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The Role of Islamic Boarding Schools in the Drug Abuse Prevention

Narcotics are substances that can cause certain influence to those who use it by entering the drug into her body, the effect of refraction, loss of pain stimulation, excitement and hallucinations. With the emergence of these hallucinogenic effects that cause community groups, especially among teenagers want to use Narcotic although not suffering from anything. This has resulted in the abuse of narcotics (drugs). Dangers when using the Narcotics when not in accordance with the rules is the presence of addiction/drug dependence (addiction). Drug addiction is a disorder that is chronic/periodically so that patients lose control of himself and causing losses to themselves and society. People who are already involved in the abuse of narcotics in the beginning is still in the size (dose) is normal. After a long time drug user becomes a habit, after the usual use of mar later for the same effect required higher doses (tolerance). After the end of this phase of tolerance to addiction, feel you can not live without narcotics. Say no to drug! This is a slogan that is very simple but has complex implications associated with the expectation to be realized, the following business policies that must be implemented. Say no to drug, not just a jargon, these are the responsibility of religious-based organizations, governments, NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations), legal institutions, as well as our responsibility to enhance and empower our community towards a healthy life both from a mental aspect, physical, and spiritual. Around the world, many programs established with the purpose to prevent the misuse of drugs, or to treat those affected by drugs through the beliefs and practices of a particular religion. This approach is mostly done in Indonesia and other developing countries. To the west, religion is not so prominent in preventing drug abuse: but we believe that faith-based programs really do have concerns there direction. As a religious and educational leaders, we realize many of the challenges facing young people in our country today. The use of illicit drugs including alcohol use and certain products. Kept creeping up in the society especially the youth, and in some places, these drugs have been attracting the youth in the world of crime and addiction to a deadly every person, society,

families and individuals as well as planting of strong values, which stem from religious belief is a factor of effective protection in order to prevent the impact of drug users as high-risk action. Religious communities were at the vanguard in responding to the urgent needs of social services for individuals and society. Including drug addiction, we provide food and clothing for the needy, we provide shelter for the homeless. We offer drug treatment, gifts and help members of groups who are fighting to keep religion. When preventing drug use, we can also play an important role. Where possible, scholars and managers need to consider boarding schools to nurture and heal the user of drugs. Pesantren, which was raised by scholars of religion experts, have a lot of religious activities as well as rules, and usually surrounded by a fence, apparently is a suitable place for the healing of the user of drugs. This was evident at the Pondok Pesantren Suryalaya, Tarlac. Pesantren KH Shohibulwafa Tajul Arifin (Abah Anom) since 1972 has been building up drug addicts recover at Pondok Inabah rehab centers. Through the method of approach with the Order Qadiriyah Ilaahiyah Naqsyabandiyah, at Pondok Inabah rehab centers have been successfully treated thousands of child development from dependence on Drugs, the sinners are restored from the behavior of obedient behavior. Because of these efforts, Abah Anom received numerous awards, from the government of Indonesia also from overseas. Currently boarding schools are expected to increase alertness, so that drugs do not go to boarding school. And then, hopefully there will be more Islamic boarding schools that nurture and heal the users Drugs. The government should conduct a variety of alternatives from persuasive policies to the policy of forcing nature. Persuasive policy can be done by encouraging philanthropy to further provide a conducive climate within the community to have concern for others. And also through social movements are expected to concern the social and social responsibility are part of the value of an increasingly socialized and internalized within the community. In this case the government can establish partnerships with institutions boarding schools, so it can be developed for intensive addicts. Prevention and treatment due to drug abuse is a complex issue that still needs a lot to learn about what is best done and by whom, of course, religion has a role to play, but the matter of religious doctrine that there is not sufficient for effective prevention and treatment, there is also a formula that religious-based activities can be improved with some good prevention

practices in our Islamic society. Like all programs of prevention and treatment based on religious needs should be carefully evaluated by independent researchers using objective indicators of success. Thus the exchange of views and experience between us is important. In order to provide better assistance to those who have drug problems. With the intertwining of cooperation and networking will be able to encourage the realization that each has deficiencies that can be filled by the excess of others. Besides the problem of drug abuse is a phenomenon frequently encountered in today's society. Therefore, if the number of persons does not mean the problem has been dealt with drug abuse problems to be lost, even the problem had been dealt with, if not followed by further assistance can still be a problem physically. Our hope is that in our country, especially the general public aware of the dangers of using or consuming narcotics. Therefore, we as the younger generation should be more careful in choosing friends hanging out, because if we are wrong select friends all the more that we already know have become addicts should we think ahead to make friends with them.

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