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Exhibit A from: Andre Murray to: David.beck@fredericton.

ca date: Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 2:36 PM subject: ADMINISTRATIVE TICKET REVIEW mailed-by:

October 11,2011 Hello David Beck, following our telephone conversation of today approximately 2 pm or thereabouts I did request of you that according to ADMINISTRATIVE TICKET REVIEW a provision further called "customer service" I am hereby advising you within the prescribed time limitation (with consideration for the Thanks Giving holiday) that I am requesting a review of a Document supplied by you as FREDERICTON MUNICIPALITY BY-LAW INFRACTIONS/G 219324. Since I am entitled to a review therefore "intended to address any errors in law or procedure" Kindly consider this as my NOTICE to you that I am evoking the subject review for reasons as stated herewithin. I have further been told by reliable sources this is your duty to see to the arrangement of such a review. This is my request of you that you co operate. Yes I acknowledge that you stated by telephone conversation today that since you have been a member of the Fredericton Police this has never occurred. However, this has not yet been your experience, despite your lack here is your opportunity to gain. Kindly, on your commercial liability see to this request of a review or else advise me without delay. Govern yourself accodingly

Sincerely and without malice, aforethought, ill will, vexation, or frivolity .


Andr Murray 31 Marshall Street, Fredericton, N.B E3A 4J8

Exhibit B from: Beck, David to: "Peddle, Madonna" <> cc: "" <> date: Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 2:55 PM subject: FW: ADMINISTRATIVE TICKET REVIEW

Madonna: Below is an email I received from Andre Murray with a request an administrative review of his ticket G219324 for Riding Bicycle on Sidewalk contrary to By-Law T4, Section 15. I have reviewed the ticket and cannot see any administrative errors on its face. Could you please advise Andre as to what the next step is in the procedure for his Administrative Ticket Review. Andre: I have forwarded your request to Madonna Peddle to assist you with this further, Regards, Cst David Beck

From: Andre Murray [] Sent: October-11-11 2:37 PM To: Beck, David Subject: ADMINISTRATIVE TICKET REVIEW

Exhibit C from: Peddle, Madonna to: "" <> date: Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 3:02 PM subject: city by-law ticket

If you want to give me a call I can explain the administrative review process and the court process to you. Thanks

Madonna Peddle Summons Clerk Parking Services City of Fredericton 506-460506-460-2199 madonna.peddle email

Exhibit D from: Andre Murray to: "Beck, David" <> cc: date: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 4:29 PM subject: Re: FW: ADMINISTRATIVE TICKET REVIEW

Request for Clarification of Offer

October 24, 2011 Re: 11/10/07 at Aberdeen St. or thereabouts a an incident inter alia occurring involving Constable David Beck finally ended and resulted with Constable David Beck leaving a document with the name Andre Murray written below the following header: FREDERICTON MUNICIPAL BY-LAW INFRACTIONS/ G 219324 To Constable David Beck, Badge number 377 who did supply a copy of the herewithin above mentioned FREDERICTON MUNICIPAL BY-LAW INFRACTIONS/ G 219324.
FREDERICTON POLICE FORCE 311 Queen Street Fredericton, N.B. E3B 1B1 Phone: (506) 460 2300 Fax: (506) 460 2316

Constable David Beck you have supplied me with of FREDERICTON MUNICIPAL BY-LAW INFRACTIONS/ G 219324. I do not understand those apparent demands and therefore cannot lawfully fulfill them. I seek clarification of your subject supplied document, so that I may in good conscience maintain my entire body of God given Natural Rights. Failure to accept this offer as found herewithin to thereby clarify and to do so completely and in good faith will be deemed by all concerned parties to mean you and your principal or any other parties who may have an interest for that reason have abandoned all demands implied or otherwise for that reason made upon me. Constable David Beck I qualify the above herewithin subject document as a offer accordingly I conditionally accept your offer upon proof of claim of all of the following:


