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Analysis of Q Contents page- October 2008.

This is an analysis of the contents page from Q a monthly music magazine costing 3.99. The Masthead The masthead uses the three main colours featured throughout the magazine, red, black and white, which is done to create continuity throughout the magazine. The colours also contrast well together to create a strong and bold effect straight away, with the white font clearly visible on both the red and black backgrounds. They are also the colours associated with a newspaper therefore it shows how this magazine is credible and a professional publication. Whilst the three colours also have no great associations with either of the genders, therefore neither males nor females will be deterred from reading on. The left of the masthead also features the Q logo, just reminding the reader what they are reading and giving the magazine credibility. Then over to the left is the issue number 267 which shows that the magazine is successful to have had that many issues, reaffirming that the magazine is well known in the market. There is then the date OCTOBER 2008 so the magazine can be dated, showing people collect issues and there is a great following. Additionally below this is the magazines Website and MySpace page, this offers readers the opportunity to find out more and interact further with Q. The font used is very solid and bold, especially on CONTENTS, which makes it stand out and easy to read, because if it wasnt people would put the magazine down without even reading further on.

Features The features section continues to use the red, black and white (although this time some of the background is more of a grey. Again white text is featured on a red background to create a clear effect. But then black and red text is put onto the white/grey background. This gives the contents page variety, but keeps the sensible clear format. Whilst using red text for the page numbers and black for the features, makes it easy to distinguish between the two. Meanwhile the actual features in the black text, alter in size. The introduction to the feature is in bigger, bolder font and is capitalised, whilst the further detail is smaller. The reason for this is so readers can quickly scan for what they want before reading on, it also saves space and makes magazine lighter/easier to read. Also down the side of the features

section is a black line which just separates the text from the edge of the page, it enables the contents page to hold a structure and keep its clear style. Also having the red background at the top with FEATURES embossed on it, clearly distinguishes a new section of the magazine. Oasis Special The OASIS SPECIAL! Follows the same format at the features, but there are a few minor alterations that must be noted. Firstly the font used on OASIS SPECIAL is slightly more archaic showing that they are an older band. In addition the fact that this piece of text as well as the relevant page numbers are in gold shows how Oasis are somewhat a crown jewel in the music industry. It also highlights the special nature of this section as it is the only section with a different text colour. The rest of the format for this section follows the design of the features section above, once again creating continuity and an easy to digest publication.

Every Month This section of the magazine is a regular segment; therefore the font is kept simple and does not alter from the font used on FEATURES. It also the used the red, black and white, so it still stands out but doesnt detract attention from other sections, such as the OASIS SPECIAL. The fact is uses the same layout between numbers and words, keeps the continuity of the publication. Whilst the red background at the top is again used to signify a new section within the contents. Main image- The Courteeners Firstly the caption to the picture is actually part of the contents, but is drawn to the side over the picture. This highlights its importance as well as the fact that the fonts are larger, all establishing the fact that this is the magazines centre piece/main feature. Regardless of this it still maintains the same fonts used and format of the features section, showing that is where is belongs, whilst using the same colours to establish continuity. As for the image it is shot on a hill in a rural area. This could be showing the men going back to their roots further established by the fact we can see them standing on green land. This could also show that home and family is important to them, which can create a positive rapor with the readers. In addition they are wearing regular clothes, showing that that they are normal guys, however the one in sunglasses possibly has a bit of attitude, something fans might love him for. As for the colour of their clothes they are all grey/white and black, which matches the style of the magazine. As well two of the men are wearing brown/red shoes,

again this further matches the magazines colour pallet helping to continue the continuity throughout the publication. Finally the fact the segment is entitled THE COURTEENERS it shows that the reader will know who they are, so no descriptipm is required. Also the quote in the white box, is quite interesting and somewhat controversial, an impression the magazine is trying to create. Therefore the reader will be interested in what more there is to it, but because it mentions what Liam Frays mum thinks, readers can relate to their own parents opinions upon themselves. This all builds a good inclusive relationship with the reader. Q REVIEW Once again this section follows the same format using the same fonts and colours, as well as sizes. It features the Q logo which continues to enhance the magazines credibility. As well there is a picture of Nick Cave, which like The Courteeners contains no description, showing he is well known in the industry. Also the fact he leaning on a pillar/column which could be seen to represent how Q is a strong point in the music industry and is strong and reliable. Structure Finally as well as sections of the magazine being differentiated by using different coloured backgrounds, separation is also achieved by very thin grey lines. They arent easily noticed, but this is ideal, it helps maintain the contents page its structure, but doesnt detract from the clean design and more importantly the content.

