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Arts Council of Mongolia Annual Report 2008

2 4 4 10 11 16 22 26 Preface Programs Artist Development Program ACM Grantees Arts Education Program Advocacy Program Cultural Heritage Program Fundraising - ACM Major Donors - ACM Members - ACM Project Funders - ACM Project Supporters Board and Committees Staff and Volunteers Statement of Financial Activities ACM-US

Chingeltei District, Juulchin Street, Delta Center, 4th Floor, P.O. Box 491, Post Office 38, Ulaanbaatar 211238, Mongolia

29 30 31



Welcome to the Arts Council of Mongolia (ACM) Annual Report for 2008. In 2008 we are facing direct and indirect waves of world economic recession in Mongolian society, its arts and culture and our daily lives. In 2008, ACM raised a total of $ 381,861 USD from local and international sources to sustain Mongolian arts and culture and to contribute to the preservation and of unique cultural heritage. In 2008, ACM carried out activities in four program areas: Advocacy, Arts Education, Cultural Heritage and Artist Development. The Artist Development Program continued to assist artists and cultural organizations through providing grants of $35,161 USD, organizing series of professional development trainings in arts marketing, modern dance, project development and leadership. In 2008 we initiated and implemented eight international exchanges with artists and arts organizations in Australia, USA, Canada, China-Macao and Sweden. Features of the program include Time and Space - the nomadic arts residency program and the ACM fellowship program conducted jointly with Arts Council of Korea and ACM-US involving more than 20 artists. The Advocacy Program largely focused on building public awareness for the importance of arts and culture for human and social development through producing a monthly TV program Arts Network with the Mongolian National Public TV (MNTV). All together, nine series were produced and were broadcast nationwide reaching 25 percent of the MNTV total audience. A new initiative of the Arts Education program was Culture Naadam - Nomadic Spirit Revives, an inaugural event to promote nomadic culture and traditions to local and international audiences. The event was organized by ACM, the Mongolian University of Arts and Culture and METAA Company of Korea and supported by Mongolian Government and Ulaanbaatar Mayors office. The festival reached more than 20,000 visitors during the two days of its operation. One of the important highlights of the Cultural Heritage Program in 2007-2008 was the Mongolian Monasteries Documentation project. As a result, an online database of around 1280 temples and oral histories were collected and posted at the website for the public. Currently we are working to publish a book on Mongolian monasteries with the collaboration of the President of Mongolias office. Another achievement of the Cultural Heritage Program was the first historical and architectural assessment and landscape gardening of the Choijin Lama Temple Museum. This contributed to the preservation of this unique historical and cultural site of Mongolia. Thanks go to all our donors, including Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation) Arts & Culture Network Program, Xanadu Mines Co.Ltd-Australia, Coleman Lemieux and Campagnie-Canada, Arts Council of Korea, METAA-Korea, ACM US, Institute of Culture of Macau-China, , Swedish Institute-Sweden, Canada Fund-Canada, Williamstown Art Conservation Center-USA, Sue
Time, S.Sarantsatsralt, mixed media, 2003

Byrne-UK, Jessica Woodworth and Peter Brosens-USA & Belgium filmmakers, American Dance Festival-USA; local donors of MCS Asia Pacific Brewery Co.Ltd, the Embassy of USA to Mongolia, Mongol News Co.Ltd, MCS Electronics Co.Ltd, BHP Billiton, Air Trans, KHAN Bank, the Embassy of Turkey to Mongolia, Open Society Forum, Save the Children, Eznis Airways; our members and KHAN Bank, Newcom LLC, Steppe Link Association, Emilia Futrell, Marcus Schutenko, Dwight Gee, B.Khongorzul and supporters MCS Holdings, Zanabazar Fine Arts Museum, Mongolian National TV & Radio Broadcasting, State Opera and Ballet Theater, AUSAID and Mongol Messenger; and to all our friends and supporters, both Mongolian and international. Your continuing support and collaboration will greatly contribute to ACM in expanding and developing its activities successfully and ensuring a better future of the arts and cultural sector in Mongolia. Let the spirit of the nation be strong and creative! Jantsannorov Natsag ACM Board Chair Peoples Artist & Twice State Laureate composer




To support Mongolian arts and cultural institutions, individual artists and cultural workers to realize their innovative and creative projects; to assist them to develop and achieve sustainability in their arts practice through an annual grants program and to raise awareness of the national and international resources available to support Mongolian arts and artists. In 2008, the Artist Development Program introduced new projects including the ACM Fellowship program aiming to enhance leadership, management skills and knowledge of emerging arts leaders and the Nomadic Arts Residency program that promotes international exchange in the field of arts with the support and partnership of the Arts Council of Korea.