1. Upon proof of claim that I am a VIOLATOR; 2. Upon proof of claim that I am a Citizen, 3. Upon proof of claim that I was riding a bicycle on a sidewalk; 4. Upon proof of claim that I consented to accepting Document Dumber: G 219324; 5. Upon proof of claim that I consented to accepting any conditions found alleged within Document Dumber: G 219324; 6. Upon proof of claim that I am a DEFENDANT; 7. Upon proof of claim that there exists an injured party; 8. Upon proof of claim that I am subject to PROSECUTION; 9. Upon proof of claim that I committed a OFFENCE; 10. Upon proof of claim that I was at a PLACE OF OFFENCE; 11. Upon proof of claim that I Breached the Peace; 12. Upon proof of claim that you have lawful authority to interfere with my lawful travel, while I am maintaining the peace; 13. Upon proof of claim that the three separate boxes on the front face of MUNICIPAL BY-LAW INFRACTIONS Document Number: G 219324 are legally related; 14. Upon proof of claim that I am subject to, therefore accountable for MUNICIPAL BY-LAW INFRACTIONS; 15. Upon proof of claim that I was not entitled to receive the Original MUNICIPAL BY-LAW INFRACTIONS Document Number: G 219324, instead of a copy; 16. Upon proof of claim that I have signed a lawful two party contract, binding me to perform according to MUNICIPAL BY-LAW INFRACTIONS; 17. Upon proof of claim that you know what THE CITY OF FREDERICTON actually is, legally speaking; 18. Upon proof of claim that I showed you some sort of identification establishing an equity relationship with THE CITY OF FREDERICTON;


19. Upon proof of claim that you putting a NAME, ADDRESS, DATE OF BIRTH, CITY, PROVINCE and POSTAL on that ticket and trying to associate me with that VIOLATOR is not unlawful and a potential act of fraud;

20. Upon proof of claim that the ticket was the result of a lawful investigation unmarred by prejudice; 21. Upon proof of claim that you were offered proof of contract which bound me contractually to perform according to MUNICIPAL BY-LAW INFRACTIONS. 22. Upon proof of claim that the only three ways to lawfully discharge this ticket is by doing one of the three things on the back of the ticket; 23. Upon proof of claim of your Peace Officer status; 26. Upon proof of claim that you can act with dishonour and ticket me as well. It is not my intent to be difficult, but I exercise and protect my rights and it seems to me not being hoodwinked into accepting a debt or unwillingly granting authority is a fundamental one. Since the MUNICIPAL BY-LAW INFRACTIONS which deal with the alleged infraction you were investigating do not inflict a punishment greater then allegedly a fine, threatening incarceration or detainment in the course of that investigation cannot be lawful. The investigation cannot be a greater imposition then the punishment for a conviction. Also, the term DEFENDANT implies one engaged in a conflict. If we are in conflict does not honour and the rule of law both demand we sit down and discuss and negotiate before going to court in an adversarial fashion? I certainly feel that is the case and would like to re-issue my previous offer to discuss this matter prior to using up valuable court resources. Also, if in the exercise of my rights and my lawful quest for a more compassionate society I have harmed anyone, I would like the opportunity to apologize and make amends immediately. Who exactly did I harm?

Notice of Discharge
Please consider your original Notice MUNICIPAL BY-LAW INFRACTIONS Document Dumber: G 219324 to be hereby lawfully discharged and re-issue it forthwith without any ambiguity if you intend to present it in a court of law. If you fail to do so please do not attempt to claim any obligation upon my part towards you or your principal. Also be aware that you failing to present this discharge to court if this matter is heard without my presence would likely be a fraud upon the court, as you would be withholding information vital to the proper administration of justice.


Finally, please ask your principal which section of the regulations empowers you to endanger human life by accosting, battering, assaulting, arresting and detaining someone in the course of an investigation into a possible MUNICIPAL BY-LAW INFRACTION. As this appears to be a criminal matter, and what I am asking is very reasonable and is in fact information you should already have unless you are grossly negligent, you have three days to respond to this Notice or it will be deemed to be dishonoured and you will be deemed to have waived the right of a Notice of Protest. Please respond within three days to the address below to avoid dishonoring your own document.. Address for Service 31 Marshall Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick, E3A 4J8 Sincerely and without malice aforethought, ill will, vexation or frivolity, _______________________ Andr of the Murray Family Please feel free to set up an appointment with me via email if you would like to settle this issue in a more amicable fashion. E-mail address:


