Using Oracle Supplied Packages

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Test: Quiz: Using Oracle Supplied Packages Bekijk uw antwoorden, feedback en scores hieronder.

Een asterisk (*) geeft een goed antwoord aan. Section 1 (Beantwoord alle vragen in deze sectie.) 1. The DBMS_OUTPUT gives programmers an easy-to-use interface to see for instance the current value of a loop counter or if a program makes it to a particular branch of an IF statement. (True or False?) Waar (*) Niet waar Correct 2. The UTL_FILE package contains several exceptions exclusively used in this package. Which are they? (Choose 3) (Kies alle goede antwoorden.) INVALID_PATH (*) NO_DATA_FOUND WRITE_ERROR (*) INVALID_OPERATION (*) ZERO_DIVIDE Correct 3. Which general exceptions may be handled by the UTL_FILE package? (Choose 2) (Kies alle goede antwoorden.) TOO_MANY_ROWS VALUE_ERROR (*) ZERO_DIVIDE NO_DATA_FOUND (*) Correct 4. The UTL_FILE package can be used to read and write binary files such as JPEGs as well as text files. True or False? Waar Niet waar (*) Correct 5. The DBMS_OUTPUT package is useful for which of the following activities? (Choose two) (Kies alle goede antwoorden.) Interact with a user during execution of a function or procedure. Display results to the developer during testing for debugging purposes. (*) Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten

Trace the code execution path for a function or procedure. (*) Write operating system text files to the user's screen. Correct 6. Which DBMS_OUTPUT package subprogram places text into the buffer at Line 1? (Choose one) IF v_bool1 AND NOT v_bool2 AND v_number < 25 THEN --Line 1 ELSE ... END IF; DBMS_OUTPUT.NEW_LINE; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT('IF branch was executed'); (*) DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('IF branch was executed'); DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINE('IF branch was executed'); DBMS_OUTPUT.NEW_LINE('IF branch was executed'); Correct 7. Using the FOPEN function, you can do which actions with the UTL_FILE package? (Choose 2) (Kies alle goede antwoorden.) It is used to append to a file until processing is complete. (*) It is used to read and write text files stored outside the database. (*) It is used to find out how much free space is left on an operating system disk. It is used to manipulate large object data type items in columns. Correct Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten

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