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TITLE: L&T Infotech Sample Technical Placement Paper Level1 (Bolded option is your answer) 1. What is ENUM? A It is used B It is used to define to define variables constants 2. Polymorphism? A B Polymorphism Polymorphi means multiple forms sm means but one name multiple forms and different name 3. Which is the largest Heading Tag? A H1 B H3 C It is used to initialize variables D None

C Polymorphism means single forms and single name

D All of the above are true

C H4

D H6

4. Which of the following are attributes of Font Tag? A Face B Size C Color D All of above

5. Which of the following is used increase the row height? A cellspacing B cellpadding C row span D col span

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6. Anchot Text is displayed in which colour by default? A red B green C blue D pink

7. which of the following is valid colour code? A #000000; B #0000000; C #00000000; D #0000000 00;

8. A database is? A A vast B A set of condensed C Arrangement of amount of data highlighting data in a particular data stored specific information order in a group of integeral files 9. what is default extention of HTML? A .HTML B .HTM C Both D Basic data for processing an applicatio n

D None

10. Which of the following is/are true about the structure? A B Structures can not Structures have contractor are value type 11. In a C language && is a? C Structures do not support Inheritance D All of the above are true

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A Relational B Logical operator operator

C Arithmetic operators

D None of these

12. _________ statement is used control the flow of execution? A If statement B Switch statement C Goto statement D All of these

13. Which of the following are tokens in C? A Keywords B Variable 14. SQL works with database? A MSAccess B DB2 C MS-SQL D All of the above C Constants D All of above

15. Which escape character can be used to new line in C? A `(a)` B `()` C `(v)` D `(k)`

16. Which of the following namespaces used in C#.NET? A using System; B using C using D All of System.Collections.Ge System.Windows.Fo the above neric; rms; are used 17. The maximum length of a variable in C? A8 B 16 C 32 D 64

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18. What will be the maximum size of a float variable in c? A 1 byte B 2 bytes C 4 bytes D 8 bytes

19. The size of string variable is? A 1 byte B 8 bytes C 16 bytes D None of these

20. Which of the following is a key word is used for a storage class? A Printf B External C Auto D Scanf

21. In the C language a represents? A A digit 22. A link is? AA compiler B A loader C An assembler D An analyzing tool in C B An integer C A character D A word

23. The continue command cannot be used with? A For B Switch C Do D While

24. Array subscripts in C always start at?

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C -1

D Both a and b

25. Which of the following is application package? A SQL server B Oracle C MS-Access D All of the above

26. Which pair of function below is used for single character I or O? A getchar() B scanf() & printf() & putchar() C Input () & output() D None of these

27. The printf() function returns which value when an errors occurs? A Positive value B Zero C Negative value D None of these

28. Symbolic consists can be defined using? A #define B Const C Symbols D None of these

29. Null character is represented by? A `()` B `(o)` C `()` D `(e)`

30. Which header file is essential for using strcmp() functions? A String.h B Strings.h C text.h D strmp.h

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31. C supports how many basic looping constructs? A2 B3 C4 D6

32. Which among the following is a unconditional control structure? A do-while B if-else C goto D for

33. Which operator in C is called a ternary operator? A if-then B ++ C? D()

34. Various keywords supported by SQL are? A Select B Insert C Delete D All of the above

35. Which of the following is not a valid variable? A p_ce1 B 1 p_ce C p1_ce D p_ced

36. Which of the following is/are not types of arrays in C#? A SingleB Multidimensional Dimensiona l C Jagged arrays D Jazzed arrays

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