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E E 238 B1 - Winter 2012

HW #7

Homework Assignment # 7
Due: Monday, March 19, 2012 16:00pm Instructions: 1. Please ensure that your name and ID number are clearly written on your assignment. 2. Please submit your assignment before 16:00 pm on the due date. The assignment box is located in the ETLC Atrium (second floor), and is marked by E E 238 B1. Assignment Problems (4 problems in total): 1. (10 points) (Lathi 4.2-4) Find the inverse Fourier transforms of F () for the spectra illustrated in Figure 1.
signals. Hint: F () = |F ()|ejF () . This problem illustrates how different phase spectra represent entirely different
|F ()| |F ()|

1 0 0 0 0

1 0 0

t0 0 (a)

F ()

0 0 0 2

F () 2


Figure 1: Signals for Problem 1.

2. (10 points) (Lathi 4.3-3 (b) and (d)) Using only the time-shifting property and Table 4.1, find the Fourier transforms of the signals depicted in Figure 2.
Hint: The signals can be expressed in the form f (t)[u(t) u(t a)]. f1 (t) sin t f2 (t) 1 eat T t

Figure 2: Signals for Problem 2.

E E 238 B1 - Winter 2012

HW #7

3. (5 points) (Lathi 4.3-7 (a)) Using the frequency-shifting property and Lathi Table 4.1, find the inverse Fourier transform of the spectrum depicted in Figure 3.
F ()

1 0 3 t



Figure 3: Signal for Problem 3.

4. (15 points) (Lathi 4.3-10) Find the Fourier transform of the signal in Figure 4 by three different methods: (a) By direct integration using the definition. (b) Using only pair 17 of Lathi Table 4.1 and the time-shifting property. (c) Using the time-differentiation and time-shifting properties, along with the fact that (t) 1.
Note: 1 cos(2x) = 2 sin2 x.

1 T 0 -1 T t

Figure 4: Signal for Problem 4.

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