Thor in The Land of Giants

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Thor in the land of giants

Thor was the eldest son of Frigg and Odin and he was perhaps one of the best loved gods of all. Thor was red haired and red-bearded, who had the tendency of acting first and thinking later, a fact which often landed him into trouble. Thor often roared across the skies of Midgard in his chariot drawn by two giant goats. Thor was loved by men because he gave them good crops. When the lighting flashed across the horizon they knew that he was battling the giants and hunting the trolls. Besides Thor's mighty hammer, Miolnir the Mullicrusher, Thor possesed a belt that when he wore it increased his already great strength twofold. Thor's third valued possession was a pair of iron gauntlets, without them he would not be able to hold his fiery hammer or catch it when it flew back at him like a boomerang after each throw. Thor's mansion possessed five hundred and forty rooms, the most extensive mansion known to man. Thor lived in his mansion with his wife Sif, a beautiful woman who's long hair was made of pure gold and rippled over her shoulders like ripening wheat, she was the goddess of cornfields. The table in Thor's mighty hall was constantly groaning under the weight of meat and drink for Thor was renowned for his unquenchable appetite, he had been known to eat a whole ox and three barrels of mead in one go.

Thor a fost fiul cel mare al lui Odin i Frigg i el a fost, probabil, unul dintre cei mai iubiti zeii dintre toti. Thor avea parul roscat ,precum si barba, care avea tendinta de a actiona inainte sa gandesca, un fapt care de multe ori la bagat in incurcatura. Thor adesea urla pe cerul de Midgard din carul su ce era tras de doi tapi gigant. Thor a fost iubit de oameni pentru c el le dadea recolte bune. Atunci cnd fulgera peste orizont, ei tiau c el se lupta cu gigantii i vnase trolli. Pe lng ciocanul lui Thor puternic, Miolnir Mullicrusher, Thor purta o centur care ii marea puterea de doua ori.Al treilea lucru de valoare al lui Thor era pereche sa de manusi de fier, fara de care nu era capabil sa isi prinda ciocanul de foc atunci cand el se intorcea dupa ce il arunca, la fel ca si un boomerang. Conacul lui Thor poseda 540 camere, cel mai extins conac cunoscut de om. Thor a trit n casa lui mpreun cu soia lui Sif, o femeie frumoasa cu parul lung de aur pur i ondulat pe umeri ca maturare de gru, ea a fost zeita lanurile de porumb. Masa din sala puternicului Thor a fost n mod constant gemut sub greutatea de carne i butur ,Thor a fost renumit pentru apetitul su nestins, el a fost cunoscut ca a mnca un bou ntreg i trei butoaie de mied ntr-o singur micare.

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