ACM ANNUAL GRANTS COMPETITION Every year the grants competition areas are determined by the Artist Development and Program Committees and approved by the ACM Board. During the period from 2003-2008, ACM has supported 94 arts organizations, 49 individual artists and arts managers and has awarded a total of $258,793 USD in grants. Grants area in 2008: Projects related to the development of building the capacity of artists and arts managers. Supported: 10 arts organizations, artists and art managers (Please see ACM Grantees section) Grants Awarded: $18,385 USD OSI - ACNP GRANTS COMPETITION 2008-2010 ACM announced the Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation)- Arts & Culture Network Program (OSIACNP) Competition among Mongolian arts organizations and artists and administered the application process. Goal: To contribute to enhancing collaborative practices, developing public cultural spaces and building intercultural dialogue and understanding of Central Asian and Caucasian countries Highlights: - Distributed the competition guidelines and application forms to over 400 arts and cultural organizations and individuals; - Launched the Mentoring Program for applicants; - Provided weekly Individual mentoring for applicants. - Awarded grant of $9,490 to Art Administration Department of Mongolian University of Culture &Arts for translation and publishing of a book on arts administration named Standing Room Only-Strategies Partner: OSI-ACNP
Mongolian participants of modern dance training, USA

DESIGNATED GRANTS FROM THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY THROUGH ACM ACM visibility was significantly raised among corporate organizations who selected ACM to administer their support for the arts through ACMs transparent grants system. Supporters Belgium film director Peter Brosens, American film director Jessica Woodworth, Asia Europe Foundation, Tiger Asia Pacific Brewery Total grants: $10,500USD Grantees: 7 Mongolian artists and Mongolian National Modern Art Gallery.

ASIAN ART MAJOR SCHOLARSHIP OF KOREAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ARTS ACM was selected as a representative of Asian Art Major Scholarship of Korean National University of Arts (KNUA) in Mongolia through Embassy of Republic of Korea. Highlights: - Announced the scholarship in the areas of fine arts, visual arts and performing arts; - 21 applications received, of which four were selected by the Selection Committee from the ACM Artist Development Program Committee members and ACM staff; - As the result of the final selection held in Korea at KNUA, Mr. A.Khosbayar, a dance instructor at the Music and Dance College of Mongolia was selected to study a Dance Theory Masters - Degree for two and a half years. - The scholarship includes full tuition fees, room board, Korean Language course tuition, monthly stipend and travel.


TIME AND SPACE NOMADIC ART RESIDENCY PROGRAM In 2007, ARKO (Arts Council of Korea) and ACM signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen the partnership and cooperation between the two organizations. Goal: To promote cultural and creative exchange between Korean and Mongolian artists and to increase the use of the arts in facilitating positive social change. Specific objective: To create access for local communities to observe, participate and benefit from this unique program. Highlights: - The first residency with 6 Mongolian and 6 Korean artist was organized for two weeks in September, 2008 in BayanUlgii and South Gobi provinces; - Implemented number of community arts projects and joint exhibition for the people of Dalanzadgad city - South Gobi province; - The residency shall be organized annually among artists from a range of disciplines: visual art (fine arts, land art, installation and design), literature, video and music, photography and performing arts. Supporter and Partner: Arts Council of Korea (ARKO) The Museum of South Gobi province Nomadic Expeditions Co.Ltd
Time and Space, Nomadic Arts Residency Program, South-Gobi province


Goal: To create a contemporary dance documentary during the rare occurrence of an eclipse in Bayan-Ulgii province of Mongolia by an artistic group of Coleman Lemieux & Compagnie, indigenous artists, Canadian dancers, filmmakers, supporters and Mongolian artists and media representatives. Highlights: - Performance season July 25 - August 5, 2008 in Ulaanbaatar and Bayan-Ulgii province; - The first Canadian artistic tour and modern dance workshop that took place in the western region of Mongolia; - Created short dance pieces in cultural, historical and natural sites of Bayan-Ulgii province; - Coleman Lemieux & Compagnies contribution of dance costumes to Mongolian dancers of State Opera and Ballet Theatre, Music and Dance College and University of Culture and Arts. Partner: Coleman Lemieux & Compagnie, Canada Eznis Airways, Mongolia MONGOLIAN PROJECT OF COLEMAN LEMIEUX & COMPAGNIE AMERICAN DANCE FESTIVAL SUMMER SCHOOL In 2004 the Feel Wind Modern Dance project was initiated in collaboration with the American Dance Company and the Arabesque Modern Dance Information Center of Mongolia to foster exchange between American Mongolian modern dance professionals. Highlights: - Over 90 dancers and dance choreographers were involved in workshops; - 4 Mongolian dancers attended the ADF Summer School in Durham, NC USA in the course of four years; - Two Mongolian dancers B.Odbayar, a dancer of Tumen National Song and Dance Ensemble, G.Naranzul, a dancer of Grand Dash Ballet Studio attended International Choreography Residency at the ADF Summer School in 2008; Supporter: American Dance Festival, USA

Goal: To promote cultural and creative exchange between American and Mongolian artists and to promote modern dance for Mongolian audience. Highlights: - The first ever American modern dance performance by the BDC organized on May 5, 2008; - Three contemporary and hip hop dance workshops conducted by BDCs dancers for 200 dance student and professional dancers from State Opera and Ballet Theatre, Music and Dance College, Tumen Ekh Ensemble and Mongolian University of Culture &Arts (MUCA); Collaborators: The US Embassy in Ulaanbaatar State Opera and Ballet Theatre