Exhibit E from: Beck, David to: Andre Murray <> cc: "Peddle, Madonna" <> date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 9:29 AM subject: RE: FW: ADMINISTRATIVE TICKET REVIEW
Andre: I have read your email and I see Madonna Peddle has forwarded it to the legal department. That was my intent as well as all your questions below deal with elements of the offence (among others) which his proven in a court of law before a presiding judge. TAKE NOTICE - that I have no authority to Discharge the ticket which I served upon you. Only a Judge can dismiss this ticket and should you fail to attend court for due process you will not have an opportunity to request such and due process will continue in your absence. TAKE NOTICE that I shall not answer any further emails from yourself and shall not be bound by any requests made therein. TAKE NOTICE - By me failing to respond to any future emails does not qualify as any means of yourself not to be bound by the legislated process that must be followed as the result of the issuing of ticket that was served upon you. Please address any future concerns to the City of Fredericton, legal department as no future emails about this matter shall be responded to. Best regards, Cst David Beck


Exhibit F from: Andre Murray to: date: Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 2:24 PM subject: Attention Time sensitive Information Request

November 29, 2011


City Solicitor Michelle Brzak Legal Services Division, Suit 100, 412 Queen Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, E3B 4Y7 Phone: (506) 460-2115 Fax: (506) 460-2128

Dear Michelle Brzak, Note: The City of Fredericton website explains your job description and position as the follows: City Solicitor The City Solicitor provides legal services to the City of Fredericton, and its various departments and committees. The Office is responsible for: drafting by-laws and resolutions for City Council, preparing legal opinions required by Departments; and, acting on behalf of the City with respect to Council-approved property transactions

As a consequence of my desire for truth and maximum freedom, I am interested in understanding the process by which The City of Fredericton allegedly utilizes Statutes, Acts and By-Laws to compel Men and Women hereafter (inhabitants) to act in a predetermined regulated manner, which without exception subject regulation exists under the threat of force or the like.


Socrates (the Greek philosopher) was credited with saying The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms therefore following my path through pursuit of wisdom, further, to assist in that we may achieve a just more compassionate society, I require your assistance to define the legal terms which may be relative, and of utmost interest to me at this time, that I may and all other interested ones, may, comprehend your understanding. I would like to comprehend where in The City of Fredericton' s by-laws or the Municipalities Act, RSNB 1973, c M-22 that I may find definitions for the following words: 1. Person 2. By-Law 3. Human 4. Bicycle 5. Sidewalk 6. Street 7. Riding 8. Helmet Since those who would be and or are currently employed as Agents (City Agents) by The City of Fredericton, furthermore, those subject City Agents who in performance of their job description will use the herewithin, above listed words, either verbalized and or in written form, therefore to extract a revenue moreover to further establish as something to be obeyed or complied with that which is otherwise commonly worded, and must consequentially be recognized as threat, consequently non compliance accompanied with inter alia the ultimatum as is delivered to subject inhabitants promising to result in punitive measures that which reasonable must follow considering the wording as that may be.


To thereby compel inhabitants of the land area incorporated as The City of Fredericton, further, to manipulate said inhabitants of the subject area to behave according to the City Agents understanding of these herewithin, above listed subject words. Words manipulated threatening to apply Force, so as to compel me to act according to their will, use of these words to justify their interference with my lawful activities, I am very interested in knowing the "hows" and "whys" of this situation we find our selves in. Does The City of Fredericton act on some implied contract, or is there another mechanism that the City utilizes, to claim jurisdiction over men and women? from where does the City of Fredericton claim to draw its consent to govern? Seeing as how boots are on the ground doing the "application of force" as we speak, and you have been City Solicitor since 2009, then i hope that 48 hours will be sufficient time within which to prepare a response for me. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response. Yours very truly, Andr Murray DATED at Fredericton, New Brunswick this_____ day of ___________________, 2011. _______________________ ANDRE MURRAY
31 Marshall Street Fredericton, N.B. E3A 4J8


