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Unit 22 1D

by Denise Barbosa, Miriam Oliveira, Lauren Levett, Alex Cloutman, Grant Butler

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13

High key lighting

Tuesday, 29 January 13

High key lighting

Tuesday, 29 January 13

High key lighting

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Low key lighting

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Low key lighting

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Low key lighting

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Three-point lighting

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Three-point lighting

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13


Tuesday, 29 January 13


Tuesday, 29 January 13

Definition of Cinematography
Cinematography shows the art and technology of a motionpicture. Cinematography involves many different techniques composition of a scene, lighting of the set and actors, choice of cameras, camera angle and process of special effects to achieve what the director had wanted. Cinematography focuses on the relationships created between the individual shots and groups of shots that make up a scene to produce a film's effect.

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Establish Shot
An establish shot shows the audience where the action is taking place before they see it, this is to help the audience feel like they are there. This establishing shot is from the movie harry potter and the chamber of secrets.

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Medium Close Ups

This medium close up shows the actors emotion but also shows their body language. This is mid close up of the Joker from the dark knight from the look on his face and his posture you can see that he is presented to be aggressive.

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Limitless Zoom
This is the starting frame of the limitless zoom from the film limitless this shot is used to show a journey.

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Low Angle Shot

A low angle shot shows power and also show height. This frame from snatch show power however the low angle shot in dark knight rises shows that height in which they are climbing from.

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13

Tuesday, 29 January 13


Tuesday, 29 January 13

Sounds play a huge role within the film. It comes in many forms that all contribute to the film, aiding certain techniques used. There are two types of sounds used in films: Diegetic and non-Diegetic. Diegetic sounds are sounds that belong to the films world. (e.g. The sound of the floorboards creaking, as the character walks along it) Non-Diegetic sounds that do not belong in the world of the film and are deliberately placed within the film. (e.g. The Music playing over a scene)

Sounds can be used in a variety of different ways within a film, to create certain effects and add to the overall experience. The ways in which sound is used are; A sound bridge. This is a sound that starts in one scene and continues into the next, to bridge the gap between the two scenes creating a smooth transition and enhancing continuity. Parallel sounds, used to complement the image. (e.g. 'happy' music used in a 'happy' scene) Sound effect, used to enhance the experience of the film.

Tuesday, 29 January 13

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