Mongolia-Canada modern dance exchange project, Bayan-Ulgii province


Training of ACM Fellowship program


Goal: To support and promote Mongolian arts and culture organizations and artists, a monthly calendar in English that highlights the breadth of cultural activity in Ulaanbaatar. Highlights: - Monthly produced 3000-5000 copies in English, includes entries from more than 40 arts and culture organizations; - Distributed to over 100 arts and culture organizanions, public service offices, hotels, restaurants and international agencies and to 350 individual subscribers. Supporter: Air Trans ARTS AND CULTURE EVENTS CALENDAR 2008 ARTS MARKETING NATIONAL TRAINING Goal: To build arts marketing capacity of Mongolian cultural organizations in Ulaanbaatar and in the regions Highlights: - Organized three sessions on arts marketing conducted by Mrs. Kelly Tweeddale, Executive director of Seattle Opera Theater; - Involved 55 managers and administrators of cultural institutions of Ulaanbaatar and the regions; 45 managers of performing art organizations and 50 students majoring in arts administration at MUCA; - Covered topics including What is arts marketing?, Strategic marketing plans, Marketing research, Building relationships with your audience and The difference between marketing and sales; Partners: The ACM-US The Arts and Culture Department of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science ACCESS TO SUCCESS DATABASE & CULTURAL MAPPING PROJECT Goal: To develop online database of Mongolian arts and culture organizations and artists and the database of international opportunities for Mongolian artists Highlights: - Updated the Access to Success database with more new entries on the ACM website - Initiated Cultural Mapping project to create database & publication about current cultural organizations and artists of Mongolia. Supporter: AsiaLink, Australia

Highlights: - Altan Urag folk rock band attended the 19th International Arts Festival of Macao and performed two night performances at the center of Macao on May 2008 Partner: The Institute Cultural da R.A.E. de Macau RED SKY THEATER DANCE COMPANYS FASTER, HIGHER, STRONGER PRODUCTION The ACM and Red Sky Theater Dance Company of Canada initiated a performance partnership entitled Faster, Higher, Stronger in 2007 and the preparation of the production took place in Canada. Highlights: - Launched at Banff Summer Arts Festival Canada involving three Mongolian artists, B. Batmend and D. Tuvshinjargal of the National Song and Dance Ensemble and B. Bat-Orshikh of folk music ensemble Legend ; - Presented the production in Asia at the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics China and at the Inner Mongolia International Arts Festival; ACM FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM Goal: To empower emerging cultural leaders through enhancing their leadership, management and marketing skills, and deepening their understanding of cultural policy, arts advocacy, and other issues. Highlights: - Ten selected participants of visual arts, literature, performing arts and arts administration. - Conducted 6 trainings on Team building and Leadership; Strategic Planning; National Arts Marketing; Fundraising in Arts; Creative Industry and Cultural Tourism and Project Development with trainers and experts from USA, Russia and Mongolia; - Provided networking opportunities for the fellows by involving them in ACM activities including ACM Board meetings, public events and projects. Partners: The ACM-US and Mr.Walt Jenkins, President, Inclusive Solutions The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science The University of Culture and Arts of Mongolia

How to develop project proposals training

Goal: To promote Mongolian fine arts abroad and within the country and to support sustainability in Mongolian fine arts by providing market platform for artists. Highlights: - Promoted more than 70 young visual artists - Raised funds of $10,952 USD for the ACM ; - Serves as an invaluable resource through direct revenue from arts and merchandise sales and through its role in supporting local artists to sustain their creative endeavors.





Youth Books Place, Ms.Tungalag S. Library management training in New Zealand To attend a four-week training program from IFLA Regional office for Asia and Oceania on library management, information technology, preservation, rural librarianship and literacy work in New Zealand $1,100 Mongolian Independent Film Maker Association & Mongolian Screenwriters Association Renovation of Mongolian film and art education To invite lecturers from Germany and Korea to organize training for young film makers on screenplay writing and film production preparation. $3,500 Association of Creative Women Developing school children through culture To develop a curriculum for secondary arts and dance education with an experts from Mongolia and Switzerland and organize a training among managers, methodologists and teachers from schools and kindergartens $4,000 Tamga association, Mr.Bayart-Od B. The Color of Mongolia To visit and organize an exhibition in France, practice and collaborate with international artists. $2,000 Mongolian Modern Art Gallery, Mrs.Otgonsuren D. 23rd Asian International Art Exhibition To participate the 23rd Asian International Art Exhibition with 20 Mongolian art works in Guangzhou, China December 2008. $860

The Union of Mongolian Translators kim G. 18th World Translators Congress To participate the 18th World Translators Congress in association with the Translators Association of China in Beijing August 2008. $1,595 National History Museum of Mongolia Problem of botany of South Siberia and Mongolia To attend and lecture in 7th International conference, Barnaul, Russia in October 2008. $1,010 Union of Mongolian Composers Contemporary music To invite a Russian composer, professor B.I.Tishenko to Mongolia to perform musical work, organize contemporary masterclass in October-November 2008 among teachers, composers and students of the Music and Dance College and MUCA $1,500 Erdenezuu Museum in Kharkhorin, Ms.Natsagnyam Ch. International Conference on City & Museums To participate and practice the 4th International Committee for the Collections and Activities of Museums of Cities in October 2008. $2,000 State Philharmonic Hall of Mongolia To enhance professional skills of composition To invite Shinik Hahm, a professor of Yale University, to conduct a joint performance with Mongolian artists and organize a masterclass in June 2008 among teachers, composers and students of the Music and Dance College and MUCA $820

ACMs Arts Education Program seeks to promote arts education as a tool for individual, social and community development and to facilitate policy dialogue on key issues related to arts education. The Arts Education Program implemented seven arts and heritage education projects, involving 3000 children. Arts education curricula were developed in different arts fields and 45 professional arts educators and museum workers, 15 artists, 25 arts teachers and 10 community workers gained knowledge on arts education curriculum writing and interactive teaching methodologies.

