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Table of Contents
FEATURE January Analysis PAGE 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 APRIL COMICS SOLICITATIONS DC Comics PAGE Marvel Comics PAGE Image Comics PAGE Dark Horse Comics PAGE IDW Publishing PAGE Valiant Entertainment PAGE DC COMICS JANUARY CRITIQUES Batman Incorporated PAGE Punk Rock Jesus PAGE Green Lantern PAGE Green Lantern: New Guardians PAGE Red Lanterns PAGE Green Lantern Corps PAGE The month of January began with finishing up several story arcs including DC Comics books: Batman Incorporated, Rise of the Third Army, and Vertigos Punk Rock Jesus. Nick Spencer finally concludes his long-awaited limited series The Infinite Vacation that ended mostly with a wimper than a bang. Marvel NOW! All-New X-Men initial story arc concludes while Superior Spider-Man spills over into the Daredevil book. Finally IDW Publishing ends their Cobra series in preparation for the upcoming film G.I. Joe: Retaliation where all the G.I. Joe titles begin with new number one issues. The April solicitations began with DC Comics announcing all of their April books will have fold-out gateway covers to reveal the plot within the books. Detective Comics hits issue 900 however the editors decided to keep the initial numbering at 19 instead of releasing two books to honor that title. Marvel NOW! tries to keep their reader interested with their limited AGE OF ULTRON series. Dark Horse brings new readers with $1 issue books while IDW Publishing capitalizes on their movie tie-ins including G.I. Joe and Star Trek. After reintroducing Valiant characters last year, 2013 marks the world-building initiative of that universe beginning with HARBINGER WARS. Overall DC Comics seems to be the strongest publisher producing quality books with the best creators and stories. Marvel Comics seems to build their characters around other media platforms including animation and film rather than focusing on great books. Their Marvel NOW! initiative was a direct response to DC Comics The NEW 52. Marvels knee jerk reaction to DC Comics success lead to great jumping-off points for their books except for All-New X-Men and Superior Spider-Man, which brought a breath of fresh air compared to the others.

Feature: January Analysis



1999-2013 Devil Comics Entertainment. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Devil Comics Entertainment started in 1999 and has expanded into a worldwide store that serves comic fans and collectors. We provide an inventory of comics, trade paperbacks, toys, and statues through discount pricing and quality service. UPCOMING FEBRUARY MOVIES

Cancellations and creator shuffles erupt in April solicitations. Writer shuffles include Stormwatch, Constantine, Birds of Prey, and Red Hood while artist shuffles are on both Teen Titans and Nightwing. Cancellations include DC Universe Presents, Saucer Country, and I, Vampire. After the first issue Constantine is quickly replaced with new writers.

DEVIL COMICS PULL LIST DC Comics April solicitations

DC Comics is using a new marketing strategy which will feature fold-out gateway covers revealing the story within. The covers are meant to add a new dimension to the story. Justice League of America cover implies Catwoman is in the Secret Society Green Arrow reveals a secret on the island that gave him his birth The Reverse-Flash seems to hit early in The Flash Bruce Wayne is using a gun against an unknown assailant in Batman Detective Comics hits #900 however the cover is still #19 for $7.99!!! One hero takes out the rest of the Lantern Corps in Green Lantern Jim Stalin joins Stormwatch as they are lost in a dimension shift He-Man gets an ongoing series as the 30th Anniversary hits in 2013


Marvel Comics April Solicitations

As discussed last month, Marvel NOW! has been proven as a great jumping-off point rather than a jumping-on point. The current AGE OF ULTRON event would probably conclude with a launch of a new series however it may hardly have any effect on the current Marvel Universe. The event is arriving shortly have the Marvel NOW! launch and another status quo too soon will destroy the flow the other writers (Jonathan Hickman, Rick Remender , Jason Aaron) have established in their current books. The 10-part AGE OF ULTRON series and their 10-part tie-ins will all lead Captain America taking the fight to Ultron while Wolverine and Invisible Woman going back to the Avengers past. Series writer Brian Michael Bendis usually pull the series towards the end rather than keeping the momentum from the very beginning similar to HOUSE OF M which lead to the mutants being decimated and SECRET INVASION which lead to Normal Osborn becoming top cop of the Marvel Universe during DARK REIGN. Marvel NOW! is a direct response to DC Comics The New 52 and it is a slow burn as new titles were added for several months while others will cancelled. Many readers are taking a wait and see approach according to Brian Hills of Comix Experience. DC Comics released all their titles in one month so all the readers got a shot to sample the title in one month compared to the wait-and-see approach readers are taking with Marvel NOW! over several months. The creativity of the Marvel books are more independent than the editorial feel of DC Comics. However the diminishing returns of multiple reboots end of killing the collectability of the long-running series. Both Wolverine and Invisible Woman during Age of Ultron #6 Jason Aaron takes on the Avengers 2 villain with Thanos Rising #1 X-Men #1 relaunches again lead with X-Women by Brian Wood The New Universe is back within the pages of Avengers Arnim Zola becomes the new the Captain in Captain America Superior Spider-Man leads into the next Summer Spider-Event Venom Wars reaches its conclusion in Ultimate Spider-Man #22 Both Age of Apocalypse and X-Treme X-Men are cancelled


