on the subject is that it is okay to fall in love, but only later in the relationship. This is because if done too early, love leads to infatuation, and that in turn leads to ruin. It is important then, to distance yourself from love early in the relationship. I should also remind you that distancing yourself from love does not mean distancing yourself from human decency. The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. The mindset a Don Juan should have early in the relationship is that there are plenty of women around, so there is no reason to become too attached to any woman in the immediate future. The Don Juans chief concern should be that of his own well being, and with that in mind, it is important that he learn how to keep from being blinded to reality by feeling love too early. The path a Don Juan should walk early in the relationship is one of no commitment. In other words, you should realize that you are under no obligation to continue seeing a woman unless you want to. Therefore, you are under no commitment to be exclusive, so it is wise to keep your other possibilities available. Like I have said, you are the prize to be sought after. The woman must live up to your standards, else you will find one that does elsewhere. If you feel this way early on in the relationship, my friend, then you should be quite well protected from the danger of falling too deeply in love too quickly. With that said, then how should a Don Juan fall in love? The plan according to my design is that the Don Juan should gradually open himself to love months or even years into the relationship. For in the end, every man should choose one woman, but the trick is to find the best one available. This is the purpose of the Don Juan System. Once you have found the best woman available according to your standards, and are married, then the Don Juan system has mostly served its purpose in your destiny. However, I must add that even after years of marriage, it is advisable to continue to be a challenge. For it is challenge, not communication, that keeps a relationship (and later marriage) fresh and vibrant. Getting back to the matter at hand, my friend, the woman should grow on you over time. As that happens, you should begin to allow yourself to feel love, for this instance would be the proper time and place for it. -----THE QUEST FOR THE GOLDEN CUP Many years ago, there was a man that lived in a place very far away. He had many of the opportunities that you or I experience, such as money, education, and many other valuable possessions. However, he was not happy.

He lamented the fact that for all his resources, he had no women in his life. The only women that he was able to attract were manipulative, cruel hussies that whispered love and affection into his ear on one side while her hands were busy in his pockets on the other side. One day, a traveler came by the mans house. The traveler was invited in, and after a meal, the man asked the traveler who he was and from where he came. The traveler told the man that he was a knight on a mission for the king of the land. The king had ordered him to travel the land in search for a magical golden cup that was reputed to bring vast quantities of wisdom to whoever drank from it. A very persistent legend foretold that only a small number of men would ever be able to retrieve the cup, although great many had tried in the past. The cup was reputed to be kept within a castle made of pure silver and crystal on the other side of a dark, treacherous forest. Many people have entered the forest in search of the cup, but no one has ever emerged from it. It has been said that they either turned back, or were never seen again. The knight then went on to explain that many knights throughout the land had vowed to reclaim the golden cup for the king. Since the king was a generous man, he extended the opportunity to join the quest for the cup to every man in the kingdom. Most turned down the offer out of fear or indifference, content to resume their daily lives without ever having to change. After hearing this, the man volunteered to join the knight on his quest. After packing provisions, they both left in the morning. The road to the forest was easy to find, for it was well traveled by many that had walked it in the past. There were a multitude of footprints that went both ways on the path, indicating that many had turned back after reaching the forest. Soon, the man and the knight arrived at the forest. It was a dark, wild tangle of twisted trees and thorny brambles. Large, unseen creatures lurked in the underbrush, growling hungrily over the bones of previous travelers. The knight cautioned the man that the road was exceedingly dangerous for a man without a weapon. The knight reached into his pack and drew out a beautiful sword made out of what appeared to be diamond. The sword threw gleaming rays of reflected light onto everything in the shadowy forest. The knight went on to explain that the sword would guarantee safe passage through the forest, but the magic would only work if the user placed his complete trust in the sword, no matter what. The man looked doubtful. What good was one sword against so many enemies? However, the knight told him to swallow his fear and begin walking along the path, for it was the only route through the forest and to the castle where the golden cup waited. The man drew the diamond sword, and held it out in front of him. As he held it, he began to feel an incredible surge of confidence flowing into him. It was small compared to what he would later experience, but after feeling no confidence at all for most of his life, a little bit seemed like a lot. He walked forward a couple of paces, and paused. The feeling