MY HISTORY - MY CULTURE A SERIES OF 5 MULTIMEDIA CDS Goal: To preserve and transfer Mongolian cultural heritage and traditional knowledge to a younger generation of Mongolians. In 2006, within the framework of celebrating the 800th Anniversary of the Great Empire of Mongolia, Arts Council of Mongolia initiated and broadcasted nationwide 37 episodes of My History - My Culture television program. As second phase of the project, ACM released My History - My Culture series of 5 multimedia CDs in January 2008. Highlights: - Featured historical information, figures and cultural artifacts from ancient times to the 20th century of Mongolian history; - Included selected episodes of My History - My Culture TV programs; - Produced 2000 copies of the multimedia CD series; - Distributed to 742 schools, 386 libraries and 168 colleges and universities throughout Mongolia. Partners: The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Culture Heritage Center of Mongolia Archeology Institute of Science Academy My History - My Culture series of 5 multimedia CD

Goal: To increase creativity and life skills of children through video art, to involve professional artists in community based projects and develop their skills in teaching creativity and life skills. Highlights: - Established well equipped Red Ger Media Art Center at the Red Ger Art Gallery; - Conducted We Can We are Talented video art training; - Involved three professional artists and ten student members of Future Development Youth Association from World Visions Bayankhoshuu districts community center; - Three documentary films were produced by participants. Supporter: MCS Electronics Petrovis Art Venture, Singapore World Vision Mongolia






Goal: To provide life skills training to young Mongolians through after school arts-based programs. Highlights: - Developed curricula Success in your hand involving drama, music and visual art with a strong life skills component. - Conducted training of trainers on interactive teaching methods for 25 teachers from Gegeerel informal education center, school #9, #67 from Songinokhairkhan district and school # 71 from Sukhbaatar district - Conducted after-school arts education classes involving 60 students from each school, providing life skills through art. Supporter: Petrovis BHP Billiton, Australia CULTURAL HERITAGE EDUCATION PROJECTS Goal: To build the capacity of museum curators in developing cultural heritage education curricula and increase museum public activities and educate a younger generation on cultural heritage. Highlights: - Developed the Museum Cultural Heritage Education handbook; - Organized nationwide training among museum workers; - Resulted curricula on silk painting, wood carving and on Mongolian traditions developed by museum workers; - Started conducting a pilot Cultural Heritage Education project at the Zanabazar Fine Arts museum, History & Ethnographic Museums of Bulgan & Tuv aimag; - Involved over 60 school children and students from 10-17 years old. Supporter: Canada Fund
Woodcut training


MIO SWISS-MONGOLIAN THEATEr prOJECT In November 2007 ACM organized the MIO theater project in partnership with ASSITEJ, the International Association of Theater for Children and Young People and in collaboration with the State Drama Theater, Admon publishing company and the Consulate Office of Sweden in Mongolia. In the spring of 2008, with the invitation of ASSITEJ, an ACM delegation visited Sweden to foster further collaboration on the MIO play, seeking Swedish Arts partners and developing training ideas for Mongolian artists on working on childrens plays.

Carrying water, on the way home, photo by FOK participant

FOCUS ON KIDS BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHY PROJECT Goal: To provide access to the creative process and life skills learning opportunities to vulnerable children. ACM initiated Focus on Kids black and white photography project in 2004 with support from Swiss development and Cooperation Agency. The project has been implemented at Chingeltei Community Center of the Save the Children-UK. Over the last four years, more than 60 disadvantaged children were involved in the project. Highlights: - Involved 17 disadvantaged children and resulted number of solo and joint photography exhibitions featuring more than 300 photos by children - Provided access to life skills, the creative process and semiprofessional education of black and white photography to disadvantaged young people; - Provided the opportunity for young people to express their view on current social situation around them through their 300 photography works. Supporter: The Swiss Development Agency /2004-2005/ Save The Children UK in Mongolia /2006-present/ Partner: The Chingeltei district Community Center of Save the Children UK in Mongolia





Culture Naadam 2008 Khui Doloon khudag

Culture Naadam 2008 activities


Goal: To promote nomadic culture and traditions to a domestic and international audience, to enhance the scope and quality of arts and culture services during Naadam, the annual Mongolian National Festival Highlights: - Provided the opportunity to local and international visitors to learn about nomadic tradition, arts and cultural heritage; - One Day in Mongolia, art and craft village was built to promote interactive arts and culture activities; - Involved over 50 artists, 100 volunteers and workers; - Reached out to over 20,000 guests; - Planned to be held annually. Co-organizers: METAA Company of Korea Mongolian University of Arts and Culture Supporter: The Committee of State Naadam Festival Arts and Culture Department of the Implementing Agency of

the Capital City Governor The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science Partners: The Discover Mongolia Tourist Information Center State Opera and Ballet Theatre East Siberian State Academy of Culture and Arts





ACMs Advocacy program focuses on raising awareness of, and facilitating dialogue and cooperation on, arts and cultural issues in Mongolia. It advocates for a more favorable legal environment and state policies that support the development of Mongolian arts and culture; aims to increase public participation in, and partnership with, state and non-government organizations in formulating cultural policies and enhances the capacity of Mongolian arts and culture organizations and artists in arts advocacy. In 2008, the Advocacy program has expanded its activities in three key areas: - Increased public awareness about the role of arts and culture in social and economic development; - Advocated for better cultural policies and laws that supports arts and culture development; - Expanded international partnerships in cultural policy and cultural development.