Exhibit G from: LEGAL DEPARTMENT to: Andre Murray <> date: Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 4:31 PM subject: RE: Attention Time sensitive Information Request
Mr. Murray: With respect to your e-mail request of November 29, 2011, we wish to advise you that our office is not able to provide you with the information you have requested because our office provides internal legal services to the organization not to members of the public. In addition, as you are currently engaged with various litigation matters with the City of Fredericton and your requests appear to relate to these claims, we are unable to provide this information to you. You may wish to retain a lawyer who may be able to provide you with the information or legal advice you are seeking. Thank you. Donna Legacy, On behalf of the Legal Division The City of Fredericton


Exhibit H from: Andre Murray to: LEGAL DEPARTMENT <> date: Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 4:37 PM subject: Re: Attention Time sensitive Information Request

November 30, 2011

TO: THE CITY OF FREDERICTON Donna Legacy Legal Services Division, Suit 100, 412 Queen Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, E3B 4Y7 Phone: (506) 460-2115 Fax: (506) 460-2128

Dear Donna, Please direct me to whom may provide the information I am seeking. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response. Very truly, Andr Murray

DATED at Fredericton, New Brunswick this_____ day of ___________________, 2011. _______________________ ANDRE MURRAY
31 Marshall Street Fredericton, N.B. E3A 4J8


Exhibit I from: Andre Murray to: "Peddle, Madonna" <> date: Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 5:09 PM subject: Re: city by-law ticket

November 30, 2011 TO:

Madonna Peddle Summons Clerk Parking Services Fredericton City of Fredericton 506-460506-460-2199 email peddle

Dear Madonna Peddle. As a consequence of my desire for truth and maximum freedom, I am interested in understanding the process by which The City of Fredericton allegedly utilizes Statutes, Acts and By-Laws to compel Men and Women hereafter (inhabitants) to act in a predetermined regulated manner, which without exception subject regulation exists under the threat of force or the like. Socrates (the Greek philosopher) was credited with saying The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms therefore following my path through pursuit of wisdom, further, to assist in that we may achieve a just more compassionate society, I require your assistance to define the legal terms which may be relative, and of utmost interest to me at this time, that I may and all other interested ones, may, comprehend your understanding. I would like to comprehend where in The City of Fredericton' s by-laws or the Municipalities Act, RSNB 1973, c M-22 that I may find definitions for the following words:

1. Person

2. By-Law 3. Human 4. Bicycle 5. Sidewalk 6. Street 7. Riding 8. Helmet Since those who would be and or are currently employed as Agents (City Agents) by The City of Fredericton, furthermore, those subject City Agents who in performance of their job description will use the herewithin, above listed words, either verbalized and or in written form, therefore to extract a revenue moreover to further establish as something to be obeyed or complied with that which is otherwise commonly worded, and must consequentially be recognized as threat, consequently non compliance accompanied with inter alia the ultimatum as is delivered to subject inhabitants promising to result in punitive measures that which reasonable must follow considering the wording as that may be. To thereby compel inhabitants of the land area incorporated as The City of Fredericton, further, to manipulate said inhabitants of the subject area to behave according to the City Agents understanding of these herewithin, above listed subject words. Words manipulated threatening to apply Force, so as to compel me to act according to their will, use of these words to justify their interference with my lawful activities, I am very interested in knowing the "hows" and "whys" of this situation we find our selves in. Does The City of Fredericton act on some implied contract, or is there another mechanism that the City utilizes, to claim jurisdiction over men and women? from where does the City of Fredericton claim to draw its consent to govern?

Seeing as how boots are on the ground doing the "application of force" as we speak, then I hope that 48 hours will be sufficient time within which to prepare a response for me. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response. Yours very truly, Andr Murray DATED at Fredericton, New Brunswick this_____ day of ___________________, 2011.

_______________________ ANDRE MURRAY

31 Marshall Street Fredericton, N.B. E3A 4J8


Exhibit J from: LEGAL DEPARTMENT to: Andre Murray <> date: Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 9:21 AM subject: RE: Attention Time sensitive Information Request

Mr. Murray, As per my previous e-mail, you could contact a lawyer to obtain the information you are seeking. Thank you. Donna Legacy On behalf of the Legal Division The City of Fredericton


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