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E E 238 B1 - Winter 2012

HW #8

test Due: Monday, March 26, 2012 16:00pm Instructions: 1. Please ensure that your name and ID number are clearly written on your assignment. 2. Please submit your assignment before 16:00 pm on the due date. The assignment box is located in the ETLC Atrium (second floor), and is marked by E E 238 B1. Assignment Problems: 1. (10 points) (Lathi 4.6-4) Generalize Parsevals theorem to show that for real, Fourier transformable signals f1 (t) and f2 (t) 1 f1 (t)f2 (t)dt = 2

Homework Assignment # 8

1 F1 ()F2 ()d = 2

F1 ()F2 ()d.

2. (10 points) (Lathi 4.6-5) For the signal f (t) = t22a 2 where a > 0, determine the essential bandwidth +a B Hz of f (t) such that the energy contained in the spectral components of f (t) of frequencies below B Hz is 99% of the signal energy Ef .
Hint: Show that f (t) 2ea|| via the duality property and Pair 3 in Table 4.1. 1Hz = 2 rad/s.

3. (15 points) (Lathi 4.4-2) A stable system is specified by the transfer function H() = 1 . j 2

Find the impulse response of this system and show that this is a noncausal system. Find the (zero-state) response of this system if the input f (t) is (a) et u(t); (b) et u(t). 4. (10 points) (Lathi 6.1-1 (a) and (h)) By direct integration find the Laplace transforms and the regions of convergence of the following functions: (a) u(t) u(t 1); (b) e2t cos(5t + )u(t). 5. (10 points) (Lathi 6.1-2 (a) and (b)) By direct integration find the Laplace transforms of the signals shown in Figure 1.
f1 (t) 1 f2 (t) sin t

Figure 1: Signals for Problem 5.

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