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Nominations now open for TransformUS Academic and Support Service Task Forces With the aim of continuing to be one of Canadas most distinguished universities, while addressing financial realities, the University of Saskatchewan is undertaking a program prioritization process called TransformUS. Through this process, every academic program and support service currently offered by the university will be examined simultaneously against a set of criteria to be determined early in the process by task forces in consultation with the campus community, University Council and the Board of Governors. Over the course of 2013, TransformUS requires the active participation of a group of individuals who are willing to lead this initiative by serving as members of the academic program and support services task forces. The Academic Program Transformation Task Force (APT) will set criteria and review all academic programs offered through the university. The Support Service Transformation Task Force (SST) will set criteria and review the administrative support programs within our academic and administrative units. The results of the work of two task forces will inform decisions on the investment and disinvestment of resources by the appropriate governing bodies at the University of Saskatchewan. In the interest of securing the best possible candidates for membership to the task forces, nominations of faculty, staff and students are now invited. Individuals will be nominated to the task forces through an open process and selected for the task forces by a team of the president, provost and a few leaders of University Council. We are seeking nominations for individuals who meet some or all of the following characteristics to serve as members of the academic and support service task forces:

Understands and embraces the teaching, research and engagement missions of the University of Saskatchewan. Displays competencies such as critical thinking, analytical skills, problem-solving, fair-mindedness and openness to differing viewpoints. Has earned a high level of credibility as demonstrated by respect of peers, previous leadership experience and/or professional accomplishment. Demonstrated success as an effective team member. Known for getting things done and meeting commitments. Previous experience on a university-wide committee(s) and/or demonstrated commitment to the university through active participation in committees and/or leadership of significant college/unit/school initiatives.

In addition to the above noted characteristics, members of the task forces must adopt an institutionwide perspective, including overcoming personal, departmental and college/unit level considerations. We will strive to select a membership that is representative of the diversity of the institution, including gender, ethnicity, age, stage in career and breadth of university experience. All members of the campus community, including students, staff, faculty and alumni can submit nominations. Self-nominations will be also be accepted. Please note that no one holding a position above a department head/director level will be appointed to the task forces.

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Nomination criteria are as follows: Academic Task Force (APT)

Nominees/appointees to the APT must be a University of Saskatchewan faculty member, according the definition of the General Academic Assembly in the University of Saskatchewan Act, 1995: Faculty member means a person who is employed on a full-time basis by the university or an affiliated or federated college and who serves as a professor, associate professor, assistant professor, lecturer, full-time special lecturer, full-time instructor, librarian, or extension specialist (1995, c.U-6.1, s.2). At least two students, one undergraduate and one graduate will be appointed to the task force. Faculty members holding senior leadership positions will not be appointed to the task force

Support Services Task Force (SST)

Nominees/appointees to the SST must be a current employee or faculty member (GAA definition) of the University of Saskatchewan. At least two students, one undergraduate and one graduate will be appointed to the task force.

Faculty and staff holding senior leadership positions will not be appointed to the task force. Twenty to twenty five individuals will be appointed to each task force. Members of the task force should expect approximately 4 hours of committee work every two weeks in addition to preparation time. All task force members will be required to attend a kick-off meeting on March 5, 2013 from 4-6 pm and two allday workshops on March 18-20, 2013. Each task force will meet one day on their own and one day together with the other task force. Please complete the online nomination form to nominate individuals for the task forces. Nominations will close on February 13, 2013 at 12:00 pm. Announcements regarding the task forces will be made in early March. Thank you for your assistance in helping shape the composition of the task forces.

For more information, visit

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