grew stronger. He then took a step backward. The feeling of confidence seemed to wane slightly. The man discovered that the feeling of confidence intensified as long as he was progressing along the path. As he entered the shadows of the forest with the knight behind him, the man saw a huge shaggy lion run out into the path in front of him. The lion snarled and began walking towards the man. The knight told the terrified man that this lion would always try to scare people out of the forest and into the open grassland around it. The lion would then hide in the tall grass, and pounce on the fleeing traveler while he ran. The knight explained that the only way to defeat the lion was to keep on moving forward along the path. While the knight was talking, the diamond sword began flashing brightly in the mans hand, sending rainbow light everywhere. The man walked towards the lion. As the gap grew smaller and smaller, the lion drew itself up to its full size, and began roaring. Encouraged by the knight, the man walked until he was standing right in front of the lion. The man then used the flat side of his diamond sword to swat the lion on the thigh. What happened next was totally unexpected. The lion gave one last angry roar, seemed to shrink in stature, and then stalked away into the undergrowth. The path was clear. The knight was suddenly right behind the man. The knight congratulated the man on beating the first challenge. The man then exclaimed that he felt different because he chose to make a stand instead of running in the face of adversity. What seemed terrifying had only turned out to be harmless. Emboldened now, the man and the knight hurried along the path.

After walking in high spirits for hours, the man and the knight stood on the edge of a dark, dismal swamp in the depths of the forest. The knight explained that the forest in this section was full of safe high ground and treacherous low-lying swamps. The knight warned that the only way to safely cross the swamp would be to stay out of the black oily water and to hop across on rocks and logs. The pair gingerly started across the thick vines low enough to grab. They the man slipped and tumbled into the slipped from his hands and landed in sticking up. swamp, sometimes swinging across on were progressing along nicely when murky water. The diamond sword the water point-down with the hilt

The man was frightened. The water was dark and cold as stinging ice and he cold feel himself sinking. Despair and fear rose up in him. He began to notice that the sword had fallen from his hands. The water began bubbling, and the man noticed that the muddy skeletons were bobbing to the surfacethe remains of those that had fallen into the swamp. The skeletons did not move, but began to drift closer to the man, their grinning skulls bobbing back and forth on the water. The man struggled to walk in the sticky murk, but the suction force of the bog prevented him from even moving.

The knight told him that his only chance of survival was to grab something and pull himself out. The man looked around for something to grab, but there was nothing to grab except for the log that he had fallen off of. He tried to grab onto the side with his fingers, but the part he was holding onto only broke off in his hand. Remembering the diamond sword, the man grabbed it. As soon as his fingers closed around the hilt, he felt the confidence flooding back into him. He seemed to be suddenly imbued with endurance and superhuman strength. Even as his fear and fatigue melted away, he pulled the sword free of the swamp and plunged the razor sharp tip into the rotten log. The sword sank in deep, and the man was able to pull himself out of the murky water even as the skeletons sank again as quickly as they had appeared. The man noticed that he was not even tired. If anything, he felt stronger than ever. The diamond sword sent a brilliant ray of light into the water, and the man noticed that the skeletons had bobbed to the surface again, but only this time they appeared to be floating in a straight line all the way to the other side of the swamp. The man tried stepping onto one of the bare rounded skulls. It did not sink under his weight. Amazed, he began to cross the swamp using the skulls as stepping-stones. Once he was across, something amazing happened. The swamp began to drain until it was dry ground. Then grass appeared and grew across the former swamp in a lush green carpet, but left the path untouched. Future travelers would be able to cross on dry ground instead of braving the perils of the swamp. After walking for several more hours, the man and the knight came to a lush clearing in the dark forest. The path became less distinct here, almost obliterated in a sea of grass. Suddenly, the man became very hot. The sun shone down mercilessly in the clearing, and it was a major change after the cold depths of the dark forest. The sword suddenly seemed very heavy. The man let it fall from his hands in a daze and sank to the warm grass in exhaustion. The man became dimly aware that he was lying next to a small stream. The water was crystal clear and seemed to beckon invitingly to the man. The man suddenly noticed a burning thirst, and reached for the water in the stream. The knight suddenly stepped in front of the man and stopped him from drinking the water. The knight seemed to see something that the man could not, so the man picked up the sword again. The air around the stream shivered, and the man was suddenly able to see things that he was not entirely sure how he had overlooked in the first place. There were many people asleep next to the stream. Many looked as if they had been asleep for years; some had beards that had grown as to completely cover their faces. The man nudged one of the sleeping men, but the sleeper only groaned and sank into an even deeper sleep. The knight told the man that the sleeping individuals were those who had come through the forest in their quest for the golden cup. Overcome by heat and thirst in the clearing, they stopped to drink the water from the stream. Once they have tasted the water, they then became lazy and

