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Andre Murray <> Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 11:24 PM To: natalie.leblanc@gnb.

ca January 3, 2013,

Ms. Natalie H. LeBlanc Registrar / Registraire Court of Appeal and Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick Cour d'appel et Cour du Banc de la Reine du Nouveau-Brunswick Box / C.P. 6000 Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1 Tel. / Tl: [506] 453-2452 Fax / Tlcopieur: [506] 453-7921 E-mail / Courriel:

Hello Ms. Natalie H. LeBlanc, herein below please kindly find my second e-mail correspondence sent to you, further you may note that the substance remains the same as my initial e-mail correspondence of earlier this same day: January 3, 2013. I realize that at this time you may be challenged by your appointment to the position of Registrar Court of Appeal and Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick. However, I apologize for confusing matters further, as the case may be, as I inadvertently included the email address of Tracy Broadley and Lorna Horncastle, consequently Lorna has responded requesting me to phone the the Court of Appeal of New Brunswick office. Please be advised that telephone communication with your office (as your office assistant Lorna Horncastle has requested of me by email) this is not desirable nor will telephone communication with your office be possible, therefore, I require that you yourself as Registrar communicate directly with me by way of email correspondence. This is my appropriate request of you Natalie LeBlanc, in your position as 'Registrar' Court of Appeal and Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick. Nevertheless, as stated in my initial e-mail, please be advised that on December 28, 2012 I did cause a Notice of Motion for Leave to Appeal and supporting Affidavit to be filed, furthermore having paid the $50 filing fee on the herein mentioned filing date we were advised that the person responsible for scheduling and or assigning file numbers was not at that time available consequently this required that I contact your office in the following manner to obtain the file number and scheduled hearing date. I therefore, kindly request of you, further, that at your earliest convenience, please kindly cause a

response to this email correspondence providing therewithin the Court file number and the date for the scheduled hearing of the following matter as filed Dec 28, 2012: ANDRE MURRAY v. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA and others, I must at this time take this opportunity to congratulate you on your appointment as Court Registrar, and wish all the very best in this new year 2013. Sincerely and without malice, aforethought, ill will, vexation, or frivolity.

_____________________ Andr Murray Address for service within New Brunswick : Andre Murray 103 Huntingdon Circle Fredericton New Brunswick E3B 0M1

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