ACMs media campaign has grown in 2008, in order to meet the programs objective of raising the profile of arts and culture amongst the general public. As part of its regular activities, the program produces a widely distributed monthly calendar of cultural events with the support of the Air Trans company. In addition ACM produces a quarterly newsletter, an Annual Report and takes care of the website content and updates. In partnership with Mongolias leading English language newspaper The Mongol Messenger, ACM also maintains a media presence by producing a page each month on arts and cultural activities.


Goal: To provide a platform for critical discussion of arts and cultural issues, to promote critical thinking and evaluation of the arts, to increase the use of the arts in facilitating positive social change and to enhance and sustain engagement with, and access to, arts and culture. Features: - Broadcast nationwide reaching out to 25 per cent of the total Mongolian National Public TV audience; - Introduced a new structural model for arts and cultural media; - Increased the public awareness on arts and culture and participation in critical discussion of arts issues. - Produced six episodes on Is Art a Necessity?, Who are the arts for?, Creative Cities, Mongolian Art as a Projected Image, Arts Education, Arts Criticism: Access to Arts During the Arts Network TV program shooting

Partner: Mongolian National Public TV Supporter: KHAN Bank funded the episode Creative cities and the trip of TV crew to Macau. The Embassy of Turkey to Mongolia - supported the episode Arts education and the trip of the TV crew to China in January 2009.




Goal: To introduce American and Mongolian poetry to a new audience and to provide a platform for exchanging knowledge and experience between poets and readers of two countries. Highlights: - Held in May 2008, involved over 80 poets, writers, translators, readers, translators and publishers; - Organized a calligraphy exhibition of Mongolian poetry, a small exhibition of American literature and Mongolian poetry in English. Supporter: The US Embassy Co-organizer: KHAN Bank The Academy of Poetry and Culture


ACM has successfully continued its collaboration with arts and culture state and non-governmental organizations, individual artists and arts managers and policy makers. The relationship between ACM and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has been significantly strengthened in 2008. ACM is serving as a member of the working group to develop a Master Plan for Arts and Culture 2008-2020, representing arts and cultural NGOs. ACM was a part of the working group to formulate the government policy to support civil society and NGOs. As a result of this effort, ACM represented arts and cultural NGOs at Civil Society to sign a Memorandum of Understanding for future collaboration between government and civil society. The Ministry assisted ACM to organize the Culture Naadam and provided funding for organizing the National Arts Marketing workshop in October. Joint meeting of ACM with Ministry of Education Culture and Science

ARTS AND CULTURE MONTHLY PAGE IN TODAY NEWSPAPER Goal: To create a high-profile avenue for engagement with Mongolian arts, to raise the profile of diverse arts and culture in mainstream media, to introduce arts advocacy issues in the public sphere, to promote critical thinking and evaluation of the arts and to enhance and sustain engagement with and access to arts and culture in the broader Mongolian community. Features: - Published monthly arts & culture page on the biggest daily newspaper Today on: Is Arts a Necessity? Who is the Arts for? Arts and the City and Arts and Culture in the programs of Parties in the Election. - Increased arts profile, participation in critical discussion of Mongolian arts and awareness of Mongolian arts and culture; - Presents multi-faceted platform for critical discussion of arts issues through diverse writing forms. As the year 2008 was important year for Mongolia to elect the Parliament of Mongolia, the ACM Advocacy program published an advocacy articles on the daily newspapers proposing possible solutions on arts and culture development.





Goal: To build inter and intra-regional networks between IFACCA member and affiliate countries in Asia, promote understanding and enhance cooperation between arts councils and culture agencies; to promote a consolidated platform for the sharing and exchange of collective knowledge and to strengthen the capacity Highlight: - ACM Board & staff and Ministry representatives attended the meeting held in Seoul, Korea in July 2008; - A profile on the ACM efforts in arts advocacy was included in the Asia Arts Network, a Korean culture and arts journal. VISIT TO WILLIAMSTOWN ARTS CONSERVATION CENTER (WACC) Following the visit of delegates from Williamstown Arts Conservation Center to Mongolia last year, representatives from ACM, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and Mongolian Heritage Center visited the WACC (USA) and signed a Memorandum of Understanding for future collaboration and partnership in April 2008.


OTHER PARTNERING COUNTRIES IN 2008: During ACM visit to Arts Council of Korea, Seoul Recently, ACMs international partnerships have sustained with arts organizations in North America, Europe and significantly increased in Asia. VISIT TO THE ARTS COUNCIL OF KOREA (ARKO) Goal: To discuss future collaborative project opportunities Highlights: In November 2008 the ACM delegation paid its second visit to the Arts Council of Korea (ARKO). VISIT TO THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE Goal: To get acquainted with the activities of Swedish arts and culture institutions and to discuss future collaborations. Highlights: Mongolian performing arts and ACM representatives paid a visit to the Sweden in April 2008. South Korea Sweden Macau China Canada India USA Hungary France