apathetic. They eventually fall into a deep sleep from which they never awaken. The knight had saved the man from unwittingly suffering the same fate. In this way, many previous travelers had tasted the water and abandoned the quest in their laziness. Finally, the man and the knight reached the other side of the forest. The castle loomed ahead of them; its silver and crystal sides glimmering in the light. As the man walked along, they saw a brilliant flash of gold from deep within the castle. The Man and the Knight arrived at the main gate. The gate was barred shut, and it was made out of transparent white crystal. There was an inscription over the gate: Only those who possess confidence will be allowed to drink from the golden cup. As soon as the man had finished reading the inscription, he noticed a sort of keyhole in the door. He had no key, but his sword did look as though it could be inserted into the door. The man strode forward and thrust the glittering diamond sword into the keyhole. The door shuddered, and then seemed to be covered with tiny cracks. There was a cracking sound, and the door disintegrated into dust even as the sword clattered to the ground in the now open doorway. The castle seemed to focus the sunlight into a single brilliant shaft that shone upon the golden cup. As the man walked up to where it was placed, he could see that it was full of water. As the man reached out to claim the cup, an invisible barrier blocked his way. Puzzled, he gripped the diamond sword tighter, but the barrier would not move. The knight was suddenly behind him. The knight explained that the sword is only a tool. The one who possesses the sword is expected to outgrow the need for it. The knight explained that the diamond sword is a symbol of confidence. However, confidence is not truly derived from a tool. The knight went on to explain that confidence comes from your own mindset. The purpose of the sword was to make the man feel confident, so once that has been done, there is no longer any use for the sword. The man nodded and handed the sword back to the knight. As soon as the man let go of the sword, a brilliant ray shot out of it and touched the cup even as the sword broke into glittering fragments. The man did not seem bothered by the loss of the magic sword, because he knew that he had learned how to be confident from it. He reached for the golden cup, and it was suddenly in his hand. He drank deeply from it, and the castle began to shimmer and billow like mist. The man blinked. He was back in his own home, but something had changed. He was now thinking differently than he ever had before. He no longer worried about getting women, for now he knew that they would come to him. He instead decided to use the energy that he had prior wasted on chasing women to fulfill his own needs and desires. The cup told him that the way to success with women is to not worry about finding a woman. The way to success is to follow your dreams, and while you are doing that, the entire world will come to you.


[ AFC ] Abbreviated form of Average Frustrated Chump. This is man in his natural state, where he is confused and ignorant as to how to really be successful with women. At some point in life, every man has been an AFC. The good news is that AFCs can learn and improve themselves, and in so doing cease to be AFCs and in turn become DON JUANS. [ Don Juan ] A Don Juan is a former AFC that has learned the truth about how to be successful with women. Don Juans are each at various stages of progression, with their goal being that of the Master Don Juan. [ Master Don Juan ] The Master Don Juan is a Don Juan who has reached the final stage of enlightenment. The master knows the secret that the way to be successful with woman is to be fully occupied in building your life and shaping your dreams. Women crave the attention that you give to your goals, and they will come to you hoping to get in on that attention. [The Don Juan System] The Don Juan System is the plan or strategy that Don Juans follow. The system is built around three pillars: CONFIDENCE, CHALLENGE, and ATTITUDE. [Confidence] The first of the Don Juan Pillars is that of confidence. Confidence is simply being sure in yourself and your abilities. There are many ways to use confidence. [ Challenge ] Don Juans know that in order to keep women, you must be a challenge to them. The prime function of challenge is to make the woman wonder where she stands with you. [ Attitude] What I like to call the I am the prize mentality. The purpose of this is to help prevent you from making the mistake of placing the woman on a pedestal. [Speed Seduction ] A different strategy than what mainstream Don Juans follow. Speed seduction involves the use of Patterns 9certain phrases designed to trigger a certain emotional response in women.) Like the name suggests, Speed Seduction is designed to provide the Don Juan with an accelerated path to intimacy rather than building a relationship. [NLP] Short for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. NLP is used by the Don Juan to help program his mindset and the mindsets of others around him. Somewhat