Image Comics April Solicitations

The company allows artists and writers presenting their best work without editorial resistance. Millarworld moves to Image Comics beginning with Jupiters Legacy #1 Invincible Universe #1 follows the fallout after Invincible #100 Chew #34 follows Tony Chu taking on the vampire The Walking Dead #109 pick up pieces following the death of Glenn

Dark Comics April Solicitations

Writer Brian Wood begins a new Star Wars era set after the events of Star Wars Episode IV: The New Hope. However the series may be short-lived as creator George Lucas has sold his rights to Disney who currently bought Marvel Comics. Star Wars is set to return to Marvel Comics just in time for Star Wars Episode VII to premiere in 2015. A galactic civil war begins following the destruction of the Death Star. The era of the Rebellion ends with the destruction of both the second Death Star and the Emperor over the moon of Endor. Wedge, Leia, and Luke search for another Rebel base as Luke heart is heavy after losing his Aunt, Uncle, and Ben Kenobi while Leia lost her homeworld. A Star Destroyer drops out of warp speed release a squadron of TIE Interceptors forcing the Rebel X-Wing pilots to land on the planet Dominus III. These are basically untold stories of the characters since it takes place between Episode VII and Episode V. Other Star Wars titles would hardly have a long-lasting effect since the licenses will go to Marvel Comics in 2015. The first issues of both The Massive and Mind MGMT are available for $1 Darth Vader takes on the Ninth Assassin in a new limited series The Solo family is revealed in Star Wars: Legacy 138 years after ROTJ


IDW Publishing April Solicitations

Two of their major franchises will be on the big screen with G.I. Joe: Retaliation and Star Trek: Into the Darkness. IDW Publishing releases a series of Star Trek titles including Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness and the Star Trek: John Byrne Collection. The G.I. Joe titles are relaunched again to take advantage of the upcoming movie release with a main series and G.I. Joe: Special Missions. Other franchise titles include Transformers, My Little Pony, Judge Dredd, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Doctor Who, Kiss, Mars Attack, Popeye, True Blood, Godzilla, Dungeons & Dragon, and Ghostbusters.

Valiant Entertainment April Solicitations

Two of their major franchises will be on the big screen with G.I. Joe: Retaliation and Star Trek: Into the Darkness. IDW Publishing releases a series of Star Trek titles including Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness and the Star Trek: John Byrne Collection. The G.I. Joe titles are relaunched again to take advantage of the upcoming movie release with a main series and G.I. Joe: Special Missions. Other franchise titles include Transformers, My Little Pony, Judge Dredd, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Doctor Who, Kiss, Mars Attack, Popeye, True Blood, Godzilla, Dungeons & Dragon, and Ghostbusters. VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT APRIL SOLICITATIONS The new Valiant began with X-O Manowar, Harbinger, Bloodshot, and Archer & Armstrong. After a comic company introduces their initial characters the time will come for world-building when the characters crossover each other. The classic Valiant began their world-building with their successful crossover UNITY where all the characters crossed over and united towards a cause. The new Valiant begins with HARBINGER WARS placing both Bloodshot and the Harbingers against one another. Both Bloodshot and Harbinger collide with Aprils HARBINGER WARS X-O Manowar continues taking on the Vine in PLANET DEATH WRATH OF THE ETERNAL WARRIOR reaches its conclusion The dead is rising in New Orleans in Shadowman



