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Not again! Class, we earthworms are on the move! The farming field just an acre away from our village was turned into a landfill not too many years ago. That's where I, Professor Eats-A-Lot-Of-Dirt, along with most of your Ma and Pa earthworms, grew up. Now THIS field is becoming an addition to the landfill because the people community still has not learned the value of recycling, reducing, and reusing. Grandfather earthworm is starting to tell his "When I Was Your Age" story again. Let's listen in... "When I was your age, Junior, the land as far as you can see was beautiful farmland with luscious crops as tasty as could be. Your grandmother and I grew up in that farmland. Along with our brothers and sisters, we worked hard at recycling the soil for the farmer. Oh, how he loved us for it. But then one day a sign went up in our field that told us we would have to move. The land was going to be used as a landfill. Do you know what a landfill is? Yuck! If only we could get the people community to recycle, reduce, and reuse..." Maybe Grandfather has an idea there. Maybe we COULD convince the people community to recycle, reduce, and reuse. It doesn't hurt to try, and think of all our farmland that could be saved! Our moving date has been set for next month. Can we persuade the people community to recycle, reduce, and reuse before it's too late for OUR field and village



Our job is to make

for the people

community. Convince them to recycle, reduce, and reuse by showing them the facts and by informing them of the positive effects that it would have on the community as a whole. The destiny of our earthworm village depends on us! If we can't convince the people community to recycle, reduce, and reuse, by the end of the month our field will soon be just another acre of landfill. Don't let this happen. Get to work!! This TASK takes into account the following aspects: - Recognize and describe ways that some materials, such as recycled paper, cans, and plastic jugs, can be used over again. - Organize related ideas together to maintain a consistent focus. - Use a computer to draft, revise, and publish writing. - Write for different purposes and to a specific audience or person.


I, Professor Eats-A-Lot-Of-Dirt, will divide you and your class earthworm-mates into groups of three. FIRST, each member of your group should choose one of the following roles that will support your final task, a persuasive flyer: Role 1) Captain Recycle, Reduce, and Reuse: Research and list items that can be recycled, reduced and/or reused. Role 2) Captain Where Does It Go: Research and explain where the trash goes and what happens to it Role 3) Captain What Can We Make: Research and describe things that can be made from recyclables. NEXT, spend time researching your question by looking at websites. Take notes on what you discover. AFTER you have completed your research, meet as a group and present the information that you have gathered. Start to combine that information to create a flyer that persuades the people community to begin recycling, reducing, and reusing.

Your flyer should contain:

- Information from each earthworm's role. - It should also contain pictures or drawings that catch a person's eye. As you create the flyer, think about the following questions: 1) Why should people recycle, reduce, and reuse? 2) How can we powerfully summarize the positive effect of recycling, reducing, and reusing for the people community? 3) What information would convince us to recycle, reduce, and reuse if we were people living in our people community? FINALLY, as a group you will present your flyer to the class and explain why you chose to include the information you did on your flyer. As a class we will comment on your flyer and decide which class flyer is the most persuasive. The chosen flyer will be displayed out in the people community for many to see and read. It's up to you, student earthworms! Go get them!

You will be evaluated over the next weeks on these five areas:

1) How well you worked together with your group. 2) How well you used class time to work on your assignment. 3) How well you researched your role. 4) How well you designed your flyer. 5) How well you made your oral presentation.

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