similar to Speed Seduction, it is useful to help trigger a certain type of response in women and others. [Body Language] The meanings that we as humans have applied to certain gestures and expressions. It is a universal, unspoken language that is consistent on a cross-cultural basis for the most part. A Trained Don Juan can interpret the body language of others to help get an idea about their thoughts and emotions. [Closing] The action of getting the home phone number.

THE IDEAL CLOSING ATTITUDE In order to be a successful Don Juan, my friend, you must master the art of knowing how to close properly. The central idea of the concept is that you must approach with utmost confidence and naturalness. This is because a Don Juan must be able to blend into the world around him despite his superior skills and abilities. The ability to blend into the world around you develops as you learn how to control your eagerness and desperation. This is because women are easily able to detect desperation during an approach, so your only defense from this is to learn how to control your eagerness and desperation. When you approach, failure should not be on your mind at all. Rather, you must believe that you are going to get the womans number, for you know that you have what it takes to do so. A Don Juan pays no mind to rejection, for it is of no concern to him. Rejection is the oppressor of the AFC; the Master Don Juan has long since surpassed the hold that the fear of rejection once had over him. Also, in the event that you are feeling nervous about the approach, my friend, try to visualize it like this: What you are feeling is merely excitement. Any woman that makes you feel this way is definitely worth meeting. Thus, you should learn to associate this feeling with positive excitement instead of negative fear. There is also a degree of detachment that is crucial to learn and master during the approach. This is the key to defeating desperation. A desperate AFC rushes in and lets his fear of negative possibilities rob him of confidence. This is because the AFC cannot stop over-visualizing the woman. This is because AFCs place women up on pedestals, and because of this, the woman is regarded as transcendent and unapproachable in the mind of the AFC. What the AFC does not realize is that there is no viable reason to feel fear or insecurity other than the reasons that he sets for himself as to why he cannot do it. The AFC buys into the hesitation that he feels, and because of this, success forever eludes him. The Master Don Juan, on the other hand, knows that there is nothing special about this woman than there is from any other, so no special treatment is needed. The hesitation that the Master also feels is

something that he pays no mind to, lead him down the wrong path if he Juan knows that hesitation is your Only then will he be able to reach success.

for he knows that it will forever attempts to follow it. The master Don enemy, so you should pay it no mind. his full potential and truly grasp

In fact, it is not necessary to even differentiate this woman from people that he is comfortable talking with. In this way, the master Don Juan is able to easily approach a woman whom he has never met before by merely placing her on the same level as himself and his long-time acquaintances. Once you learn to take the unnecessary fear out of the equation, you will learn, my friend, that talking to a new woman is no different than talking to anyone else. THE PURPOSE OF NEG-HITTING Neghitting is the best tool in a Don Juans arsenal for dealing with women that make the approach difficult. Women frequently employ a defense mechanism that is meant to boost their egos and weed out any AFCs that dare to make the approach. This causes them to place themselves on a pedestal above everyone else. In order for you to gain any ground under these circumstances, my friend, you must learn how to knock her off of the pedestal that she has placed herself upon. I must reveal at this point that women that act snobbish to men while out with their friends are not necessarily snobbish by nature. They only act like that to deter men that fall for their ploy. To deal with such behavior, the Don Juan system has an aspect known as neghitting. Neghitting is specifically designed to put rude women in their place. I cannot overstate that neghitting should be used ONLY on rude, snobbish women in order to bring them down to size. If you try to use it on a woman that is outgoing and receptive, then I guarantee that you will do more harm than good. Neghitting is used to throw her off guard when she is in defensive mode. This is because her defenses are designed to test men to see if they will stand up to her, or back down. Thus, her defenses are only a test, and the way to pass it is not back down if she gives you a hard time during the approach. Neghitting can be done in a variety of ways, and for virtually any test that the woman can come up with. It can be used, for example, to subvert those women that want men to buy them drinks. If she wants you to get her a drink, for instance, you should be delighted to get her a glass of water just to prove that you are not going to fall for her games. In verbal discussions, you can subvert her defenses by dropping a creative insult on her. Now, this works only when done in a joking manner with obvious humor. In other words, you must not be serious while doing verbal neg-hits. Neg-hits must be creatively devised on the spur of the moment, or else they are no good. I have found that it is easier to neg-hit when I sort of mentally withdraw from the situation at hand and sort of let my Don Juan personality speak for me. A Don Juan is naturally cocky and funny, so it is easier to simply relax and let it flow. In this way, my friend, neg-hitting is a valuable tool to learn and master because it allows you to catch women off guard and to gain the upper hand in conversations.