Goal: To ensure the preservation and conservation of Mongolias intangible heritage by compilation of a systematic and comprehensive database of heritage sites and relevant oral histories. Highlights: Six survey teams conducted a national survey of Mongolian temples and monasteries visiting and documenting the historical sites throughout Mongolia; - Visited and documented over 1200 sites; Discovered 200, previously undocumented old heritage sites; Documented over 200 temples and monasteries established since the 1990s; Collected 400 key oral histories from old monks and local people about temples and monasteries; Created a database covering all the information, survey forms, recordings, and photographic evidence collected during the national survey; - Launched the website making the information available to Mongolians, international scholars and interested people; Plan to continue in 2009 with further developments of translating and launching the principal data and oral histories into English. MONGOLIAN MONASTERIES DOCUMENTATION PROJECT Stupa of the Nomun Khans monastery

Amarbayasgalant monastery

ACMS Cultural Heritage Program seeks to preserve unique tangible and intangible cultural heritage and share Mongolias cultural heritage and traditional knowledge to its younger generations through a range of heritage education and preservation projects. In 2008, the Cultural Heritage Program carried out activities in the three main areas: - preservation of cultural heritage; - promotion of capacity building of museums and Mongolian culture and tradition; - promotion of heritage education to a younger generation of Mongolians

Partners: The Presidents Office of Mongolia Gandantegchenling Monastery The Center of Mongolian Buddhists ACM-US Funders: US Embassy in Mongolia Ms. Sue Byrne -UK and private donors in UK. Khan Bank Western Union Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation, USA J.Oyungerel, Board Chair of the Petrovis Co., Ltd Andy Finch, USA




CHOIJIN LAMA TEMPLE MUSEUM GARDENING PROJECT Goal: To maintain the garden of the museum, create a relaxing environment for the public and to increase the aesthetic condition of the Museum complex, which is one of the three temples to survive the purges in 1930s and a century-old historical architectural example of the Buddhist leader Highlights: - Planted 2000 trees, 7650 flowers of 5-7 kinds in 153 sq.m and grass in 4050 sq.m; - Provided workplaces and necessary gardening equipments for three gardeners; - Completed in July 2008. Funder: Xanadu Mines Mongolia, Australia


Goal: To conduct an assessment of the present condition of the museum and its required restoration works, to provide professional architectural drawings and restoration assessment plan for the museum. Highlights: Produced architectural drawings, paint studies and archival and historical studies of CLTM, produced for the first time; Actual restoration work is possible in the future based on the assessment and recommendations made by an expert architect Ts.Oyunbileg and G.Nyamtsogt. Funder: Xanadu Mines Mongolia LLC. DEVELOPMENT OF AMARBAYASGALANT MONASTERY PRESERVATION PROJECT CHOIJIN LAMA TEMPLE MUSEUM RESTORATION ASSESSMENT PROJECT ARTS CONSERVATORS BILATERAL EXCHANGE PROJECT Goal: To build the relationship between the Williamstown Arts Conservation Ceter (WACC), the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the Center for the Cultural Heritage of Mongolia, to observe activities at the WACC and to discuss the next steps for future collaboration. Highlight: In April, 2008 three delegates representing the Ministry, Cultural Heritage Centre and ACM traveled to the United States, which resulted in a joint collaborative project between WACC and CCH. MUSEUM ACID-FREE SUPPLY PROJECT Goal: To organize museum training on museum exhibit preservation for provincial Mongolian museums and to supply of acid-free card board and acid-free tissue supplies to those provincial museums. Highlights: - Museum supplies delivered to Mongolia - Plan to hold museum training and deliver of supplies to the local museums in October, 2009. Partners: ACM-US The Burke Museum of History and Culture, USA

Goal: To protect the Amarbayasgalant monastery, a national treasure of the state, from the danger of fire and theft. Highlights: Completed project development to conduct a safety assessment, work drawings, installing fire extinguishers and installation of electrical and security camera system; - Fundraising initiatives started; Plan to implement the project in 2009. Supporter: US Embassy in Mongolia Amarbayasgalant Monastery


Goal: To share heritage education to a younger generation of Mongolians The Arts Education Program joins efforts in conducting different heritage education projects and events. In 2008, the Arts Education Program implemented the Museum Heritage Education project and Culture Naadam. /See the Arts Education section/

