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MCA Projects

Medical Information Integration Based Cloud Computing

AbstractCurrent medical image processing applications require management of huge amounts of data and executive high-performance computing. How to manage and analysis this large amount of data effectively is a major challenge. This paper shows the initial formulation of medical information integration model, it is designed to help medical workers and medical departments to share data, integrate resources and analyses data. The model using the technology of cloud computing to provide huge storage resources and powerful computing capacity. The application level of this system is on the basis of service. Hadoop cluster is the main calculation module and storage unit. MapReduce as the distributed computing technology.

Customer Relationship and Warehouse Management

Customer Relationship and Warehouse Management is a business strategy designed to optimize revenue and increasing customer satisfaction, attracting new customers, retaining existing customers and understanding customers better. A successful CRM implementation can improve the business process by improving selling and servicing functions. Because of the Internet, markets move faster and competition is much fiercer. Currently, they employ diverse information systems to maintain different aspects of customer relationships. Separate systems often give incomplete and outdated information on the customer. CRM provides an integrated system to maintain good relationships with customers.

ISSUE TRACKING, MANAGING MONITORING AND REPORTING SYSTEM Issue Manager is a web-based application designed to help a workgroup keep track of issues and tasks via a shared central resource. The system was designed specifically with the IT department in mind, where quick access to shared data and history is a requirement, both from a internal organizational perspective, as well as to fulfill the needs of the customers. The data is stored centrally on the server, which make it specially suitable for distributed teams who can use just the web browser to access it. No local software needs to be installed on the client and all web browsers are supported. The application itself can be installed virtually on any web server, whether internal within the organization, or external, hosted by a web hosting company. Several distribution versions are provided, including ASP and C# for installation Windows servers.

Additionally, you may add your own logo in the header, change color scheme via CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), or even remove, add or rename fields shown on the screen. Issue Tracking features: Secure, multi- level web access via login authentication Issue assignment by person, priority and status Full text search Comprehensive, sortable issue grid with summary by status Bookmarks for rapid access to commonly used queries Issue history tracking - each response is individually tracked Single click export of selected records to MS Excel Color-coded priorities with custom color setup Fully customizable look and feel via HTML templates and Cascading Style Sheets Full compatibility with all web browsers Support for ALL databases, including MS SQL, MS Access, etc. Source code in ASP.NET/C# and ASP/VBScript ONLINE TERMINAL IMPORT AND EXPORT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM It involves the EXIM document preparation which consists of the container details, in which vessel it is to be loaded or unloaded, from which container handling agent (CHA), which main line operator (MLO) has authorized .It also mentions the yard and ship planning for the imported containers and the containers to be exported resp ectively. It also calculates the store rent for imported and exported containers. For the imported containers the rent is calculated from the date-time of containers placed in the yard to the date-time of containers has been gate-out. For the exported containers the rent is calculated from the date-time of containers has been gate- in to the date-time of containers has been loaded in the vessel. The details about the vessels such as vessel number, vessel name, vessel voyage number, vessel capacity, from loca tion, to location was collected from the vessel operator by interview method. Also the details of vessel operator namely vessel operator code, vessel operator name, address, city, country, fax number, phone number, e- mail and contact person. INTRANET COMMUNICATION, CONSULTATION, DATA SHARING AND HELPDESK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This Project is aimed to developing the Online Help Desk (OHD) for the Software Company to the facilities in the office. This is an online application that can be accessed throughout the Company. This system can be used to automate the workflow of service requests for the various facilities in the office. This is one integrated system that covers different kinds of facilities like data sharing inside the company, getting the information from the higher authority and send the reply. Employee can log in a request for service for any of the supported facilities. These requests will be sent to the concerned people, who are also valid users of the system, to get them