THE IDEAL WINGMAN In order to be successful in a club or bar environment, you will need to have competent wingmen with you when you make your approach. There are several reasons for this. First off, there is strength in numbers. If the woman that you wish to approach is there with her friends, then her friends will try to block your success. This is because they are selfish, and they are jealous of the attention that they think that you are giving her. Since they are not getting any, they reason, then no one will. Remember, my friend, never go in solo unless the target woman is alone. However, if she is with her friends, then you will need to provide distractions. This is where wingmen come into play. The purpose of a wingman is to distract one of her friends while you make your approach. Since one wingman can handle only one of her friends at one time, it is important to keep the ratio equal. Your wingmen must be of the highest competence, because since you will have your own approach to handle, you will not have the time to bail out an incompetent wingman. Also, wingmen must be someone that you can trust, and someone who can handle any situation. Choose wisely. The ideal wingman should be well versed in all the knowledge of the Don Juan system, because only then will you and your wingmen be able to interact smoothly and without problems. Also, Don Juan wingmen are most likely to be able to make their own approaches smoothly and flawlessly, so in a situation like this, both you and your wingmen benefit. Don Juan wingmen are also useful because they should understand the principle of keeping the wingman-to-girlfriends ratio balanced. A Don Juan wingman will understand if he has to sit out an approach if there are too many Don Juans for the group of women that you are about to approach. An AFC wingman, on the other hand, would probably go over anyway and ruin the chances for the rest of your group through sheer incompetence. Again, I urge you to be very exacting in your standards while choosing your wingmen, for only someone of the highest competence can get the job done right. -----ELIMINATE HESITATION AND SELF-DOUBT As a Don Juan, you must have the highest standards for yourself, for you are the best. If you are not improving yourself, then you are no longer progressing. Since you are the best, then you have no cause to ever doubt your own confidence and abilities. Many new Don Juans may feel inadequate once they begin comparing their developing abilities and initial shortcomings to the perpetual success of the Master Don Juan. My word to less experienced Don Juans concerning matters like this is not to worry about it, for one day, you will learn the skills of the Master. Even the most powerful and accomplished Master Don Juans were once inexperienced, and through self-improvement and constant experience they were able to ascend through their current status. Because of this, novice Don Juans must realize that there is no way to quickly or easily progress to Don Juan Nirvana. Rather, it is a gradual process that may take years to accomplish. Because of this, they must