Batman Incorporated Volume 1: Demon Star Hardcover

Leviathan has put a half billion-dollar bounty on Robin and the assassin Goatboy shot him. Now Goatboy runs to Leviathan for help from a raging Dark Knight. However Robin has faked his death and believes his mother is trying to separate him from his father. The origin of the New 52 Talia is revealed as she gives birth to Damian and takes over her fathers empire. Bruce disguises himself as Matches Malone however gets caught by Goatboy who needs to prove himself worthy to be in the League of Assassins. Damian disguises himself as Red Bird and joins Batman Incorporated to help Batman. Wingman is revealed to be Jason Todd. Batman tells his son he needs to go back to his mother. Batman reveals he has seen the future where Damian becomes the Dark Knight and Gotham is destroyed in a nuclear blast after it is overrun by Jokers. Talia forces Bruce to choose be tween Gotham and Damian. This hardcover collects Batman Incorporated #0-6 RECOMMENDED 4 OUT OF 5

Punk Rock Jesus Trade Paperback

In 2019, a new reality show is in the works with the first human clone: Jesus Christ. Ophis hires Dr. Sarah Epstein to clone Jesus in exchange for funding to protect the environment. The J2 Project holds auditions for a teenage virgin who will live at the LUXE J2 compound. Gwen Fairling is the new Mother Mary while Security Chief of J2 Thomas McKael who is also a former terrorist for the Irish Republican Army. The clone Jesus is named Chris however when Gwen gives birth to him, a twin sister arrives which is secretly dis carded. Dr. Epstein is pregnant with a baby girl and Thomas takes Gwen home. Gwen discovers her home is abandoned and is on the run from Christian Fundamentalists. After returning and Rick Slate decides to turn the J2 compound into a prison, Gwen attempts to kill herself in exchange for Chris to go to public school. Later Gwen shoots Slate and attempts to escape with Chris. Slate fires her and separates both Gwen and Chris. Gwen has entered a behavioral health center and jumps off the building. She is saved by an angel and wakes from her dream only to discover the angels handprints on her shoulders. SERIES HIGHLIGHTS - Gwen joins the New American Christians and attempts to rescue her son - Gwen is crushed by emergency doors and dies and Cola the polar bear dies - Chris learns about Galileo, Darwin, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Carl Sagan - Chris flees the J2 compound and becomes the lead singer for the Flak Jackets - The Flak Jackets release their new album American Nightmare - Chris kicks off his European Tour in Jerusalem - In the past Thomas is shown video of his father asking for protection against his brother - Thomas goes from revenge, repent, and redemption - Chris is attacked and kidnapped in Jerusalem however Thomas saves him by killing again - Chris realizes he has a twin sister who is Dr. Epsteins little girl - Chris is killed and Dr. Epstein shows Thomas video of Slate killing Chris twin sister - Thomas kills Slate This hardcover collects Punk Rock Jesus #1-6 RECOMMENDED 4 OUT OF 5


Rise of the Third Army

The RISE OF THE THIRD ARMY Green Lantern books serve as a prelude to the upcoming crossover WRATH OF THE FIRST LANTERN. After the Guardians of the Universe took away Hal Jordans ring during WAR OF THE GREEN LANTERNS, the other Earth Lanterns were next. Guy Gardner was fired from the Corps while John Stewart is tricked to find Mogo reassembling somewhere in the universe. The main Green Lantern series explores Sinestros replacement and the origin of Simon Baz as he gets closer to the events of Guy Gardner in Green Lantern Corps. Meanwhile the Red Lanterns team up with the Guardians first army: the Manhunters. Green Lantern: New Guardians explores Green Lantern Kyle Rayner mastering the powers of the other lanterns. The RISE OF THE THIRD ARMY arc concludes with Kyle Rayner becoming a White Lantern and heading towards the events of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #1. The title of the story within the annual is called Rise of the First Lantern which will end with his escape from the Guardians leading to the events of WRATH OF THE FIRST LANTERN. RECOMMENDED 4 OUT OF 5



All- New X-Men: Here Comes Yesterday Premiere Hardcover

Following the events of Avengers Vs. X-Men, Cyclops is a fugitive on the run rescuing other new mutants from persecution. A dying Hank McCoy is not happy with the events and decides to set things right by going to the past and convincing the original five X-Men to return to the present. After returning to the present, Hank passes out and the original five learn that the older Cyclops is gathering new mutants for a revolution. After news reports of a new mutant appearing, the original five decide to take off with the blackbird. Cyclops and his X-Men set up the New Xavier School at the Weapon X facility. Cyclops and Magneto free Emma Frost however they discover their powers are changed by the Phoenix Force. While trying to save a new mutant, Cyclops and Magneto run into the origi nal X-Men. SERIES HIGHLIGHTS - The original X-Men and Cyclops with Magneto face-off then retreats - Beast goes into cardiac arrest as a young Henry McCoy saves him - Cyclops takes Benjamin Deeds to the new Charles Xavier School for the Gifted - Jean Grey sees her future and decides to stay in the present to put things right - Kitty Pryde looks after the original 5 X-Men This hardcover collects All-New X-Men #1-5 RECOMMENDED 4 OUT OF 5