Choijin Lama Temple Museum Gardening Project, Ulaanbaatar



STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES To raise funds for ACM programs and to sustain the Artist Development Program. The ACM raises funds from several resources including: - Grants from international foundations and organizations; - Sponsorship from local and international businesses; - Joint projects with Mongolian government and NGOs; - ACM membership program; - Revenue from Red Ger Art Gallery sales. ACTIVITIES In 2008, ACM raised $364,875 USD in cash and in-kind; $16,986 USD (a total of 381,861USD) from international foundations and organizations and from fundraising activities, including membership fees and the Red Ger Art Gallery incomes (excluding grant of $49,940 of OSI ACNP for ACM -2009 activities). The ACM has four major sources of income: INTERNATIONAL FUNDRAISING Targets international donor organizations and foundations with clear and appropriate project proposals. In 2008, ACM raised funds with specific projects from international organizations as listed in the ACM Project Funders. MONGOLIA BASED FUNDRAISING Targets the Mongolian government, NGOs and other organizations currently working in Mongolia. ACM has built strong relationships and raised funds from a number of other organizations working in Mongolia as listed in the ACM Project Funders. EMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN Targets both corporate and individual donors and encourages long-term support for ACM. The funds from the Annual Membership Campaign are to support both the ACM operations and program areas. In 2008, ACM raised a total of $22,453 USD from corporate and individual memberships. ACM Board members, staff and supporters are involved in the membership drive, but we still face a lack of philanthropic culture and a poor economy in attracting more members. FUNDRAISING REVENUES Targets individual donors through the Red Ger Art Gallery art and merchandise purchases. In 2008 Red Ger Art Gallery promoted works of more than 70 artists with value of $49,365 and raised a total of $10,952. ACM MAJOR DONOR (2002-2008) Open Society Institute-Arts and Culture Network Program ACM MEMBERS** Golden Benefactor ($5000 and above) KHAN Ba nk Newcom LLC Patron ($500-$999) Steppe Link Association Emilia Futrell Sponsor ($ 100-499) Marcus Schutenko Dwight Gee Khongorzul B. Friend ($50 - 99) Batmend B. Bat-Orshikh B. Tuvshinjargal D. Gerelsukh O. Coleman Lemieux and Campagnie ACM PROJECT FUNDERS*** INTERNATIONAL: Xanadu Mines Co.Ltd., Australia Coleman Lemieux and Campagnie, Canada Arts Council of Korea, Korea METAA, Korea Institute of Culture, Macau, China ACM US, USA Swedish Institute, Sweden Canada Fund, Canada Wililamstown Art Conservation Center, USA Mrs.Sue Byrne, UK Jessica Woodworth and Peter Brosens, USA & Belgium American Dance Festival, USA MONGOLIAN: MCS Asia Pacific Brewery Co.Ltd The Embassy of USA to Mongolia Mongol News Co.Ltd MCS Electronics Co.Ltd BHP Billiton, Australia Air Trans KHAN Bank The Embassy of Turkey to Mongolia Open Society Forum Save the Children, UK Eznis Airways AUSAID Program in Mongolia ACM PROJECT SUPPORTERS MCS Holding Zanabazar Fine Arts Museum Mongolian National TV & Radio Broadcasting State Opera and Ballet Theater Mongol Messenger Nomadic Expeditions ** As of December 31, 2008. *** Listed the funding above 1000 USD according to the amount of donations Asim Arar Ambassador of Turkey


BOARD MEMBERS Layton Croft Executive Vice President for Corporate Affairs, Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc. Mandar p. Jayawant Frontier investment & Development partner Mark C. Minton** Ambassador of the USA represented by Marissa Maurer, Public Affairs Officer, Embassy of the USA patrick Chrismant Ambassador of France peter Morrow CEO, Khan Bank ruth pulaski Executive Director, Mongolian Childrens Aid Foundation Sumati L. Director, Sant Maral Foundation Tsagaan p. President, Steppe Link Association Walter Jenkins President, Inclusive Solutions Inc EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chaiar: peter Morrow CEO, Khan Bank of Mongolia Members: Enkhbat B. Vice President of Commercial, Eznis Airways Layton Croft Executive Vice President for Corporate Affairs Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc. Jantsannorov N. General Director, Grand Art Agency Sumati L. Director, Sant Maral Foundation Tsagaan p. President, Steppe Link association

Badral y. Vice President, Nomadic Expeditions Co., LTD Bold L. Sculptor Chung Il Ambassador of the Republic of Korea Enkhbat B. Director of Commerce, Eznis Airways Enkhsaikhan J. Ambassador of Mongolia to Austral Ganbold Ch. Board Chair, XAS Bank Jantsannorov N. General Director, Grand Art Agency Kidokoro Takuo Ambassador of Japan Mend-Ooyo G. President, Academy of Culture and Poetry Odjargal J. President, MCS Holding Oyun S. Member of Parliament of Mongolia Oyungerel J. Board Chair, Petrovis Co., Ltd

* As of July, 2009 ** Non-voting member




FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE Chair: Oyungerel J. Board chair, Petrovis Co. Ltd Jim Dwyer Executive Director, Mongolian Business Council Badral y. Vice President, Nomadic Expeditions Enkhsaikhan J. Ambassador of Mongolia to Austral Enkhtuya O. Executive director, Grand Art Agency Oyun S. Member of Parliament of Mongolia Odjargal J. President, MCS Holding peter Morrow CEO, KHAN Bank Tuyatsetseg r. Director, Arabesque contemporary dance center Members: Vice Chair: Bayaraa B. Dean, Arts Management Faculty, Mongolian University of Culture and Arts Gankhuyag N. Freelance arts manager Enkhbat G. Director, Cultural Heritage Center ARTIST DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM COMMITTEE Enkhbat B. Vice President of Commercial, Eznis Airways Members: Chair: Jim Wagenlander Lawyer, Denver, USA Joel Sachs Lecturer, Music Faculty, The Juilliard Arts School, New York, USA Bill McAlister Former Board Member of OSI-NY, UK peter Brosens Director, Bo Films, Filmmaker, Belgium Bernhard Wulff Professor, Freiburg Music Institute & President of Roaring Hooves International Music Festival, Germany Dominic Ziegler Editor, The Economist, UK Dwight Gee Vice President, Arts Fund, Seattle, USA robert Ness President and Principal Consultant Ness Consulting, Seattle, Washington, USA Scott Shanklin Peterson Director, Arts Management Program College of Charleston, USA Theresa Markiw Former Public Affairs Officer, US Embassy to Mongolia Diane Weyermann Director, Sundance Film Festival, USA