come to realize that the road to success is a difficult one, but it is possible as long as they continue to believe that they can do it. There is no room for self-doubt in the Don Juans life. The Don Juan strives for greatness; he has no room for mediocrity. The Don Juan does not hold himself back from challenges; he instead hurls himself at them. He does this because he knows that he can eventually overtake them. Life is basically a winner-take-all system. Everyone is striving for the goal, so those who are hesitant are often swept aside and never amount to anything. Because of this, the Don Juan must learn not to hold himself back, because there is no way to be sure that he will ever have another chance to prove himself. If you had only one chance to capture your dream, would you take it, regardless of the cost? The Master Don Juan knows that he sometimes must take a risk in life in order to become greater than what he already is. There is an old saying: What does not kill you makes you stronger. Your character and abilities can only grow when they are taxed to their limits. Because of this, the Don Juan is always ready to take on additional challenges without hesitation and without ever doubting himself, only because he knows that is what it takes to make him stronger in the long run. -----MASTERING SELF-MOTIVATION One of the greatest mistakes that a Don Juan can make is to lose his focus and motivation, for it is these two things that keep him pressing onwards towards his goal. Once you lose your motivation, my friend, then you are in a sense living without a destination. In order to continue your progression, you must learn how to stay motivated about reaching your goals. Motivation is the catalyst that produces success. If you can capture a goal in your mind and stay intent on reaching it, you will be amazed to realize what lengths you will go to in order to realize your dreams. Without motivation, you soon forget the goals that you made for yourself, and once that happens, you are content to stay where you are without ever bothering to push yourself again. This is dangerous to Don Juans because they must remain devoted to their goal or they will not bother to gain any more of the experience that I have to offer them. Motivation is easy to maintain once you learn that life is merely a series of small goals leading up to one big conclusion where you look back at what you have done. This is where you discover whether or not you have left a legacy. If you strive to make and keep goals on a regular basis, then you will always be intent on making a difference. All throughout history, the great men that have made a difference have always been the ones that had a grand vision or quest that they wished to fulfill. They devoted large portions of their life to the realization of their goals, and in the end, they have left their mark upon history. Many of these men were no different than you or I. These men all had personal flaws, defects, and shortcomings. They were no strangers to failure. The reason why they made such a big difference is because they were not content with failure. They kept on trying until they brought about their dream and found a way to bring it into reality. These men were able to stay motivated because they were able to see beyond the obstacles that they frequently encountered on the road to success. The

obstacles can be overcome, but only if you keep your eyes on the goal and refuse to get sidetracked. Many Don Juans get caught up in the distractions that the world has to offer. They stray from their planned route to success and they are content to take a break and involve themselves in other priorities. In time, they become ever less interested in reaching the goal that they originally set for themselves. The longer a Don Juan remains in this condition, the less likely it is that he can get back on the road to success. As soon as you reach your goal, my friend, set a new one for yourself. A Master Don Juan is never satisfied. He always continues to push himself onwards in the quest for even greater pursuits, for that is where selfimprovement comes from. In order to grow, you must stretch yourself farther than you had ever previously gone. Unless you are pushing your limits, you are not gaining anything new. Remember, my friend, in order to be successful, you must set a goal in life and stay true to it. It may be difficult at times, but that proves that you are progressing. Once you have mastered the power of selfmotivation, you will allow nothing to keep you from achieving the rewards that are yours for the taking. --------------------MY PERSONAL TESTIMONY The road to Don Juan Nirvana is not an easy journey, and my experience was no exception. Read on to learn how I learned how to become a Don Juan. My Journey began over three years ago. Back then, the Don Juan Bible did not exist, and Pook was still learning the advanced techniques of our order. This was the golden age of anti-dump, Nine Breaker, and many of the old-timer Don Juans. I was an AFC at this time, and I accidentally stumbled onto the Don Juan center through sheer accident. I was searching for advice, and I am forever indebted to the force that led me here instead of all of the other AFC Dead ends I could have visited. As I described in my PROGRESSION OF THE DON JUAN, my Don Juan Nexus had arrived. It was my time to decide my destiny. I chose wisely, and have not looked back since. During my first year, I studied the main articles with the utmost fervor, without ever visiting the forum. One piece of advice I learned during this time that has remained with me to this day was to visualize AFC feelings as something that we should seize out of our minds and jump up and down on every time that we experience them. I would be glad to credit the original writer of that advide, but I have long since forgotten the article from which that advice originated, and to this day, I have never been able to find it again despite endless searching. I read and devoured the articles as quickly as they appeared, but unfortunately, many articles are slightly heretical in nature when held up to the Don Juan Bible, which has more or less become our standard in which we weigh our teachings. This book is intended to be a separate book in its own right and is not merely an extension of the Don Juan Bible.