Daredevil #22

The Superior Spider-Man makes his first appearance following the events of Amazing Spider-Man #700. Otto Octavius is after Daredevil who feels that Spider-Man is not his true self. However their short battle is interrupted by the Stilt-Man who has upgraded using Doc Ock mechanical arms. After stopping the Stilt-Man, Matt Murdock heads to meet his best friend Foggy Nelson who he dis covers has cancer. RECOMMENDED 4 OUT OF 5



The Infinite Vacation Trade Paperback

The Infinite Vacation allows one to travel through alternate realities like booking an airline ticket. Imagine arriving in a world where you lived in Hawaii, London, Paris, or Singapore. Writer Nick Spencer describes his story as it deals with living within the modern-culture as we acquire things and experience them however these things do not necessary solve our problem. Mark is one such traveler that has not found what he is looking for until his alternative Marks are dying. He meets up with a Deaden der who is someone who does not believe in using the Infinite Vacation however chooses to live their life as is. The first issue ends with a Mohawk Mark breaking down his door and blaming Mark for killing him. SERIES HIGHLIGHTS - Mark faces himself as a therapist as well as tech support for the Infinite Vacation - Redneck, Hacker, and Nudist Marks investigate why his other selves are being targeted - Mark asks Claire Reynolds for help to find out why his other selves are being targeted - The Infinite Vacation CEO Phil Vernon uses a deadly version of Mark to deal with their problems - The Singularist believe there is a universe where there is only one universe - The makers of the Infinite Vacation discovers the universe is collapsing to one - Mark discovers a universe where he is married to Claire and has a son - Mark has a plan to rescue his Claire while the Infinite Vacation plans to box his universe - Mark sends a mass email out the other Marks to confront and rescue Claire - The Infinite Vacation is boxing the universes that are helping Mark - Mark heads back and confronts his psycho self with his martial art selves - Mark discovers the infinite universes exist so choices can be made - Mark makes a decision for the one universe that will survive the purge - Mark chooses a universe with Claire is in it This trade paperback collects The Infinite Vacation #1-5 RECOMMENDED 4 OUT OF 5



The perspective of the crew is told from a Redshirt on board the Enterprise. Keenser the being who hangs out with Scotty met George Kirk during the first contact between his planet and Starfleet. Keenser graduated Starfleet after the Starfleet ship Kelvin was destroyed. He is able to fit into the smallest shafts within the Enterprise to make repairs. Scotty explains alternative timelines to McCoy. In the Mirror Universe, the Terran Empire has captured the Klingon homeworld. Com mander Kirk heads to a Klingon prison planet and kills Nero while commanding his ship. Kirk takes the crew of the Enterprise and leaves Captain Spock to defend for himself. Kirk fires and destroys the Enterprise and heads to Vulcan. Before he heads to Vulcan, Kirk captures the Jellyfish which is the ship Spock Prime is on. Kirk plans on destroying Vulcan however he is betrayed by the newly anointed Captain Uhura. She managed to save the Mirror Spock before the destruction of the Enterprise who stops the Kirk. This paperback collects Star Trek #13-16 RECOMMENDED 4 OUT OF 5

GI Joe: Cobra: Oktober Guard Trade Paperback

The Oktober Guard has broken Major Bludd out of prison and uses him to find and take out a Cobra base. Ronin has infiltrated their base however she is captured by the Oktober Guard and Flint is ready to rescue her. The Joes are captured by the Oktober Guard however they are attack by Cobra forces. The distraction allows the Joes to escape while Major Bludd manages to frame the Oktober Guard as traitors of their own country. Tomax alerted Cobra of the location of the Oktober Guard after Clockspring asked for help to save the Joes. Now Tomax will keep Clocksprings secret for a price of loyalty. This paperback collects Cobra #17-21 RECOMMENDED 4 OUT OF 5


Devil Comics Entertainment started in 1999 and has expanded into a worldwide store that serves comic fans and collectors. We provide an inventory of comics, trade paperbacks, toys, and statues through discount pricing and quality service.

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