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The following is an overall review of issues to consider when designing your next custom air handling unit.


1.1 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS Specify if the unit is an indoor or outdoor unit If it is an indoor unit, specify if it is a conditioned mechanical space or seasonal. Determine how it will be conditioned. Consider the types of spaces or equipment adjacent to unit or mechanical room: a. offices, theater, patient rooms, etc. b. pumps, chillers, VFDs, etc. Determine any design constraints: a. opening locations - ends, roof, base b. clearance around, over or under unit c. coil pull space d. columns or other obstructions in or near unit Determine unit support and its type and size Check if there are any toxic, corrosive, or explosive substances in the airstream Verify any seismic considerations

1.1.1 1.1.3 1.1.4


1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.2

PHYSICAL -- Size & Weight Quantify any size or weight limitations due to: a. space available for unit b. rigging constraints: opening or available access; helicopter weight limits c. maximum allowable shipping sections, etc. If outdoor, determine if a service corridor required and the minimum width of the corridor


1.2.2 1.3

CONSTRUCTION Panel type -- mineral wool, fiberglass, foam a. Determine if thermal break is required b. Assess if acoustical panels are required Special construction considerations which should be made: a. Architectural considerations necessary to match the building b. Either stainless steel skins or coated skins c. Specify if there will be special coatings on equipment d. Highlight any special materials of construction on equipment (copper fin coils, etc.) e. Designate any special cleanliness considerations



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In order to provide optimum unit design it is important to understand how the air handling systems is required to function. A flow diagram is recommended showing volumes, temperatures, pressures and humidities (for each season) to determine if unit design is reasonable. Is the system type the most economical for the required application? 2.1 UNIT TYPE Constant or variable volume. If variable volume, determine VIVs or VFDs Designate draw through or blow through configuration Quantify duct velocity. Low / medium / high pressure duct system 100% OA or mixed air (economizer) a. If mixed air, standard or controlled mixing b. If economizer, return fan included with the unit Choose chilled water or Dx cooling Designate steam or hot water heating. Glycol (type and %) Humidification select steam injection, spray system or evaporative media Filtration -- pre & final filters, HEPAs, carbon filters Heat reclaim specify heat wheel, heat pipes or run-around coil system

2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4

2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 2.1.9

2.1.10 Specify if smoke dampers are required within the unit 2.1.11 Special design considerations: a. Determine if there are airborne or transmitted sound limitations. Quantify if the sound requirements for this design and application are realistic. Assess if special construction is required to meet specified acoustical criteria levels. b. Evaluate any vibration limitations c. Determine if there is low temperature / low humidity

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2.2 DESIGN PARAMETERS 2.2.1 Design Volumes a. Supply CFM b. Return CFM c. Minimum OA CFM d. Exhaust CFM External Static Pressures a. Supply b. Return Design Temperatures & Conditions a. OA db/wb b. RA db/wb (space condition) c. SA db/wb Cooling a. Chilled water: Glycol - Ethylene or Propylene, %. Dx. b. Entering fluid temperature. Dx suction temperature. c. GPM. Fluid temperature rise d. Determine maximum fluid pressure loss Heating a. Hot water: Glycol - ethylene or propylene, %. Steam. b. Specify entering fluid temperature; Steam pressure c. GPM. Fluid temperature rise; steam flow rate, #/hr. d. Determine maximum fluid pressure loss Humidification a. Steam pressure b. Steam flow rate, #/hr. Filtration a. Pre-filter % efficiency b. Final filter % efficiency c. HEPA filter % efficiency Sound power or sound pressure levels a. inlet openings b. discharge openings c. outside casing at fan sections








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3.1 GENERAL Determine shipment or delivery; ship date Warranty considerations: consider extended warranties

3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2

UNIT Factory built or field built Specify materials of construction Determine necessary painting or special coatings Special requirements a. Cleaning b. Freight Prep -- wrapping

3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4


SPECIALTIES Electrical: a. Lights (choose incandescent or fluorescent); convenience outlets b. Power Wiring--disconnects, starters, VFDs, etc. c. Conduit type--EMT, GRC, ARC Piping: a. Designate chilled water, hot water or steam b. Insulation factory installed or field installed Unit Controls a. Damper actuators pneumatic / electric. Specify if provided and installed manufacturer. Installed only or provided by others b. Control devices to consider temperature sensors, pressure sensors, detectors, etc. Determine if devices are to be provided and installed manufacturer or if they are to be installed only and provided by others. c. Unit controller: Designate if provided and installed by unit manufacturer or if it installed only and provided by others by unit smoke by unit is to be





TESTING Leakage: % volume and test pressure Flow and power consumption Vibration: criteria; full spectrum Acoustical: airborne or transmitted; criteria

3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.5

FIELD Specify field labor or supervision and either joining or erecting Determine rigging supervision Designate start-up labor or supervision and any necessary customer training

3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3

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