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Sculpting Reality with Sound by Peggy Black

References and Wonderful Resources Books

BrainStates: by Tom Kenyon, M.A. the Hathor Material: Messages from an Ascended Civilization by Tom Kenyon & Virginia Essene Vibrational Medicine: New Choices for Healing Ourselves by Richard Gerber, M.D. Sonic Alchemy: Conversations with Leading Sound Practioners by Joshua Leeds The Power of Sound: Manage Your Personal Soundscape for a Healthy Life by Joshua Leeds Sound Medicine: Healing with Music, Voice and Song by Laeh Maggie Garfield Sacred Sounds: Transformation through Music & Word by Ted Andrews Spirit into Sound: The Magic of Music by Mickey Hart The Book of Sound Therapy: Heal Yourself with Music and Voice by Olivea Dewhurst-Maddock Sounds of Healing: A Physician Reveal the Therapeutic Power of Sound, Voice and Music by Mitchell L. Gaynor, M.D. Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis by James L. Oschman forward by Candace Pert Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine by Larry Dossey, M.D. The Healing Voice: Traditional & Contemporary Toning, Chanting and, Singing by Joy Gardner-Gordon Shifting Frequencies and Healing Sounds: The Power of Harmonics by Jonathan Goldman Chanting: Discovering Spirit in Sound by Robert Gass Voice Power: A Breakthrough Method to Enhance Your Speaking Voice by Joan Kenley Sacred Space, Sacred Sound: The Acoustic Mysteries of Holy Places by Susan Elizabeth Hale Return to Harmony: Harmony and Balance through the Frequencies of Sound by Nicole LaVoie The Magic Power in the Human Voice By Karina Schelde The Science of the Spoken Word: by Elizabeth Clare Prophet Healing with Sound, Color and Movement: Tama-Do by Fabien Maman Mantras: A Musical Path to Peace by Henry Marshall Vibrational Healing: by Clare G. Harvey and Amanda Cochrane

Cymatics: Insights into the Invisible Realms of Sound by Hans Jenny Jeff Volk: Nada Brahma, the World of Sound Sonic Age America

Google: Video of Cymatics (awesome images of sound vibrations) Tom Kenyon: Sharry Edwards: Edgar Cayce: Dr. Alfred Tomatis: Don Campbell: The Mozart Effect

Paul Hubbert: Wayne Dyer: The Power of Intention Don Miguel Ruiz: The Four Agreements Dr. Masaru Emoto: Hado Kyoikusha, Japan Amrita Cottrell: (good source of information on sound)
BrainWave Generator:

This is a visual image of my sounds. Remember that your every word or sound goes out as a vibrational pattern. This pattern always influences the field of energy. It is your intentions and heart connected consciousness that sends patterns that uplift and transform. You are powerful beyond measure. It has been my honor to share this awareness and information with you. Blessings of grace and gratitude, Peggy

Sculpting Reality with Sound, References and Wonderful Sources. Please honor this material for your use only, do not reprint or forward. Thank you! Created and Facilitated by Peggy Black, Sacred Sound Salutarist, Spiritual Synergist, Multidimensional Channel, Transducer and Scribe. 831-335-3145

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