Analysis of NME CONTENTS page- October 2008. This is an analysis of the contents page from NME a monthly music magazine costing 2.20. The masthead- NME CONTENTS The masthead uses three main colours red, black and white, which also feature prominently thought out the magazine. This is used to create continuity through the publications entirety. Furthermore the colours also create a strong, bold effect when combined together. As with Q the colours associated with a newspaper therefore it shows how this magazine is credible and a professional publication. Whilst the three colours also have no great associations with either of the genders, therefore neither males nor females will be deterred from reading on. The masthead covers the majority of the top of the contents page, with NME in red and the CONTENTS in white, as well as the date below this, all on a pure black background. The NME logo is iconic, so is put in red to stand out powerfully, the white border upon its letters also separate it and elevate it from the black background, showing further its importance and priority. Whilst CONTENTS has no border showing it requires slightly less highlighting. Meanwhile below there is the date in a smaller white font, due to it not being so important, but it is there so people can keep a record of the magazine, showing it has been running a long time and people collect them. Band Index The band index is simply an index of all the bands who are featured within the magazine. This handy feature enables readers to quickly find their favourite bands within the publication. As well the words BAND INDEX are in a strong straight black font, establishing itself as the title, then followed by the change to red font for the bands names. This change of colour makes it clear that the heading has finished and the index has begun. Also the bands being in red makes them stand out the most in this section, establishing themselves as the most important part. Meanwhile the page numbers are in black, this is to simply make it easier to read and quicker to find the pages for the reader.

Contents Side bar The main body of NMEs contents is situated down the right hand side of contents page. However although it features numbers these are not in order. This is because the magazine is split into certain sections, NEWS, RADAR, REVIEWS, LIVE, FEATURES and PLUS, which all mix within the magazine. So it is split into to these sections to help the reader narrow down what they are looking for, not for chronological purposes. In addition it uses the same colours as the rest of the contents, again providing continuity; white is used on black, black on white and for the first time white and red. The effect of doing this is to make clear when a new section is beginning, for example when white is on black it is introducing the new sections of the contents. Here the page numbers are in red text, highlighting their importance and come before text reading left to right, enhancing this belief. Also like Q the items in the context are introduced using a bold black piece of text, with a smaller piece of text including detail directly below. The fonts used are all clear and strong which is very important because if they werent people would struggle reading the magazine. Additionally the PLUS section towards the bottom of the sidebar is in red, this just shows how it is slightly different from the others, hence the change in colour on the same background. At the very bottom of the side bar is a curved red arrow, which stands out. It is highlighting THE UKS NO 1 GIG STARTS p59, it stands out which is important, especially as it is trying to emphasise the point that it is the number 1. As well as I have just mentioned the shape of the section is an arrow, which points off the page, however it is curved giving the impression it is implying you should turn over to page 59. Very clever. One final element is the small black arrows on the right of the sidebar which point inwards to some of the content in the contents. On the small arrows in white text reads ON THE COVER. This is done so artists on the cover can be linked to the text in the contents, this makes it easy to work out for readers and make the link. This and the other features produced often through the use of colour help to contribute to a very read friendly contents. Main picture and text Firstly this is the main picture on the Contents page and is of a member of the ARCTIC MONKEYS singing and playing guitar. Although it could be coincidental the main colours in the image are red, black and white, just like the colour pallet of the magazine. The man in the foreground is wearing a black vest, has white pale skin and brown hair. He is also using a black guitar and microphone. Whilst the man in the foreground has brown hair, white pale skin and is wearing a black and red horizontally striped t-shirt, using a red/brown guitar. All these items and descriptions fit the colour pallet used and help to continue the magazines continuity. They help the image to stand out, but not so much so that it greatly detracts attention from other items on the page, which could be seen by some as just as important. Also because the image

just focuses on their upper halves (a mid-shot) it shows how its who the artist is and not how they look which is of most importance. This gives the magazine credibility that it is solely focused upon music and not upon how artists look as a way of gaging their success. Furthermore the title ARCTIC MONKEYS is in a powerful and bold font, in black, with p45 in red next to it, in exactly the same style. All these styles correspond with the rest of the magazine cover, as does the text below, continuing the thread of continuity throughout. The text below is also interesting, it describes a band member Diddy having a mosh at their own gig. This controversial yet thrill seeking approach is something readers will hope to find in the article about them, urging them to read on. As well the text asks some questions about the Arctic Monkeys future, just to make people think and keep up their interest, as to what is really happening with the band and the new tunes. This is clever because it is likely all is well with the band but the way it is worded creates an element of doubt, meaning the magazine is very tempting to read. Additionally the photo slightly overlaps the masthead. This it makes it look as if the photo has been cut out and stuck on, which links with the indie do it yourself style, whilst also making the magazine look more authentic and it as well creates a tidy space where the date sits. Subscription offer First of all it is key to point out that the use of the colour yellow is a major player in impacting the success of this segment of the contents page. When the yellow is mixed in with the black it creates an effect of danger as you might see on a hazard warning sign. This means it immediately impacts the reader, grabbing their attention (as shown in the image to the right). In this case the audience immediately reads SUBSCRIBE TODAY AND SAVE, so without knowing how much they will save, they are interested. The same effect happens with the GO TO and the OR CALL words, you dont know where to go or who to call, but your attention has been grabbed and that is what matters, because that other information will be read soon after. Also the white font is used because it still stands out clearly whilst also not detracting from the more important yellow text. As well the magazine given as an example for the subscription features black, white and yellow, this is so it doesnt distract from the offer, but the continuity is still kept.

