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SAMPLE ROTARY FOUNDATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATION CONSTITUTION The Constitution of the Rotary Foundation Alumni of _____________ 1.

Name: The name of this association shall be the Rotary Foundation Alumni of _______ and it shall hereafter be referred to as the Association. 2. Objects: The objects of the Association are: (a) (b) (c) (d) to offer assistance to inbound Rotary Foundation Awardees. to offer assistance to newly elected Rotary Foundation Awardees from Rotary Districts __________. to provide a contact link between Association members and Rotary to represent the views of members in respect of Rotary Foundation

3. Membership: All former Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholars, Group Study Exchange Team Members, recipients of Grants for Rotary Volunteers, University Teachers, Discovery Grants and New Opportunities Grants as sponsored by District ______________ are automatically members upon completion of their Scholarship period, GSE trip abroad or service term, respectively. 4. Office Bearers: The Officers of Association shall be the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. They shall be elected by the Annual General Meeting and shall serve untilthe next Annual General Meeting. 5. The Chairperson: and (in the absence of the Chairperson) Vice Chairperson shall have the duty of presiding at meetings. In the absence of both, a Chairperson shall be elected for the meeting from those members present. The Secretary: shall carry out their duties under the direction of the Committee and keep a true record of all minutes of all meetings, attend to correspondence, issue notices for meetings and maintain such records. They shall also maintain an updated membership list and keep informed on outgoing, incoming and returned Awardees as information relating to these becomes available. The Treasurer: is responsible for keeping the accounts of Alumni, for receiving and acknowledging donations and payments, and for paying all bills incurred by Alumni. The function of receiving monies and paying expenses for a particular meeting may be deputed to another member in the absence of the Treasurer. The Committee: of Association shall consist of the Officers together with such other members as the Annual General Meeting shall elect, or as shall from time to time be co-opted by the Committee. It shall have the power to fix dates, times and places of meetings and to invite guests of the Association to such meetings. It shall also have the power to present the views of the Association on Foundation matters to Rotary




International or anyone else. A quorum for a Committee meeting shall be three Committee members. 9. Dues: No dues fees will be charged. However, each year all members will be invited to make a donation to the Association for the purpose of underwriting the cost of the annual meeting. Depending on funds available, the Committee has the power to make donations towards Rotary Foundation through Districts __________.*

10. Fund-raising. The Association may from time to time engage in active fundraising among its members for the purpose of supporting a specific service project in District ________; or for the purpose of supporting The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. Such fundraising efforts must be approved by a simple majority of the membership. 11. Meetings: All meetings shall be financed by members paying their own expenses and those of their personal guests together with a contribution towards the expenses of Alumni guests. The Treasurer can authorize a subvention from the general funds of Alumni towards the cost of a particular meeting. Any surplus which may arise from a meeting shall be added to the general funds. One such meeting in each year shall be designated the Annual General Meeting and at least 60 days notice given to all members residing in Districts _______________. 12. Guests of Alumni: Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholars, GSE team members, etc currently visiting Districts __________ and newly elected Awardees shall be entitled to attend meetings as guests of Alumni. The Committee has discretion, however, to ask them to pay for themselves and for any guests they may bring. Rotarians involved with Rotary Foundation and specifically the District Alumni Chairperson and the appropriate Foundation Alumni Resource Group member(s) are also welcome to attend meetings as guests of Alumni. 13. Amendments: The Annual General Meeting shall be entitled to amend the Constitution. For such meetings a quorum of six members is required. Notice of intention to propose a repeal, addition or amendment must be received by the Secretary in writing 30 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting. All amendments require a two-thirds majority of members present at the meeting before being accepted. Written absentee votes for the election of Officers and Committee will be accepted.

*Alternate #9. Dues: Dues fees will be charged to each member at the amount of US$____ per year, payable to the Association for the purpose of underwriting the cost of the annual meeting. Depending on funds available, the Committee has the power to make donations towards The Rotary Foundation through District __________.

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