ACM STAFF MEMBERS AND CONTACT DETAILS Ariunaa Ts. Executive Director Odgerel O. Arts Education Program and Development Director Solongo u. Advocacy Program Director Ichinkhorloo S. Chief Accountant and Grants Administrator Delgermaa G. Advocacy Program Coordinator Enkhchimeg Ts. Cultural Heritage Program Director Sarah Bleby Advocacy Program Coordinator AUSAID Australian Youth Ambassador for Development (August 2007-September 2008) Linda page Artist Development Program Coordinator AUSAID Australian Youth Ambassador for Development (September 2008-October 2009) Lkhagvademchig J, Cultural Heritage Program Consultant Nancy Keith ACM Development Consultant (February - July 2009) Nomintuya B. Artist Development Program Coordinator Oyundari Kh. Program Coordinator Oyunsuren B. Program Assistant and Arts Education Program Manager Tsendsuren B. Red Ger Art Gallery Officer ACM VOLUNTEERS Munkh-Orgil L. Volunteer Guido Verboom Buddhism project expert Ariuntugs Ts. Freelance artis Lkhagvasuren B. Painter Batmunkh D. Painter purevdorj B. Filmmaker Byamba S. Filmmaker Gan-Erdene Sh. Photographer Ganzorig Ts. Volunteer Gerel B. Volunteer Students of the Mongolian university of Culture and Arts

Batchuluun Ts. Artistic Director, Morin Khuur Ensemble Ganbold Ch. Board Chair, XAS Bank Jigjidsuren G. Director, Program Department of National TV Broadcasting Mend-Ooyo G. President of Mongolian Cultural Fund

Batmunkh N. ruth pulaski Director of Mongolian Cultural Fund Executive Director, Mongolian Childrens Aid Foundation Sergelen B. Director, Opera and Ballet Theater PROGRAM COMMITTEE Chair: INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD Ted Levin Manager of Silk Road Project, USA Lidia Varbanova Former OSI Arts and Culture Network Program Director, Bulgaria

Bold L. Sculptor

Ayurzana G. Freelance writer


* As of May, 2009

* As of July, 2009




Income and Expenditure Statement As of December 31, 2008 (In USD)

ACM - uS
A country is defined by its culture. In six short years, Arts Council of Mongolia has established an international reputation supporting, protecting and promoting the countrys remarkable culture. Its work is a gift to the world. ACM-US BOARD peter Morrow CEO, KHAN Bank of Mongolia Dwight Gee Vice President & Treasurer, ArtsFund James F. Wagenlander Vice President, Wagenlander & Heisterkamp Walter Jenkins President, Inclusive Solutions Inc. ACM-US Donors 2008 Diamond Benefactor ($10000 to 24.999) Ellen Ferguson Walt Jenkins The Shelly & Donald Rubin Foundation Golden Benefactor ($5000 and 9999) Pete Morrow Peg & Rick Young Foundation Sustainer ($1000 - $4999) Harold Finch Mrs. Jo Kurth Jagoda Dwight Gee and Barbara Wright Patron ($500 - $999) Deborah and Paul Korpi Edward T. Story, Jr. Mrs. Jo Kurth Jagoda Sponsor ($100 - $499) World Affairs Council Scott Shanklin-Peterson & Terry Peterson Mary M Miller Robert and Wendy Kenney Joseph C. Bell Nancy Peterson and Jason Jentsch Paul N. Voncks, Jr Anonymous

Notes Income and Gains Open Society Institute-Arts and Culture Network Program Advocacy Program Arts Education Program Cultural Heritage Program Artist Development Program OSI-ACNP Grants Program Membership Fundraising Red Ger Gallery Other Total Income and Gains Expenditures program expenses Advocacy Program Arts Education Program Cultural Heritage Program Artist Development Program Membership OSI-ACNP Grants Program Total program expenses Administration expenses Total Expenditures 9 10 8


97,598.00 9,372.50 49,220.44 95,838.92 138,128.68 690.49 2,450.61 100.50 10,952.39 10,463.00 414,815.48 Dwight Gee, President, Arts Council of Mongolia-US in Gobi, Mongolia

Dwight Gee Executive Vice President, ArtsFund, Seattle Washington, USA President, Arts Council of Mongolia-US

ACM-US, an independently governed, US-based 501(c)(3) non profit sister organization to support Mongolian arts and culture. ACM-US sometimes contracts with ACM to implement projects and grants in Mongolia. Throughout the year 2008, the ACMUS raised funds of $47,267USD. Working with ACM-US also fulfills the mission of ACM to increase awareness of Mongolian arts and culture worldwide. In 2008, the ACM-US supported the nine-month Fellowship Program of ACM aimed to empower emerging cultural leaders through enhancing their leadership, management and marketing skills, and deepening their understanding about cultural policy, arts advocacy, and arts education issues. ACM-US also supported the Monastery Mapping Documentation project of ACM, which ensure the preservation and conservation of Mongolias intangible heritage by compilation of a systematic and comprehensive database of heritage sites and relevant oral history. ACM-US additionally, with generous support of Ellen Ferguson, purchased and shipped to Ulaanbaatar critically needed archival museum supplies to preserve irreplaceable cultural artifacts.

34,597.27 62,157.25 87,266.78 146,451.50 5,414.44 8,973.99 344,861.22 73,992.35 418,853.57

ACM-US contact address: Arts Council of Mongolia, 2025 23rd Avenue East Seattle, WA 98112, 206.322.0535,,



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