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Kurush Dubash Period 0 November 3, 2011 Persuasive Speech Everywhere we go, we, as Americans, are faced with some

of exposure to propaganda, whether its television advertisements or even a section of an article in the newspaper. But honestly, what is this propaganda? Is it simply promotions for a company or is there some other organization pulling some strings. Truthfully, a majority of these propaganda items are controlled by the USs strongest and most corrupt organization: The Government. Corruption in the government is like the air we breathe; it cant be seen but it is happening every second. And its terrible. It doesnt make sense for a system which ensures over three hundred million people that their hard work is only to be 64% worth it and the other 36% is going to government funding, yet the pubic has no idea to what exactly this government funding means? But the audience is shielded and society moves on as if they know nothing. We as people of the country are told, convinced, and persuaded that everything our government does is in our best interest. We as people are showed ads, commercials, and propaganda of props and bills benefiting society but when actually passed, we hear no more of it? We as people are pushed and worked from eight to ten hour jobs to single mothers with two jobs just to meet ends and are told the reason for our hard ships is because of a faulty economy? Because a few certain investments didnt profit as high as expected? Its corruption, the idea and success of the US government realizing that their lack of informing society allows them to do what they want with the money of others at the risk of anyone but themselves! It is only a matter of time until the apples on the tree get to heavy, and the branches snap. The Libyan government underwent a corrupt dictator ship for over 30 years and eventually the people took the power. The US is overdue on a massive change, a blow to the throne; a shift of power, power to the people. The United States is one of the worlds super powers for its military, economy, and undeniable freedom. But a corrupt system leads to a failing economy and without money, weapons cant be made. Soon the title of the US as a super power will be the mere equivalence to a bumper sticker on a car; just for show. Its corruption. The citizens of the US pay for the four-hundred thousand dollar paycheck the president earns, yet is it just four-hundred thousand we pay? Disregard the fact that the president has no worries of paying mortgage. Disregard the fact that the president has full benefits and protection at his whim. Disregard the fact that even AFTER his or her presidency, the president retains all these perks. While millions of Americans are working trying to pay through college working multiple jobs, we have high officials such as the president getting breaks economically! Its corruption. We as people of the US rely on crucial parts of the economy to function, yet news that our own government is participating in multi-billion dollar scams can only lead to one thing: Revolution. The effects of these cheaters go beyond our economy and politics but also our society. To think that such a vast and powerful and most importantly democratic government is participating in such monumental scams convinces todays youth that it is okay for them too to participate in likewise events. The kids that grow seem to think that this type of government is superior to others; we all do. Its nationalism, but is the US greater than foreign nations? Society being uneducated makes assumptions that all systems are checked and power is balanced but is blind to see that the politicians of the US are strolling through our parks with barrels full of money with our names and faces on it. We have no doubt that there is corruption happening, yet we just sit sharpening our blades. Where is the country that fought the British despite fewer men, fewer weapons, but more hope? Where is the country that rallied to make amendments on the brink of separation? Where is the country that

jumped out of their seats when their lead military base was attacked? The US has come accustomed to sitting in its large recliner chair with access to everything it wants we no effort at all. But what the government fails to realize is that there is no chair they sit on, but the lives of hardworking Americans. Our government is a failing system, one in which feels they will always miraculously land a plane with no gear, fuel a car with no gas, and light a candle with no fire. Its corruption. On Washingtons final contributions to the US, he hoped the country would try its best to restrain from political parties. The US did exactly the opposite and the feud between parties further lead to bribes and campaigns exploiting one another. The US is tied for the fourth most corrupt system in the world yet only a minimal percentage of Americans are aware of this fact. Maybe its the lack of information that leads to this unjust system? Or maybe its the politicians fault for their unethical ways. Or maybe its our fault for fueling this poisoned fire. The US is a powerful country, a place where people travel thousands of miles just to experience the American Dream. But it shall not take more than a mere 10 years before people awake from their fairytales to realize that we live in a black, darkened nightmare. The drops of water are minimal but eventually the vessel can hold no more and overflows with liquid, a liquid of pure corruption.

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