resolved. There are features like email notifications/reminders, addition of a new facility to the system, report generators etc in this system. There are registered people in the system (HR, System Admin, Team Leader, team Members). Some of them are responsible for maintaining the facilities (like, the System-assistant is responsible for keeping the System ready with all the equipment in proper condition, the Admin is responsible for taking forward Employee complaints/requests to the faculty/administration etc). INVENTORY CONTROL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (WINDOWS BASED) An inventory management system automatically monitors inventory amounts, provides information concerning inventory, and decides if an order for replacement inventory should be placed. The system includes storage for inventory, an indicator for monitoring and reporting the level of current inventory, and a controller for receiving information from different inventory suppliers and for integrating such information with information on current inventory amounts and estimated future use to decide if an order for replacing inventory should be made. An order is placed automatically to a supplier and the progress for the delivery of replacement inventory is automatically monitored. A method using this system for managing inventory includes the steps of automatic gathering information about the current inventory and deciding whether and when replacement inventory should be ordered. ONLINE JOB PROVIDER AND SEARCH PORTAL This project is aimed at developing online for the group of Job Provider. This is a web-based tool. Any user can post the resume and can search the jobs. The user can attend the examinations and results can view by registered user. This is useful for a office, Consultancies. Admin can view the Company details and the can providing Authority to the users and their employees. A facility for this project is Search the job by registered user and also searches suitable candidates for suitable job by the job provider. ONLINE COLLEGE COUNSELING SYSTEM The objective of the project is to develop an online counseling system for selecting collegecounseling process. Using this system we can control the whole counseling process. This project involves both the administrator and the user to access the system. The users are allowed to perform some limited operations like College details Counseling schedule Admission details

But the administrator can access the system directly to perform such operations like Mark entry Counseling date allotments Counseling process This system automatically calculates the eligibility and the cut off marks of the students. E-BANKING TRANSACTION SYSTEM WITH PORTAL FOR BANK OFFICIALS AND CUSTOMERS The project titled E-Banking Transaction System is designed using Active Server Pages .NET with Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2003 as front end and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as back end which works in .Net framework version 1.1. The coding language used is Visual Basic .Net. The project contains customer account creation, their translation such as deposits, withdrawal and interest entries through online by the bank networks. The customer of one branch can make translation in any other branches of the Bank. At any time, the current account status of any customer of any branch can be viewed in any / all branches by administrator, staff, and customer. The project is mainly designed for reducing the burdens of the bank officials. The transaction could be made only through the bank officials. The customers can only view the services provided by the bank. Also the customer can view their account details anywhere. NETWORK TRAFFIC ANALYSIS AND INTRUSION DETECTION USING PACKET SNIFFER Computer software that can intercept and log traffic passing over a digital network or part of a network is better known as packet sniffer. The sniffer captures these packets by setting the NIC card in the promiscuous mode and eventually decodes them. The decoded information can be used in any way depending upon the intention of the person concerned who decodes the data (i.e. malicious or beneficial purpose). Depending on the network structure one can sniff all or just parts of the traffic from a single machine within the network. However, there are some methods to avoid traffic narrowing by switches to gain access to traffic from other systems on the network. This paper focuses on the basics of packet sniffer and its working, development of the tool on Linux platform and its use for Intrusion Detection. It also discusses ways to detect the presence of such software on the network and to handle them in an efficient way. Focus has also been laid to analyze the bottleneck scenario arising in the network, using this self developed

packet sniffer. Before the development of this indigenous software, minute observation has been made on the working behavior of already existing sniffer software such as wireshark (formerly known as ethereal), tcpdump, and snort, which serve as the base for the development of our sniffer software. For the capture of the packets, a library known as libpcap has been used. The development of such software gives a chance to the developer to incorporate the additional features that are not in the existing one. SOUND-BASED MULTIMODAL PERSON IDENTIFICATION FROM SIGNATURE AND VOICE Person identification as a security means has a variety of important applications. Many techniques and automated systems have been developed over the past few decades; each has its own advantages and limitations. There are often trade-offs amongst reliability, the ease of use, ethical/human rights issues, and acceptability in a particular application. Multimodal identification and authentication can, to some extent, alleviate the dilemmas and improve the overall performance. This paper proposes a new method of the combined use of signatures and utterances of pronounced names to identify or authenticate persons. Unlike typical signature verification methods, the dynamic features of signatures are captured as sound in this paper. The multimodal approach shows increased reliability, providing a relatively simple and potentially useful method for person identification and authentication Online Movie reservation system using EJB (Enterprise Java Beans ) t is concept of developing a web portal, where a customer can book movie tickets in theatres that are made available in the site. The transfer of tickets is also done immediately, i.e., as soon as the reservation is confirmed .This involves a network of cities. The following should be facilitated on the portal for users convenience. Here we using enterprise java beans for the server. It will act as a client server architecture. We can send acknowledgement to the customer using SMS and e-mail systems. Availability of tickets on mentioned date and time in specified City Online Bookin.... DATABASE MIGRATION- REAL-TIME CROSS-PLATFORM MIRRORING Project will run on database migration can take place over LAN or WAN co nnection without disruption to the network users.

