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Research Document Draft

University of Mumbai - 2004

: Part-1

Who are Kurils / Kureels ? In the year 1954 many occasion came where the community of Kuril / Kureel raised a question about their correct Gotra. After researching, talking and discussing with many scholars, local people etc. all over India we came to a conclusion. Here is the conclusion till date : Kuril or Kureel or Gautams were the brave people living around the Unnao and Kanpur districts of Uttar Pradesh, India. It was small community during the reign of King Chandra. King Chandra had a limited independent Kingdom during the phase of well-known warriors Alha-Udal. There are few evidences exists which shows that The Great Warrior brothers Alha and Oodal visited this place to seek a support and assistence from the King of Kuriyal Gadh. The people living in this reign were known by Kurials / Kuril /Kureels. Now lets talk about their Gotras and Kuldevataa / Devi: The basic behaviour of Kurils were aggressive and dominating. The philosophy of their lives were to struggle and fight with social evils. Some of them had elite positions in King Chandras palace. Some were decided to begin farming and some were engaged in Pashu Paalan. Lord Bhairav was their Kuldevataa. Goddess Bhavaani seems their Kuldevi. Gotra consideration for Kuril / Kureel community: Since the Gotra system purely belongs to the Brahmins during those days. The biggest question was what Gotra to be considered for Kuril or Kureel community? Many scholars suggested, there are two consideration and availability of Gotras for Kuril / Kureels. These are described below: 1. The Kurils/ Kureels who were engaged in performing 'Nityakarm Pooja' of their deity according to Vedic /Ritual manner and also who are now in the field of imparting true values of Hinduism are the members of Kashyap gotra.

Research Document Draft

University of Mumbai - 2004

: Part-1

2. The Kurils/ Kureels who were engaged in performing routine Pooja of their deity through Mantras and Tantras and now in the field of servicing othere than education sector are the members of Shiva gotra. Apart from the above two categorization the community who followed or absorbed in other religion apart from Hindu were allowed to switch their Gotras according to the Hindu system.

Note: -Till now we have discovered this much info on the community of Kuril / Kureels. We are still doing research on this community and will be updated as and when available. Thanks for reading and knowing about Kuril / Kureels. You can post your questions to this blog or drop me a mail on for more querries. Arvind Kumar RamG Kuril Chandpur-Takia India

Keep upgrading yourself ! Arvind Kuril

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