Structure The sections upon the cover of the magazine are again distinguished by the differing of colours, which is very effective keeping the magazine tidy and easy to read, but it doesnt make it look bulky or greatly segregated. Also faint lines are used to show a new section beginning without making it too obvious.

Analysis of VIBE contents page- October 2008.

This is an analysis of the contents page from Q a music and entertainment magazine

.Left hand side photo strip These photos are all very different, in what they are showing and where they are shot. The way that they are positioned vertically one above the other with the small grey lines in-between gives the impression and look, as if the photos have been taken from an old camera film. This retro style gives quite a good twist a modern hip-hop and R n B magazine. Each of the three photos contains a small amount of white text, entailing who the person is and what they are wearing. The name of the person is in bold, highlighting their importance. However this is meant to be a music magazine but what they are wearing is taking prominence. This is typical of Hip Hop and R n B where image and street cred can be seen as just as important or even a bigger priority that the musical material that you produce. Unlike in NME where the music took priority ahead of anything else, but here there is a role reversal. Also the white font stands out on the colourful images, but in all cases is put on a dark area of the image. Such as image 1. It is on the bard door, whilst on image 2. and 3. it is within the foliage of the trees in the background. So although the text is quite small it is clear so can be read comfortably, which is very important. In addition all the males in the photo are black, which tends to be the race typically associated with this type of genre. However in the case of photo 1. he goes against the genres stereotype and is wearing a smart outfit, this helps to give the magazine a credible and professional edge. But with the other 2 photos you would expect people to dress like that in such an environment, so it suits the genre.

Central Contents strip The contents section is very simple in theory, but it is incredibly effective. Starting from the top there is the word CONTENTS, except it is spaced through 3 levels. This gives the magazine its own identity as it is something different and not used by anybody else. Its unusual style does make it difficult to read at first, but the style is interesting and in this case that is the most important element, because of the publications genre. It is then followed by 3/3, which I presume relates to the three levels of text. Again this individual feature is somewhat unusual, yet by being different the magazine continues to develop its identity. But it most likely relates to the face that the magazine is split into three sections this being the third, which can be established from the page numbers in the contents. As well the font used on the word CONTENTS is quite modern, it is bold and punchy creating a sense of power. Whilst the black text on the white background makes it stand out clearly and gives the words authority. Furthermore the word Volume is an archaic font, which is unusual in a Hip Hop and R n B magazine, as you would expect the fonts to be modern and current. Nonetheless it works, it once again creates this retro feel and gives it a element of class, also showing that it is not what its genre is perceived as. Whilst also the word volume was often used to describe a series of publications in the past, whereas now the word issue is more widely used. So as a result both the font and the word are very much suited to each other. The rest of the contents is a list of the segments within the magazine. The page numbers and introduction to the features is a bold black text, (just like Q and NME), making them stand out and clear. It also makes the reading of the magazine simple and easy, which also makes it enjoyable. The more detailed information on the segments is in a slightly smaller font, but this is still easy to read. As well the contents is divided by small lines of round black dots which clearly segregate the items, but is not too much as to detract from the more important text.

Left side photo strip The left side photo strip has just two photos, but incorporates all the same features of the right side photo strip. I wont therefore go over these again. There are just a few points worth noting. Firstly there is no caption upon the bottom picture and it is unclear why, however on the males t-shirt it says my block, which is a phrase associated with this genre. Therefore the caption can be seen as already there and anything else would ruin the hostile feeling being created. As well there are only two images on this side of the contents page, because of the Vibe information box below. This lack of symmetry creates a scrapbook effect to the magazine, which one again links to the retro element

which is being created. This is turn contrasts nicely with the genre of Hip Hop/ R n B. Lower central Vibe information Finally the small information box at the bottom of the page to the right provides the magazine with some credibility and authenticity. The four black lines in the L shape just cordon it off from the rest of the page, but the fact that it is not solid colour doesnt detract attention from the pictures on the page. Also the lines link to the magazines name Vibe and that people can feel or follow a vibe, so the fact that the lines change direction can be seen to represent this. As well the V logo of vibe is featured, in a red circle in white text. This just makes it stand out from the rest of the section, which is also why red is used to list the features available on the website, to make sure people will both notice them and the remember to look at them. Also the red text on the list is bolder than the descriptions which follow showing that they are the most important part. The section features a web address, a reference to the photographer and a date. These all add credibility to the magazine, whilst the photographers name is in bold showing his importance. Finally red, black and white are used in this section, which I feel gives the magazine some authenticity as it makes it look like a newspaper, or even Q and NME. Structure The structure of this contents is very simple, the pictures help to create most of it, with the contents section and information box filling in the space. It creates a scrapbook/retro effect. Something you wouldnt expect from this genre, but it works.

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