Warehouse Management System (WMS)

Introduction The majority of the problems that occur in the warehouse occur because of a lack of

control: a lack of inventory control, operational control and/or management control. To become a dynamic, consistent organization, all the operations must be under control. In order to achieve this control, all the tools and technology available has to be used to get control and manage the warehouse operations. A control system is a means, mechanism or procedure by which we manage these operations. There are three basic objectives of a control system, either manual or computerized: To identify and coordinate the work that has to be performed. To direct the achievement of the work to maximize performance (productivity of warehouse resources and customer satisfaction) and minimize or eliminate human errors. To report the status of the work that needs to be, or was, done Graphical Password Authentication using Cued Click Points (CCP) Various graphical password schemes have been proposed as alternatives to text-based passwords. Research and experience have shown that text-based passwords are fraught with both usability and security problems that make them less than desirable solutions. Psychology studies have revealed that the human brain is better at recognizing and recalling images than text graphical passwords are intended to capitalize on this human characteristic in hopes that by reducing the memory burden on users, coupled with a larger full pas.... A Web Search Engine-Based Approach to Measure Semantic Similarity between Words ABSTRACT Semantic similarity measures play important roles in infor- mation retrieval and Natural Language Processing. Previous work in semantic web-related applications such as community mining, relation extraction, automatic meta data extraction have used various semantic similarity measures. Despite the usefulness of semantic similarity measures in these applications, robustly measuring semantic similarity between two words (or entities) remains a challenging task. We propose a robust semantic similarity measure that uses the information available on the Web to measure similarity between words or entities. The proposed method explo its page counts and text snippets returned by a Web search engine. Various similarity scores for two given words P and Q, using the page counts for the queries P, Q and P AND Q. Moreover, we propose a novel approach to compute semantic similarity using automatically extracted lexico-syntactic patterns from text snippets. These different similarity scores are integrated using support vector machines, to leverage a robust semantic similarity measure. Experimental results on MillerCharles benchmark dataset show that the proposed measure outperforms all the existing webbased semantic similarity measures by a wide margin, achieving a correlation coefficient of 0:834. Moreover, the proposed semantic similarity measure significantly improves the accuracy (F -measure of 0:78) in a community mining task, and in an entity disambiguation task, thereby

verifying the capability of the proposed measure to capture semantic similarity using web content

Analysis on Credit Card Fraud Detection Methods

AbstractAlong with the great increase in credit card transactions, credit card fraud has become increasingly rampant in recent years. In Modern day the fraud is one of the major causes of great financial losses, not only for merchants, individual clients are also affected. Three methods to detect fraud are presented. Firstly, clustering model is used to classify the legal and fraudulent transaction using data clusterization of regions of parameter value. Secondly, Gaussian mixture model is used to model the probability density of credit card users past behavior so that the probability of current behavior can be calculated to detect any abnormalities from the past behavior. Lastly, Bayesian networks are used to describe the statistics of a particular user and the statistics of different fraud scenarios. The main task is to explore different views of the same problem and see what can be learned from the application of each different technique. AbstractAlong with the great increase in credit card transactions, credit card fraud has become increasingly rampant in recent years. In Modern day the fraud is one of the major causes of great financial losses, not only for merchants, individual clients are also affected. Three methods to detect fraud are presented. Firstly, clustering model is used to classify the legal and fraudulent transaction using data clusterization of regions of parameter value. Secondly, Gaussian mixture model is used to model the probability density of credit card users past behavior so that the probability of current behavior can be calculated to detect any abnormalities from the past behavior. Lastly, Bayesian networks are used to describe the statistics of a particular user and the statistics of different fraud scenarios. The main task is to explore different views of the same problem and see what can be learned from the application of each different technique.


According to the result of moving object detection research on video sequences, this paper proposes a new method to detect moving object based on background subtraction. First of all, we establish a reliable background updating model based on statistical and use a dynamic optimization threshold method to obtain a more complete moving object. And then, morphological filtering is introduced to eliminate the noise and solve the background disturbance problem. At last, contour projection analysis is combined with the shape analysis to remove the effect of shadow, the moving human body are accurately and reliably detected. The experiment results show that the proposed method runs quickly, accurately and fits for the realtime detection.

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