After I had learned all I could from the articles, I subscribed to the forums in the previously mentioned golden age of early 2001. The Don Juan Bible was not in existence; the articles that it now preserves were kept active only by people that valued them for their true worth. These early articles by Pook and the rest have long since become classics; they became legends only because they had to prove their worth during those early years. During my second year, I was actively reading the forums in search of greater knowledge. I was advancing rapidly now, and I had a tentative hold on the basic Don Juan philosophy. Approaches were becoming ever easier, although I still made my share of AFC mistakes. Through a process that can only be accomplished over time, I slowly became a Master Don Juan. I knew the techniques inside and out, but I still lacked the greater understanding required to truly use them. At the beginning of my third year, I reached the Master Don Juan stage. I suddenly UNDERSTOOD the teachings clearer than I ever had before. I realized that the purpose of the Don Juan system is to manage your time in order to achieve your dreams. When you are doing this, you will stop pursuing women and start having them come to you. After having this breakthrough, I decided to write this book after reading a piece of Star Wars fan fiction called The Apprentice sidious, by Brendan Wahlberg. In the story, many sith lords from the past placed their teachings and knowledge into recording devices called holocrons. Holocrons are devices shaped like various polyhedrons; they come in many forms, but are usually fist-sized cubes or pyramids. When activated, they project a hologram of their maker into the air above the holocron. The hologram is interactive; one can ask it questions and it answers them based on information stored in the holocron. One such holocron in the story was called the Holocron of Shuma Gora. It was a black cube that worked only for those that were very powerful in the force. (If a user was not powerful enough, it would kill that user with a blast of dark side lightning) Shuma Gora was a jedi knight who lived 20,000 years before the events in Star Wars: Episode one. The Shuma Gora in the story founded the sith order and he also re-discovered the previously forgotten power of the dark side. He also learned how to master and use the power of dark side force lightning. I admit up front that I did not make up the name of Shuma Gora. I credit Brendan Wahlberg for its origin. I am using it for my book because after reading the story, I had a dream that night. In my dream, I played the role of Shuma Gora from Wahlbergs story. Only instead of recording Sith teachings in a holocron, I was instead recording my Don Juan knowledge in one. When I woke up the next morning, I remembered my dream. I wondered, if a fictional character can preserve his knowledge, then why cant I do the same thing with my Don Juan knowledge? Also, I hoped that my book would be the first in a long line of books in which each Don Juan would preserve and share his personal knowledge for others to read. Obviously, due to technological limitations, I am unable to construct a true working holocron, but I could make the 21st century Earth equivalent ; a book. Since I was in a sense starting a new order by

creating the first in a long line of Don Juan related books by various authors, I decided to call my creation The Book Of Shuma Gora, in honor of the other Shuma Gora that created the sith order with its vast line of future followers. This brings us up to the present, my friend. Now that you have read much of what I have to tell you, I hope that you help to make my vision a reality by recording your knowledge for others to use. Information is meant to be shared, otherwise it is merely useless knowledge that will die along with its creator. If other people learn and share the knowledge of other Don Juans, then there is no limit to what we can accomplish.

EFFECTIVE CONVERSATION One of the most basic social skills that a Don Juan must learn and master in his progression is that of conversation. In order to be executed properly, my friend, conversation must maintain a certain balance. Conversation is essential to the closing attempt because it allows for you to build rapport before you try and get her number. RULE # 1: Listen Twice as Much as You Speak Although you may very easily get into the conversation, my friend, it is important that you let her do most of the talking. This is because women value a man that listens to them. Your listening to talking ratio should be 2:1. In other words speak only half as much as she does. The more you listen, the more information is at your disposal to use when you do speak. Rule # 2: Build On what She Said This is important for you to understand, my friend, because this is by far the best way to let her know that you have indeed been listening to what she has been telling you. If by chance she says something that interests you further, wait for her to pause and then build on what she said. In this way, a Master Don Juan can more or less control the conversation in a very subtle manner and lead it to where he wants it to go. Rule # 3: The Nod It is a well-known fact that people feel more comfortable while talking if their audience is constantly providing subtle signs of approval. This is because it assures us that our audience is fully receiving what it is that we have to say, and that they agree with us. In this way, the Master Don Juan can have the upper hand while conversing by giving a slow, subtle nod of the head every so often while she is talking. This must be done very subtly in order to work, my friend, because it works in the subconscious part of the mind. While we as humans may not actually notice the nod, we definitely respond to it when it appears. The reverse is also true: our confidence while talking dips when the nod is withheld. This to the best extent of my knowledge comes down to the fact that support for our words is being denied when we do not receive the nod. If the nod is withheld, then in a very subtle sense, it may be likely that the audience is not receptive to what it is we have to say. The Master

Don Juan knows how to use this to his advantage. He withholds the nod if the woman is talking about something the Master Don Juan does not like. If he withholds the nod, it is likely that she will pick up on that and move to a different subject. Again, this is a Master Don Juans way of controlling the conversation. Often the most powerful things in life are the ones that are the subtlest. Use this and learn from it for the betterment of your knowledge, my friend. ------THE IMPORTANCE OF OBSERVATION After six tedious months of pouring everything that I know about the Don Juan System into this book, I wish to leave you with the reminder about the importance of observation. It is important for the Master Don Juan to keep his eyes open and to be ever vigilant for ways to both improve himself and learn from other people. I have said earlier that life is the best teacher, so be ever ready to take advantage of any opportunities that my come your way. In many cases, opportunity knocks only once, so you had better be ready to open up the door to your destiny. However, there are many doors available to try to open. Many will not open while others open quite easily. You open doors in life by taking advantage of the opportunities that life places before you, so I urge you, my friend, to always be watching and vigilant for any means possible that you can use to benefit from and shape your future. I wish you the best of luck for your future, and always remember to keep on striving to better yourself, for that is always the ultimate goal of the Don Juan in the end.

COPYRIGHT INFORMATION 1. I have written the Book of Shuma Gora to be used on the Don Juan Forums and to be included in the Don Juan Bible, but under the stipulation that the book be regarded as an independent work in its own right and not as the property of sosuave, Global Marketing, and Allan Thompson.

2. Because of this, I hereby declare the Book of Shuma Gora to be exclusively my intellectual property, and thus solely and completely under my ownership and control, no questions asked. Sosuave had nothing to do with the actual production of this book, and never will, other than provide an environment for me to have learned all of this in the first place. However, I am not going to take all the credit for myself. Several terms to the found in my Don Juan Glossary are common terminology that is found everywhere on the sosuave forums. I have used those words simply because I wish my book to be easily understandable by the audience for whom it was written: the patrons of the message board. By using these

terms, I do not membership. The it are not. Let credit where it

claim affiliation with sosuave other than my forum book is my intellectual property, although some terms in everyone take credit for his own work and place the is due.

3. I give permission for my book to be hosted anywhere on sosuave, and in the Don Juan Bible as well. If you want to mirror the book on your web server (you know, to help take some of the bandwidth strain off of mine) I would much appreciate it, but tell me where the mirror url is so I could place it in the DJB. 4. I take credit for all of the graphic work in the book. I made them in Adobe Photoshop 6.0 many months ago. If you REALLY want to use them, contact me and perhaps Ill be lenient, but no guarantees.

5. The Music that you hear in the background is a 30-second clip that I used from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Soundtrack. If you dont like it, then turn your speakers down instead of bitching to me about changing it. Ive tried to keep it low enough to be a sort of background mantra to help set a little bit of mood for the book. Given that I have designed this book to have a definite futuristic/sith holocron theme (see my personal testimony if you dont know what the hell I mean by that : ) ) I have deemed it appropriate that I play the Darth sidious theme. After doing my homework on music useage, I declare that such a short and trivial clip such as this should fall under the fair usage laws, which permit free distribution of short segments of copyrighted material without having to pay a royalty. At least I bought the damn CD to get the clip off of, thats more than what some people do. If anyone here tries to sue me, I urge them not to, b/c I dont have any money and they would just be wasting their time. Seriously. The least the record companies coulddo is go after the worst offenders and leave me alone. 6. I credit the name Shuma Gora to Brendan Wahlberg because of his excellent story (The Apprentice Sidious) that inspired me to write this book. Read it over at if you are interested. 7. I mentioned the names of several forum members in this book. The fact that they are here does not necessarily mean that they had anything to do with the production of the book, I had to include their names to make the book accurate. (far be it from me to deceive you) 8. The Book of Shuma Gora is copyrighted by me, Will Kraft (AKA Page, AKA Shuma Gora) from 2003 AD to the end of all eternity. (Or at least until the sun burns out, in which case humanity will have so many new problems on its hands that stealing stuff from my book will hardly be a problem anymore, heh heh) 9. If you wish to quote from my book, you can do so, as long as you give me credit just like how you learned in English class and include FROM THE BOOK OF SHUMA GORA before you type your quotation. If you do that, I dont have a problem with people quoting me, and to be honest, Id be quite flattered. 10. Expect several revisions in the years to come. Please Stay Tuned!

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